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Myst blinked when he suddenly found himself next to his dungeon crystal. "What the fuck?" he complained as he opened his combat log. 'Marvin: Firebolt one hundred and seven damage.' He pulled up his minion list and rang a search for any Marvins as he slipped past the basilisk and headed for the exit to the cave. 'Yeah, I don't remember that being a common name in the Two Rivers, which means something weird is going on.'

He set the gremlins without magic on alert and told them to start wandering around the main platform, fairly sure that would flush out the adventurer that killed his host. He scowled when he got a notice that his forge was under attack, promptly followed by a notice that his skeleton blacksmith was dead. "Seriously?"

He scowled as he flew faster through the tunnel, wanting to get back above ground so he could start screaming at people. He scowled when the adventurers started damaging his smelter and killing his miners. "Fuck!" he cursed when he noticed his supplies of metal were decreasing. He quickly opened his school menu and the infirmary menu and spent a hundred units of Celestial Bronze to upgrade the Nurses, wanting to make sure he didn't lose everything.

He burst out of the well and screamed in rage when he saw an unfamiliar man in platemail lifting an axe to chop down his tree near the inn. "Hey!"

"Kill it!" the knight called out, sounding almost bored.

"Die!" the dark haired man dressed in glowing rune covered robes shouted cheerfully as he gestured and tossed a firebolt at Myst.

"No," Myst replied as he dodged the firebolt then used his possession ability on the fighter. He turned and shouted at the mage, "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Banish him!" Marvin shouted without missing a beat.

Myst pulled one of the cursed carrots out of his storage and quickly ate the carrot, rather happy that one of the command options was eating things since it made the process faster and he doubted he had that long before the man in robes finished casting his spell. He smirked when the man's exquisite, enchanted and probably ruinously expensive armor transformed into a bunny girl outfit complete with bunny ears, leaving him looking more than a little silly.

Myst quickly pulled the outfit off using the character sheet and stuffed it in his Enchanting Box then jumped out of the fighter, leaving the banishment spell to harmlessly wash over the man. He jumped into the mage then did the same thing with another carrot. He tossed the costume into his storage and cast a firebolt at the other caster as they were casting their banishment spell. He jumped out of the mage a second before another banishment spell hit, fairly sure he didn't want to get banished as he might end up back at his crystal which would leave the assholes free to continue murder hoboing. "Why the fuck are you in my city?!"

"The Church has placed a bounty on you for using Necromancy!" the cleric replied then started casting another spell.

"Where the fuck is my stuff?!" the mage demanded.

"Safe, how the fuck did you…" Myst trailed off as he turned to look around for other signs of damage or trouble and spotted an old fashioned sailing ship floating next to the platform with the towers like it was sitting in water. "Great, you're fucking pirates."

"We're adventurers!" the fighter snapped as he swung his axe through Myst, annoyed because it wasn't doing anything useful.

"What the hell is going on?" Xander asked as she ran out of the inn with her lightsaber activated, having transformed when he'd heard the shouts.

"They're murder hobos!" Myst complained as someone tossed a dagger through his head from behind him.

"Just burn the place to the ground!" the fighter called as he swung his axe at the tree.

Myst possessed the fighter and tossed the magical axe into his inventory then sprinted for the edge of the platform as he shouted, "Leeroy Jenkins!"

The mage tossed a fireball at Xander as Dawn came out of the inn with Mat. "Death to the necromancers!"

Mat opened a portal in front of the fireball and behind the mage without missing a beat, having practiced the skill for dealing with channelers after an unfortunate trip across the ocean with a portal and watching a battle where a couple of channelers tore an army apart with magic.

The cleric flinched and lost his banishment spell when he saw Marvin hit the ground, resembling nothing so much as a steaming cooked side of pork from his own spell and started casting a healing spell to save him, trusting in Ralph's trinkets if he was tossed off the ledge.

