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Cersei Lannister stalked into her brother's room, intent on tormenting him or at least ruining whatever project he was working on that caused him to rush to the library. She froze when she saw the mostly naked purple skinned woman sitting on the cripple's desk holding a crystal bottle, the contents of which were shifting through colors faster than she could name them. "What is going on? Is that magic?"

Zara smiled at Cersei. "Lord Tyrion went to look something up in the library, he wanted to double check the results of the potion before he drinks it."

"Drinks it?" Cersei asked, wondering what she was talking about.

"The potion is known as the Elixir of Nymph's Tears because it increases your appearance enough that nymphs weep with envy," Zara lied with a smile, knowing the spoiled rotten noble would only hear what she wanted to.

"How much did he offer you?" Cersei demanded, wondering where Tyrion had found enough gold to bribe an actual witch.

Zara skimmed Cersei's mind and tossed out a number that sounded high to the seventeen year old spoiled bitch but vaguely reasonable. "Fifty gold."

"If it can turn Tyrion into something more than a cripple, it would turn me into the most beautiful princess in the realm, wouldn't it?" Cersei asked, wondering if she was opposed to making a better deal.

"Beyond compare," Zara agreed with a smile as if she was imagining the results. "Of course, the ingredients are hard to acquire and this vial is already spoken for."

Cersei shook her head, bringing attention to her golden locks of hair. "He's seven, I doubt he could actually come up with fifty gold if his life depended on it but I'm sure we could come to an arrangement."

'Sex? Not a chance, you crazy bitch,' Zara thought as she skimmed Cersei's thoughts, not particularly impressed with the girl or her overinflated estimate of her value as a whore. She let her smile change into a frown, as if she'd just realized that she might not get paid. "He was most persuasive and assured me that his family was good for the gold."

"I assure you, he can't get the gold," Cersei said as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "Of course, I can make it worth your while," she said as she pushed her chest out, knowing that it usually let her get her way.

'You really need to visit a whorehouse or take some lessons, you're not nearly as amusing or enticing as you seem to think,' Zara thought as she trailed Cersei's body with her eyes. "On the other hand, your dress alone might be worth it, take it off," she suggested, not seeing a point in drawing things out, especially since she didn't know how long Tyrion would be in the library.

Cersei smiled as she started removing the dress, not seeing a problem with trading it for something that would improve her already amazing appearance as she'd already worn the dress to a couple of parties and she needed something new.

'At least she's hot,' Zara mused as she watched the attractive girl strip, rather glad that she didn't have to bankroll the spoiled bitch as the dress was on the expensive side, even if it wasn't close to fifty gold. 'I'm probably doing Tywin a favor, he won't have to listen to her shit anymore.'

"You're getting a deal," Cersei assured her, planning on telling her father that one of the servants stole the dress if he noticed it was missing.

'That's one way to get people dead or whipped,' Zara thought, doing her best to keep a smile on her face, something that was easier as she knew exactly what was in the potion. She smiled as she reached over to the bowl of buttery popcorn and conjured a handful of popcorn while Cersei was distracted with her dress, wanting nothing to do with the actual popcorn in the container.

Cersei looked at the strange white treat the girl was eating with a smile. "What are you eating?"

"It's a desert, Tyrion was nice enough to acquire it," Zara replied with a smile, knowing how she felt about her brother. "It's expensive from what he told me so he doesn't get to have it often," she lied as she watched the naked noble set the dress on the back of Tyrion's chair.

Cersei smiled as she grabbed a handful of the popcorn, figuring the more they ate the less Tyrion would have and the unhappier he'd be.

'Gotcha, bitch,' Zara thought as she watched her change, going from a naked and quite attractive, albeit spoiled noble with golden hair and blue eyes to a pale skinned busty crimson haired girl with her face painted like a jester. 'Could be worse, I don't see any wings or horns and the extra couple of inches isn't hurting things.'

"Give me the potion!" Cersei demanded, her eyes glowing with blue flames as her anger got the best of her.

