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"You're a cheating bastard," Vicky complained as Uber cut her off in the racing game they were playing.

"I'm a villain, what did you expect?" Uber asked with amusement.

"Pretty sure you just suck," Noelle argued as she had her character swerve to the left, hit the brakes then swerve back to the right, forcing Leet's character off the road and into the ravine. She twisted the joysticks just the right way to spin the car so it was facing the bump on the edge of the road and hit the button for the afterburner, sending her car flying over the ledge and across the ravine.

"Cheating bitch," Leet complained with a grin. "How the hell did you do that?"

"Practice," Noelle replied smugly as she moved both joysticks to twist the car as it landed then hit the afterburner key, pulling her car out of the spin it should have been in and cutting off a third of the track with her trick and leaving the rest of the group in the dust.

"That's fucking bullshit!" Leet groaned when he noticed Noelle's position on the map had changed. "The game has been out for a week."

"It's not my fault that you can't race worth a damn," Noelle replied, not seeing a point in mentioning that she'd spent a hell of a lot of time on this particular map when the game first came out back home.

Amy walked into the room and stopped when she saw her sister sitting with a number of masked people that she was fairly sure were villains. "Having fun?" she asked as she walked over and sat down next to Vicky and Taylor.

Vicky laughed as she side swiped Regent when he wasn't paying attention, causing them both to crash into a support beam and explode. "The controls are a bit temperamental and cars need shields but it's actually nice that you can't respawn."

"Until you crash on the second turn," Taylor complained sarcastically, not actually all that worried about the game as she was just chilling and trying not to micromanage her duplicates.

Amy opened her mouth to ask why Vicky was hanging out with villains when she saw Taylor stiffen and blush for no apparent reason. She took a seat next to her. “What’s up?” she asked quietly.

“My clones are less inhibited than I am,” Taylor whispered, as the memories of what her clone had been doing with Madison, who really liked being spanked and told she was a bad girl, ran through her head. “I need new panties,” she muttered, wishing she had a power for that.

“Huh, I wonder what my clones would get up to if left in a room alone?” Amy asked herself before blushing.


"There should be rules against this," Taylor complained good naturedly as she watched Xander use a marker to draw runes on the underside of the hood of his 1957 Chevy.

"Magic is more of an art than a science," Xander replied as he finished drawing the last rune and used the Enchanting ability Taylor had given him to empower the runes with the power of regeneration. "The Laguz rune symbolizes the power of renewal which is basically what we're looking for."

"Wasn't that supposed to be for nature?" Taylor asked as she watched some of the dents and corrosion vanish as the engine regenerated before her eyes, slowly repairing itself before their eyes.

"It worked," Xander replied, making a mental note to look up more runes now that he had an actual use for them.

"How long do you think it's going to take to repair the car?" Taylor asked, surprised that he'd managed to enchant the car with regeneration on his first try.

"Considering how fast the dents are vanishing, maybe ten to twenty minutes?" he guessed. "I'll probably leave the runes on the car until morning to make sure everything is repaired then wipe them off before the car comes alive."

"Probably for the best," she agreed, fairly sure he was joking about the car coming to life but could understand not wanting to risk it considering he lived near a portal to a hell dimension. "Do you have a destination in mind for the rest of your trip?"

"Not particularly," Xander admitted. "It was more about getting out of Sunnydale than it was about the destination and I've already wasted most of the summer. I'm sort of missing my friends but I don't really want to go back and find a job either."

"Have you considered stripping on a long term basis?" she asked, only half joking, as she’d learned about the events that led to him being up on stage shortly before her arrival.

"Even if I was willing to sell the remaining scraps of my dignity, the old ladies have wandering hands," Xander complained. "Besides, I'd probably have to drive an hour each way to find a club and strippers work nights which would make it hard to help the gang with the vampires."

"Have you considered rolling vampires and demons for cash?" Taylor asked thoughtfully.

