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The brief tour of the castle left Myst feeling oddly disappointed and old, disappointed because none of the students felt excited or inspired and old because the only overt display of magic he'd seen that was part of the castle were the moving staircases that screamed safety violation.

Somehow, by intention or years of practice, the teachers had managed to reduce what should have been fantastic and extraordinary to something strangely mundane for all that the students were learning to bend reality and make physics cry. 'What's the point of having magic if you can't use it or enjoy it?'

'What do you expect? They've been hiding magic for hundreds of years, they're basically raised to be cowards,' Dawn replied as they followed Hermione and Rose into the great hall.

'Sounds like a good reason to steal Rose and Hermione and leave,' Zara suggested as she looked at the staff table. 'Is there a reason the old man is looking at us?'

Myst turned to look at the white haired wizard with a long beard, not sure what to make of his rather bright robes that reminded him of a Hawaiian shirt. Of course, all thoughts about the man's outfit were abandoned when he realized the old man was looking directly at him or at least the group. 'Pretty sure he can see us.'

'Glasses?' Dawn asked as she floated to the right a couple of feet.

'Let me check,' Myst replied as he checked Dumbledore's glasses with his upgrade ability, a touch surprised that they were barely enchanted. 'Nope, they're just charmed to perfectly match his prescription and to resist shattering or being summoned by anyone but him,' he explained as he floated a yard to the left, causing Dumbledore to track him with his eyes, dashing his hopes that it was just a coincidence.

'We should probably make an entrance,' Dawn suggested, figuring it would be better to appear on their own terms than have their magic dispelled.

'Or we could just leave and come back later,' Myst argued as he focused on Hagrid and pulled up his skill copying ability, curious if he could copy the half giant's magic resistance without getting something he didn't want, like his size or if he'd have to play with the coffin that split things in half until he got something useful. 'Magic resistance, enhanced durability, large frame, height, tracking, magical creature breeding.'

'I have a crazy idea, can you make a skill book with Weasley's Wizard Wheezes printed on it?' Dawn asked mischievously.

'Sure,' Myst replied as he quickly glanced over the rest of Hagrid's skills to see if there was anything he needed to copy. He created a popsicle stick skill book that would give him a copy of Hagrid's magic resistance then broke it, picking up a decent amount of magic resistance.

'Thanks, I have an idea,' Dawn replied as she changed into her 'hag' form, dropped her invisibility and clapped her hands, causing the staff and a decent percentage of the students facing the entrance to stare at her. "If I can have your attention," she announced in a voice that carried and caused the rest of the students to look at her.

Myst focused on Dawn's flight ability and created a glitter covered popsicle stick skill book that said, 'WEASLEY’S WIZARD WHEEZES' on the side in red and gold glitter.

Dawn smiled at the teachers then looked at Fred and George. "I've been asked by a pair of twins that shall remain nameless to sell a limited supply of pixie dust covered sticks that will allow people to fly."

"Weasleys!" McGonagall complained, glaring at the twins that were doing a passively good job of looking innocent. "You can't just invite people into the castle!"

"We didn't," Fred told her, giving his twin a look. "Right?"

"Nope," George replied, curious how the girl was flying without a broom.

Myst grinned as he handed Dawn the stick which appeared the second it left his hand, keeping part of his attention on the twins and the rest on Dumbledore and Snape, knowing they'd be the most likely to cause trouble.

Dawn glanced down at the popsicle stick and almost started laughing when she realized Myst had hit the right note. 'Thanks, can you make a handful?' she asked Myst hopefully.

'Working on it,' Myst replied as he started creating more skill books, curious how the twins would roll with the prank.

Dawn smiled at the dark haired and stern looking witch that was most likely McGonagall. "Like I said, a pair of twins that shall remain nameless thought everyone was a bit depressed and invited me to sell the ability to fly without a broom."

Snape glanced at Rose, slightly surprised that she obviously recognized the girl that was floating in the middle of the great hall. He almost smirked when she gave him a nod. "Fifty points from Gryffindor!" he announced when McGonagall pulled her wand.

"We had nothing to do with this…" Fred trailed off when Dawn tossed him the glitter covered popsicle stick that looked like something advertising their shop.

Lee laughed. "Right."

"I'll admit this looks rather suspicious," Fred admitted, causing half of Gryffindor to laugh.

"You don't say," George offered, fairly sure they were being pranked but curious how she'd pulled off her ability to fly and if they could duplicate it.

McGonagall turned her attention back to Dawn. "How are you flying?"