"A deal is a deal," Zara assured the insane demon as she handed her the glowing potion, not particularly surprised that her arguably questionable grasp of reality and sanity were already fracturing.

Cersei popped the cork and drained the potion then froze as she felt the magic wash over her.

Zara smiled as her telepathy let her 'watch' the disguised house elf potion erase everything that made the spoiled bitch Cersei Lannister. "Sorry, not sorry," she muttered as she used the identification power that Myst had given her and checked Cersei's collection of powers as she waited for the potion to finish working. 'Supernatural flexibility, low grade regeneration and supernatural strength, a bottomless stomach, a decent talent for illusion magic and a small amount of pyrokinesis, not a bad collection.'

"Who am I?" the demon asked nervously.

"Jack," Zara replied as she stuck the container of demonic popcorn back in her inventory, not seeing a reason to risk turning the servants into demons. She hopped off of the desk, picked up Cersei's dress and stuffed it in her inventory. "I summoned you to be my pet jester."

"Why can't I remember anything?" Jack asked as she looked around the vaguely familiar room, not sure why she knew where things were since she'd never actually been there as far as she knew.

"Because you were just born, there's nothing to remember," Zara replied as she checked Jack's flaws with her identification ability. 'Endless hunger, cannibalistic tendencies towards clowns, demonic or otherwise, exhibitionist tendencies and heightened emotions. 'In other words, you're one bad day away from going on a rampage and you're going to want to eat any clown you run into.'

"Is that why I'm hungry?" Jack asked thoughtfully as she poked at her breasts.

"Probably," Zara replied as she pulled one of the sapphire demon traps out of her inventory. "I can sense someone coming, I need you to jump into the sapphire," she lied as she activated the gem.

"How do I…" Jack trailed off as she felt a pull and found herself turning to a blue mist and flowing into the sapphire.

"Hopefully Myst can fix some of her flaws," Zara muttered as she studied the demon prison that could give people a magic girl form. 'Supernatural flexibility, regeneration and supernatural strength, a bottomless stomach, a decent talent for illusion magic, a small amount of pyrokinesis along with the ability to jump buildings and a decent mana pool for the low price of a decrease in modesty and picking up some exhibitionist tendencies.'

'Dawn was right about the gems working better if they had a demon trapped in them,' Zara told Myst and Dawn via telepathy as she turned invisible and left Tyrion's room.

'Yes!' Dawn replied, happy that her theory was proven correct about the abilities depending on the demon imprisoned in the gem.

'Where did you find a demon?' Myst asked as he watched his gacha wheels spin, suddenly glad that Taylor had decided to take a tour of the tower before picking up a magic girl form.

'I tricked Cersei Lannister into eating some of the demonic popcorn then gave her a house elf potion to erase her memories and personality,' Zara explained.

Myst used his telekinesis to catch the fist sized chunk of crystal that dropped from his trinket wheel. 'I thought you were dealing with the Lannister army?' he asked as he checked the crystal with his upgrade ability.

'It's a process and her disappearance will distract Tywin and Jamie which should make it easier to cause their army to self-destruct,' Zara replied. 'Besides, I was a bit too blatant, I had to drop the septon disguise when a couple of people connected the dots and realized that the wandering septon that was cheating them out of their hard earned pay and lecturing people about morality and vice, might have been responsible for fifty seven people killing themselves out of guilt and another seventy fights that resulted in some of the worst soldiers dead.'

'How did you manage that?' Dawn asked.

'A knife, a few stolen coin purses and mental suggestions to screw with people's memories and emotions. I also handed out a couple of hundred gold and stole the army's coffers, resulting in a dozen dead guards and several groups fleeing that should cause Tywin a decent amount of trouble. The fact that I dropped part of the gold and a couple of hundred deserters off with an actual group of wandering septons should muddy the water and result in Tywin creating something of a diplomatic incident with the Faith, especially since the face I was wearing matched one of the septons in the group,' Zara explained, rather proud of her efforts to screw with the Faith and destroy Tywin's ability to field a decent army for the foreseeable future.