"They're…" Xander trailed off as he realized that his new powers would make rolling vampires a viable way to make extra cash. "That's probably worth looking into now that I don't have to worry as much about them killing me."

"Can I ask a weird question?" Taylor asked hesitantly, feeling a bit embarrassed about bringing up personal stuff with a stranger.

"Go for it," Xander replied as he shut the hood, not seeing a point in advertising to anyone that walked by that something strange was going on with the engine.

"Is it weird that I think my backstabbing bitch of an ex-friend looks hot in the shower?" Taylor blurted out before she could change her mind.

"That depends, what does she look like?" Xander asked thoughtfully.

Taylor glanced around the parking lot to make sure no one was watching then created a foot tall illusion of Emma in the shower in the front seat so that no one would notice it. "Like that," she said, pointing at the illusion in the front seat.

Xander turned to look at where she was pointing and stared at the naked soap covered redhead that was running a washrag up her leg. "All things considered, that's a perfectly reasonable response."

Taylor sighed. "You're just saying that because you're a guy."

"Probably," Xander admitted with a smile.

"The bitch tried to kill me and she's still hot," Taylor complained as she let the image vanish.

"Relax, you can't control who you're attracted to, just what you do about it. It took me a couple of years to get over the fact that I was attracted to a friend of mine."

"How did you manage that?" Taylor asked.

"I didn't," Xander admitted. "She used me as a stripper pole to make someone jealous and fucked a corpse, the attraction just sort of died when I realized I didn't need that level of crazy."

Taylor stared at Xander in disgust and disbelief. "Fucked a corpse?"

"Technically, he's a vampire with a soul so he's a well preserved corpse but he's dead so yeah, he's basically a corpse that's walking around," Xander argued.

"That's…" Taylor trailed off, not sure what to say.

"Fucked up? Yeah, welcome to the club," Xander told her. "Let's grab some food and I'll tell you about Sunnydale and the crazy girls I know."

"Sure," Taylor replied, relieved to realize that she wasn't the only person with issues and really glad hers hadn’t made her descend into corpse fucking.


Danny almost missed a step when he heard a familiar and impossible voice coming from inside the house. "Great, I'm losing it…" he trailed off as the door opened and he saw Annette standing at the doorway with a smile on her face.

"Perfect timing," Annette said cheerfully as he practically teleported up the last couple of steps and pulled her into a hug, "I made lasagna."

"Annette…" Danny trailed off as he saw another Annette sitting on the couch with Emma Barnes and two Taylors, one of which looked like his daughter from before her recent 'growth spurt'. "What's going on?"

"Not it!" the duplicate Taylor sitting on the couch exclaimed and dismissed herself, giving Taylor all of her memories and causing her clothes to drop on the couch.

Taylor blushed when she got the memory of watching the other Taylor have sex with Emma and her clone while they waited for her mother's clone to wish her alternate's parents a personal goodbye. 'Yeah, I wouldn't want to explain that either,' she admitted as she stepped into the house, closed the door and pulled her parents into a hug. "I sent a couple of duplicates jumping through portals to see if they could find a version of Mom that would let me clone her."

"You're a clone?" Danny asked, hoping that meant that she was going to stay.

"She's not, I am," the Annette sitting on the couch replied, glad that Danny was taking things as well as he was. "Feel free to call me Rose."

"I lost my Danny and Taylor a couple of years ago in an ABB attack on the DWA. When Taylor showed up and explained things, I decided to jump worlds," Annette explained.

"What about teaching?" Danny asked in concern as he took a step back and let go so he could see her face.

"I don't have anything keeping me there," Annette replied with a shrug, knowing it would be easy for Taylor to grab everything important if Danny let her stay. "I took a year off to concentrate on writing and working out my frustrations with the gangs. I make more selling books than I did working for the college and I can do that anywhere."

Danny glanced between the Taylor sitting on the couch and Emma. "Why is Emma here?"

