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"You're lucky that Bugs isn't around," Xander pointed out as he watched the skeleton drop yet another conjured rabbit into the well.

"I'd appreciate it if you avoided saying the names of eldritch abominations or cartoon characters that might decide to pay us a visit," Myst complained as he conjured another rabbit over the well, causing the fluffy white bunny to drop and vanish into the mist.

"Do you honestly think saying his name is going to summon him?" Xander asked.

"It wouldn't be the first time I've run into fictional characters since I got dropped in another world," Myst replied as he dropped another rabbit into the well.

"Good point," Xander admitted as he studied the mist in the well. "I don't think it's working."

"I might have given the slimes too much food," Myst admitted as he climbed up on the edge of the well.

"At least the mist seems contained," Xander pointed out.

"Just as well," Myst replied and dropped into the tunnel. He sighed when he realized that he couldn't see shit because of the density of the mist and couldn't sense anything with his mana sight because of the magic in the mist. "This isn't going to-" He blinked when he caught a flash of red and ended up next to his crystal in the other cave. "Yeah, that's annoying," he muttered as he pulled up his combat log. 'Eaten by Red Slime Beast's devour?'

"Yes!" Myst squealed as he flew towards the exit, curious what type of abilities the variant slime would have and hoping they were impressive. 'Did one of the slimes evolve or did I just miss it when I was making a bunch of them?'

'Does it matter? They're basically an endless source of corrupted mist stones as long as I toss them food and I can always have undead minions haul water from the other well,' Myst mused as he flew out of the well by the workshop and headed toward the well that Xander was standing next to. 'If they can't reproduce, they'll eventually die out, especially if I keep tossing rabbits down there. If they can, they're probably too stupid to climb the ladders, probably.'

"Let me guess, something ate you?" Xander asked with amusement when he saw Myst fly over in his ghost form.

"Yeah, some type of red slime beast," Myst replied with amusement as he flew over to the well and looked down at the annoyingly thick mist. He focused on the slime beasts that should be down in the mist and used his possession ability and sighed when nothing happened. "Unfortunately, I don't think I can possess something if I can't see it."

"Or it left," Xander offered.

"Or it left," Myst agreed as he cast his conjure rabbit spell, dropping a rabbit into the well, causing the mist to thin for a brief second before he heard crunching noises. "This would be easier if we had a spell for summoning objects, I'd just summon the stones or the slime."

"You need a crystal ball," Xander suggested.

"Not the worst idea," Myst admitted as he conjured a rabbit on the well's ledge. "Stay," he ordered the rabbit then conjured another rabbit on the ledge next to the other rabbit.

"How many rabbits are you going to make?" Xander asked.

"At least five," Myst replied as he conjured another rabbit.

"Hoping that dropping them all in will let you spot the slime beast?" Xander asked as Myst conjured two more rabbits.

"Yep," Myst agreed as he mentally ordered the rabbits to jump and conjured a sixth rabbit over the well. He gleefully possessed the red slime beast when he caught sight of it splattering a rabbit thanks to the temporary reduction in the thickness of the mist as the rabbits mutated. He pulled up the slime beast's sheet. 'Immunity to acid, disease, cold and poison. Twenty points of magic, thirty strength, twenty five agility and forty points of vitality. I'll have to do something about the weakness to fire and the acidic coating but it has some nice abilities.'

Myst made his way over to the source of magic that was slightly brighter than the surrounding fog now that he had a chance to actually take a minute to get used to the fog. He put the mist stone in his storage then did the same for the other five stones that were scattered around the tunnel. He flew out of the dungeon to let Xander know that it would take him a while to collect the mist stones that should be scattered around the tunnels and blinked when he got a notice on his HUD informing him that all of the monsters were dead and that the dungeon was in the process of being purified. "What the fuck?!"

"What's up?" Xander asked.

"I just got a note telling me that all of the monsters are dead…" Myst trailed off as a blast of green light erupted out of the well and an almost overpowering scent of mint washed over the area. He frowned when another note informed him that the dungeon had been cleansed and the mist stones repurposed. "And the dungeon is clean. There should have been over a hundred slimes down there."

"Considering the blue slime could eat the green slimes, the red ones might have the same ability," Xander pointed out.

