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Hey all, so I've been pretty busy this past month with school. Work has been piling up so far and I haven't been able to get to draw at all here or even just my tumblr.

It's been about a year since I started this Patreon up, it was more experimental and from starting this page up I have learned a lot. But because I have to keep attending school, I need to commit myself to it. Which is why I'm leaning towards retiring from patreon and closing it down. I'm away for too long to stay committed and I hate putting off the work when I should be outputting here monthly.

At the very least, I'm not quitting making nsfw work, I just need to really focus on my studies and just having this page and not creating any work here makes me feel incredibly guilty.

And to those who have supported me, I really want to thank you for helping me. I've truly learned a lot and I've gained so much experience. I'm still going to try to get better, starting with school and hopefully I can carry that knowledge to make even better work.



How to buy u old work ? Do U have gumroad.com ?