Myst tore the fighter's necklace and rings off and stuffed them in his storage then jumped off the edge of the platform. He stabbed the fighter's fingers into his eyes as an extra fuck you and jumped out of his body. 'Fuck that hurts!' he complained as he flew back up to the platform, wishing his possession ability didn't magnify the pain he suffered.

Mat scowled as one of the rogue's daggers bounced off his dress then opened a portal under the rogue who promptly stepped on air and jumped clear. "Nice trick."

Xander dodged a firebolt and cut the mage in half before he could cast another spell then drove her blade through the mage's head to make sure he stayed dead as he'd tried to kill Dawn without a second thought.

"Fuck this shit, I'm out," Victor called out as he dashed back towards the ship, deciding that he'd leave with the magical metal he'd already stolen since he wasn't sure how to kill the ghost and the girl had some type of energy blade that cut through flesh like a hot knife through butter.

Myst used possession on the priest and scowled as he bounced, feeling like he'd hit a wall of bricks face first. "Summon the marbles of doom!"

"What the hell?" Buffy asked as she charged out of the inn and saw the scene.

"Murder hobos!" Xander called out.

"I'm not a murderer, slut!" the cleric called out, less than happy that he had to deal with harlots and necromancers.

Myst laughed as several gremlins conjured marbles under the rogue's feet, causing him to slip and fall off the edge. He sighed as the rogue managed to grab the edge of the platform and flip himself back up in a feat of agility and strength that should have been nearly impossible but was probably just a Tuesday for the rogue.

"Going to take more than-" whatever else the rogue had been planning on saying was cut off when Xander shouted, "For Sparta!" as she blurred forward and kicked the mage off the platform, sending him flying.

"My wards are-" the cleric cut off when the Skeleton Mage's firebolt burned a fist sized hole through his head.

"I hate clerics," the skeleton mage complained as he walked over.

"You realize he had loot, right?" Myst asked as he walked over to watch the rogue fall towards the ocean.

"He also had skills," Xander replied with a shrug. "What happened?"

"No clue, I was heading to the inn to talk to people and someone sniped my host then killed my smith and started looting. The warrior was going to cut down the tree, probably for resources or because he was an asshole so I possessed him and stole his armor. Then I did the same with the mage which is when you came out."

"You're not supposed to kill people," Buffy told Xander as she walked over to where she was standing.

"You're just mad that he got to him first," Dawn teased.

"That's not it," Buffy lied unconvincingly, a bit annoyed that she hadn't gotten to fight the fighter or even the cleric. "There are rules."

"They tried to kill Dawn," Xander pointed out as the skeleton mage walked over to loot the cleric.

"And the rule is that if they try and kill someone I care about they die," Buffy replied.

Myst pulled open his building menu and dumped the mana he'd just received from the adventurers dying into expanding the platform that the gremlins were on, glad that he'd already spent all of his mana before he'd gotten taken out by a cheap shot.

"Dibs on the ship," Xander said thoughtfully.

Buffy shook her head. "You can't just call dibs."

"Why not?" Xander asked then sighed when Buffy turned and sprinted towards the ship with a manic grin on her face. "Cheater!" she called out as she chased her, wishing she hadn't already used her dash ability as it took a minute to recharge.

Dawn glanced at Mat. "Portal?"

"Portal," Mat agreed as she opened a portal to the deck behind where she could see the man dressed in bright and flowing clothes. She reached through the portal and punched the man in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. She stepped through the portal and started looting the pirate.

"There's no way the ship will fit through the portal," Buffy pointed out when she got to the ship and realized that Mat was already onboard.

"I'm sure we can figure something out," Mat replied, hoping they could figure out how to enchant their own ship since flying around in a ship sounded fun. "Do you want to help me search the ship?"

"Hell yeah," Buffy replied as she jumped onto the ship.

"What happened?" Egwene asked as she walked out of the inn with Rand and Thea.