'How much are you going to continue to push things?' Dawn asked.

Zara floated up and hugged the ceiling as a group of maids came around the corner. 'I have a list of the worst offenders that are still alive, it shouldn't be too hard to make sure they end up dead over the next couple of months or years. Just because we can't afford to rock the boat and officially put everyone on trial right now, doesn't mean we can't make sure the guilty are punished.'

'Speaking of guilt, was Cersei actually guilty of anything worth killing her over?' Myst asked, curious about her character in this version of the world.

'She nearly got Tyrion killed a few times and would have killed him if she could figure out a way to get away with it,' Zara replied as she continued flying down the hallway, not particularly impressed by the bitch.

'Good to know,' Myst replied as he put the crystal in his inventory, looking forward to playing with the enchantment that caused something to lock in place when the owner said a command phrase. 'What type of abilities did she pick up?'

'Supernatural flexibility, low end supernatural strength and regeneration, a talent that cuts the mana cost of illusion magic by 15% and makes it easier to chain illusion spells together, a bottomless stomach ability that basically means she can eat as much as she wants and won't put on excessive weight or get full. She also has a small amount of pyrokinesis which is basically enough to light moderately flammable things on fire,' Zara explained.

'Negatives?' Myst asked, curious about the downsides of the transformation.

'She'll always be hungry and we should keep her away from clowns, especially demonic ones because she'll want to eat them. She also picked up exhibitionist tendencies, which isn't exactly a bad thing in a demonic jester,' Zara offered as she slipped into Cersei's room.

'Xander would approve, he hates clowns,' Dawn offered as a ship in a bottle dropped from a gacha wheel.

Myst stuck his tongue out at Dawn, reasonably sure Xander wouldn't approve of eating clowns. 'How evil are the magic girls?' he asked, thinking about the original version of the gem.

'They're not,' Zara replied cheerfully. 'As far as I can tell the only downside you get is a decrease in modesty and exhibitionist tendencies, not exactly unusual for a magic girl or problematic considering your ability to hand out immunity to cold.'

'That was more useful than I was expecting,' Myst admitted as he stuck the bottle of a ship that would shatter and create a real pirate ship filled with pirates if you uncorked it into his inventory for future testing.

'Speaking of testing, do we want to start testing the popcorn on the Black Ajah or the people in the town in the Blight?' Zara asked, not seeing a problem with turning the idiots into demons that they could use to empower people or to pick up additional magic abilities via Myst's ability to copy abilities.

'I'd rather not hand a dark god a bunch of demonic minions,' Myst replied as his magic sex toy gacha dropped a silver buttplug with a glowing LED light on the end of it. He caught the toy and looked at it with his upgrade ability.

'Do I want to know what the glowing butt plug does?' Dawn asked with a touch of amusement as the light on the end swapped from green to purple.

'Beyond randomly swapping colors at random times, it's always clean, cleans everything it touches and removes waste and excess gas. It also purifies and absorbs excess magic, slowly increasing their maximum capacity and letting them use it as a battery when they need extra mana,' Myst explained, wondering if they could reverse engineer the mana boosting enchantment and stick it on something more reasonable.

'I'm not sure I'd want to wear it long term but I wouldn't mind avoiding using a latrine or some of the local outhouses,' Dawn admitted.

'Would that work on a Fade if we knocked them out and stuffed a feeding tube down their throats?' Zara asked excitedly.

'No idea,' Myst admitted, wondering if she'd just come up with a decent plan to kill a god with a sex toy. 'It's certainly worth testing,' he replied as he tossed the butt plug into the duplication coffin. He closed and opened the coffin a couple of times then pulled one of the plugs out and looked at the ways he could upgrade it.

'Save me a copy,' Zara said as she slipped into Cersei's room. 'The local outhouses leave something to be desired.'

'I'm aware,' Myst replied as he upgraded the amount of mana his test plug could store then upgraded the amount of mana that it could pull in and how well it purified the magic. "Do you want one?"