"Which would explain where the rest of the slimes went," Myst grumbled, slightly annoyed that he'd lost what should have been a fantastic source of mist stones. 'Ah well, I can always dump the red slime in the walled section after Vivian makes some twins if I want more stones.'

Xander smiled as he looked in the well and saw a channel filled with crystal clear water that was illuminated by something on the wall he couldn't see. "At least we have a decent source of water."

"Assuming I can keep the gremlins from tossing things in the wells," Myst muttered, knowing the gremlins had a tendency to wreck everything they touched. 'At least the mage already grabbed the alchemy equipment where the basilisk was.'

"You could always talk to Willow and Tara about warding the wells," Xander suggested.

"Worth a shot," Myst agreed as he opened his enchanting menu and selected the magic transformation enchantment. "How lucky are you feeling?"

"Why?" Xander asked.

"Because I want someone else to blame when the corrupted stones of doom I'm using to enchant a bracelet turns you into a mutated rat," Myst replied as he pulled a bracelet out of his storage and dropped it into the item box.

"All things considered, life probably owes me a right hook," Xander replied with amusement, knowing that he'd had a decent amount of luck lately.

"That's the spirit," Myst replied with amusement as he tossed the rest of the mist stones in his storage into the material box and flipped the sex flag to set the transformation to male. He pushed the slider up on the transformation's magic stat the most he could push it before things grayed out and hit the button. He let the system guide his motions until he'd finished enchanting the bracelet then stared at the results. "Weird."

"What's up?" Xander asked.

"The bracelet is tied to a DLC shop," Myst complained as he tossed the bracelet to Xander.

"Seriously?" Xander asked as he caught the bracelet, wondering if Myst was messing with him.

"Apparently. It also gives you thirty points in your physical stats and thirty five in your magic stat in addition to the usual boost to your ability to jump," Myst explained, wondering what the alternate form looked like.

Xander slipped the bracelet on his left wrist and focused on a shop or a menu, a touch surprised when a graphical interface appeared in front of him. "Huh, I was expecting some type of prank," he admitted as he looked through the various options.

"I don't blame you, it's weird. Anything useful?" Myst asked, wondering if it was worth bothering with.

"Yeah, it looks like I can swap between alternate forms and costumes, as long as I unlock them with gold coins," Xander replied. "Everything looks cosmetic so it's not exactly pay to win but it has a couple of animal forms that would be useful so I'll probably have to invest some gold into it once I figure out a decent way to make money."

"How much did you make off the cows?" Myst asked, wondering if he'd found any interesting magical items.

"Enough to buy a couple of costumes and forms but I'm going to wait to buy anything until you've reverse engineered the bracelet," Xander said as he 'bought' a free pair of basic cutoff shorts to replace the pink tutu his transformation started with. "There's something weird about starting a male transformation with a skirt."

"It's almost like someone wants you to spend gold," Myst replied dryly as he pulled a couple of intelligence boosting apples out of his storage and devoured them, causing his head to briefly swell before it shifted back to normal, leaving the slime reasonably intelligent.

Xander laughed. "Now you're just being sarcastic."

"I'm aware," Myst replied as he turned away from Xander and ate one of the magic bananas, causing his host to change into a male surfer. He quickly tossed his shorts into his storage so they wouldn't melt or get lost in the transformation. He pulled the magic transformation ring out of his storage and slipped it on, transforming into a mutated human with a large crab claw on his other hand.

"Any luck?" Xander asked.

Myst glanced at his character sheet. "Not yet, I lost my Cold Immunity and picked up Paralysis Immunity which is nice but not what I need." He dropped the transformation and took the ring off then put it back on and tried again. "Freeze vision? Not exactly the holy grail of powers but I'll take it considering it replaced the acid."

"Could be worse, you could have a skunk spray or something," Xander joked.

"I'd make a new ring," Myst grumbled as he pulled a cream pumpkin out of his storage. He ripped open the top of the pumpkin and pulled the seeds out then devoured the rest, changing into a white kitten with black rings around his tail. He put the seeds in his storage then glanced at his character portrait. "At least my host is cute."

"You're a kitten, what were you expecting?" Xander asked with amusement.

"That's fair." Myst glanced at his mana pool. "Can borrow your bracelet for a second, I want to get a scan now that I have the mana."

"Sure," Xander replied as he took the bracelet off and handed it to the kitten.

