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Genie snickered as Mist appeared. “Welcome back.”

Mist glanced around then focused on Genie. “It’s nice to be back.”

“Oh please, that last jump was a cakewalk.” Genie stuck her tongue out at Mist.

“You try avoiding Dawn jumping you for an entire year not to mention getting a few too many memories of on the job accidents thanks to Halloween,” Mist replied with exasperation. 

Genie snickered. “It was a nice attempt at picking up Builder abilities for cheap. Speaking of points, who are you bringing with you?”

“I had to try. Options for who I can bring with me?” Mist asked.

“Dawn, Xander, Willow, Tara, Buffy, Faith, Fred and Cordelia if Xander comes with you.”

“Not Angel, Amy Madison, Jesse, Jonathan, Giles, Joyce or Rebecca?” He’d talked Andrew into attending magic classes before he completely lost touch with the world and he was fine to game with for the most part but he was best in small doses.

Genie shrugged. “Angel wanted to give Buffy a chance to grow up first.”

“Seriously?” Mist asked.

Genie pouted. “Well no but that’s my story if Buffy asks. I mean sure watching them together in his mixed form was amusing but his whole redemption kick for stuff that wasn’t his fault annoys me. I mean it’s technically up to you and he’d go if only to continue boinking Buffy but please don’t invite him.”

“I wasn’t planning on it but I wanted to have an excuse ready for Buffy,” Mist admitted. 

Genie grinned. “Cool. Amy is more than a little power hungry and wouldn’t deal all that well with the social dynamics without editing her personality. Jesse would continue hitting on Cordelia, never mind that Xander is with her which would either lead to them sharing her or more likely Cordelia stabbing Jesse for being annoying. I don’t need to listen to another Ron like companion.”

“Yeah, I’d rather avoid that.” Mist was still a little annoyed that Ron couldn’t keep things together a couple more jumps until things started paying off but such was life and just as well.

“Jonathan would cause problems with the group dynamics, I mean he’d come if you asked but you really shouldn’t invite him considering his taste in magic. Giles would come if only to keep Buffy safe but then you’d have to invite Jenny Calendar and he’s not big on having fun with magic because of the nature of magic in his world. Not that I blame him but you probably shouldn’t invite him until later if ever unless you want to deal with endless lectures. Joyce wants Buffy and Dawn to have fun and enjoy themselves and they wouldn’t really get the chance with her tagging along. Much the same for Rebecca.”

Mist asked, “How many points do I have?”

“You picked up 3500 points which means that you have 3600, you can afford to bring the group even though some of them are going to be expensive. You can grab Dawn, Xander, Willow, Tara and Cordelia for 200 points each. Faith, Buffy and Fred are 400 each.”

“Why is Cordelia discounted?”

“Your snarky perk covers Xander and Cordelia, Dawn is discounted because of being the key, Xander, Willow and Tara are sorcery savants. Buffy and Faith don’t share any meaningful perks and you didn’t take the Brilliant perk which would have discounted Fred.”

“Can I still grab that and have it count?”

“Sure, 300 for the perk, that discounts Fred down to 200 which brings the total cost to 2500.”

“Overpriced minion export,” Mist complained.

“Yeah, considering having slayer abilities isn’t exactly anything to write home about in most jumps, I’d have to agree.”

Genie said, “You’re racking up a decent number of companions.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Mist asked.

“Not as long as you can keep them all happy. Have you figured out where to jump next?”

“I was thinking the Sims 3. I seem to recall that it has very nice alchemy such that I can turn people into witches, genies, fairies or even werewolves with a potion.”

Genie said, “Just remember that the genies in the Sims don’t have world class powers.”

“No but they do have immunity to fire and various other things.”

“If you’re not careful you’d get stuck being blue.”

“Only in one alt form. Besides you make blue look pretty good so I think I’ll survive.”

Genie snickered. “The potions would certainly give people an upgrade.”

“That’s the idea, I was thinking of putting of enchanting a couple of kegs of witch brew with the endless enchant after giving them the taste of root beer.”

Genie blinked. “Right… you’re going to cause me paperwork, aren’t you?”

“That’s what shadow clones are for,” Mist replied with amusement.

Genie pouted then snickered. “Okay, your idea sounds more than a little insane and yet amusing. I’ll certainly be laughing when or if it blows up in your face.” She tossed up the Sims 3 jump. “Here.”

Mist walked over and pushed the button to roll his location. He smiled as it came up Moonlight Falls which was a rather supernatural town in a small forest town. “I can work with that.”

Genie snickered. “Lucky.”

“It might not have a companion import but everyone should be able to pick up some useful skills and alternate forms. I’m sort of looking forward to giving one of my alternate forms a mermaid form for swimming.”

“That could be amusing.” Genie snickered as she looked over Mist’s selections and notes.

Location: Moonlight Falls:

Age: Young Adult: 

Background: Occult [200]

Witch: [Free]

Wandless: [100]

Alchemist: [Free]

Angler: [200]

No Bills Ever: [200]

Buy Mode: [200] Sell Stuff while in your home.

Pooled Resources: [200] Gives your warehouse and home a pool 

Basement Dweller: [200] Gives your home and Warehouse a basement.

Eccentric: [200] Inventing becomes easier.


Sadistic God: [+300]

Error 12: [+200]


Age: Young Adult: 

Background: Occult 

Witch: [Free]

Alchemist: [Free]

“You’re taking Sadistic God and Error 12, why?” Genie asked in amused horror.

“Because I can only take two flaws for points and the rest of the flaws suck. I’m durable enough that it can’t kill me and I’m going to charm the hell out of the house so that it can’t burn down or kill anyone else with electrical shorts.”

“I reserve the right to laugh when your friends hit you in the face with a dead fish.”

“Noted. Error 12 just means I’ll have to occasionally relive a day, week or month but I can deal with that.” Mist was planning on using it as a vacation jump anyways so it didn’t really matter if he had to redo the occasional day or week.

“If you’re sure. Is there anything else you want to do before you hit the Sims 3?”

“I was thinking about heading to PS238 and using my remaining companion import slots to give some of the people Enhanced Mastery before the Sims 3 jump.”

“I see, I’m guessing you’re also going to drop by Ranma’s world to give them animal forms?” Genie looked down her nose at Mist.

“I was planning on it unless you had an objection?” Mist asked hoping that she didn’t have an objection. 

“Not particularly. Do you even want to go to PS238 or do you just want the powers for your friends?”

“Is that a trick question?” Mist asked warily.

“Nope, it’s not like it’s a dangerous jump you can screw up for the five minutes you’d be there, unlike say taking an entire group of people to the cursed pools in Ranma. You have 4 slots so you’d have to spend points for more but you have them so that isn’t a big deal. So yeah if you just want to assign their powers, I’ll check it over with them to make sure they don’t have any real objections to the standard choice then ask what they want for Disgaea and we’ll get this show on the road.”

“Sounds good, I think I’ll skip Ranma’s world until I’ve explained everything about the jumps and the pools and such things.”

“Probably a decent choice all things considered.” Genie brought up the standard set of PS238 companion choices.

Background: Villainous Legacy: [Free]

Madam Vashti: [Free]

Boy/Girl Wizard [200]:

Mystery of the Mask: [Free]

Miscellaneous Meta [400]: Enhanced Mastery

Born to Privilege [Free] Contacts and understanding of polite society.

Rainmaker: Weird power and drawback.

Item: (Double discount, 400 point item magic item goes to 100) 

“Looks good to me. Just for the record, I only want to spend a year in the Sims 3,” Mist pointed out.

“I’m going to assume that’s the standard unless you tell me otherwise. Best of luck in Sims 3.” She snapped her fingers and sent the group to Moonlight Falls.


Buffy blinked as she found herself in a decent sized bedroom complete with silk sheets on the queen sized bed with a small closet. There was also a desk against the wall and a chair. It looked decently spartan but certainly had potential. She frowned slightly as she also remembered growing up with villains for parents and attending a cape school. She shook her head at the weird dream, trying to ignore the fact that she knew more about magic than she should. “I guess he wasn’t joking about the jumps.” She walked over to look at the small closet with a frown. “That’s less than useful.”

Buffy turned when she heard a knock on her door. “It’s open, I think.”

Willow opened the door and looked in. “Anything interesting?”

“My closet is a bit small but other than that, it looks decent enough. Where are we?”

“I’m guessing the companion housing that Mist mentioned which means we’re probably in a pocket dimension, the hallway has a fair number of doors, my room has a door off to the side that says Tara over it so I’m guessing our rooms connect.”

Buffy glanced around. “Mine doesn’t. Shouldn’t I have a room next to Angel?”

Willow frowned slightly. “Xander’s name was the next on the list then Cordelia’s.”

“Huh, that’s weird, maybe he’s down the hall?” Buffy asked in confusion.

“Maybe or maybe he decided not to come with us.”

“Great, the sex was nice,” Buffy muttered.

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out if he didn’t come with us. I’m going to explore.” Willow turned and headed down the hallway that seemed shorter now that she was trying to get to the end of it.

Buffy followed Willow out of her room then blinked when she saw Willow at the end of the hallway. “Weird.” She walked after Willow and found herself quickly catching up. “This place is a bit off.”

Willow stopped at the edge of the garden and stared at the various plants that were growing in nice tidy rows and at the various stone benches. She glanced up at the vaulted glass and metal ceiling. “I’m going to like it here.”

Buffy asked, “If we’re here, any idea where we’re going next?”

Hermione spoke up from behind Buffy, “Not a clue.”

Buffy jumped and spun around to glare at Hermione. “How are you that quiet?”

“My shoes are enchanted to reduce sound. As for where we are, normally we get some heads up which probably means that there wasn’t a companion import for wherever Mist went. Either way, I’m sure that we’ll get a call in a couple of minutes letting us know it’s safe to teleport in.”

“Call?” Willow asked curiously.

Hermione said, “Our phones are magic and work across most dimensions including the companion housing and wherever Mist is.”

Buffy asked, “He isn’t Xander’s brother is he?”

“He is and he isn’t,” Hermione replied.

“Do you want to vague that up a little?”

“Technically he is but that’s not all he is. Think of it like reincarnating without dying, every jump he’s someone else while still remaining himself.”

“That helps ish,” Buffy complained.

Hermione gestured toward one of the benches. “We might as well take a seat while we wait and I explain.”

“Sure.” Buffy turned and walked over to the closest bench and took a seat then smiled as Tara walked out of the hallway with Dawn. “Nice to see you made it. Any word from Xander?”

Dawn snorted. “There was a sign on his door that said ‘Do Not Disturb!’ so I figure he’s busy with Cordelia.”

Hermione walked over and sat down on a bench. “It’s possible, some of the bedrooms are connected.”

“Is there a kitchen?” Dawn asked as she glanced around the garden.

“With an endless number of eggo waffles and fixings. There is also a dining room, an entertainment room and an engineering bay for working on projects. Sin keeps the common areas clean but try to pick up after yourselves because she doesn’t like picking up trash and can get rather creative in her pranks.”

Buffy asked, “Engineering bay?”

“We have a couple of mad scientists on the team which means don’t mess with anyone’s projects both for your safety and because we have a no pranking rule in the engineering bay.”

“Mad scientist?” Willow asked warily.