"Thieves with a flying ship," Myst said as he turned to look at the busty girl with long dark hair with reasonably pale skin and the tall pale skinned red haired girl in a revealing outfit.

"It makes me glad we don't have too much trouble with thieves, just the occasional bonehead from Taren Ferry looking to steal sheep," Egwene complained.

Thea smiled as she looked at the flying ship. "Just look on the bright side, we have a ship to study."

"True," Myst agreed with a smile, glad that the attack had reminded him to work on his defenses before they'd run into something worse. "Now that I'm not trying to get a bunch of things accomplished before a curse breaks that occasionally results in interesting things, what brings you to the city?" he asked as he pulled up his minion list and assigned Julia Frankenstein to study the ship.

Egwene focused on the ghost. "I was curious about the flying city and Dawn suggested that the system might answer some questions about one of my abilities."

"Which ability, if I can ask?" Myst asked, curious how well things lined up with the books.

"Dream walking," Egwene replied, wondering if he knew about the ability.

"You're going to want a teacher, the World of Dreams is dangerous from what I understand," Myst warned her.

"Do you have any teachers?" Egwene asked hopefully.

"Not for Dream Walking, but I have a couple of ideas of where to look for an instructor," Myst assured her as he opened his school menu, concentrated on the open portal and pushed the button to use the ritual that sacrificed fifty townsfolk to create a teacher after checking to make sure everyone with magic was assigned to a classroom. "How much did the system tell you about your channeling talents?"

"It gave me a list and a vague description which is more than I had for most of them," Egwene admitted.

"It's nice to have numbers for my mana pool, I don't like drawing on the source," Rand complained, thinking of the sick feeling he always got if he pulled energy in rather than letting his magic recharge. "Do you have any way to increase our mana pools?"

"I can think of a couple. How much mana do you have?" Myst asked, trying to figure out how well their channeling abilities combined with their magic girl abilities.

"Currently? One hundred, when I'm not transformed? Nothing," Rand admitted. "Our ability to channel the source doesn't seem to influence how much mana we have though the transformation unlocks the ability if we have it."

"One hundred, your transformation gives you twenty magic, doesn't it?" Myst asked thoughtfully as he glanced at the video playing on his HUD, seeing a busty young woman with shockingly bright yellow hair tumble out of a portal wearing a pearl necklace and a short red dress that barely covered everything it needed to, holding a saxophone. 'Music teacher?'

"Yes," Rand replied, having tested it by changing back and forth. "Does that mean your pool is always one to five?"

"You can have more but five mana per point seems to be the minimum," Myst replied. "Vivian has a method that can expand your mana pool by two hundred points but it involves sex."

"Who do I have to have sex with?" Egwene asked without hesitation.

"Seriously?" Myst blurted out when he pulled up the name of his new teacher. 'Lisa Simpson?'

"We're immune to disease or at least everything we've run into and I've spent the last seven years around magic girls that like showing their bodies off. I'm not all that modest at the best of times and I'm transformed, so I'd happily have sex with someone halfway reasonable to triple my mana pool," Egwene admitted.

"What do we have to do?" Rand asked, not seeing a problem with having sex to boost her mana pool.

"I'll talk to Vivian, she can explain the details," Myst replied as he sent Vivian a message with the minion system to head to the inn when she got a chance. He looked over Lisa's sheet. 'Genius, not a surprise, basic teaching also not a surprise and she picks the male with the lowest scores in the class, calls them Bart and starts playing mind games, causing the unfortunate Bart to either improve or pick up a derangement. Insane and useful, yep.'

"Do you have any gear that can boost our magic?" Rand asked hopefully.

"Not currently, let me check the magic user's gear," Myst replied as he paid the mana to non-destructively test the bunny suit he'd created from the fighter's gear, wanting to get that out of the way first. "Speaking of enchanted gear, have you had a lot of issues with hallucinations or mood swings?"

