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Note that: Old saves are not compatible with v0.2. But they will be in the future.

And here comes the update log:

Systemic improvements:

1. Highly reduce the game size while keeping the image quality unchanged

     PC version: before--1.6G     now--700M

     Android version: before--1.0g      now--350M

2. Add one no-copyright BGM in the game

3. Create a sound effect for clicking/tapping

4. Add some simple tutorials in the game.

5. Now "B&B Management" and "Weekend Plan" have their icons.

6. New default name for MC in the Android version which is... more normal than "Agang" since some people cannot type in the Android version due to a bug of Renpy.

7. Thanklist 

Game changes:

1. Decrease the exp requirement for leveling up MC's ability from 8 to 6.

2. Decrease the weekly land tax & utility fees from $2000 to $1600. 

3. Increase the probability for increasing Vera's love through finding her at her workplace from 55% to 70%

4. Rework 61 old images. You can see more detail of it in the "update log supplement".

5. A new main-menu wallpaper. The cover girl for v0.2 is Senning

6. The "date events" are now repeatable, but no "lust/virtue" changes when repeats.

What's new in the game:

1. New branch choice at that drunken night. Now you can choose whether to get Vera with force, or to explore something new. (I highly recommend you to try this new route. I think it has better picture performance and better narrative logic than the old one.)

2. 8 new "love events"

    Senning and Rachel get 1; Theodora, Irene, and Elisa get 2.

3. 9 new "daily events".

4. 1 new "date event" and 1 "special event". They are all in the "Weekend Plan panel".

5. 1 interaction option for Theodora, Irene, and Elisa.

6. Introduce the 7th girl: Uno. More of her plots will come out in the next update.


Kuro San

very good game