“Leet and Riley have invention powers and like tinkering in the lab when they aren’t playing video games or running around having fun. Some of the stuff they create borders the line between science and magic. Technically it’s all science but it’s science pushed to the edge and some of it is temperamental enough that it might as well be a product of mad science.” Hermione jumped slightly as her phone rang. “Just a second.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket and flipped it open as she brought it up to her ear. “Where are we?”

Mist replied, “Sims 3, a mostly quiet forest town with some supernatural elements. Basically, I have a plan that should net everyone immunity to fire and electricity as well as gain magic and a number of interesting skills.”

“Vacation jump?” Hermione asked curiously.

“It should be a useful jump but yeah, it’s basically a vacation jump. I’m just hanging around the my starting location if you want to teleport in.”

“Sure, I’ll get everyone a phone then we’ll come for a visit. See you soon.” Hermione closed her phone and stuck it back in her pocket.

Buffy asked, “Vacation jump?”

“Certain worlds have plots and things to fix like your world, other worlds just have interesting things to pick up which means that we’re basically free to wander around for a year and have fun.”

Harry walked into the garden from across the way. “Did you know we have a pool?”

Hermione turned to look at Harry. “What do you mean?”

“I mean there was a new door, I opened it and took a look, we have a rather nice pool and hottub area.”

Dawn grinned. “Awesome.”

Hermione was just happy that her magical book was waterproof. “Mist must have grabbed a pool upgrade for the warehouse.”

Tara frowned slightly as she realized she didn’t have a swimming suit. “Hopefully we can buy suits somewhere.”

Willow nodded. “Agreed.”

Faith walked out of the hallway, “Where are we?”

Hermione smiled at Faith. “Right, I’ll explain as I’m handing out your phones.”

“We get cell phones?” Dawn asked excitedly.

“Yeah, they’re how you get back and forth from the current jump to the companion housing so try not to lose them. If you’ll follow me to the entertainment center, we’ll get the show on the road then we can teleport down and see what twisted plans Mist has for this jump.”


Mist was rather glad that he had the companion housing option for his friends because the starting house wasn’t that impressive. The most impressive part of the house if you didn’t include the outdoor pool which he didn’t because it wasn’t part of the house, was the basement. The house was rather plain and simple with a basic kitchen, living room, bathroom and single bedroom. It also had rather shoddy wiring that had already tried to kill him twice. The fireplace had also tried spitting a ball of fire at him when he’d walked by which was a little disconcerting. He had a feeling he was going to have to rewire the entire house and fireproof it if he wanted any peace for the next year. He turned to look as his friends started teleporting in. “Try to be careful of the fireplace, I’m fairly sure it’s cursed.”

Sin frowned as she looked around the rather dirty house. “Did you forget to clean for the last decade?”

Mist frowned slightly as he thought about the last couple of years of his sim’s life, he’d went to high school and graduated with a magic certificate then his parents had bought him a rather cheap starter house in Moonlight Falls but at least it was his or at least that’s what he’d felt before waking up and realizing who he actually was. “My Sim got here last night and crashed out, I woke up and the house has already tried to kill me three times. I have more sympathy for Sirius not cleaning up the Black family house than I did before.”

Sin snorted. “Right, I’ll take care of the mess if you take care of the faulty wiring?”


Hermione spoke up, “I’ll work on fireproofing the house and decursing the fireplace.”

“Thanks,” Mist replied as he walked over to the fusebox. He jumped as the box zapped him as he tried to open it, “Fuck!”

Dawn raised her eyebrows as she stared at Mist. “Did the house just try to kill you?”

“Pretty much, yeah. This whole house has been trying to kill me today.”

“Did you take a flaw or something?” Hermione asked.

“Yeah, it basically causes shorts, fires and various other problems in an attempt to kill me,” Mist admitted reluctantly.

“Oh course you did,” Hermione muttered.

Dawn asked, “Flaws?”

Mist shrugged. “Basically everything has a balance, taking flaws is a way I can get more points so that I can buy more perks or items.” 

Tara asked, “Is there anything we can help with?”

“We’re going to need an alchemy lab at the very least if we’re going to master enough alchemy to create the various transformation potions that we’ll need to make everyone immune to fire and electricity and give everyone magic.”

“That’s an option?” Dawn asked in disbelief.

“Sure, magic is awesome. With any luck we’ll be able to give everyone a ring that allows them to turn into a mermaid and a fairy while giving everyone magic from various magical creatures.”

Buffy frowned. “How? I think you need to actually explain things now that we’re jumping with you.”

Faith spoke up, “Like how much magic you actually have?”

“Let me go turn the power off at the pole before the house manages to fry someone that isn’t nearly immune to electricity and I’ll explain.” He headed out of the house and into the almost monsoon storm that had just sprung up around his house to make sure the group was good and wet while he was trying to turn off the electricity. He floated a foot off the ground then over to the power pole and pulled the switch that should turn the house’s power off. He had a feeling the universe might just turn the power back on while he was working on it but at least he’d tried. 

He ran through what he was planning on saying about his powers and abilities as he floated back toward the house, without his memory perks he doubted that he’d be able to keep all of his powers straight but with his perfect memory perk it was easy enough. ‘Maybe, I’ll just give them a basic list of the important stuff then hand them a printout of the rest of it.’


Mist spent the next couple of hours explaining about the various jumps, his current flaws and his powers while fixing the house and making sure that it was less problematic to deal with. Hermione tried to ward the house against random idiots trespassing at all hours of the day because apparently that part of the Sims carried over. The rest of the group mostly explored the town, worked on various games or projects or hung out around the pool they could get to in the companion housing as the pool next to the house still needed to be cleaned and no one wanted to deal with it while the weather was threatening lightning. He finished rewiring the light then walked over and flipped the breaker and smiled when the light turned on like it was supposed to without flickering. “That should do it.”

Lily asked, “Now that you’ve gotten the house into some semblance of order, what’s the plan?”

“You mean other than mastering alchemy so that we can hand out potions that give people magic?”

“Exactly. What else are you planning on doing for the year?”

“I wouldn’t mind going exploring or taking a trip to a couple of other cities once I’ve managed to hand out various immunities and magic to the group. I picked up the jump so I could grab alchemy and the warehouse pool attachment, everything else is gravy though I would like to take a couple of classes on Sims tech so that I can play around with that. I wouldn’t mind spending a couple of days working on fishing just in case I visit a game world where we can grab useful things. Mostly I was just planning on having fun and relaxing a bit, you?”

“I don’t have enhanced learning but I wouldn’t mind looking at this world’s alchemy books and seeing if there is anything useable. Beyond that, I’m looking forward to getting to know some of your girlfriends a bit better.”

Mist shook his head. “Not all of them are girlfriends, some of them are just friends that happen to be girls.”

“I know. I’m just teasing you. Someone has to keep you from going completely off the deep end.”

“Oh please, considering some of the stories James mentioned about your various crime sprees, I think I’m the sane one in the family.”

Lily laughed. “I’m fairly sure that’s Harry.”

“Not a chance, he charged into a forgotten chamber of doom with a sword to save a girl even knowing that there was a nightmarish doom snake in there that could kill him if he looked it in the eyes.”

“Okay, I admit that he might be a little crazy but at least his heart is in the right place. You on the other hand are planning on turning untold millions of people into magic users and rewriting history in the next jump because you can.”

“When you put it like that, do you think I’m making a mistake?” Mist asked curious to get her take on his project.

“Maybe, maybe not. You’re talking about handing out magic on a grand scale which will pretty much obliterate the balance of power by drastically increasing the number of muggleborn to the point where the rest of the magical world will be reduced to a tiny percent of the magical population. It will destroy their culture, their entire way of life.”

“Yeah, that’s the idea,” Mist admitted.

Lily sighed. “People have killed for a lot less munchkin. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“It’s a chance to change the fate of an entire world. I’m all for cloaks and such things but they’re clinging to the past and using memory charms on a grand scale. They have no right to erase memories to hide especially not when they’re so bad at hiding.”

“One could argue that you don’t have a right to turn millions of people into magic users,” Lily replied with amusement.

“Without a wand, they might not even notice. Just because they have magic doesn’t mean they have to use it.”

Lily shook her head. “Now who’s trying to justify things.”


“Sometimes you have to be a villain to help the world because the heroes are too busy trying to play within the rules.”

“Said like a villain,” Mist replied playfully.

Lily stuck her tongue out at Mist. 

“Real mature.”

“Eh, I’m a naughty villain.” Lily giggled.

Mist shook his head. “Now you’re just creeping me out Mom.”

Lily snickered. “Oh please, you’re older than I am.”

“We could always just blame it on time travel if anyone asks.”

“That’s an idea I can get behind. Are you planning on turning people into genies in the next world?”

“Not unless I can figure out a way to keep the soda from swapping the genies to witches thus giving away the fact that the soda is magic.”

“I’m rather good with potions, I might be able to figure out something. Either way, we’ve got a year to figure it out. You should probably go hang out with your friends.”

Mist turned to look out the window at the pool. “On that note, I should probably see about cleaning the pool just in case there are a couple of monsters in it.”

“Now you’re just being paranoid.”

“It’s not paranoia if they’re out to get me,” Mist replied as he headed for the door.

“Sure it is, it’s just justified,” Lily replied with amusement.


Harry frowned slightly as he glanced at the bottle of Witch’s brew that Dawn was holding then looked back at Hermione who was sitting on the edge of the pool. “How sure are you that this will even work?”

Hermione frowned slightly as she considered the results of jumping into the item world of the Witch’s Brew and boosting it to the limit of their rather impressive combat ability. “It shouldn’t do anything horrible. A boosted elixir should result in a more powerful magic user. If nothing else we might be able to steal similar elixirs off the monsters.”

Dawn smiled brightly. “And if that works, we can do the same thing for the other elixirs.”

Mist shook his head. “We’re not boosting the mummy elixir, I don’t need some unstoppable insane mummy companion. It already gives us enhanced strength and electric immunity, that’s enough.”

Riley asked, “What if we test it on someone else first, like a day before we’re going to leave?”

“Where is your mad science jar?”

“Is that quarter?” Riley asked with a pout.

“I’m fairly sure that’s at least a dollar,” Harry pointed out.

“Fiddlesticks,” Riley complained as she pulled her mostly full piggy bank out of her inventory and stuffed a dollar in it before sticking it back in her inventory.

Faith snickered then looked over at Mist who was sprawled on a lawnchair. “I don’t know, you could test it with dragon break.”

“I’m not using break break when I have the Error 12 flaw. Time is already screwy here, I’m not screwing it up more.”

“In that case, we can table testing the enhanced mummy elixir until the next world.”

Hermione said, “I’m looking forward to learning to conjure edible apples.”

Aisha spoke up, “I’m looking forward to being able to conjure sleeping apples.”

Mist turned to look at Aisha. “Remind me not to accept apples from you.”

Aisha stuck her tongue out at Mist. “Now you’re just being mean.”

Piper walked in wearing a black one piece. “We’re going to need to build a couple more hives at some point if Taylor keeps bringing back bugs.”

Mist turned to look at Piper. “I’ll work on it in a bit.”

“Cool.” Piper smiled as she headed over to the edge of the pool them jumped in.

Dawn asked, “When do you want to upgrade the elixir?”

Mist glanced around. “How about after dinner? That should give me enough time to finish building another couple of hives and for everyone to get some food so they’re not grumpy.”

Dawn asked, “In that case, what are we having?”

“Eggos Waffles?” Mist asked.

Hermione shook her head. “I think Sin and Lily were working on something for everyone that doesn’t include eggos.”