"Yes," Dawn replied, looking forward to being able to avoid the less than hygienic bathrooms she'd been dealing with since getting pulled into Westeros.

He tossed one of the butt plugs to Dawn then stuck the rest of the copies in his inventory. He dropped the 'upgraded' butt plug in the coffin and closed and opened the lid a few times, making thirty one copies. 'Do you want to capture some fades or should I ask Laurena?' he asked Zara, fairly sure grabbing a couple of fades while they looted the town wouldn't be all that hard.

'I'll deal with it,' Zara replied as she grabbed Cersei's coin purse off the table and headed for Cersei's closet where she'd stashed a larger coin purse that she didn't think anyone knew about. 'Laurena is collecting channelers from the tinker's world.'

'Do you want help?' Myst asked.

Zara shivered as her mind conjured up images of having to deal with a corrupted version of her friend. 'I'd rather take a couple of dozen blue girls, worst case we can hit them with remove curse or kill them, if you get corrupted, everyone loses.'

'I should be fine with the copy of Mat's medallion but you're right, going that close to the Pit of Doom is a risk,' Myst admitted, wishing he had better mental defenses that didn't rely on something that someone could rip off his chest if he wasn't paying attention.

'One that we're going to avoid,' Zara stated firmly as she grabbed Cersei's 'hidden' coin purse. 'Are you still in the lounge?'

'Yeah, I got tired of morally bankrupt Aes Sedai asking for more power,' Myst replied as he watched his magic mirror wheel slow down.

'I'll be there in a minute,' Zara replied then dropped the mental link as she glanced around the room, wondering if there was anything else that she'd want to take to confuse the issue of Cersei vanishing. 'Might as well check her jewelry.'


Myst used telekinesis to catch a silver framed mirror that dropped when the wheel stopped. He'd barely finished checking to make sure the fourteen by twenty seven inch mirror wasn't cursed before the mirror changed to show a naked teenage girl with wild black hair and a lightning bolt scar on her forehead who was sitting in some type of ritual circle in a stone snake themed chamber.

"Huh, it actually worked," Rose muttered as the mirror she was using as a ritual focus changed, showing a young man with black hair and blue eyes.

Myst scanned the girl in the mirror with his upgrade ability. 'Rose Lily Potter, blood protection, cursed scar, more magic than Harry and she's almost as smart as Hermione, nice.' He smiled at the girl from another world. "How can I help you?"

"I need help, my Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is trying to kill me," Rose complained.

"You'll have to narrow it down a bit," Myst admitted as Dawn turned invisible so she could walk over and look at the person in the mirror.

Rose sighed as she realized he had a point. "A Ministry of Magic toady managed to get the job despite having none of the requirements to actually teach and has it out for me."

"Ah, Umbridge?" Myst asked, wanting to make sure they were on the same page since he couldn't hear her thoughts.

"Dolores Jane Umbridge," Rose stated, not sure if he needed her full name to curse her.

"Is there a reason you can't use wandless magic to shove her down a set of stairs?" Myst asked thoughtfully.

Rose shook her head. "Beyond morals and ethics? The most I can get is about twenty pounds of pressure with wandless magic and truth serum is a thing. It's common knowledge that I can use telekinesis which means Fudge would make sure that I was dragged in front of the court, he did the same thing when I defended myself against the dementors."

"That's fair. Do you want her removed from Hogwarts, six feet in the ground or do you just want her to leave you alone?" Myst asked, wanting her to actually spell things out.

"I'd settle for either of the first two," Rose admitted. "How much?"

"What are you offering?" Myst asked, curious what she was offering.

"Gold, services that don't violate my ethics, magical books, supplies?" Rose offered, thinking about the objects that the book mentioned extra-dimensional creatures often wanted.

"I'm not particularly interested in gold, what type of services are you prepared to offer?" Myst asked with a smile. "Actually, scratch that, what type of ritual did you use to get in contact with me and what do you think I am?"