"I'm a clone. Taylor wasn't going to leave her mother without support and I wanted to make sure someone kept my girlfriend sane, she occasionally needs someone to swat her ass with a newspaper when she comes up with insane ideas," Emma explained.

Danny raised his eyebrows. "Insane ideas?"

"I'm a tinker," Taylor replied as if that explained everything. "Don't worry, my Emma never lost her marbles and stabbed me in the back."

"Yeah, I'm going to slap the shit out of my alternate," Emma complained, thinking about the shit that she'd put Taylor through.

"You're a clone rather than a duplicate?" Danny asked the other Taylor.

"Congrats you have twins," Taylor offered as she walked out of the kitchen. "The lasagna is on the table."

"Are you…" Danny trailed off as the other Taylor vanished, causing her BDUs to drop to the floor. "Guess not."

Taylor blinked a couple of times as she mentally reviewed the new memories, including the rather long conversation she'd had with her mother's alternate about the entire mess with Emma and the books that she'd written. "Let's grab some food then we can figure out how we're supposed to get Annette and Rose some identification."

"Food sounds good," Danny agreed as he headed towards the kitchen, looking forward to trading stories.


"Just give it a try, for science," Taylor urged, curious if his magic affinity would improve the mystic armor spell.

Xander pulled his attention away from the naked Taylor shaped elf that was sprawled on the hotel bed next to Taylor. "Never let it be said that I let my dignity stand in the way of science."

'That's the spirit,' Taylor thought as Xander cast the spell, conjuring a black silk loincloth that covered his equipment without conjuring any type of top. "Huh, there's probably a gender based flag somewhere in the script for the spell."

"Or I didn't want to end up with a bikini top," Xander replied as he looked over his shoulder at his behind, a touch surprised at how well the loincloth actually covered his ass. "I could almost go clubbing in this."

"You wouldn't get any objections from me," Taylor replied with a smile as she studied his muscles in case she had to shape change someone into a hunk.

"Can you spin around?" the elven Taylor asked hopefully.

Xander laughed as he turned around so that Taylor could check out his behind. "I'm going to miss you."

Taylor pulled her gaze off his ass and focused on his face as he finished spinning around. "I have clones and a portal, I can always come for a visit."

"I wouldn't object," Xander assured her. "This has been the best part of the trip, hands down."

"Same," Taylor agreed, rather happy with the trip and with Xander's stories. "Speaking of costumes and fun, did you want a set of magical power armor?"

"I'm not sure I have enough trunk space," Xander admitted. "Can I fit it in the back seat?"

"Probably but the spell is a bit random so there's a chance that we get something on the large size," Taylor admitted.

The elven Taylor snickered. "Like his other equipment."

Taylor playfully swatted the elf's behind. "Be nice."

"I'm nice, I only bite if someone asks," the elf replied cheerfully.

Taylor sighed. "It's probably just as well that we can't chain create duplicates without jumping through some hoops, they'd probably end up completely crazy."

"Nothing wrong with blowing off steam now and then," Xander told her, knowing she needed the stress relief.

"We could always stick it in the front seat and you can have a creepy passenger," the elven Taylor teased.

Xander laughed. "That sounds like a good way to cause a wreck."

"Point," the elf admitted as she turned to look at Taylor. "You should give him a copy of my Dimensional Limbo power, it basically gives you a pocket dimension that you can store things in and magically organize."

"That would be awesome," Xander agreed, fairly sure the power would let him make bags of holding for the girls.

"Oh, right," Taylor replied she gave Xander a copy of the Dimensional power, feeling it sink in on the first try. "That should do it, did you want to try the power armor?"

"Hell yeah," Xander replied, looking forward to seeing Willow's reaction to having actual power armor.

Taylor used her Magic Creation ability to give Xander the Body Armor ability, which conjured a black suit of power armor that reminded her of Darth Vader's suit minus the stupid helmet and the ventilator. She tried two more times before ending up with a permanent suit of black and red power armor that looked like a repainted version of Ironman's basic armor. "That should do it."