“I’ll try to remember to pick up different food options when I get a chance.”

Dawn said, “I think everyone would appreciate it.”

Buffy called out from the hot tub, “I know I would.”

Mist smiled as he glanced over at Victoria and Buffy who were sitting in one of the hot tubs. Buffy was was wearing a rather cute purple bikini while Victoria hadn’t bothered to wear a suit which certainly made for decent eye candy. ‘Amy and Amelia are lucky girls.’ He said, “At least we can live on eggos, sausage and cheese if we have to.”

“I’d rather not if it’s all the same,” Victoria replied.

“Same, a balanced diet is important,” Hermione replied. 

“Speaking of balanced diets, we should buy a couple of cotton candy trees to plant in the garden.”

Aisha smirked. “Awesome.”

“I wouldn’t mind the research notes if they created them magically,” Hermione replied.

“Seriously?” Dawn asked.

“It’s an interesting pet project.” Hermione had lightened up a lot over the last couple of years running around with Mist and Harry and besides, it wasn’t like they were going to spread the trees in other worlds at least not without a plan and some research.

Tara walked in from the companion door wearing a blue one piece bathing suit that managed to make her look rather sexy and yet innocent, which should have been impossible. “Dinner is ready.”

Mist smiled at Tara as he twisted around and sat up. “Thanks for telling us, what are we having?”

“Tacos and french fries or at least oven baked potatoes, we need to go shopping again.”

“I’ll give Sin some money so she can stock up.” Mist had given up doing the shopping or doing much at all in the Sims world thanks to his Sadistic God flaw.

Hermione said, “In that case, let’s eat, we can tackle boosting the various elixirs after dinner.”

Dawn put the witch’s brew she’d created into her inventory. “Awesome.”


Aisha snickered as she looked down at her blue arms. “Can I get a magical item that turns my skin blue when I wear it?”

Mist chuckled as he looked Aisha over, she reminded him a smurf more than a genie as she wasn’t wearing an outfit that resembled anything a genie normally wore at least in movies or artwork. “We can probably figure something out.”

Faith snickered as she looked at the busty blue teenager. “Sign me up for an item that changes me blue or maybe purple.”

Aisha smiled at Faith. “We should see if Amelia can add some alien DNA to our DNA so we can pick up mental powers.”

Mist shook his head. “You know there are easier ways to grab mental abilities.”

“I’m not using the Stranger Things method, I don’t need nosebleeds every time I use my new powers.” Aisha didn’t want mental powers badly enough to deal with that mess even if she had regeneration from a blood transfusion.

“We can probably figure something out that doesn’t cause people nosebleeds or twist your mind into a pretzel.”

Faith said, “Your mind is already a strange place Aisha.”

“Bite me.” Aisha stuck her blue tongue out at Faith.

Faith turned to look at Mist. “Do you have any of the werewolf elixirs left?”

Mist chuckled. “Moving on, are you ready to give my Avatar your magic so he can give it back to you?”

Aisha glanced down at the magical glove she was wearing. “Not really but let’s do it before I get stuck being blue.”

Mist created an avatar. “Hand your item world boosted magic to the avatar and he’ll hand it back only you’re back to normal, well human.”

Aisha stuck her tongue out at Mist then reached out and gave his avatar her genie magic until their was nothing left. “I don’t feel so good.”

“You’re looking a little blue,” Faith replied teasingly.

Mist handed Aisha a copy of the boosted fairy elixir. “Here, try swapping.”

Aisha drank the elixir and changed into a dark skinned fairy with glowing red wings. She looked down at her hands. “Back to normal.”

Faith laughed. “Other than your wings.”

Aisha wiggled her wings as she glanced over her shoulder. “Wicked, I need to go flying before I hand over my magic.”

Mist shrugged. “No worries, I’ll just make another avatar and work on upgrading the rest of the group while you practice flying.”

“Thanks.” Aisha snickered as she jumped into the air and sort of flew up a couple of feet before coming back down. “This might take some practice.”

“We have time.” He wasn’t all that worried about spending a couple of weeks letting everyone practice with their various abilities before they worked on shuffling abilities around so that everyone had them in their base forms. He was rather happy with the Sims jump, even if he hadn’t been able to import companions netting the ability to hand out fire and electricity immunity as well as three types of magic was nothing to sneeze at. Sure, it wasn’t the best magic in the world but it was magic that worked with a mana pool which meant that he could use conjoined conjures to mix in some of the magic from Hermione’s world then hand out spellbooks.


The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months though more than a couple of days were repeated because of his Error 12 flaw. Thankfully he hadn’t had to repeat any months and only had to repeat two weeks. Considering it could have been a lot worse he didn’t really mind repeating Christmas and New Year’s or the week in the summer where most of the town was running around in swimsuits because it was rather hot. While the flaws made it less of a vacation jump than it might have been, the sadistic god flaw gave him an excuse to spend most of his time in the pool area in his warehouse or catching up on movies or writing stories. The rest of the time was spent exploring various strange and interesting Sims towns and flirting with all of the girls in the group other than Cordelia, Laura and Lily. Even so, he was rather happy when he found himself back in the blackstone room with Genie and the rest of his companions. “Hey.”

Genie snickered. “Hey yourself.”

Mist looked down his nose at Genie. “You do realize that there was nothing in the flaw about people trying to drop pianos on me, right?”

Genie snickered. “Technically the sadistic god flaw mentioned items vanishing like the ropes holding the piano in place and people getting possessed like the guy moving the piano that pushed it out of the seventh story window while you were walking past the building in a doomed attempt to kill you.”

Hermione said, “I’m just glad that no one got hurt.”

Harry spoke up, “It made a hell of a mess though.”

Mist was just glad that he’d managed to teleport out of the way with his friends before the piano smashed everyone. “How many points did I end up with?”

Genie said, “3,000 which is more than you need. Hermione’s request for a library for the companion housing was also approved.”

Hermione smiled brightly as she stepped forward and pulled Genie into a hug. “Thank you!”

Genie giggled. “You’re welcome, we have to keep our bookworms happy.”

“In that case, I think I’ll pick up a couple of perks.” Mist walked over to the wall where the Sims 3 jump was displayed.

Genie asked, “Where are you going next?”

“I’ve got a couple of ideas, Corruption of Champions would be rather quick and give us some nice stat boosting plants, some really nice perks for boosting magic and a magical sword that boosts magic.”

“How quick?” Noelle asked.

Mist shrugged. “Less than two weeks. We’d basically drop in then Ranma would open a door near the final boss then I’d walk in and kill it or rather an avatar would.”

Hermione asked, “What’s the catch?”

“It’s basically a cursed porn filled land ravaged by perverted demons.”

Hermione scowled. “That sounds horrible.”

“It’s not a nice place but there is a no lewd flaw that basically turns everything into combat which makes the demons about a thousand times easier to deal with. It’s a short stop then we can take a couple of days in Earth Bet so we can pick up some tinker supplies and get everyone from Buffy’s world powers and Taylor can visit family.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing Marisa and Jess.” Noelle wasn’t sure what she was going to tell Francis considering she didn’t really love him. He’d been pushy and she’d been more than a little broken even before she’d gotten screwed up by drinking half of the Cauldron Vial and so she’d agreed to let him be her boyfriend. Either way, she didn’t want to put up with how possessive he was, she liked being able to ask any of the guys in the group other than James for sex and to be able to get it without strings or at least major strings. Getting time with Xander normally required letting Cordelia watch but that wasn’t really a problem which was another thing that would blow Francis’s mind. She knew that at least part of that was generous use of Mist’s phone to get past some of her remaining hangups but it was her choice and she liked the new her, no more worrying about what she ate, no more stressing about her body thanks to the Disgaea beauty upgrade and no more guilt about enjoying things. 

Vista said, “I wouldn’t mind checking in with my family.”

Taylor nodded. “Same.”

Piper grinned. “I’m not ready to stop jumping but I wouldn’t mind a nice two weeks in the Bay.”

Leet said, “We haven’t pulled off any crimes for a while.”

Vista shook her finger at Leet. “Nothing serious.”

“I was actually thinking about beating up some of the less reputable villains, I’m just not sure what theme to go with,” Leet admitted.

Denis spoke up, “I’ve got a couple of ideas.”

Vista turned and looked at Denis. “What?”

“If we’re going after villains, I don’t see a reason not to help. Besides, from what it sounds like, we’re going to have a week in the warehouse while Mist is taking care of the stuff from Corruption of Champions.”

Mist chuckled as he continued picking out perks.

Lily said, “I’m looking forward to seeing Earth Bet.”

Dawn snickered. “I’m all for getting superpowers.”

Tara looked at Genie as she asked, “The mental effects will vanish when we leave, right?”

Genie nodded. “Of course, once you leave Earth Bet your shards will be sent on their way to find other people to empower.”

“Awesome.” Faith smirked as she thought about grabbing an actual superpower. 

Selena spoke up, “Some of them are pretty cool.”

“Just be careful if you start getting anxious and nervous and wanting to go on patrol or use your new power destructively,” Riley pointed out.

“We shouldn’t be there long enough to go completely crazy.” Mist looked over his list of perks and notes.

Artistic: [200] Increased artistic ability.

Handy: [200] You don’t risk injuring yourself repairing things and can upgrade objects.

Natural Cook: [200] Learn a recipe by eating things or by seeing them prepared.

Virtuoso: [200] Natural aptitude for music.

Build Mode: [400] Gain a build menu, instantly construct walls, floors and such things. Requires money.

Philosopher’s Stone: [100]

Dusty Old Lamp: [300] 

“Good enough.” Mist figured he could always pick stuff up later.

Genie grinned. “Cool, so where are you going next?”

“Corruption of Champions.” Mist wasn’t looking forward to jumping into the messed up world but it offered some rather nice bonuses. He looked over the companion import option. “Okay, the companion import is worse than I remember. I can pay 50 so that someone can get a 100 point ability or 100 cp and someone can get two one hundred point perks or one 200 point perk. That nets them a decent boost to spells but not a completely amazing ability like I was hoping.”

Leet spoke up, “Having access to plants that can boost intelligence on a grand scale is still worth a couple of days not to mention you can duplicate the magic boosting gear, right?”


“In that case, yeah, no reason not to go.”

Lily muttered, “Other than the world is filled with twisted demons.”

“Which the no lewd flaw should fix,” Mist pointed out.

Hermione nodded. “In other words, you might as well buy what you need and then pick up companions later if you have extra points. We don’t need something from every jump.”

“On the upside, demon hookers are a thing, right?” Leet asked.

Noelle snorted. “Not if you ever want to get any sex again, ever.”

Sin spoke up, “She’s got a point, you don’t have any idea where those demons have been.”

Vista looked at Denis. “Same goes for you.”

Denis held his hands out and up, “I’m not that crazy.”

“In that case, I guess I’m mostly done.” Mist looked over his selections and notes.

Corruption of Champions:

Champion [50]: Early exit, just scry-and-die Lethice.

Fast, Smart, Strong, Tough [150 One is Free]: Gain speed/Intelligence/Strength/Toughness 25% faster. 

Fighter [Free History Perk]: All physical damage you do increases by ten percent.

Legendary Lover [Free to Champion]:

Evade [50]: You get hit slightly less often. Good in any scrap and may save your life, or at least a lot of pain and hurting.

Spellpower, Mage, Channeling, Archmage [200 freebie perk spent on Archmage]: Increases your spells’ power by 200% when all four perks are obtained.

