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"Read ‘em and weep," the purple skinned demon girl said as she placed three kings face up on the table.

"Shit," Mikron complained as he tossed his hand on the table.

Jinx pulled her attention off the jock that was busy fucking a demon girl on stage and looked at Mikron, causing her pink hair to almost hit Zatanna in the face. "This is why I folded, she was way too smug."

"This would be easier with my goggles," Mikron grumbled, wishing they hadn't insisted he take off his 'X-ray' goggles that let him see the value of the cards and through clothing.

"You were cheating," the purple skinned demon complained.

Mikron shrugged. "If you didn't want people to cheat, you shouldn't have kidnapped a bunch of teenagers from Vegas."

"That beats my twos," Zatanna said as she tossed three twos down on the table.

"And my fives," Raven admitted as she gently tossed her cards next to the deck.

"Yes!" the demon girl squealed as she reached for the coins in the middle of the table, her smile faded when Zatanna dropped a pair of aces on her three of a kind. "Shit."

"Full house," Zatanna replied cheerfully as she reached over and collected the pile of coins in the middle of the table.

"Are you cheating?" Mikron demanded.

"I didn't deal and I don't have any sleeves," Zatanna replied with a grin as she took the pile of silver coins in the middle of the table.

"I'm out, I don't want to lose my shorts…" Mikron trailed off as he turned his head and spotted the drop dead gorgeous red skinned girl that was walking across the club wearing nothing but a pair of translucent shorts with a pair of goggles on her head.

"Are you sure?" the red skinned girl asked with a seductive smile. "I want to fuck someone on stage and you'd have to lose your shorts for that."

"Shorts are overrated," Mikron decided as he quickly scrambled out of his chair.

"I don't need to see that," Jinx muttered as her short and bald classmate followed the demon to the stage.

The demon girl smirked as she pulled her shirt off, revealing a pink silk demi-bra that barely contained her breasts. She tossed her shirt on the table which caused it to change into a handful of silver coins. "Ante up girls or get fucked on stage."

"There have to be better ways to make a living," Raven grumbled as she slipped her pants off and dropped them on the table, causing her pants to change into silver coins and leaving her in just a t-shirt and panties.

"Not really, buying and selling souls is messy and tends to make you a target for heroes and demons that don't want to work for a living. This way, we get to feed off your lust, embarrassment and greed without doing anything morally objectionable."

"You kidnapped us," Raven complained.

"I broke you out of detention and teleported you to a club, that's hardly kidnapping," the demon argued as she shuffled the cards.

"A club filled with demons," Zatanna argued.

"Demon girls that just want everyone to have a good time…" she trailed off as a familiar and quite famous stage magician appeared in the middle of the room with a burst of magic. 'Shit!'

"Evil…" Giovanni trailed off when he glanced around the club filled with naked or half naked demonic waitresses and two dozen teenagers that looked like they were having a blast. "Ah, what's going on?" he asked when he spotted his daughter sitting at a card table with a bunch of half-naked teenagers and a mostly naked demon.

"One of the students summoned us to break them out of detention," the demon told Zatara.

"Someone sold their soul to get out of detention?" Giovanni asked in surprise.

"We don't deal with souls. We harvest lust, embarrassment, and greed," the demon quickly explained as she dealt the cards. "Look, I'll make you a deal, Zatara. If you put on a magic show, we'll agree to teleport everyone back at the end of it, no harm, no foul and everyone goes about their day."

"And if I don't?" Zatara asked.

"Then we'll teleport out and you can deal with transporting a bunch of unhappy teenagers back to the school," the demon replied with a smirk. "You'll also clockblock a couple of teenagers who will probably swear eternal vengeance on you."

"I totally will!" Mikron shouted as he fucked the smoking hot demon girl, not even caring that he was naked on stage.

"What do you think?" Giovanni asked Zatanna.

Zatanna picked up her cards, rather amused and surprised to see that all of her cards were spades. "I'd like to finish the game and they've been polite," she told her father, wanting to avoid a fight that probably wasn't needed.

Giovanni glanced around the room, noticing that no one actually looked scared or particularly unhappy about being in a club with a bunch of demons. "Fine, I've got a couple of tricks I've been working on for my show."

"Yes!" one of the demonic waitresses squealed, bouncing up and down with excitement. "Your show is awesome!"

"Thank you," Giovanni replied and started conjuring what he'd need for a quick show, figuring it would be easier than trying to fight demons in a room filled with potential hostages.


Myst's avatar smiled when he flew around a skyscraper and saw the bald man walking around the plaza in front of the Luthor Corps skyscraper in a suit of aluminum power armor. ‘Huh, I've seen better cosplay outfits, it's probably a prototype.'

