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The third question is,  
Do you think it is a good idea to have a combat system in a game like VIRTUES?

As you might have known from previous posts about Project V2, we are developing a combat system for the game and it is basically done. https://www.patreon.com/posts/journey-to-v2-at-55081393

However, after playing the alpha version of the game a few times, now I began to question myself whether we should implement this combat system in the game or not.

After all, people play adult games for their sexual content, not for their combat system. The heavier the weight of the combat system in the game, the grindier people would feel, so we have to make the combat system as unimportant as it can be.

We made the combat system totally unrelated to unlocking sexual content or new plots, we allowed people to skip the combats directly, we made characters move and attack automatically, blah blah blah... ...

And now we realize... ... if it is so unimportant, damn, why don't we just remove it from the game directly? It is not an RPG game, but a VIRTUES-like game anyway. It doesn't feel like a smart thing to do to spend multiple weeks developing an unimportant system during every update cycle.

What's your opinion?  
Question 2:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/59817504
Question 1:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/59817208



I think it's important for even adult games to have some meat between the parts that we're really there for, otherwise, why not just go look at some images on one of the many sites. The question is do you want that meat to be combat? Ultimately, I am interested in the combat system, but I won't know whether I'll play them or skip them until I get my hands on it.


Let the player choose ingame...like the mini games in being a dik.


Pretty much agreed with AmusedMachine, I would say let players try out the combat system first and see how it goes. It won't hurt to try new things and you can always add/remove it later on since the game is still under development.


I think the combat system needs to matter to H content, unless the combat system is enjoyable as a game on its own. Games like 'Apostle' just made me gave up the grind after sometime. One option available is just to lessen the grind; one that still pose a challenge or require our attention but not hours doing so. Having a system/gameplay that offers the option of failing can open more possibilities, such as a villain character that can only be subdued by winning combat.


I think a combat system switches things up and makes it interesting but I also have to caveat that it does need to not be a repeative going through the motions kinda thing else it ends up killing player's enthusiasm. But honestly it depends greatly in the depth of the combat system as well as how well it integrates with the storyline. It should not be a feature just so there is combat per se.


A combat system?? I don't see the point of it. Is this harem game suddenly now a fighting game? My advice is add it in your next game, a fighting game. Leave it out of this casual game. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. If you insist on it, it had better make sense and not just inserted for functionality sake. This is changing the dynamics of a non-combat game.

Andrea Cutri

Il sistema di combattimento se e parte integrante della storia va bene ma se viene inserito tanto per metterlo non a senso.


Why don't consider adding "爆衣"(I don't know how to translate it, basically means that some part of the clothes can be damaged during the fight and therefore the character's body will be partially exposed during the fight) feature in the combat system? Many Japanese 18+ game have this feature. For example Senran Kagura, Dead or alive...


With this then at least the combat system will be related to "adult game"


I believe the map and sandbox option is a great evolution of the visual novels, of course a fighting system would also bring its new features, but as explained most players play for the story or +18 scenes I'm really excited about the fight system, I certainly wouldn't jump, but if having that option means sacrificing frequency of updates or plot content, then it's not worth focusing so much on.

Darryl Williams

I think Fenoxo did a good job with combat in his games. If you take a page from TiTS or CoC2 in that regard, it wouldn't be unwelcome.


I'm looking forward to Phoenix's combat system.At the same time, I think more mini-game content can be added to the new Phoenix game, so that people and the heroine can have more interaction and immersive experience. For example, in the previous work of Virtue, I have been looking forward to more sexual abuse plots with Theodora. Unfortunately I still can't see them in the V16 version


I like the female character Theodora very much, in terms of character, face, body and bed performance. Looking forward to a similar role in Phoenix (of course not to be fixed by the inherent thinking), or simply let Theo make a cameo in the new work? (laugh)