Runner [50]: Required for Agility.

Agility [100]: Your defense from Light and Medium armour increases by a portion of your Speed, or in other words the faster you are the more protection your light armor gives you.

Immovable Object [100]: If you get hit by something that cares about your physical defense, you take 20% less damage from it.

Lightning Strikes [100]: Physical attacks made with non-heavy weapons do more damage the faster you are.


Magic Spear (Free: Champion) – A large well-balanced spear that even you have a hard time damaging.

Pure Pearl: [100] Removes all corruption from all but the most corrupt if consumed. 

Golden Statue: [300] Statue that allows someone to cleanse corruption if they meditate on it.


Kitteh6660’s Corruption of Champions Revamp Mod (+0CP)

Lewd Locked +200

Monster Magnet +300


Fighter [Free History Perk]: All physical damage you do increases by ten percent.

Legendary Lover [Free to Champion]:

Spellpower, Mage [Free] 100% boost.

Item: Magic Spear [Free]

Genie glanced over the builds. “That leaves you with 300 points. Your combination of flaws is likely to cause various monsters to search you out for rough sex then freak and try to kill you when they find you.”

“That’s fine, I’m not planning on staying all that long.” Mist wanted to grab what he wanted as quickly as he could then leave the world and never look back.

Buffy spoke up, “Don’t worry, I’m good at killing demons.”

Sin stuck her tongue out at Buffy’s back.

“In that case, best of luck. You’ll have a couple of hours in your home town before you have to step through the portal and deal with demons.” Genie snapped her fingers and sent Mist on his way.


Mist blinked as he found himself in the small village of Ingnam a remote forested village with a rather long history of sending ‘champions’ off to try to defeat the demon queen every year. He could remember growing up in the village as a knight in training that had grown up with stories and legends of knights and heroic deeds that had caused him to volunteer to jump through a portal into a demon infested wasteland to try to shut down the portal that allowed demons to invade. He was less than amused that there weren’t any magic shops in the town but wasn’t all that worried about it considering didn’t care about most of the magic items. He turned to look at Selena and Abby. “Ready for tomorrow?”

Abby grinned. “Yep, we’re totally going to crush the demon bitch and close all of the portals.”

Selena asked, “Do you have a plan?”

Mist shrugged. “Sure, I want to buy or find some transformation items and pick up the inscribed spellblade, wizard robes and several books. Beyond that, I’m not sure. The spellblade should be in the main town and the wizard robes, somewhere.”

Abby asked, “Do you at least remember where the end boss is?”

“Somewhere in the mountains. One of the local demons should know which means that we can be done inside of twenty or thirty minutes if we wanted.”

Selena shook her head. “Seems a bit unfair for the demons.”

“Sometimes you get a level 1 idiot as a hero and sometimes you get a jumper,” Mist pointed out.

“How do you want to deal with the demons?” Abby asked.

“Hell if I know, we’ll have to play it by ear. I think there was a factory we needed to shut down in the mountains if we wanted to keep the entire area from getting corrupted. Technically we just have to beat the end boss but we might as well take care of the factory while we’re there.”

Selena said, “I don’t have a problem with making a side stop after the end boss is dead.”

Abby glanced toward the mall hall where the feast was supposed to be starting. “We might as well grab some food and make our goodbyes before we leave in the morning.”

“We might as well.” Mist turned and headed toward the main hall where he could pick up some food and make an appearance before they jumped through the portal and had to start worrying about monsters attacking them.


Mist wasn’t terribly amused by the going away party, then again he didn’t have any particularly strong memories of most of the townsfolk which was just as well considering he’d likely never see them again. Going through the portal in the morning and finding a clearing with a tent wasn’t anything particularly interesting. From there it was rather simple to call Ranma and send him and Leet collecting material while he flew toward the mountains to deal with Lethice. Luckily the creepy corrupted factory was rather visible from the air which meant that he could fly there and ask directions. Unfortunately it was also controlled by demons that thought attacking him was a good idea. 

That had resulted in Mist calling Buffy and taking a rather quick and extremely bloody walk through the factory cutting down demons as they headed for the overseer’s office to have a chat. Happily for them but not for the demon, that had resulted in the location of Lethice. After that, he’d he’d spent an hour carefully shutting down the factory so that it wouldn’t explode. After that, he’d flown Buffy to Lethice’s dungeon.

Mist walked down the path and into the lobby with Buffy following him. He took a peek through the front door using the X-ray vision power that Hermione had given him before they set out. “Nasty critters.” He turned to look at the door to the right. “A room with mirrors and sunglasses that should get us past the basilisks in the room in front of us.”

“Can you teleport the glasses or past the creatures?” Buffy curiously.

“I probably can but teleporting the glasses might cause the mirror room to spawn my doppelganger and I’d rather avoid that.” Mist really didn’t want to fight his doppelganger unless they didn’t have a choice. 

Buffy rolled her eyes then walked into the room on the right with various mirrors on the walls. She focused on the pair of sunglasses as Mist followed her into the room, “Any advice?”

Mist shrugged. “From what I can remember putting them on creates a doppelganger. I don’t remember how nasty it is supposed to be or how to kill it other than the usual methods of killing anything.”

“In that case, this is going to suck.” Buffy walked over and picked up the glasses and put them on. 

Mist scowled slightly as the door slammed shut. He waited for a figure that looked like Buffy to step out of the mirror then conjured an apple and tossed it as hard as he could at the doppelganger’s head as a distraction.

Buffy used the distraction to cast terra star on her double which pretty much obliterated it. “So much for being an actual copy of me.” She turned as the door swung open. “Now what?”

“I figure I can either copy the glasses or we can just teleport past the monsters that we don’t want to fight.”

Buffy laughed softly as she pulled the glasses off and handed them to Mist. “You might as well copy them so we can work our way through the dungeon until you catch sight of Lethice.”

Mist his duplication trick to copy the glasses then handed the originals back to Buffy. He looked over the glasses and used his identification ability. “They block certain gaze attacks.”

“Good to know,” Buffy grinned as she put the glasses back on then raised her blade and headed for the previous room so that she could find the monsters she needed to kill.

Mist put the copied sunglasses on then followed Buffy into the room. He raised his hands and tossed two Ultima spells down the hall at the horde of basilisks. 

Buffy frowned slightly as Mist’s overpowered spells vaporized the basilisks. “There is such a thing as overkill.”

“Not with basilisks,” Mist replied as he walked down the hall ready to kill anything he had to in order to get to Lethice and kill her.


Laura smiled slightly as a rather disturbed looking Leet made his way out of the bakery. “Any luck?”

Leet scowled as he walked across the road and over to where Laura was standing watching the various residents of Tel’Adre. “The chef in the bakery advertises the fact that his various products increase width and make people fat. It’s creepy as hell.”

Laura sighed. “I’m not a fan. I had a pink haired girl hand me a flyer advertising sex if I bought enough of her rather expensive cupcakes. She was cute enough but there was a desperation in her eyes that was rather creepy.”

“Never thought I’d say this about a perverted world but I’ll be happy to leave once Mist beats the head demon.”

“Any luck finding anything useful?” Laura asked.

“The bakery had fox and raccoon morph items. I picked up a couple of each for the magic users to experiment with. I also found a cock sock in one of the shops that is supposed to increase the number of gems monsters drop.”

Laura blinked. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, I’m not making this shit up,” Leet defended himself.

“That’s just weird. Hopefully Hermione is having more luck at the library.” Laura was hoping that Hermione hadn’t run into any problems using her copy of Mist’s watch to copy the town’s library of spells. She was hoping that Mist and Ranma could go through the magic shops later and copy some of their wares so they didn’t have to shell out an unholy number of gems.

“We can hope.”

“We should grab Selena or Abby and check out the blacksmith shop to see if they have any magic items.”

“We should probably check all of the shops.” Laura turned and headed toward the bar where Selena and Abby were hanging out with Noelle and Xander.

“We might as well,” Leet agreed.


Genie snickered as Mist reappeared in the black stone room with the rest of the crew. “I’m sort of shocked that no one ended up a mutated monstrosity.”

Hermione looked down her nose at Genie. “Mist warned us not to eat any of the local food.”

“Blah, where is the fun in that?” Genie asked with amusement.

Abby shook her head. “No thanks, some of the stuff has potential once we separate the good from the bad but I don’t want to look like a freak.”

Noelle stated firmly, “Agreed.”

“Point,” Genie acknowledged.

Harry said, “Being able to grow the intelligence boosting tea should increase our ability to uplift people.”

Faith asked, “How long are we sticking around on Earth Bet?”

Mist glanced around the room. “Probably two weeks, that gives Dennis, Missy, Taylor and Piper a chance to spend time with their families and the rest of us time to gather some electronics supplies and such things.”

Vista frowned as she thought about her family, she’d had enough of a break that maybe it wouldn’t be quite as bad going back for a visit as she was expecting. “Sure, sounds like fun.”

Dennis shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind checking on my parents.”

Amy didn’t care either way, she could put up with her adoptive ‘family’ for a couple of weeks and she was sort of looking forward to visiting the hospitals and healing everyone with Selena to see how many patients they could clear. “Two weeks sounds workable.”

Willow looked at Mist and Genie as she asked, “Any idea what powers we’ll receive?”

Mist turned to look at Willow. “Not a clue, assuming I can actually get points for solving problems or capturing villains or something, the companion import gives random powers.”

Genie spoke up, “I’m sure you can figure something out.”

“Speaking of, how many points did I get from Corruption of Champions?”


“In other words, not enough to give everyone anything of real note,” Mist replied a touch disappointed that the companion import function sucked as badly as it did.

Cordelia snorted. “You might as well just buy the magic boosting sword so that it works with every type of magic and not worry about tossing the rest of us tiny boosts.”

Vista nodded. “She has a point.”

Buffy said, “I’d rather have a copy of a nice blade than a perk that doesn’t do all that much for me.”

Ranma looked at Genie. “Does that mean the blade that I recovered doesn’t work for other types of magic?”

“Sadly, no,” Genie admitted.

Faith asked, “What about the casting robes we bought?”

“The robes just reduce the stamina cost of casting which means they’ll help with a lot of different magic systems.”

Mist shrugged. “In that case, I’ll just buy a version of the enchanted staff as it has a larger boost than the sword.”

“You had 300 points, 600 points for the staff, that leaves you with 1050 points for later,” Genie pointed out.”

“Actually, I think I need the cloaking spell as well.”

“600 points.”

Mist said, “I’m fine with that.”

“Cool, so Earth Bet for a couple of weeks?” Genie asked curiously.

“That’s the plan, yeah.”

“In that case, best of luck.” Genie snickered as she teleported the group to Earth Bet.


Mist smiled as he watched several of the girls dancing on stage from his office. “Any luck grabbing a list of names of people to hunt down?”

Willow blushed as she looked away from the rather cute and mostly naked dancing girls and back to her laptop. “I already had a mental list, I was raised Jewish, I’m just filling in times, locations and easy dates to deal with most of the key players that turned the war into genocide. We should probably do something about Mao and Stalin and a couple other world leaders while we’re at it.”

“Probably.” Mist had a feeling they were going to have to set up a shadow organization or something to take care of some of the legwork once they left.

“We’re going to need to set up a computer network for the town and figure out a curriculum that isn’t stuck in the 1920’s. Not to mention a business plan for introducing environmentally friendly electric cars.”