"Magic!" Dawn replied with amusement. "If you want to fly, just break the stick."

McGonagall spun to look at Fred. "Don't…" she trailed off when Fred broke the stick, releasing a wave of magic. "What was that?"

"Try to keep up, it's magic!" Dawn announced as Myst handed her a small handful of glitter covered popsicle sticks.

"Excellent show, modified levitation charm?" Flitwick asked as he watched Fred fly around, seemingly under his own power.

"If I told you, someone would steal the secret," Fred told his Charms professor, not remotely sure how the girl had pulled it off but willing to play along with the prank if it gave him a chance to find out.

Dawn smiled as she tossed sticks to Katie, George, Rose, Hermione and Alicia on her way to the staff table. "My most humble and sincere apologies for arriving unannounced and without permission," she dropped the last two skill books in front of Flitwick, "I had assumed that the anonymous twins had taken care of the details."

"It happens," Dumbledore offered, playing along with the girl's prank, if only because she didn't seem particularly malicious and he was curious how she was flying, why she was blue and how she'd turned invisible without a shimmer. "Perhaps you'd like to accompany me to my office after dinner so we can deal with the paperwork?"

"If it will make amends," Dawn replied and used her ring to turn invisible, knowing Dumbledore would still be able to see her or at least sense her location. She smiled as she flew back over to where Myst was floating, taking more than a bit of pleasure from seeing the annoyed look on McGonagall's face, if only because she hadn't dealt with Umbridge.

'You're insane, you know that right?' Myst asked Dawn with amusement as Dumbledore stood up.

'I'm aware,' Dawn replied with a grin, glad that things hadn't turned into a fight in the middle of the great hall.

"If I can have everyone's attention," Dumbledore said, his voice managing to cut through the excited chatter as people watched Fred and George flying around. "As much as I value a good prank and show, I would like to remind people that flight is a form of magic and that magic is forbidden during meals and in the hallways for everyone's safety."

"In other words, sit down," Snape ordered dryly, curious where the blue skinned girl had picked up the spell that gave people the ability to fly and how she'd anchored it to the popsicle sticks.

Flitwick pulled his wand out and started casting diagnostic spells on the popsicle sticks sitting on the table, curious how they worked.

Myst smiled as he started making skill books of all of the professors' skills, figuring he might as well do something productive while he waited for Dumbledore to finish his dinner.


Minerva followed Severus into Albus' office. "I can't believe they invited strangers into the castle for a publicity stunt."

"What makes you think the Weasleys twins are actually guilty?" Severus asked, carefully not looking directly at the invisible people that were glancing around Albus' office with amusement.

Minerva stared at Severus. "Are you actually defending the Weasley twins?"

"I'm merely pointing out that your logic is flawed, just because they're troublemakers, doesn't mean they're guilty of everything," Severus argued. "Of course, if you want to know the truth, you could always ask the girl."

"Where's the fun in that?" Dawn asked then turned visible, causing McGonagall to frown. "To answer the question, we were summoned to deal with Umbridge and to give people magical powers, we accomplished both objectives."

"We just forgot that Ablus is a cheating cheater," Myst added as he slowly turned visible.

"It comes with age," Albus offered, not offended in the slightest as the magical powerhouse in the form of a child was obviously amused.

"Deal with Umbridge?" Minerva asked warily.

Myst gave Minerva a less than impressed look. "Apparently, some people actually object when teachers torture their students, go figure."

Albus sighed when he glanced over to check one of the devices on his desk and realized it was spinning which meant he was going to need a new defense teacher. "Where did you learn the spell that lets people fly and how long does it last?"

Myst shook his head. "It's not a spell. I have the ability to create one use magical trinkets that permanently bestow skills or abilities when you use them, the ability to fly should pass down their bloodlines."

"You're an outsider, aren't you?" Snape asked warily, thinking about some of the dark rituals he'd read about over the years for summoning demons and the pages filled with warnings about why summoning demons wasn't a good idea even if you were a sadistic bastard.

"Demons?" McGonagall asked, shocked that someone would be stupid enough to risk summoning them.

"Fawkes wouldn't be sitting on his perch if they were demons," Albus pointed out before Minerva said something she'd regret, causing the phoenix to nod in agreement. "Demons aren't the only things you can summon from other dimensions."

"Not even the most annoying," Zara grumbled, thinking about some of the weird stuff she'd seen in Dalaran.

"If it makes you feel better, we have no intention of causing harm to our summoner or anyone else in the castle," Myst offered, trying to reassure them.