"Nice," Xander replied as he looked at the various icons on his suit's HUD. "It has a built-in targeting feature…" he trailed off as a box appeared around Taylor on his HUD. "Oops."

"Did you just activate the targeting system?" Taylor asked, suddenly glad that she'd already given Xander supernatural durability and that the surrounding rooms were vacant.

"I'm suddenly a bit nervous about my deposit," Xander admitted, wanting to avoid saying yes or something that would cause the targeting system to fire.

"Flip the switch for your new power and think about storing your armor," Taylor suggested.

Xander concentrated on his armor and flipped the new mental switch, causing his power armor to vanish and appear in his mental inventory. "I could get used to having my own personal inventory."

"Same," Taylor agreed.

"I'm going to have to test things in the desert," Xander mused, looking forward to testing his armor and his new flight ability somewhere he didn't have to worry about crashing into things.

"Do you want me to teleport us there?" Taylor asked, curious how much of a boost the armor gave him.

"Let's see, I could stay here with two adorable ladies or I could test unknown and possibly dangerous power armor in a desert, decisions, decisions," Xander teased.

"We might as well enjoy the bed while we have it, you paid for it," the elven Taylor suggested, looking forward to having more sex before they left.

"Especially since the regeneration runes are probably still working on repairing the car and the manager seemed a bit cranky," Taylor added, rather interested in learning how Xander did that thing with his tongue.

"You make a good point," Xander replied as he flopped down on the bed next to Taylor.


Danny glanced at the clock on the microwave then focused on Annette and Rose. "Now that we've eaten and traded some stories, do you have any suggestions for how we're supposed to get everyone social security numbers without resorting to something that leaves us open to blackmail?"

"I might have some contacts from college that can put me into contact with some people that can make fake IDs," Annette admitted.

"Assuming they're still alive and willing to help," Rose added.

"They were still in business two years ago," Annette replied, thinking about the false ID that she'd torched after buying a couple of rifles and a lot of ammo.

"Emma had a contact that worked for the DMV." Taylor turned to look at Emma. "Do you think you could bribe their alternate?"

Emma shook her head. "I doubt it, you saved his life and I basically called in the favor when we needed a couple of IDs for your minions."

Taylor shook her head. "Even if you had halfway valid IDs, eventually someone is going to recognize you wandering around town and call the PRT. Not to mention, Emma is going to want to see her family at some point or at least her mother and sister."

"Eventually," Emma agreed, not sure how to feel about her alternate's family since they should have noticed that the local Emma had lost her fucking marbles and hadn't.

"What are you thinking?" Rose asked.

Taylor smiled at her mom. "I think we should tell the PRT a version of the truth."

"What's that?" Danny asked, recognizing the mischievous smile on his daughter's face.

Taylor created an image of a suave looking man in a black tux that resembled a young Sean Connery. "I'd like to introduce Hax Travel, he's a mover with the ability to open portals to alternate dimensions."

"So you're basically going to blame everything on someone that doesn't exist?" Annette asked.

Taylor shrugged. "It's either that or an alternate Leet."

"They probably have a standard form for Leet causing trouble," Danny mused, figuring it would be easier.

"How long do you think they'd stick us in quarantine?" Emma asked, fairly sure the PRT wouldn't toss them in prison over jumping dimensions as long as they didn't go to Earth Aleph.

Taylor thought about what she knew about the PRT from the last couple of years of dealing with them. "I doubt they'd keep us more than two weeks, probably only a couple of hours if they can get Panacea to check to make sure we're not contagious, especially if there's a gang war going on to distract them."

"It wouldn't take much," Annette mused, thinking about the time that Lung had gone on a rampage because 'someone' had shot Oni Lee in the ass with a rifle from range. ‘Can’t believe my scope was that far out of alignment.’



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