“Cheap electric cars would certainly change history but I’m not sure that we could get the infrastructure to repair them in place in a reasonable timeframe. Though there would certainly be interest if we can introduce better power generation techniques from Earth Bet. I’ll get Umy to write up a plan and we’ll see where we end up.”

“Sounds good. I’m looking forward to learning more magic and enjoying the roaring twenties for a bit.” Willow glanced away from her laptop and down at the girls on stage. 

Mist hid his smile as he watched Willow checking out the girls. “It should be amusing, if nothing else running an untouchable bar and strip club should be profitable.”

“Don’t you have enough money already?”

“Not really, I have a decent amount but I don’t have a truly ludicrous amount yet.”

“Yet?” Willow asked curious how he was planning on making a crazy amount of money.

“Investing in various companies after the stockmarket crash of 1929 would probably net us a decently insane amount of money if we collected the money once we get to the Harry Potter jump.”

Willow shook her head. “It’s still strange that we’re jumping through fictional worlds.”

Mist shrugged. “I’ve been doing it awhile, I’ve sort of gotten used to it.”

“Are you ever going home?” Willow asked.

“Eventually, I have friends and family that I wouldn’t mind upgrading with magic. I’m not planning on stopping until I have a way to hand out upgrades and get more in my travels.”

“I’m sort of surprised that you haven’t went for jumps with more power yet.”

“I’d rather not bite off more than I can chew and get splattered. I’d rather take a couple of extra years getting there than get burned trying to steal power for a jump I’m not ready for. Especially considering I’ve already screwed up once with X-men, I don’t need to do it again.”

“What happened?” Willow asked.

“I took a scenario that involved trying to kill Apocalypse and forgot just how nasty his armor was, it worked out but it took some tricks and help to beat him. I’m trying to avoid screwing up that badly.”

“Was it worth it?”

Mist shrugged. “I got a rather nice perk out of the deal that lets me permanently boost 4 people a jump that aren’t companions by one and a half times.”

“That could be rather useful,” Willow admitted.

“Hopefully. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go grab Buffy for a quick patrol then check on Selena if I can figure out which hospital, she’s at.”

Willow shook her head as she thought about her sister. “Good luck, Selena mentioned she wanted to hit the ones in the other Brockton Bay before they called it quits for the night.”

“That’s why I have a cell phone,” Mist replied as he headed for the door. “Oh, and enjoy the show.” He grinned as Willow sputtered as he left his office. He doubted he’d find much on patrol but it was a good excuse to hang out with Buffy and make sure she wasn’t going stir crazy.


Genie snickered as the group reappeared. “Welcome back.”

Mist grinned. “How many points did we get?”

“650, you should be happy the girls like healing people and Leet didn’t get killed running around in a souped up go cart.”

Leet sputtered, “That go cart was awesome.”

“If by awesome, you mean insane, you’re correct.” Hermione was just glad that no one had gotten hurt during Leet and Uber’s crazy scheme and that his go cart hadn’t exploded from super charging the battery, just hitting an abandoned building that needed to be torn down anyways.

Leet glanced at Uber, “How come you’re not yelling at Uber considering he was running around with me?”

“He’s not the one that supped up the car by attaching an unstable generator to the engine and taking out the safeties.”

Mist spoke up, “Next time, we can just use a magitek battery, that should avoid having to jump off of it going 108 mph. Of course that could have been avoided if you hadn’t taken out quite so many safety systems.”

Leet snorted. “They were just getting in the way and besides we had our enchanted orbs and crash gear on.”

Uber muttered, “Only because Amelia threatened to make your bits fall off if she had to put you back together again.”

Amelia snickered. “It worked and no one got hurt other than Armsmaster’s pride, I’m calling it a win.”

Genie snickered. “As I said, it was amusing. Either way, you have 650 points which is enough to recruit everyone else as a drop in.”

“Drop in?” Mist asked.

“Less work for me,” Genie replied. 

“Are you being lazy?”

Genie pouted at Mist. “Nope, I’m just saying that they don’t really need a background considering you’re already done with the jump. Besides, it’s way more work editing memories and time to match after the fact than it is to find a world I can just slip people in. Please don’t make me do the extra work.”

Tara shook her head. “I’m fine with drop in.”

Dawn nodded. “Same, just running around for two weeks convinced me that I don’t need a lifetime of memories from here. Using the ‘cursed’ witch water and getting a second girl form was weird enough for me.”

Vista snickered. “Watching Clock try to pick out clothes for his female form was amusing.”

Dennis smiled at Vista as he flipped her off. “It makes a nice disguise and with our magic moved back to our main bodies, we’ll have it in every form.”

Fred wouldn’t have minded a science background but didn’t want to give Genie more work than it was worth. “I guess drop in works.”

“Thank you, let’s get rolling.” Genie snapped her fingers and put the names up of the people without powers then snapped her fingers again and rolled everyone’s power.

Mist looked over the list.

Fred: Contractor

Buffy: Biosculpter

Faith: Power Well

Cordelia: Biosculpter

Tara: Internal charge

Willow: Energy Shadow

Xander: Gravity Manipulation

Dawn: Boogie Manimal 

Lily: Doormaker

James: Biosculpter

Dawn asked, “Boogie Manimal?”

Genie said, “You can basically make shadows and shadow monsters that get more interesting as you pour shadow into them. You can also see through your shadows and through their senses.”

Aisha spoke up, “Damn, that’s better than my brother’s power.”

“I’m keeping that,” Dawn replied firmly.

Buffy glared at Dawn. “Shadow powers?”

Mist shook his head. “Don’t worry they’re not demonic.”

Selena snickered. “Awesome we picked up three new biosculpters which is awesome.”

Hermione smiled at Fred. “Not to mention a new contractor.”

Genie looked at Fred, “That reminds me, do you want to be able to hand out 10 weaker powers or 5 stronger powers?”

Fred said, “Five stronger powers.”

“Sounds good.”

Tara asked, “What is Internal Charge?”

Genie said, “You basically build up charge while you’re standing still then get a boost to durability, strength and speed for five times the length of time you were standing still. Starting max charge is about five minutes.”

“The orb enchant does strength and durability which means about the only thing I’d get is speed, right?”

“Basically, feel free to spend your 300 points on swapping powers if you want.”

“Any suggestions?” Tara asked hopefully.

“Complete Arsenal is nice, you get three slots and three powers that fit the situation you’re currently facing. You can drop them or keep them as needed. They get a bit stronger if you hold onto them for at least a couple of minutes. That would give you access to a number of different powers as needed. But feel free to look over the options.” Genie brought the power options up so that Tara could scroll through them. “Any idea what perks everyone is grabbing?”

“Spanner in the Works,” Mist said firmly. “It blocks precog and planning which should help keep people from screwing the group over.”

Genie nodded. “While the choice is up to you, it’s a really good perk that can save your ass.”

Buffy scowled. “I hate prophecies. I’m good with that.”

“Same,” Dawn agreed.

Xander smirked. “I’m fairly sure I already had a version of it but sure.”

“I’ll take it.” Faith didn’t care for prophecies either. 

Lily said, “I trust you.”

Ranma smiled at Lily. “I’m just glad we have someone else with Doormaker.”

“Certainly makes it easier.”

Amy said, “I’m just glad that we have more healers.”

“Agreed.” Mist was just glad that everyone had gotten something useful even if Tara had to swap her power for something useful everyone else had rolled pretty sold powers.

Tara finished looking over her options. “As much fun as some of the powers look, I think I’ll take the complete arsenal as it offers a fair range of powers even if I can only use three at a time.”

Genie nodded. “It’s a very nice power. So, where to?”

Mist turned to look at Harry and Hermione. “I was thinking, we’re going to Fantastic Beasts, which is basically Harry and Hermione’s world in the 1920’s without ki and some of the other strange things that Ranma is familiar with. What do you think about inviting Dumbledore to help form a school?”

Harry frowned slightly. “As long as he’s just a teacher, sure. I don’t want him in charge of student welfare, he’s proven a bit unreliable in that department.”

Hermione sighed. “Harry has a point, he’s a great wizard but he did stick Harry with the Dursleys rather than somewhere out of the way and safe.”

“We should see if Remus and Tonks want to come as well, maybe Bill Weasley if we’re grabbing people.”

Genie shook her head. “Now you’re just trying to stack the deck but sure, if you want, I’ll go ask them if they want to come, 100 a person but you have the points.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“In that case, look over the jump, I’ll be back in a minute.” Genie tossed the Fantastic Beasts jump up on the wall then vanished with a pop.

Hermione asked, “Do you think any of them will agree to help?”

Mist wasn’t too worried either way. “No idea, it would be nice but considering the number of books Hermione copied, I think we’ll be fine either way.” He smiled at Hermione.

“I happen to like books.”

Harry snickered as he hugged Hermione from behind. “That’s like saying pyromaniacs like fire.”

Hermione smiled as she leaned against Harry. She couldn’t really dispute that she loved reading, at least not if she was being honest.

Willow said, “There’s nothing wrong with liking books.”

Fred muttered, “Unless the book drops you into a hell dimension.”

Mist walked over and looked through the Fantastic Beasts jump. “The real question becomes who wants a couple of years of auror training?”

Faith spoke up, “I wouldn’t mind picking up some tricks.”

Dawn raised her hand. “I wouldn’t mind being a magical cop.”

Fred shook her head. “I think I’ll wait for the other jump when I can get the perk for mixing tech and magic.”

Harry said, “I wouldn’t mind being an auror or at least having the training.”

Mist let the group discuss the remaining spots as he filled out his selections.


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
Drop In:
Acceptance: [Free]
Actor: [Free Drop In]
Do You Think You Can Hold Me? [100] (Helps get out of sticky spots)
Obscurial: [300] Turn into a whirling ball of magic and control it.
Duelist Champion: [600] Exceptional duelist and extra power.

Wand: [Free] Imported upgraded Sims wand.
Speakeasy: [200] Staffed by house elves with New York accents.
Companions: [200]

Fugitive: [300]
Murtlap Poisoning: [300] Sweat a lot, light headed and giddy at times.


Drop In:
Acceptance: [Free]
Actor: [Free Drop In]

Genie popped in with Albus and Fawkes who was sitting on Albus’s shoulder. “Everyone else wanted to stay but Albus agreed provided you agreed to make a trip to the past once you got there.”

Mist asked, “Your sister?”

“My alternate’s sister at any rate,” Albus admitted as he glanced around the black stone room before looking at Mist to judge his reaction.

“I’ll admit to being a bit curious what your life would have been like had your sister not been attacked. Besides, no child deserves to be attacked like that.”

Genie glanced over Mist’s choices. “You still have two hundred points, what else were you grabbing?”

“I was thinking a baby nundu.”

Albus raised his eyebrows. “Nundu are more than a little dangerous.”

“This one is rather friendly,” Genie pointed out.

Albus asked, “What about their disease breath?”

“I’m immune to disease. I should be able to train her not to breathe on people.”

Genie said, “Considering he’s taking a flaw that makes him a wanted criminal, possession of a nundu would certainly qualify.”

Albus asked, “How are you going to avoid notice?”

“I’ll just shift to an alternate face, I have several. The Ministry looks for people using charms or polyjuice. I don’t really have a problem hiding out as someone that looks different.”

“Where are you going to keep it?”

Genie spoke up, “The pets come with magically concealed land near New York so it should be fine.”

“You might be crazier than Hagrid,” Harry pointed out.