"I am Lex Luthor!" the man declared as he made a flexing pose for the crowd of civilians that were gathered to see the show.

'Fuck it,' Myst thought as he raised his hands and unleashed a stream of lightning on Lex, causing the armor to explode after less than a second of the lightning touching the suit.

"Seriously?" Myst sputtered, surprised that it wasn't more insulated as he'd barely touched it before it exploded.

"Villain!" a woman shouted as she raised her mechanical arm and unleashed a blast of plasma.

Myst dodged the stupidly slow moving blast of energy he was reasonably sure he didn't want to get hit with then unleashed lightning on the woman until she died, causing the crowd to scream and start running. "Fear me! I am the Yellow Lantern!" he called out, curious if the ring would unlock any additional features if he caused some of the NPCs enough fear.

'Yeah, I'm not feeling it,' Myst thought as he flew down to grab the loot, not actually sure why anyone would want to be a superhero or a villain.

"You killed Timmy!" The Green Lantern shouted as he hit Myst with a giant green boxing glove construct, sending him crashing into the building across the way.

'Okay, maybe just a little,' Myst thought as he pushed himself off the ground, his staff causing his injuries to vanish almost before he stood up. He raised his hands and pushed as much magic as he could into his lightning technique, causing a storm of lightning to jump from his hands and hit a hastily conjured wall of green light the 'hero' had conjured.

"Evil fiend! You killed Timmy and Sinestro!" The Green Lantern screamed.

"They had it coming," Myst replied. "Do you know how many times the dog had to save that stupid child?" he asked, getting into the spirit of being a villain.

"It's clobberin’ time!" The Green Lantern declared.

"Wrong dimension," Myst complained a second before The Green Lantern conjured dozens of lightning fast green boxing gloves and proceeded to pummel the shit out of him, complete with stupid seventies era sound effects. He waited until his regeneration and his copy of Amy's defensive power reduced the pain to something he could deal with, then pushed his flight as far as he could and blurred toward the asshole.

Myst blinked a couple of times when he found himself on the ground with a headache from hell, looking up at a giant green fly swatter. 'Fucking cheater.'

"Die villain!" The Green Lantern shouted as he swapped the flyswatter for a van sized circular saw blade on the end of a large mechanical arm and swung it at Myst.

'Hypocritical bastard,' Myst thought as he spent the next couple of seconds frantically dodging out of the way of the lunatic's weapon as he destroyed the plaza.

"Surrender now and I'll make it painless," The Green Lantern declared as he picked up a car filled with people and tossed it at the villain.

Myst tossed himself out of the way. "I give up!"

"Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you!" The Green Lantern shouted as he grabbed Myst around the waist with a construct hand, cracking a couple of his ribs that weren't indestructible in the process.

"You're better than this, you're a hero," Myst lied as the Green Lantern floated closer.

"I have blood on my hands," The Green Lantern shouted.

"You can atone," Myst lied, trying to buy time so that the idiot would float closer.

"Atone? I could… Yes, atonement. I'll start by purging the world of evil, starting with you!" The Green Lantern shouted as he swung the saw blade at Myst's head, madness dancing in his eyes.

Myst lashed out and punched The Green Lantern as hard as he could when he got into range, splattering his head and causing a glowing green ring to drop on the ground and the various constructs to vanish. "Fuck!" he complained as he stretched, causing a couple of dislocated bones to pop back into place as his regeneration fixed the damage the 'hero' had caused.

"Lunatics," he complained as he walked over and checked the lantern ring, annoyed but not particularly surprised that it was another knock off. 'At least it works as a portable movie player and I didn't see anything about malware,' he admitted as he picked the ring up and handed it to his other half, trying to look on the bright side. He walked over and checked the piece of 'armor' that Lex dropped, relieved that the fight hadn't destroyed it. "Aluminum power armor leg, some assembly required?"

"Could be worse," Myst mused as he headed for the entrance to Luthor Corp, hoping he'd get some interesting drops from the scientists.


"This is awesome," Ron said cheerfully as he used the yellow ring to change the channel on the hotel television. "No remotes and it’s compatible with VHS and Betamax."

"How good is the force field?" Clark asked Selena.

Selena pulled her attention away from the aluminum leg that had fading traces of conjuration magic but no active magic and focused on Clark. "A shot from a halfway decent gun would punch right through it, but most people would have trouble breaking it with melee weapons, unless they have a lot of speed and weight to put into a blade."

"Define a lot," Kara said, wondering if it was worth trying to buy.

Selena shrugged. "You'd need to get lucky or be able to hit hard enough to cut a steel bar in half, it's not impossible but it's reasonably protective."

"For humans," Kara said, knowing she'd rip through the shield with barely any effort.

