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Abby stepped away from the wall next to the tapestry that would take her home as she saw Alex approach, “How did orientation go?”

Alex shrugged, “A bit weird… how did yours go?”

“Annoying, we already knew most of the stuff they were telling us but they’re required to go over it anyways. Still it was nice to have a chance to go over the schedule a bit without having my parents there to jump in with what their favorite classes were back in the day.”

“I guess I win there. Other than chemistry my parents don’t exactly have any experience with any of the electives I plan on taking. Any classes I should sign up for?” Alex asked curiously.

“Aether control is probably going to be your best choice. It’s all about summoning creatures out of your imagination and carving out worlds to explore with friends. It’s also a decent way to make some money if you’ve got the courage required. With any luck you can take it with me.”

“Miss Ashford was talking about that class a little, it sounds fun. What else are you taking?”

“Enchanting and martial arts for physical education... I figure I might as well put my martial arts training to use to get an easy A.”

Alex chuckled, “I was planning the same.”

Abby clasped her hands to her chest and mock gasped, “An easy A? I don’t believe it. Say it isn’t true.” She snickered when Alex playfully stuck her tongue out at her. “I‘ve also got shadow dancing though that’s a path class.”

“Oh!” Her eyes opened wide as several things fell into place. “That’s why you’ve always been better than me with darkness spells…”

“Yep, I only use about a fifth of the energy per darkness spell as most magic users and I naturally get better effects with it for the same amount of effort.”

Alex chuckled. “Cheater.”

“Of course.” Abby bowed playfully.

“If it’s not too rude what other paths do you have now that you can actually tell me?”

Abby was happy that she could finally share with her best friend now that the tongue twisting spell was gone. “Enchanting, according to the tests I have a better exchange rate for power than most magic users.”

Alex sighed. “Is it even worth taking without the path?”

“Of course it’s worth taking, it’s one of the best ways we have available to make money and I know you have the mystical dexterity for it.”


Abby gestured toward the tapestries hanging on the wall. “It‘s also the best way to cheaply and legally acquire magical items like tapestries and flying carpets.”

Alex smiled as she thought about flying around on a flying carpet. “I’ve always wanted a flying carpet.”

“That’s the spirit. Plus, if I don‘t get you in at least some of my classes, I‘ll probably go around the bend or at least further around the bend.”

“We can’t let that happen.” Alex glanced reluctantly at the tapestry that was the way home. “I should get home before my parents start to worry.”

“Same.” Abby grinned as she hugged Alex. “Make sure you call, okay?”

Alex hugged her back and gave her a kiss on the nose. “I’m not going to suddenly stop calling, it’s just summer break.” She let go of Abby reluctantly. “We’ll figure something out other than hanging out at martial arts.”

“Okay, worst case I just have to make sure that I’m there every practice.” Abby walked over to the rune covered tapestry and charged it for her trip home. “Make sure you call.” She turned and blew Alex a kiss then quickly stepped through the portal.

“I will.” Alex waited a couple of seconds then charged up the portal and stepped through for the last time.


Alex walked out of her room and into the living room.

Daniel Douglas smiled as his daughter entered the room, “How was orientation?”

“Sort of weird,” Alex admitted.

“Weird how?” He tensed up as he tried to figure out why his daughter looked a bit out of sorts.

She held up her information packet, “I got a couple of questions answered but the answers generated more questions.”

He asked, “Anything we need to be concerned about?”

She figured there were several things on the list her parents might object to but didn’t think there was anything that would cause her mostly level headed parents to pull her out of school. “Nothing I can’t handle. I’m debating between physics and chemistry.”

He sighed in relief as his daughter asked a question that he could actually help with. “You’ll eventually take both, yes?”

“Eventually, I need at least four quarters of science and I‘m planning on taking at least that much.”

“I might be biased but you mentioned that chemistry was useful for transmutation and that physics wasn’t really that useful if you had enough magic to toss at a problem. Besides, don‘t you need chemistry for potions as well?”

She frowned. “I don’t remember seeing a potions class.” She flipped the class guide open and started looking.

“I thought that was a requirement for being a witch, broomsticks and potions or was that crystal balls…” He broke into a chuckle as she gave him her best mock glare.

After a couple of seconds Alex stopped trying to glare and laughed. “Yeah, I prefer not to ride around with a broomstick between my legs.”

He held up his hands. “Forget I asked.”

She smiled as she checked the index and found an entry on potions. “See enchanting.” She flipped back through and checked the intro to enchanting class. “Ah, it doesn’t look like potions is its own field. Still, you’re probably right about taking chemistry first. Considering all of the books I‘ve read about it over the years it should be an easy A.”

“Have you figured out what else you’re going to take?”

“Yeah, algebra, creative writing, karate 101, enchanting 101 and aether control 101 all sound good. I might also try auditing a class that Abby is taking.”

“Auditing?” He asked curiously.

“It’s where you sit in on the class but don’t have to do the work,” Alex replied sarcastically.

“I know that, I’m just a bit surprised that you can do that for magic classes.”

“From what I can tell the school is run a lot like a mundane college. They even have dorms for people that don‘t want to or can‘t travel back and forth every day.”

“Still, it sounds rather impressive.” He wished his college had been half as fun as his daughter’s school sounded.