"I'm not sure," Rose admitted. "The ritual tosses the request to various extra-dimensional realms, you could be a demon or an angel or just a powerful magical being, the only requirement is that you have the ability and general willingness to help."

"You're willing to resort to demon summoning to deal with a teacher, are you nuts?" Myst asked, wondering about the girl's sanity.

"She's already banned me from practicing quidditch for life and has threatened to use some obscure law to marry me off to a pureblood to put me in my place," Rose complained.

"Lovely," Myst grumbled. "Is the headmaster Albus Dumbledore?"

"Yes," Rose admitted. "He's trying to follow the rules and keep everyone safe but she's a monster that likes blood quills and has the minister's support or blackmail on him," she complained as she showed the back of her hand which was covered in angry red lines.

"I must not tell lies," Myst muttered. "Tell you what, I'm willing to deal with Umbridge for free, call it a public service and the fact that I got to see you naked. Are you willing to make a deal for enough power to deal with the Death Eaters?"

"What do you want?" Rose asked.

"Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Myst asked with a smile.

"Girlfriend, I'm not selling her love for me or any of that bullshit," Rose stated firmly, thinking of some of the more idiotic comics she'd read about where the 'heroes' did something stupid.

Myst shook his head as Zara opened a portal near the wall. "Nah, I just want to watch you fuck her."

Rose stared at Myst for a couple of seconds then glanced off to the side where Hermione was giving her a nod, both of them having expected much worse. "Not out of the question, what are you offering?"

"How about an alternate magic girl or boy form, a large boost to your magic, permanent regeneration and the ability to fly without a broom? I'll even toss in a magical item that should deal with any dark magic you've picked up because of your cursed scar and a list of possible locations where you might be able to find Riddle's horcruxes," Myst offered as Zara walked out of the portal.

"What's the catch?" Hermione asked from outside of the ritual circle.

"No catch, none of the abilities or information cost me anything other than a bit of time and mana to hand out and Riddle annoys me. Rather than looking into transfiguration or alchemy, he decided to carve up his soul in a dark ritual to avoid death. Not to mention the whole bit about using death curses when there's a prophecy involved. Who in their right mind uses a death curse when a simple brick would have worked nicely?" Myst asked with annoyance.

"Most wizards don't bother using common sense," Rose complained, thinking about some of the idiots she had to put up with because they wanted in her skirts.

"Let's start with getting rid of the fragment of Voldemort in your scar," Myst said as he looked at Rose's cursed scar with his upgrade ability. 'Percentage of Riddle's soul that Lily's blood wards has destroyed? That really should be higher than 3.9%,' he mused as he spent mana to increase the percentage, causing the soul fragment in Rose to shiver and start breaking apart.

Rose winced as she felt a spike of pain in her scar. "What was that?"

"Sorry, I'm dealing with Riddle, give me a minute," Myst replied as he tossed mana to boost the percentage of Riddle's soul in Rose's scar then went back to boosting the percentage of his soul that Lily's protection had destroyed, alternating the two until the remains of his soul melted, turning into a black sludge that oozed out of Rose's scar and removing the cursed trait. "That should have snapped the link, try to avoid getting hit by death curses."

Rose scowled as she wiped at her scar and she saw the black sludge on her fingers that was mixed with blood. "What the hell?!" she demanded.

"You had part of Riddle's soul stuck in your scar, I basically increased the percentage of his soul that your mother's projection had destroyed then boosted the amount of his soul that was stuck in your scar and went back and forth until his soul or at least a decent amount of it basically melted. Sympathetic magic is a bitch," Myst replied with a smirk.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked Rose nervously.

"The pain is gone," Rose assured her. "Now what?"

Myst glanced at Zara then focused on the statues of snakes he could see behind Rose and opened a portal behind her. "Now we make sure you have enough magic to curb stomp a god and I drag a useless Defense teacher to hell."

"Literally or figuratively?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Myst replied with a grin as he stepped through the portal into Rose's world, looking forward to getting a tour of Hogwarts.


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