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Update report:

Mega: (all platforms)

Google: (all platforms)

Mediafire: (android & pc)



Can you email me? The download link can't be opened. Email address: 654724744@qq.com


the files are too big to be emailed. We are currently uploading games on Mediafire, which people can use in mainland China, please wait for some time, but I'm not sure about the downloading speed. If you know any other international file-sharing website that people can use in China without a vpn, please let me know.


The Mac version does not start: The application VIRTUES.app cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10826 "kLSNoLaunchPermissionErr: User doesn't have permission to launch the app (managed networks)" UserInfo={_LSFunction=_LSLaunchWithRunningboard, _LSLine=2436, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fcdef80bd70 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fcdef80c630 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=111 "Unknown error: 111" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed with error: 111}}}}}


V14 worked just fine.


please try download the "v14-to-v14.5 update patch for pc "(but mac can use it too) and use it on your v14. Let me know if it works


Android version will not install/update. Screenshot available if needed


After Irene's 65 good impressions, there is a problem. Prompt that the liking degree is full, and I want to go to her room to find her to improve her attributes, but it seems that there is no plot after Irene's 65 liking. The previous version suggested the end of the story, waiting for the next update...


weird, that's not supposed to happen, please send me your save either here or on discord, thank you very much!


I have sent you a private message. In addition, there is a picture problem in other categories of the gallery, which is a bug left over from the last version, did you forget to solve it?


oh, sorry about that, we did forget it. Thanks for reminding us, will solve it in v15!

Joel Ulrich

I'm having the same problem with Irene


there is no problem, you didn't miss anything. You can confirm it by checking Irene's gallery. The only thing that goes wrong is the hint message which asks you to go to her room, sorry for the confusion

Joel Ulrich

The last thing I have in her gallery is me at the pool with Elisa and Theo. Is that where it was supposed to leave off?

Joel Ulrich

Also Lady Minna always has an alert to see her and nothing changes.


If everything in her gallery is unlocked for you, then there is no problem. As for Minna, did you choose not to continue with her when she seduces you? If not, please send me your save so I can figure out what was going on


you can dm me on discord, or just post a download link here