Mist grinned. “It’s not like you get a chance to get a tame nundu all that often. I mean what’s not to love, it’s a large cute leopard?”

Hermione looked down her nose at Mist. “Please tell me that you’re actually joking about the nundu?”

Mist grinned. “Okay, fine, you got me.”

Hermione sighed in relief.

Faith snickered. “I don’t know, riding a giant leopard could have been fun.”

Mist shrugged. “I can always pick it up after the jump and then give it a more suitable form in the next jump.”

Genie said, “Considering the fact that you’re going to be doing some time traveling, that might be for the best. So, what are you really going to spend your points on?”

“We’re going to be creating clones, I might as well grab the wardrobe with an infinite number of clothes which is 50 points. The location pendant is neat especially as it comes with designs to create more. That leaves me with 50 points.”

Hermione said, “The muggle worthy switch looks useful.” She turned to look at Albus. “Any reason they went out of favor?”

“Stupidity?” Albus asked rhetorically.

“Professor?” Hermione asked in surprise.

“I’m not a teacher right now Hermione, feel free to call me Albus. To answer your question, the devices fell out of favor in Britain because the ministry decided that obliviating people was easier than avoiding notice in the first place.”

Genie said, “Okay, I’m placing your club in New York, where do you want your poster for the speakeasy?”

“How about somewhere close to the club where people can get to it that doesn’t endanger the Statute of Secrecy?” Mist asked hoping that wouldn’t be a problem.

“Sounds good, who are you importing as an auror?”

“I was thinking Faith, Riley, Dawn, Willow, Xander, Harry, Umy and Buffy.”

Harry asked, “Why me? I already have most of a Hogwarts education.”

“Because a lot of your previous education was suspect for one reason or another and being an auror and grabbing the duelist perk should add to your already impressive magical strength and ability.”

Xander piped up, “In other words, you’re going to be our wrecking ball.”

“It would let me know what being a proper auror was like.” Harry knew there were some gaps in his education that he’d been working on filling but a lot of the missing pieces weren’t things he could just pick up from a book. “Do we get to pick our family?”

Genie laughed. “I was going to set you up as a brother of your grandfather that wandered off to America unless you had objections?”

“Nope, that’s fine.”

“Investigator, Legilimens and Duelist for perks, right?” Genie asked as she glanced around at the people being imported.

Riley said, “Sure, I’m just sad that Magizoologist doesn’t have better perks. I’d rather have conservationist than Legilimens as it will let me design enclosures for anything we find.”

Xander spoke up, “Same. I wouldn’t mind knowing how to build magical structures and that seems like a good start.”

Faith said, “I’m good with Legilimens.”

Umy shrugged. “Legilimens works for me.”

Dawn nodded. “Same.”

“Is there anything that you want to do before I drop you off?” Genie asked.

“Can we swap to 1920’s appropriate clothes from the wardrobe?” Mist asked hopefully.

Genie gestured toward one of the walls and a door opened to the warehouse. “Sure, that makes things easier.” She gestured to another wall and created a door with a green exit sign over it. “Just walk through the exit when you want to get to New York. I’m going to go set things up.” Genie vanished with a snap of her fingers.

Hermione said, “We might as well get changed.”

Albus glanced down at his robes. “Excellent idea.”


Mist stepped through the exit door then blinked as he found himself on the edge of a crowd of people including a woman on the stairs preaching about witchcraft and doom. He took the opportunity to bend down to check his boots then swapped his teenage face for his older and slightly different face as he didn’t want to walk around looking like a criminal. He blinked as a man in a blue jacket bumped into him. “Sorry about that.”

Newt Scamander took a step back. “Excuse me.”

“No worries, I probably shouldn’t have stopped to check my boots in the middle of the sidewalk. Good luck.”

“Same to you,” Newt replied as he continued on his way to the bank. 

Mist turned to look at the woman preaching about witchcraft. He reached out with his telepathy and almost pulled his mental fingers back at the diseased mind he found. He scowled as he looked through her twisted mind trying to find her supporters and backers. ‘Joy, a fanatic that enjoys abusing magical children. Great, you’ve poisoned the mind of one witch and broke a wizard.’ He pushed with his ESP and increased her feelings of paranoia which caused her to glance around nervously. He smiled coldly as he increased the pressure as he projected an image into her mind of a large monstrous flaming demon bursting out of the ground in front of her. 

Faith frowned as she watched the woman preaching about witchcraft completely lose her shit and start screaming about demons and thrashing and flailing around. “Yeah, she’s lost it.”

Dawn winced as she glanced around. “Any idea where Mist is?”

Xander noticed one of Mist’s alternate forms glaring at the woman that was twitching on the ground screaming her bloody head off. “Found him.”

Mist let her scream for long enough to get the crowd to back away before he sent her to sleep so that he didn’t have to listen to it anymore.

Riley walked over to check on the preacher. 

A girl that had been handing out fliers ran over to where the preacher was sprawled on the ground. “Mom?!”

Mist reached out and checked on the girl and scowled as he realized how messed up she was from the lunatics ‘parenting’. He sent her to sleep. 

Riley frowned as the girl collapsed. “Great.”

Mist raised his voice a touch as he walked over, “Time to get her back to the drunk tank.”

One of the bystanders asked, “Was it witchcraft?”

Mist snorted. “No, she’s a drunk and suffers delusions when she drinks. The girl became distraught and fainted, you know how it is.”

The man nodded. “Women.”

Buffy watched the crowd as the others helped the preacher and the girl.

Riley resisted turning around and stabbing the guy as she picked up the younger girl. She whispered, “Drunk tank?”

Mist dropped his voice. “I’ll explain later, let’s get her somewhere else.” He was rather happy once they got the preacher and her mother to an alley where they could teleport to his club and away from prying eyes. 

“Okay, what’s the deal and why was she freaking out? Riley asked.

“Her name is Mary Lou Barebone and she’s an abusive nutcase that makes the Dursleys look like saints.”

Harry glared at the woman. “Oh really?”

“She adopts magical children then tries to beat the magic out of them. The girl is already halfway converted to being a card carrying lunatic herself. She’s also a witch.”

Dawn scowled as she looked at the older woman that Xander had set on the desk. “What do you want to do with her?”

“I’m going to look through her head and find the rest of her stupid group then I’m going to make sure they spend a lifetime rotting in a mexican prison in an alternate world.”

Harry shivered as he thought about being raised by someone worse than the Dursleys. “Sounds fair to me.”

“I’d rather not have to deal with a bunch of lunatics trying to burn witches at the stake while we’re here.”

Riley frowned as she realized that they were going to have to head back into the office soon. “Some of us have to get back to the MACUSA.”

“How is that working out for you?” Mist asked curious what Riley thought about her job.

“Now that I actually remember being Riley, I don’t have a problem retiring or getting a transfer once we start up the town and school.”

Harry said, “Same, I’m not that impressed with the American wizarding world, I’d rather not have to arrest people because they want to marry someone that doesn’t have magic.”

“Agreed.” Xander figured he’d walk in and drop his resignation off.

Dawn asked, “What about the girl?”

“Hell if I know, Hermione might be able to reconstruct her mind and show Chastity a better path but if not, I vote for obliviating her knowledge of magic after talking her into giving her magic up. Right now, she’s more than a little broken. I have more hope for her siblings.”

Harry said, “I’ll call Hermione while you collect her siblings. Maybe they’re saveable.”

“Best of luck.” Mist turned invisible then teleported close to where Mary lived. He reached out and checked the house with telepathy. He was rather relieved when he found both of Chastity’s siblings didn’t hate magic though the boy was more than a bit conflicted about his magic. He walked over and knocked on the door. 

Modesty asked, “Who is it?”

“My name is Mist, I’m a wizard and I teach magic.”

“Magic doesn’t exist.”

“I can prove it if you want to learn. Don’t worry, your adopted guardian is going to prison for abuse.”

Modesty opened the door a crack. “Where are you?”

“Invisible.” Mist glanced around then dropped his invisibility spell.

“Oh!” Modesty explained. 

“Yep, magic is real. Can I come in and show you a couple of spells?” Mist wasn’t sure if he should feel bad about his perk that increased how much people trusted him as the girl opened the door for a total stranger. He walked into Mary’s house. “Let’s start with something simple, shall we?”

Modesty nodded. “Please.”

Mist held out his hand and conjured a glowing ball of light over his palm. “How’s that?”

“Are you sure she isn’t coming back?” Modesty asked nervously.

“She’s not…” Mist trailed off as Credence stepped into the room and he got a sense of the dark magic surrounding him. ‘What the hell?’ He searched through the kid’s head looking for a reason that he reeked of dark magic and frowned slightly when he didn’t find it. “I’m Mist, I’m a magic instructor, are you interested in learning?”

Credence nodded. “Yes but Mary wouldn’t like it.”

“She’ll never be able to hurt you again.” Mist carefully held up his hand and created a glowing ball of magic. “If you’re interested I can teach you magic.”

“Please,” he replied hopefully and nervous that this was some sort of trick.

Mist was just happy that his trustworthy perk seemed to be working as he talked about magic and learning and meditation as he tried to build up some trust before he took the children to his warehouse to meditate next to the golden statue to see if he could get rid of some of the dark magic surrounding Credence. ‘Maybe Albus knows what the hell is wrong with him.’


Albus glanced away from the young girl in the chair that Hermione was attempting to help with her telepathy as Mist appeared. “Any luck?”

“The young wizard had a heck of a lot of darkness around him though he had no memories of casting anything that would have caused that much dark magic to build up, any ideas?”

“He might have been used for a dark ritual or maybe he has been unconsciously using magic. It might be something unique to this world.”

Mist frowned slightly as he thought about the untrained teenager. “That’s possible, he managed to purge the dark magic around him by meditating on a cleansing statue I have.”

“You have some interesting enchanted items,” Albus replied.

“That one is one of my favorites. I had Modesty do the same just to make sure that she was clean. I left Tara working with them on the basics trying to get them comfortable with using magic without going off the deep end.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Albus admitted. 

“I think the next step is to collect everyone and head to Britain then use my magic mirror to go back in time and save your alternate’s sister from being attacked. If we’re lucky, that should only take a couple of hours.”

“Genie explained the nature of the mirror. I know the exact hour the attack happened, at least in my world. I know who to ask to find out the exact hour if the worlds don’t line up exactly.” Albus knew his alternate’s brother would know exactly when they would have to jump to.

Hermione let the girl drift off to sleep. “She’s probably saveable, it’s just going to require some effort and someone showing her how crazy her adoptive mother was.” It was either that or she was going to have to delete some memories and hope for the best. 

“Better you than me, I wouldn’t have kept my temper,” Mist admitted. 

“You might be surprised how many times I thought about turning Lucius Malfoy into a greasy smear,” Albus admitted.

“Why didn’t you?” Hermione asked curious to hear his reasoning.

“I was afraid that if I started, I wouldn’t stop and somewhere along the way I’d kill someone that didn’t deserve it.”

“I can understand.” Mist knew there were jumps where if he started going through the villain list he probably wouldn’t stop. “Speaking of, I was thinking about grabbing Tom Riddle from the orphanage and relocating him to a home in America or something where he’ll grow up loved after one of the girls checks his head for genetic issues. We know what happens if he grows up in the orphanage and I’m not willing to allow that.”


