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I teased earlier this month about the new feature I'd like to implement and this month we were really close to $800 so I wouldn't mind putting that into action! Let's do it with a poster this month!

Warcraft theme this month since I hope some of you have been playing and are interested in seeing some new form of content from me.

So these models in the picture are something I've gotten my hands on lately. (And it didn't come free.) I'd love to use them but I haven't had much time of my own so let's make a vote on what to do with them.

Choose the girl: http://www.strawpoll.me/11208694

Choose her partner: http://www.strawpoll.me/11208704

I'm not entirely sure how to approach this. Maybe I'll add another vote for the pose in the future and we'll see how long it takes to gather a good number of votes. Please cast your voites and we'll see how this goes!

PS: (14.9) With nearly a hundred votes cast, I think it's safe to say the Draenei x Tauren is the winner this month! In the future I should make these votes around the beginning of each month so there's more time to vote.