"I'm not mad if that's what you're asking," Rand assured them, "Nyneave came up with a way to deal with the taint that doesn't involve blasting everyone with a purification spell, though we still hit every male channeler with one every month to make sure no one goes insane."

"Good to know and yes that's what I was worried about," Myst admitted, relieved that he didn't have to worry about a bunch of insane magic users pouring through his portal and destroying his city.

"We have it under control," Egwene assured him.

Myst nodded and focused on the description of the strange enchantment when the progress bar finished filling. 'One hundred mana for the enchantment, probably because of the force field that protects the face against gas attacks and the ability to run twice as fast for half the effort that probably came from his boots. Five mana per point of armor and ten per point of strength, agility and vitality. I'll have to stack a magic boosting enchantment on top but that shouldn't be too hard,' he mused as he swapped the outfit with the other bunny girl outfit and hit the button to non-destructively reverse engineer the bunny girl outfit he'd created from the mage's gear.

Thea pulled her attention off the ship and focused on Myst. "Did you get anything useful?"

"I was reverse engineering the bunny suit I turned the fighter's gear into, thirty points of strength, twenty agility and forty vitality, it also had over a hundred points of armor and lets you run twice as fast for half the effort."

"Can I borrow that until I can get a proper magic girl device?" Thea asked.

"Sure." Myst waited until the progress bar finished then pulled the bunny girl outfit out of his storage and tossed it to Thea.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Thea replied as she opened her character sheet and dropped the sheer bunny girl outfit onto her character doll, replacing her underwear. "Now I just need a halfway decent weapon."

"I'm sure we can figure something out," Myst replied as he checked the new enchantment. "Damn, I might have to wear a bunny suit. It gives ten points of strength and agility and twenty five vitality, in addition to forty magic. It also reduces elemental damage by half, gives five points of mana regeneration a minute and lets you run twice as fast for half the effort. I'm guessing the boots were cheap or a common drop from one of the dungeons."

"Or it's just a really nice enchantment," Thea replied with a shrug. "Being able to outrun the monsters trying to eat you probably helps if you're an adventurer."

"Probably," Myst agreed as Vivian stepped off the bridge and started walking in their direction. "I'd need a hundred mana per point of magic for that enchantment and I'd have to put it on a body slot item, that's going to take a bit before I have enough mana to make it worth using."

"It was worth a try," Rand replied with a shrug.

"Give me a couple of days to work on boosting my magic and I'll see what I can do," Myst offered as Vivian walked over. "Egwene and Rand are looking for ways to increase their mana, are you up to helping them make a couple of twins?"

Vivian smiled as she glanced between the attractive girls. "Absolutely, follow me, we need to talk to a witch about borrowing her transformation item." She turned to look at Myst. "Actually, do you have enough magic boosting stones to give them a bunch of affinities yet?"

"Not yet," Myst replied as he pulled up his minion list and sorted it by intelligence and behavior, figuring he'd get rid of the worst gremlins first. "Give me twenty minutes, I can probably scrape together enough magic boosting crystals to make it worth it."

"That works," Vivian replied as she continued walking towards the inn, looking forward to taking her time with the attractive girls. "Let's go."

Rand glanced at Egwene then followed the naked blue haired girl into the inn.

Myst smiled as he watched Egwene follow Rand into the inn with a spring in her steps. 'Is this what Egwene is like without any of the responsibility or stress when she's getting regular sex or does her transformation make her more bubbly? Either way, it's a nice change from being overly serious and having something to prove.'

Myst pulled up his school menu as he headed towards the school and started the process of sacrificing ten skeletons and mostly useless gremlins to create a magic user. 'Worry about the changes later,' he told himself as he headed towards the school to start extracting magic so that Egwene and Rand's twins would have more magic.



Flying pirates just to ruin your day and try to destroy your school because of some far off church lol sounds like a game I would like to play

Mist of Shadows

They really don't like necromancy or sin... or anything fun. And yes, flying adventures is amusing.