Hermione glanced through the one way glass at the stage where several girls were practicing for later. “Let’s grab some food then we can collect everyone. Hopefully we can get the trip in time done while Chastity, Modesty and Credence sleep. We should be able to stick a muggle repelling charm on the hedge and with any luck convince your alternate’s father to move to a different town.”

Albus nodded. “That might be for the best.”

“Hopefully that isn’t too hard, in and out in a couple of hours then we can start figuring out what we need for the school.”

“Not to mention tracking down Gellert.” Albus wanted to track his ex-friend’s alternate before things got even more out of hand. 

“With any luck, it won’t be impossible.” Mist was just hoping that going back in time didn’t screw things up too much.


Mist was rather pleased with how easy it was to portkey to England, jump to the past, set up a couple of muggle repelling wards on the hedge and drop Albus’s father a letter about the local children and how moving would be a good idea. After that they’d jumped back to the ‘present’ and then went looking for changes. Interestingly enough, the Dumbledores had still ended up at Godric's Hallow though Albus’s father was alive and Ariana had avoided getting attacked and grew up into an exceptionally talented witch that took a job as a history professor at Hogwarts after convincing Binns to move on.

The other Albus had went on a year long world tour with Elphias Doge after he graduated which left him rather less naive and far less bitter when Gellert showed up in Godric’s Hallow which resulted in Albus being able to talk his new friend out of some of his insanity. Interestingly enough, Albus had still ended up as a professor at Hogwarts except he seemed happier and far less bitter or at least that was what they’d found out from a bit of poking around once they got back. Other than a far better history teacher things hadn’t changed all that much or at least they hadn’t noticed any major changes in the short time they’d spent checking on things before they returned to New York.

Thankfully or not depending on how you looked at it, everything in America was just like they’d left it or if it wasn’t, they weren’t aware of the changes. Sadly dealing with Chastity had required Hermione to erase a decent chunk of her life with Mary then carefully reconstruct the girl’s mind so that the girl was a sane girl that wanted to learn rather than a crazy broken girl that wanted to please a monster. Umy drop her off at the ministry to place with a good home. It wasn’t the nicest thing to do but they weren’t willing to let someone that hated magic get magical training if they could help it.

Mist was rather happy with the house elf ran speakeasy that he owned as the music was excellent and the alcohol always flowed which meant that he was raking in the cash though nothing compared to his stripclub as it was open to muggles and also sold free alcohol they got from various endless enchantments. None of that would have mattered if it wasn’t for the fiat protection against the cops or aurors raiding the place. 

Mist felt a little guilty about how he’d dealt with Modesty and Credence’s emotional issues, not because he hadn’t helped but because he’d cheated more than a little by giving them cell phones. He’d set up a miniature cell tower on the top of the club then used that to put them on his contact list so that they could use his magic phone to scroll through their mental and emotional issues and delete them. Still, it was easier than trying to find a decent shrink in the 20’s.

After that it, was a simple matter for Hermione to work on teaching Modesty and Credence magic by giving them a ‘temporary’ learning power with contractor. That left Mist free to head across the country to Washington State and check out a couple of towns that would otherwise end up as ghost towns. He wanted a place that was remote and yet not in the middle of nowhere. After checking out a couple of the soon to be ghost towns he decided that they wouldn’t have enough room to spread out and create something that wasn’t just a small village. 

That spiraled to looking at some of the islands in Puget Sound as a possible base. After looking at maps and talking with Umy, they settled on Vashon island because it was fairly close to Tacoma and Seattle and had a decent amount of land that they could expand into without being too large to buy everyone else out. Thankfully there weren’t a lot of people in the 1920’s that they had to buy out and he had a decent supply of gold and a perk that let him buy property for 1.5 times its value. 

Even with bags of gold and the perk it still took Mist and his avatars three weeks to track everyone down so that he could buy the various properties. Once they’d bought all of the various properties, it took time to set things up and get everyone moved off the island and toss up some basic muggle repelling charms around the island so that they could get to work building docks and streets using the spell he’d acquired from Agnes Court’s materia.

Albus frowned slightly as he looked away from the rather impressive magically created stone harbor and down at the crystal torch that Mist had handed him. “I’m still not convinced that this is remotely sane.”

Mist shrugged. “I’m not either. The Heart torch copy created a female sibling of Credence without any problems and she doesn’t have a room in the companion housing so she’s not a companion which means that we can use it to help create a decent population of magic users. She also doesn’t have his issues which is a good thing.”

Albus asked, “Are you saying that I have issues?”

“Have you looked at your wardrobe lately?” Selena asked with amusement.

“I happen to like bright robes,” Albus defended himself.

Mist shrugged. “Either way, this should help provide some decent teachers for the school.”

“They’re still going to need wands and we’re going to have to cast a rather wide net if we don’t want genetic issues.”

Selena said, “I can fix a lot of genetic issues with my power.”

“I don’t have a problem copying the heart torch more than a couple of times and Noelle has already volunteered her help cloning people. Credence’s sister is younger than he is which means we’ll probably get some variation in the ages.”

“In for a knut in for a galleon.” Albus raised the crystal torch up and said, “Heart torch glow!”

Mist smiled as the rather attractive naked red haired teenage girl appeared in a shower of sparkles. “Hello.”

The girl said, “I’m Abigail. Pleased to meet you.”

Albus pulled his wand out and conjured a robe then handed it to her. “Here.”

She pulled the robe over her head as she replied, “Thanks, the wind is a bit cold to be running around without any clothes.” She looked down at her bare feet. “I don’t suppose you can conjure socks or have a wand I can borrow?”

Albus waved his wand and conjured a pair of purple socks and boots that should fit her. “They won’t last more than a couple of days but that should be long enough to find something better.”

“I have a wardrobe that you can grab some clothes from once Selena gives you a once over with her power.”

Abigail looked at Selena. “Sure, check away.”

Selena reached out and touched Abigail’s hand and checked her genetics. “She’s healthy, at least physically.”

Abigail smiled at Selena and Mist. “Good to know. What’s next?”

“We should probably grab you some clothes and talk to Hermione about giving you a mental checkup. After that, if you’re willing, we’ll talk to Noelle about creating some copies.” Selena was just glad that the personality adjustment potion they’d picked up in Sims tended to fix the evil quality that Noelle’s power placed on the clones. Between the potion and Mist’s phone, it was fairly easy to fix the clones and make sure they didn’t end up monsters. The last thing they needed was someone with Albus’s level of power running around causing problems. 

Abigail shrugged. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind having more siblings.”

Albus knew Mist’s idea to create a magical city filled with wizards and witches could go drastically wrong but having a place to grow up where they didn’t have to hide would help or at least he was hoping it would help. “Do you need me to stick around or should I go work on layering muggle repelling charms around the island?”

Abigail shrugged. “I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m going to be trying on clothes, go have fun.”

“I’ll check in later.” Albus turned and headed back to their temporary headquarters to pick up a broom.

Mist pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Hermione. 

Hermione answered her phone, “What’s up?”

“Albus was nice enough to use a copy of the Heart Torch, I was hoping you could give his sister a mental check before we start copying her. Any luck tracking down Riddle?”

“I can do that. I managed to pick him up. Once Amelia gives him a check up, we’ll start making copies.” She wasn’t terribly comfortable about the idea of having multiple Voldemorts running around but he was currently a decently cute baby and Selena should be able to make sure that he didn’t have any genetic issues before they started copying him.

“That should help,” Mist agreed. 

Hermione said, “I’ll be back in ten or twenty minutes after I pay for my stack of books.”

Mist chuckled. “Sure, I’ll see you when you get here.”

“Sure.” Hermione closed her phone, then glanced down at Tom who was in his charmed carrying basket sucking on a bottle. ‘You better not turn out to be a monster this time around.’

Abby walked over with a stack of books. “Trouble?”

“No, Mist was just checking in. I said we’d be done in ten to twenty minutes.”

“Right… in that case, I’ll go get in line.”

Hermione added a couple of books to her stack, picked up Tom’s carrying case then turned and headed for the counter. 


Amelia frowned slightly as she checked Tom’s genetics. “He has a genetic tendency toward sociopathic behavior but I can fix that easily enough. He has a few recessive traits that I should probably tweak but again nothing I can’t fix. We can certainly make a copy then gender flip the copy and make a bunch of copies to fill out the next generation.”

“Gender flip?” Hermione asked.

Noelle shook her head. “Pervert.”

“Sure but we don’t need a bunch of Toms running around. Besides, if we’re trying to increase the population of the wizarding world, having most of the students female would help.”

“I guess you have a good point,” Hermione admitted.

Amelia reached out and tweaked his brain and genetics to fix his tendency toward sociopathic behavior then fixed a few of this recessive traits. “That should do it. Feel free to copy him.”

Hermione pulled her wand out of her inventory, pointed it at Tom’s carrying basket on the table and duplicated them five times with a couple of whispered gemino charms. “There.”

Noelle reached out and touched Tom’s forehead and copied him to one of the other baskets. “How twisted is the copy?”

Amelia reached out and touched the copy and checked his genetics with her power then fixed a couple things in his brain. “That should do it.” She pulled out one of her copies of Mist’s dark ticket and zapped the copy of Tom Riddle which changed into a girl. “Let’s see.” She checked his genetics just to make sure that the ticket hadn’t screwed anything up. “That should do it.”

Noelle nodded. “In order words, I can get started copying her?”

“We should probably copy Abigail, Credence’s sister and Modesty a couple more times first to help take care of them but I don’t see why not.”

“I’ll talk to Albus about a making a list of smart, powerful and mostly sane magic users that were around that we might be able to talk into letting us clone them.

Noelle said, “I’m fairly sure that sane and magic users don’t usually go together.”

“I said mostly sane,” Hermione defended herself weakly.


Aisha resisted the urge to snicker as she followed the rather cute muggleborn prefect back to his room in Ravenclaw. She waited for him to sprawl out on his bed then pulled out her wand and stunned him. She pulled one of the many cloning potions that Mist had given her out of her inventory then tossed it at the genius. She smiled as a second wizard appeared sprawled next to the first dressed the same as the unconscious wizard. ‘It’s too bad in some ways that the copies don’t keep your skills.’

She pulled her copy of the dimensional breach machine out of her inventory and opened a portal back to the island then levitated him through to the processing center where Amelia would check the clone’s head and genetics then reduce him back to a child with magic mushrooms after feeding him a fairy or witch potion and getting him to use a copy of the heart torch a couple of times so that they had more girls to copy. She knew it wasn’t a completely ethical way to get a viable population but admitting that they had the ability to clone people didn’t sound all that sane either.

She closed the door then carefully snuck back out of his bedroom and headed for the next person on her list of people to ‘recruit’. She had a feeling that they were going to have to buy a couple of old mining towns at the rate Noelle and Amelia were copying people. She was looking forward to seeing the results when they came back in sixty years.


Mist spent the next couple of weeks buying up old mining towns along the western coast of the USA that were were little more than ghost towns. From there it was a simple matter to send in avatars to map the mines so they could create underground cities with the magic he’d learned from Agnes Court’s materia. He’d even hired/bribed a couple of goblins to teach people about the magical side of mining which was something that his group wasn’t as familiar with. 

The hardest part of his grand plan for creating a truly staggering number of magical towns wasn’t copying or editing people or even supplying the initial magical supplies thanks to his Sonichu city that had Harry Potter shops in it. The real problem was what would happen after they left which was why a number of his avatars were spending a fair amount of time running around trying to hire magical crafters and all the various professions that required specialized training after school. He had various other avatars tracking down some useful magical creatures to create various game preserves or at least try to. 