Myst dropped the bracelet into his enchanting box, hit the button to non-destructively reverse engineer it and paid the fifty mana, picking up a pattern for a transformation item that was linked to a DLC shop. "Two thousand mana and I have to pay for everything past twenty points? That's probably worth it, at least this way I don't have to care about the starting costumes, I just have to figure out how to make a bunch of monsters you can hunt for gold."

"You could always build another dairy," Xander suggested.

"It's on the list," Myst replied as he dropped the bracelet on the ground as his paws weren't particularly good at holding things. "I just need to wait until the curse breaks so I don't have to worry about it burning down if someone drops a torch. Speaking of breaking curses, do you think I can talk Willow or Tara into breaking a couple of curses at the school?"

Xander reached down and picked up the bracelet then slipped it back on his wrist. "I'd ask Tara, Willow's magic is still a bit unpredictable, just don't tell her I said that."

"No real point, a couple of weeks at the school and the system should fix most of her control issues or the constant practice will, especially if we let her attune herself to the rabbit statue near the tree so she'll have plenty of mana," Myst explained as he started walking towards the bridge.

"Hopefully. What do you need de-cursed?" Xander asked as he followed Myst.

"The showers are cursed to randomly turn ice cold in the locker room and the infirmary is cursed so that anyone they train to be a nurse goes insane," Myst complained as he flew after Xander.

Xander winced. "I can see why you want the curse broken."

"I'm hoping the next school ends up less of a clusterfuck," Myst admitted as he opened his school menu and started assigning the twins that Vivian was creating to classes so he could summon another teacher without risking their lives.

"Do you have an actual plan?" Xander asked with amusement.

"Not really, I need to actually sit down and draw things out. Ideally, I'd make every classroom a combination of the specialty classrooms I've unlocked and a nudist classroom for a large training boost," he explained as they reached the twisting bridge.

"Makes sense," Xander agreed. "I would have paid more attention in school if all of the girls were naked."

Myst laughed. "No you wouldn't."

"True," Xander admitted, knowing he would have been extremely distracted. "Though I probably would have done better or at least put in more effort if it had resulted in some of the more attractive teachers stripping if we did excellent on a test."

"That I believe," Myst replied. "The only real problem with making a second school is that I don't think it will protect the students from being sacrificed if the other school summons a teacher which means I need to grab more teachers before I start the school."

"Nothing wrong with picking up a decent number of teachers before you make the second school beyond the fact that you're killing the poor 'innocent' gremlins and skeletons that you'll be sacrificing but is there a reason you can't just make enough classrooms in the cursed school to take everyone in case you need more teachers in the future? Or you just march everyone through a portal that you don't want to risk and go back to sacrificing gremlins," Xander pointed out.

Myst sighed as he realized he'd missed something obvious. "I'd want to run some tests on a group that I don't care about but walking everyone through a portal might be a decent solution, especially if the portal is closed."

"How many extra schools are you planning on making?" Xander asked.

"I don't know," Myst admitted. "Turning a school into an academy lets me upgrade a couple of rooms which means that building a couple of schools and turning them into academies might be the way to go, especially if I can figure out how to get something like the Frozen Soul Bedroom of Sin for the other elements."

"Bedroom of Sin?" Xander asked as they stepped onto the main platform.

"It basically lets the teacher invite students to their room for personal training and sex, the students have a chance to increase their cold affinity and cold resistance and they get experience in a random magical skill that the teacher has," Myst explained as they headed for the inn.

"That's sketchy as hell," Xander pointed out.

"It's an invitation, they don't have to take it," Myst assured him. "I know it's sketchy as hell because things might go wrong but this isn't America, I can straight up murder the teachers if they're causing trouble and we have a System, I can see their mental issues and I'm not going to put any of the teachers that are sadists into one of the Bedrooms of Sin."

"That's actually a good point," Xander admitted.

"I just need the chewing gum and duct tape to hold things together until I have the teachers trained up and their mental issues sorted out," Myst said as he finished assigning the new twins to classrooms and pushed the button to summon another teacher.

"How long do you have until the curse breaks?" Xander asked as he walked over to the door to the inn and opened it.