"Yep," Selena agreed. "We're planning on using them as bug shields."

"That would be nice," Kara agreed, having long since lost count of the number of bugs she'd splattered flying around.

"Do you want a yellow ring or a green one?" Myst asked Kara.

"Is there a difference other than the color?" Kara asked.

"Not that I've noticed," Myst replied as he turned his attention towards the door to the hotel when he felt someone approaching. "They're basically just generic Lantern Ring knockoffs."

"Green," Kara replied as someone knocked on the door.

Myst tossed her the knock off Green Lantern ring then walked over and opened the door, revealing a young woman with wavy black hair that was taller than he was. He glanced over her jeans and t-shirt and focused on the lasso clipped to her belt. "Do you prefer Wonder Woman or Diana?"

"Thanks for coming," Clark told his friend, glad that she could check to make sure Gwen and her friends were on the level.

"Diana is fine," Diana replied with a smile.

Myst stepped out of the way. "Thanks for coming," he said echoing Superman’s words.

"I was on the Tower, it wasn't hard to teleport down and fly over…" Diana trailed off when she stepped through the door and saw Selena or rather the sparkling green motes of light swirling around her, marking her as something more than human.

"Do you need to tie us up with the lasso or do we just have to touch it?" Akari asked Diana.

Diana pulled her attention away from the green sparks in Selena's aura and focused on Akari. "You just have to touch the lasso," she told her as she pulled The Lasso of Truth off her belt and held it out so that people could touch it.

"Cool," Gwen said as she bounced over and put her hand on the lasso. "I solemnly swear that my intentions are harmless and that my powers work as previously described."

"What are you planning to do with Kryptonian powers if you get them?" Diana asked, fairly sure Kara was going to go agree since it would allow her to share her powers with her girlfriend Wendy.

"Be a hero and look through people's clothes," Gwen sighed when she realized she'd blurted out the last part. "That's annoying."

"Just a bit," Diana agreed, thinking about the various things people had blurted out over the years. "Is there anything else that we should know?"

"I want to fuck you and Clark while Peter takes pictures!" Gwen blurted then took her hand off the lasso. "Just ignore that last bit."

Clark shook his head, a touch amused by the answers. "Any particular reason, other than the chance to get powers?"

Gwen ignored the fact that her ears were probably a bit red and put her hand back on the lasso. "You're heroes and you're attractive and I'd love a signed photograph." She took a breath then let it out and decided that she might as well be honest, mostly because she'd probably never see them again once she jumped worlds. "I'll admit that the request is a bit selfish, having knock off versions of Clark's powers would be amazing but at least," she stumbled over her words a touch as she found a percentage she could actually say, "a third of the reason I want to have sex with you and Kara is because it would give you knock off copies of our powers which would help keep your world safer."

"A third?" Kara asked.

"I'm not a saint," Gwen replied with a shrug. "I'm just a girl that wants to be a hero and you're all hot."

"Was everything you said about looking for home true?" Clark asked.

"Like Peter I don't have much of a home to get back to, but I'm planning on being a hero there," Gwen assured them.

"Next," Kara suggested, figuring they'd go around the room and make sure none of them were actually villains.

Gwen took her hand off the lasso and walked back over to the couch and sat down.

Myst reached out and touched the lasso with his hand. "What do you want to know?"

"What are you going to do with Kryptonian powers?" Diana asked Myst.

Myst considered the question for a couple of seconds. "I'm planning on seeing if they have pyrokinesis or if they're limited to heat vision. In various dimensions Clark gets cloned and the clone ends up a twisted monster with freeze vision and the ability to breathe fire. I'm sort of curious if I can duplicate their powers or if it was just a mutation because of bad cloning tech."

"Cloned?" Clark asked, making a note to see if he could use his abilities in different ways.

Myst scowled as he thought about some of the more insane versions of Lex he'd read about over the years. "Lex Luthor has a tendency to get obsessed with you in various dimensions, cloning someone he can control gives him an ace in the hole in case you turn evil or in case he wants to take over the world."

"He's a bit paranoid," Clark agreed, thinking about some of the rants he'd heard at the paper.

"Are you planning on being a hero or a villain?" Diana asked.

"I don't have the drive to be a hero or the desire to be a villain," Myst admitted. "I don't have a problem putting in the training so that I can help out with natural disasters or major problems, but I'm not going to drive myself insane thinking I have to save the world, I've had friends burn out trying to save everyone," he explained, thinking about his friends that had gotten into social work and gotten burned out. "I'd rather put my time into learning to make magic items or into farming magic items from my pocket dimension so that I can create heroes or give people a way to become heroes. It’s a bit lazy, but I think it’ll be more effective while also keeping me emotionally distant from the whole thing."

