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Hi everyone, I am soooo sorry, I haven't been more active recently, I've been incredibly busy with moving back into the office at work and I'm also in the process of packing everything up and moving house. 


This month (I'm hoping) will be the start of a more productive period, as I move into my new flat with much better internet @.@. So to give you the low down on whats going on, heres a few dates and what you can expect to be coming out this month:

  • 5th-7th (moving days, don't expect anything before) 
  • 8th-10th (Patreon voted pic from April + release of this months poll)
  • 11th-20th (new Josie & Fluff comic)
  • 20th-30th (1 or possibly 2 patreon voted pics from June poll results)

Thats the goal, so feel free to berate me if I miss any of those dates :p 

Also as a side note, my new internet won't be installed for another 15 days, so I might be a little quiet on DA and Patreon until its back up ^^ (I'll be able to upload stuff from wifi points during that period).

Keep well, stay safe, and lots of balloon booby hugz




Hope it all goes smoothly!