"About thirty minutes…" Myst trailed off as he walked into the inn and looked around a large group of naked girls scattered around the room in various compromising positions on the chairs and tables. He glanced at the broken wooden chair that had been set against the wall then focused on the blue haired teenager that was riding around on the shoulders of a naked minotaur girl. "Having fun Vivian?"

Xander walked in and stopped when he noticed Willow or one of her twins sprawled on one of the tables being tongue fucked by Dawn or one of her twins while a naked Tara and a naked twin or more likely her twins played with Willow's breasts. 'Probably Danielle or Maple, even with the transformation I can't see Willow doing that in public.'

"Yes!" Vivian squealed as she jumped off the minotaur's shoulders then spanked the girl's ass and tossed her a pink lemon from her bag. "Eat that, I'll be back in just a minute to make your twin."

"Sure," the minotaur replied and ate the lemon, causing her to shrink a couple of inches and change into a busty red haired girl without horns, leaving her at just over six feet in height.

Myst glanced over at where he could see Mat and Egwene kissing, though it could have been one of her twins, it was a bit hard to tell since the other two girls that looked like Egwene were kissing Perrin and Rand while grinding against them. 'They weren't joking about the transformation changing people. Screw it, they're having fun, I'm not going to judge.'

Vivian focused on Myst and turned him into a cat boy. "That should do it."

"Thanks," Myst replied as he glanced at the video of the teacher that was being summoned as a young woman with long blonde hair appeared in the middle of the summoning circle in the video playing on his HUD. He pulled up the new teacher's sheet. 'Ms. Vanessa Slickspeak, graduated from Miskatonic University with a degree in Magical Law and minors in American Law, Teaching, and Tentacle Wrangling. Tentacle Wrangling? Not sure I want to know what that involves considering the school. She's a gifted teacher, with a flare for teaching and magical contracts. Forty points of magic, with an arcane specialty, nice. She has a habit of spanking troublesome students which has a tendency to improve student morale?'

Xander pulled his attention off Willow's table when Tara walked out of the kitchen holding a bowl of ice cream completely naked. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, I have ice cream and a show," Tara replied with a grin as she watched Vivian toss a cowboy hat onto the ex-minotaur's head, causing magic to swirl around her.

"That's the spirit," Xander replied with amusement. 'Willow is a lucky girl.'

Myst assigned the teacher to a classroom and pushed the button to summon another teacher then opened the gremlin workshop and queued up another thirty gremlins. "I should probably upgrade…" he trailed off as a group of laughing magic girls from Emond's Field went tumbling when the table they were abusing collapsed under them, "the furniture."

"Sorry!" one of the girls called out as she helped her friends up.

"Don't worry about it, I needed to replace the tables anyway," Myst told the group of sheepish naked girls.

"The entire inn needs an upgrade," Vivian said, thinking about the horrible carpet in most of the rooms. She created a twin for the 'ex-minotaur' then stole the hat back. "Fuck her silly then come back and I'll make another one."

"Thank you!" the girl said as she picked up her twin, tossed her over her shoulder and headed for the hallway, mostly because there just weren't enough free tables.

Vivian smiled as she created a twin of Myst's host. "Have fun and come back when you're done."

Myst smiled at the naked white haired catgirl. "Hi."

"Hi," the catgirl replied cheerfully as she jumped into Myst's arms. "Fuck me like an animal on the Discovery channel!"

"As you wish," Myst replied as he walked off with the crazy cat girl, deciding to worry about the school and everything later.

Xander shook his head then activated his magic transformation, causing a cloud of hearts made out of glitter to swirl around him before falling to the ground and exploding, sending the glitter everywhere and leaving him wearing a pair of cutoff jeans. "I'll take a twin."

Vivian created a twin of Xander and smiled when the attractive and busty dark haired girl promptly grabbed Xander's hand and hauled him over to Willow's table.

"I need help fucking Xander, can I get some volunteers?" Alexis asked with a smirk.

"Yes!" Thea and Sunny called out as they rushed out of the kitchen there they'd been 'stealing' ice cream while Dawn stopped tongue fucking Willow so she could say, "Hell yeah!"

"To the batcave!" Alexis said cheerfully as she picked Xander up and tossed him over her shoulder then headed for the hallway as Dawn and her siblings got up and followed.

'I love my job!' Vivian thought as she bounced over to make a second twin of the other minotaur, figuring she had a couple of minutes before the next group arrived from Emond's Field.


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