"What about Umbridge?" Minerva asked.

Myst turned his head to look at Minerva. "Considering she's no longer in the castle, my previous statement is true."

Minerva scowled as she thought about the ministry task force that was going to be tossing their weight around and questioning people until they got the 'answers' they wanted. "The ministry is going to send aurors when they realize she's missing."

"I fail to see how that is my problem," Myst replied with a shrug. "I'm going to ask Severus a quick question then I'm going to give Albus a heads up about one of Riddle's horcruxes and leave so I can collect my payment for a job well done."

"What's your question?" Severus asked, wondering how he knew Voldemort's birth name.

"Is your dark mark fading?" Myst asked, curious if he'd managed to kill Voldemort with the upgrade trick or if he needed to hunt the soulless monster down.

"Why would his mark be fading?" Severus asked as he pulled his sleeve up to check.

Myst sighed in relief when he checked Snape's dark mark with his upgrade ability and realized that Voldemort was dead or at least severely weakened to the point where the magic in the mark was broken, something that hadn't happened when he'd been reduced to a spirit. "You shouldn't leave chunks of your soul lying around where people can find them, especially if you're an asshole."

Albus glanced between the three strangers. "One would assume that splitting your soul in the first place is a terrible idea."

"You'd think," Dawn muttered. 'I'd rather have a soul stone.'

'It's certainly less damaging to your soul,' Zara agreed, rather happy that telepathy let them talk without people hearing.

"Speaking of horcruxes, the resurrection stone should be in a cursed box under the Gaunt family shack," Myst told him.

"What makes you think Tom had it?" Albus asked, a touch surprised that the strangers had just volunteered the information.

"This isn't the first time I've run into a version of your world or at least a version with Voldemort. The Gaunts had ties to the Peverells, so did the Potters through a different brother. One stone, one cloak and one wand," Myst explained.

"You expect us to believe that you know where the Deathly Hallows are or that they exist?" McGonagall asked in disbelief.

"The invisibility cloak is in Rose's bag, Albus acquired the wand after his duel with Grindleward and the stone is set in the Gaunt family ring. Voldemort never realized what it was so he turned the ring into a horcrux and buried it like an idiot," Myst replied with a shrug.

"How do you know that?" Severus asked.

"Like I said, this isn't the first version of your world I've seen," Myst replied. "It's entirely possible that the ring isn't under the shack but it's worth checking, same thing with Ravenclaw's diadem in the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor across from the portrait of the dancing troll. Either way, I suggest wearing a pair of dragonhide gloves if you try to find it, mostly because it's cursed with a withering curse and a curse that makes you want to put it on."

"Who did you make a deal with?" McGonagall asked, wanting to make sure they were safe.

"None of your business," Myst replied as he gestured and opened a portal back to the tower.

"I'm the deputy headmistress," McGonagall argued as she stepped in front of the portal.

"If you're not going to protect the students or send letters home to their parents about the abusive ministry official, I don't see where you have the right to claim that you're acting in their best interest but how the school is run is none of my business. I was called here to solve a problem, I solved the problem. Now move, we're leaving."

"How did you kill Voldemort?" Snape asked. "You would have needed access to a piece of his soul, I doubt he would have left two soul anchors in the school, which means they had access to a piece of his soul or you went looking. Potter summoned you, didn't she?"

"What makes you think it was Potter?" Dawn asked, wishing she could read Snape's mind without letting him know she was digging.

Severus smiled at Dawn. "She seemed to recognize you in the great hall and her scar had a piece of Voldemort's soul in it."

"You also followed her and Miss Granger into the great hall," Albus pointed out.

"Interesting guess, you'll have to forgive us if we don't confirm anything," Zara said cheerfully, then void teleported through the portal with Myst and Dawn.

Myst smiled as he let the portal snap shut, preventing McGonagall from cursing them, arguing until they gave up or hitting them with stunners. "We should probably collect Rose and Hermione before the adults check Umbridge's former office."

"Probably, we left a bit of a mess," Zara admitted, fairly sure Rose and Hermione would be better off learning magic in the tower until the investigation died down.


Myst looked up from his computer screen when he heard a knock on the doorframe of the dorm he was using and smiled at the naked girl with a towel around her hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic, no nightmares, no headaches or pain and I don't have to put up with a bunch of insane teachers," Rose replied with a smile as she walked over and sat down in the other chair.

"Any regrets?" Myst asked, doing his best not to stare.

"About showing off or making the deal? Not in the slightest, I've done worse for less," Rose admitted, thinking of some of the times she'd stripped for some of Dudley's friends for money and because she wanted to show off.