Mist’s best ‘catch’ was probably a couple of extremely stupid and mean trolls that he managed to trick into giving up most of their magic using a copy of his generous donation gloves that he’d temporary enlarged in exchange for a set of glowing magical rocks that granted people the ability to toss boulders. Of course, the only magic on the rock was a charm which caused it to glow but a deal was a deal. He didn’t even feel all that guilty about it when the two trolls died challenging another troll as it prevented the trolls from passing along their weakened magic. From there it was simple to play around with the troll magic and generous donation until Abigail only had the perks from the troll’s magic like enhanced durability, magic resistance and strength. 

On the slightly nicer side, he’d made friends with one of the nicer groups of local giants near one of the abandoned mining towns he’d bought. He gave them a large keg of endless intelligence boosting ale that he’d put together with some of the stuff from Corruption of Champions. He wasn’t sure what would happen over the long term but it didn’t take long before the local giants were as smart as most people even if they weren’t as well educated. After that it was a simple enough matter to give them fairy potions so they could shrink. Sure, they could only manage to shrink down to the size of a human child at best but that meant they could get around the magical world easier especially once Lily enchanted a number of size changing bracelets that hid their wings.

Mist had a feeling the experiment was going to cause some problems eventually but for now, it was working out even if Amelia had done some careful tweaks to reduce aggression when she’d given them a checkup. Thankfully, the MACUSA hadn’t realized what they were doing with the giants though they had noticed the alarming amount of magic being used to construct the underground towns and game preserves and had sent a wizard to investigate. Luckily, using magic where no majs couldn’t see wasn’t a crime and they’d updated their records and then proceeded to ignore the magic being used as the areas were marked as being owned by wizards.


Aisha snickered as she snuck into the hotel room of her current target. Technically he wasn’t magical and shouldn’t be on her list but they could fix the lack of magic. She pulled her wand out of her inventory and zapped him with a stunner just to make sure that he didn’t wake up before she was done copying him. She put her wand away then pulled out a cloning potion and hit the wild haired man with it. She smiled as a copy appeared. She pulled a pad of sticky notes and a pen out of her inventory and wrote, “Copy of Albert Einstein.” She pulled the top sticky note off and stuck it on his forehead then stuck her pad of sticky notes and pen back in her inventory. She pulled out her dimensional breach generator and opened a door to the processing room. 

‘The clone might not have the original’s knowledge but he’d still have his mind and genius and they could give him magic via the Sims potions and Mist’s Disgaea ability. She figured they could reduce him to a child then see what happened when he got older. Maybe he’d be a brilliant magical scientist and maybe nothing would come of it. Either way, she had a feeling that it was worth the couple of days it had taken her to track him down. She picked him up then walked through the door. ‘At least Tesla should be easier to find.’ 

Amelia looked over at Riley. “Who is that?”

Aisha walked over and set the clone on a bench then closed the door and put the controller back in her inventory. “I might have cloned Albert Einstein.”

“Oh, nice. I hadn’t even thought about that. How are you going to deal with the fact that he doesn’t have magic?”

“Either Sims potions or we can have someone donate magic to him them copy him and have the original give the magic back afterwards.”

Amelia considered their options. She wouldn’t mind making more than a couple of copies of Albert Einstein then reducing his age and sending him to different states to see which version did the best. “If we can find someone to transfer magic to him we can copy him a few times after Mist boosts him. Can you picture Abigail’s magic boosted by half again?”

Aisha shook her head. “I think you’ve been spending too much time with our resident mad scientist.”

“I don’t really see a problem with trying to boost various types of magic. We have a chance to increase our power and abilities while creating more versions of Albert Einstein, what’s not to like?”

“What about the risk of him not giving the powers back?” Aisha asked.

“Mist has dragon break, if it doesn’t work out he can pick the choice where we went and played a videogame or something. Either way, it’s worth a shot.”

“When you put it like that, I guess you have a point,” Aisha admitted.

“Let’s go talk to Abigail and Mist.”


Buffy yawned as she walked into the house she shared with Dawn and saw her and Xander sitting on the couch playing a videogame. “I should have taken your advice and quit.”

Xander asked, “What happened?”

“Albus and I managed to track down Grindelwald. Do you have any idea how much paperwork killing a dark wizard causes when your partner looks like a rather famous wizard from Britain?”

“Ah, I’m guessing a lot?” Dawn asked.

“Yeah, officially I’m a hero for taking down Grindelwald, unofficially I took a foreign magic user on a case. I’m probably just going to cut my loses and retire.”

Xander said, “We did and we’re much happier for it.”

“It’s not like we need the money,” Dawn pointed out.

“I know, that doesn’t change the fact that I like being useful,” Buffy complained.

“You could always offer to help with various item worlds or help in the daycare.”

Buffy snorted. “I’d rather fight demons, at least I can kill them without anyone complaining and most of them smell better”

Xander chuckled. “They aren’t that bad.”

Dawn snickered at the look on her sister’s face. “Eh, either way, we only have another six months either unless Mist decides to stay longer.” 

“I doubt he will but something might come up.”

Buffy turned as Willow appeared with a pop. “Hey.”

Willow smiled at Buffy. “Congratulations on killing Grindelwald.”

“Albus did most of the work, I just got in a lucky shot.” Buffy hadn’t actually meant to kill him but he’d dodged left rather than right and a piece of stone from her reducto had caved his head in from behind. She wasn’t as broken up about it as she probably should be taking a human life but he was a mass murderer..

“I’m just happy he’s gone,” Willow pointed out.

Xander looked at Willow. “Speaking of gone, I heard from a little birdie that Hitler and a bunch of supporters died in a gas leak explosion, that seems a bit messy.”

Willow snorted. “They were Nazis, I froze time before I set the bomb and made sure there weren’t any children there and that the journalists had stepped out for a smoke break. It was quick and clean, it’s more than they deserve. Besides, I’m not the one that killed Mao or Stalin.”

Dawn said, “I’m fairly sure that was Ranma.”

Buffy stared at Willow. “How many people did you kill?”

“None, I killed 4356 Nazis after setting up wards to make sure that no one would stay in the building that wasn’t a nutcase.”

Buffy coughed in disbelief. “What?!”

“Nazis aren’t people Buffy, they’re rabid animals.”

“We don’t kill people.”

“No, you don’t kill people,” Xander replied.

Dawn said, “No regrets here, she killed Hitler and a bunch of people that would have went on to kill every jew they could find.”

Buffy opened her mouth to argue then realized that she really couldn’t defend not dealing with the Nazi party before it became a huge problem especially if she’d tossed wards up to keep the innocent out. “Please tell me that you’re not going to go off the deep end and start killing entire swaths of the population over there?”

Willow shook her head. “I have a couple more names on my list but that was the core of the party, without them and without Hitler around the party should collapse.” She also didn’t want to bring too much attention to the changes, a few differences could be assumed but if they changed a bunch of things Albus was sure to notice and that would end badly for all concerned.

Buffy sighed. “Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?”

“We’re here, if we don’t fix it, we’re basically allowing it to happen. I’m not willing to allow millions of people to be put to death because a bunch of fanatics need a scapegoat.”

“No one is asking you to.” Dawn patted the couch between her and Xander. “I think you need a hug.”

Willow walked over and sat down and tried to ignore the memories of the screams as the explosion she’d caused swept through the party meeting hall. 

Buffy walked over and sat next to Dawn. She had a feeling it was going to take her a while to deal with the fact that her friend had a kill count in the thousands. 


Mist rubbed his nose as he looked at Umy’s various charts. “So you want me to start various banks, a power company, several hundred farms, build a weather machine to avoid the dust bowl and shake some sense into Wall Street?”

Umy nodded. “Yep. Oh, we should probably look at buying out a bunch of the railroads so that we can upgrade them into something more useable as time goes on.”

“That last one might be a problem but I can certainly start a couple of large gold backed banks on the west coast.”

Umy raised a white eyebrow. “You don’t like the East Coast do you?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, I just grew up on the West Coast.” Mist defended himself as he glanced down at the stage for a second before he pulled his attention back to Umy. “Helping the entire country is a huge job, helping a couple of states, slightly easier. Even with your plans, this is going to be a nightmare.”

“It would be worse if we don’t do anything,” Umy pointed out.

“I know. If nothing else I need a plan drawn up to convince people not to use various toxic chemicals so they don’t poison the environment.”

Umy tapped another stack of papers. “I already took care of it.”

“Do you have a plan for more magical enclaves?”

“Considering we have an infinite amount of the cloning potion thanks to the endless liquid enchant, I don’t see why we shouldn’t use it. The main bottleneck on that project is Noelle and Hermione making sure none of the adult or teenage clones she makes are evil or broken. Aisha and Selena are still copying people from various countries and we have them using inspiration potions to train up various random skills. Still, if everything goes well we’ll be creating a magical village every month for the rest of our stay. Are you still planning on leaving at the end of the year?”

“I’ll have to talk to the rest of the group, it might be better to leave and hit another jump then come back via the return door with magic that allows for mass creation of food and weather manipulation on a grand scale. As long as we don’t hit the Harry Potter jump, we should be okay.”

“That’s not a bad idea. I wouldn’t need half of this paper if you had the perk that makes sure problems stay fixed.”

“In that case, I’ll talk to the others about it.” Mist doubted anyone would mind taking a break and doing something else for a year or two and he really wanted his two flaws gone as sweating and getting lightheaded randomly sucked.

“Sounds good. I’ll keep working on this mess.” Umy had a couple of ideas that should help avoid the Great Depression but most of them required luck and being able to track people down which was proving harder than she’d like. “Picking up the ability to find people wouldn’t be a bad thing either.”

“I have a couple of ways to take care of that.” Mist smiled as he stood up and opened a door to his warehouse so he could relax by the pool and chat with people about their plans.


Mist blinked as he found himself back in the black stone room with the rest of the group. “Thanks for waiting until after breakfast to grab us.”

Genie snickered at Mist. “No problem.”

Faith asked, “How did we do?”

“I’m actually a little surprised that you avoided the American ministry of magic tossing you in a deep dark pit or something equally as drastic.”

“We weren’t doing anything that bad,” Mist defended himself.

“Just copying people and creating entire towns filled with powerful magic users that will grow up learning science, magic and be disinclined to acquiesce to the ministries various requests. Oh, and that’s before we get to you making an entire tribe of giants more intelligent and able to shrink, use magic and fly, need I go on?”

Mist shrugged. “Not really.”

Dawn asked, “Where are we going next?”

“I want to hit Unholy Heights for the ability to make things stronger by combining them. I also want to hit Black Dynamite or rather I probably should hit it for the perk that makes sure things stay fixed once I fix them.”

Albus spoke up, “That would be useful. I can think of more than a couple of times I got something through the courts only for them to flip flop a couple of months later.”

Buffy asked, “What’s the difference?”

Genie said, “The Unholy Heights jump was based off a mini game where people would come and attack an apartment because monsters lived there. Basically, you’ll be running an apartment for a year. The Black Dynamite jump is basically a parody about a black guy in a twisted version of the 70s that goes after the mob. Nothing says that you can’t just ignore the plot though.”

Mist looked at Genie. “Can you bring them both up? I’d like to try to figure out which one to take first.”

Genie gestured at the wall and brought both jumps up on the wall.



Seth Brown

Where are the first 2 chapters to be found?