"I can respect that," Diana assured him, knowing that being a hero took a level of dedication that most people didn't have. "Next."

Myst pulled his hand off the lasso and stepped out of the way, relieved that Clark had called Diana rather than The Martian Manhunter to make sure they were on the up and up.

"Cool," Selena replied as she jumped up and stuck her hand on the lasso. "What do you need to know?"

"What are you planning on doing with your version of their powers?" Diana asked.

"I'll probably fly around space or freeze all of the plastic crap that has built up in the ocean then haul it somewhere so it can get recycled," Selena replied thoughtfully, not actually sure what she was going to do with her copy of their powers. "I'll probably use X-ray vision to look at my Christmas presents and look for demons."

"It ruins the surprise," Clark warned her.

"Did that stop you from looking?" Selena asked curiously.

"No," Clark admitted with an embarrassed smile.

Myst walked over and sat down on the couch, doing his best to ignore the fact that his avatar was in the middle of tossing himself down an elevator shaft to escape a bunch of armed thugs with high tech weapons and a lunatic version of Lex with a red power ring that was puking up rivers of red plasma like it was going out of style.


Selena turned and glanced at the door when she felt two people with magic appear in the hallway. "We've got guests."

Myst glanced at the door when someone knocked. "We might need a larger hotel room."

"I've got it," Selena said cheerfully as she rushed over to open the door. "Everything sorted?" she asked Giovanni as she backed up a step and gestured for them to come inside.

"Everything is sorted," Giovanni replied as he walked in.

"What happened?" Diana asked, having heard the basics from Clark once they finished making sure the group wasn't planning on abusing the powers they picked up.

"One of Zatanna's classmates summoned a demon to get out of detention," Giovanni explained, glad that everything had turned out but slightly annoyed that Zatanna had ended up with a bag of possibly cursed coins that he needed to examine.

"Isn't that a bit excessive?" Peter asked as Zatanna walked in.

"To be fair, the teacher's taste in music was horrid," Zatanna argued as she glanced around the crowded hotel room filled with people she didn't recognize.

"That doesn't excuse summoning a demon for trivial reasons," Giovanni complained.

"I'm aware," Zatanna assured him. "The girls were nice, they weren't trying to buy souls and they were just having some fun."

"That's because they were trying to paint demons in a good light so they can screw you over later," Giovanni argued then pulled his phone out of his pocket when his and Diana's phones rang. He scowled when he checked the message from the Watchtower and realized that Wotan had been seen causing trouble in London, making him wonder if the demons had been a distraction. "We've got to go, make sure Zatanna gets home."

'This is why I wouldn't want to be a hero, you're always on call,' Myst thought to himself.

"Do you need help?" Clark asked, knowing it had to be serious if both Giovanni and Diana were getting messages at the same time.

Dianna shook her head. "It's magic and he'll probably be gone by the time we get there," she told them, knowing Clark would get more out of staying and behaving like a normal teenager, something she was planning on joining in as well once she was done beating the shit out of Wotan, since it was a good excuse to deepen her connection with Clark and Kara.

"Ready?" Giovanni asked and chanted, "Tropelet!" when she said yes.

Zatanna sighed when her father and Diana vanished. "So, what's going on?"

"We're going to have an orgy," Kara said with a straight face.

"Okay… What?" Zatanna asked, fairly sure she hadn't heard her friend right.

Kara gestured toward Gwen. "Gwen has a magical power that lets her share powers via sex. Are you interested in picking up all of my powers and boosting your magic?"

"Sex, with you and your cousin?" Zatanna asked, not sure which name to call him as she wasn't sure what was going on beyond the fact that her father was helping them with a way home.

"Not at the same time," Clark stated, blushing to the tips of his ears.

"What's the catch?" Zatanna asked.

"The power leaves you a bit inebriated and increases your sex drive when it comes to people with powers," Gwen explained.

Zatanna glanced around the room then focused on Clark. "What do you think?"

"I'm not currently seeing anyone and I'd love to have powers that don't fail when I get exposed to red sunlight," Clark replied. "I also wouldn’t mind having you there," he said, trying to be subtle.

"Sounds like fun," Zatanna agreed with a smile, having wondered what it would take to break through his innocent farm boy exterior without putting a ring on his finger and though the situation was unusual the outcome was definitely something she was looking forward to. "What do I need to do?"

"First, we check the demonic silver you're carrying to make sure you didn't miss a curse, then we find a deserted island and have some fun," Selena said cheerfully as she grabbed her magnifying glass.

“Why a deserted island?” Kara asked.

“I am not paying to replace all the room’s furniture,” Selena said firmly.



Hopefully Peter and Gwen can hold hands and go to the same place. Maybe the drop in and save the day in whatever place.