Myst pulled his attention away from her breasts. "I meant about Umbridge."

"No regrets," Rose admitted. "Am I crazy for wanting to stay?"

"In the tower? Not really," Myst assured her. "I wouldn't want to have to put up with the fame or the Slytherins or people wanting to fuck me for all the wrong reasons."

"Like the fact that you can hand out powers like candy?" Rose asked, thinking about some of the stuff Egwene had said about the Aes Sedai.

"It's crossed my mind," Myst admitted. "I've been trying to avoid that entire situation by trading for shows and it helps that I'm a telepath."

Rose sighed as she thought about the number of times being a telepath like the comics would have helped her figure out who her real friends were. "How much for telepathy?"

"On the one hand, I probably still owe you and Hermione for the show last night, on the other, I'll admit that I'm curious about your life," Myst admitted, remembering the show that Rose and Hermione had put on for the group.

"What do you want to know?" Rose asked, not sure where to start.

"What are you willing to share?" Myst asked, curious about her life with the Dursleys since he doubted it was a straight mirror of Harry's life from what little she'd said about it.

"I grew up with the Dursleys, wearing the worst clothes they could find that didn't scream abuse victim. I didn't understand why they called me a freak or why they hated me until I got my Hogwarts letter but I took the freak label to heart and decided to own it," Rose replied with a smirk as she spread her legs, giving him a nice look at her pussy.

Myst glanced down at Rose's crotch, fairly sure he shouldn't be looking but unable to look away as she slowly stuck her index finger in her mouth. "Oh?"

Rose smiled as she pulled her finger out and brought it down to her pussy. "I figured if everyone was going to pick on me for my clothes, I might as well give them a reason and my babysitter let me watch the Addams Family reruns at her house, so I had a lot of ideas."

Myst laughed as he pictured the dark haired girl freaking a bunch of stuck up girls out by using lines from the old show. "Sounds amusing, favorite character?"

"Lurch or Thing," Rose mused, liking each of them for different reasons. "You?"

"Wednesday, she had just the right amount of sadism without being stupid like Pugsley," Myst explained.

"I was always hoping she'd kill Pugsley but he reminded me of Dudley so that's probably understandable," Rose admitted as she worked her finger in and out.

"How much of ass was he?" Myst asked, trying not to get distracted by the show.

"He mostly left me alone, at least until the summer after first year. Someone gave the little shit a dirty mag in his boarding school or he nicked it. Either way, he was a bit girl crazy when he got back."

"Is this where we get out the jumper cables?" Myst asked, wondering if they needed to pay the Dursleys a visit.

Rose shook her head. "I can see why you like Wednesday, but no, he never touched me. He just wanted to see me naked and managed to convince Aunt Petunia while she was drunk that I should be running around without underwear in the house."

"How the hell did he manage that?" Myst asked, fairly sure the Dursleys needed a one way ticket to hell.

"He promised that he'd get better marks, amusingly he's actually one of the better students now," Rose replied.

"That's fucked up," Myst replied, not sure if he was talking about the Dursleys, himself for watching or Rose's ability to play with herself while recalling the shit the Dursleys had put her through.

"Welcome to my life," Rose replied as she reached up and ran the fingers of her left hand over her right breast as she continued to fuck herself with her finger. "Thankfully, none of the Dursleys are remotely to my taste or I'd have probably been more screwed up, I like stripping."

"Everyone needs a hobby," Myst replied. "What was Hogwarts like?"

"Meeting Hermione on the train was the best part of Hogwarts until I got my father's invisibility cloak for Christmas, we had a bit too much fun exploring the school after that." Rose scowled as she recalled Quirrell's stutter. "It was also the start of the evil defense teacher trend, five years straight."

"Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin because he's a werewolf, Crouch impersonating Moody and then Umbridge?" Myst asked, wanting to make sure they were on the same page.

"Yep, at least I managed to steal the fake Philosopher's stone in first year which almost made up for having to deal with the stupid chess set," Rose complained, thinking about the giant chess pieces they'd ended up knocking over to win. "Third year an escaped lunatic showed up at Hogwarts to complicate things, mostly because he was actually innocent. Fourth year had a cursed goblet and a tournament filled with death traps. This year was mostly spent trying to deal with Umbridge."

"Sounds like you need a vacation," Myst suggested.

"I'm looking forward to it," Rose replied as she closed her eyes and sped up the movement of her hand, rather turned on by having someone watch her.



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