Alex said, “I’m looking forward to it.”

“So what’s aether control?”

“From what I understand, it’s monster summoning.”

He chuckled then stopped chuckling as he realized she was actually serious, “That sounds dangerous.”

“Likely.” She grinned.

“So no destruction work this quarter?” He asked curiously.

She sighed, “I have to see if it fits in with the rest of my classes. I’d love to get some more practice in but enchanting and aether control are both listed as heavy magic requirements so I wanted to send off an email to Miss Ashford before I put anything down.”

He nodded. “When do you have to register?”

“We can start registering next Wednesday but we have until next Friday to make sure everything is registered.”

“So a week, that’s not so bad. I guess I can chill out.”

She smiled, “Thanks dad. So where are Mom and Alisa.”

He gestured toward the door. “They said something about walking to the ice cream stand in town.”

Alex glanced toward the kitchen. “Don’t we have ice cream in the freezer?”

He laughed. “We should still have come vanilla. I think they just wanted the excuse to flirt and kiss each other in public.”

Alex headed to the kitchen to grab some ice cream with a smile on her face as she thought about some of the local gossips that complained about her mother and ‘aunt’. “Speaking of flirting and such things, what are you getting Mom for your anniversary?

He followed her to the kitchen. “I was thinking about asking you to help pick something out tomorrow, if you’re free?”

“If only so we don’t have a repeat of last year.”

He sighed. “Taking them out to eat was a perfectly valid gift or at least it should have been.”

Alex shook her head. “Not when you pick a restaurant that is known to dislike anyone that isn’t as straight as a ruler or prosecuting attorneys that prosecute them on discrimination charges.”

“Yeah, okay I’ll admit that I should have had you pick the place.”

Alex smiled as she pulled bowls out of the cupboard while he grabbed the ice cream out of the freezer. “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?”

He rolled his eyes. “So what do I need to bribe you with to fix the car with magic?”

“I thought Mom said that you wanted to fix the thing yourself?”

He laughed. “I’m not going to spend weeks under that stupid car if you’re willing to just snap your fingers and fix it. Especially if you’re willing to not mention that you fixed it to Marie.”

Alex grinned. “Spring for something nice for me when we go shopping for Mom’s anniversary gift and I‘ll fix it.”

He looked down his nose at her. “You have a large allowance…”

She smiled innocently. “And you want your car fixed. Why should I spend my allowance if I can get you to buy me something nice?”

“Is that the type of morals and ethics you’re learning in school?” he asked with mock disapproval.

“Well, Mom is a lawyer,” Alex replied with amusement.

“Point.” He dished up the ice cream while she grabbed the chocolate sauce. “So did you find out where your new school is?”

“Somewhere in Hawaii.”

“Now I’m a bit jealous.”

She laughed, “You should be.”

He chuckled as she squirted a couple of lines of chocolate sauce over her ice cream. “You should be happy that I’m not a dentist.”

“I’ve got a teeth cleaning spell. It takes like two seconds.”


She passed him the container of chocolate syrup. “I know.”

He squirted some chocolate on his ice cream then took his bowl and headed back to the living room. He sat down on the couch. “Now that we have our ice cream, let’s get back to discussing your classes. Why karate 101? You’ve had a black belt for years. Isn‘t there a higher level martial arts class?” He took a couple of bites of ice cream while waiting on his daughter’s response.

She put the ice cream container away then grabbed her bowl off the counter and followed. “I figured it was an easy A and I needed a physical education class.”

“Just as long as you aren’t being too lazy.”

“I’m taking a full load so I don’t feel bad about taking one or two easy classes.”

He chuckled. “Fine, don’t come complaining to me if you’re bored in the class.”

“I’m not going to be…” She knew her dad was probably correct about her being bored but she didn’t want to bite off more than she could chew either.


Abby scowled as she looked up from her video game as the phone rang. “Sarah, can you get that?”

Her younger sister looked at the caller ID and shouted from the kitchen, “You get it, I‘ve got cookie dough on my hands!”

“Oh, sorry.” She hit the pause button then ran to check the caller ID. She giggled as she recognized the number without a name. “Never mind, I’ve got it.” She picked up the portable phone. “Magic pizza delivery, your order in thirty minutes or less or it’s free.”

“Hey Abby,” Alex replied with amusement.

Sarah wiped her hands off then pushed the mute button on the kitchen phone and picked the handset up so she could listen in on her older sister’s conversation.

“What’s up?”

“I’m trying to figure out which classes I should take and figured I’d ask your advise. Besides, I like hearing your voice.”

Sarah rolled her eyes as she pushed the button to unmute the phone. “Hey Alex, look I‘ve only got a couple of seconds before Abby runs in and kills me but you should totally take aether control and enchanting.”

Abby laughed. “Just a second, I’ve got to curse my little sister.”

“Eep, got to go, not the face, not the face… oh gods, please not the face.” Sarah giggled as she hung up the phone and made a run for her mom’s office.

Abby snickered as she walked over to the kitchen and saw that her sister was already gone. She glanced at the timer sitting on the counter and noticed that her sister’s cookies had ten minutes left on them so it was likely that her sister hadn’t run too far. “Rats, I’ll just have to eat her cookies.”

“Now you’re just being mean.” Alex liked Sarah well enough even if she was a bit of a pest at times.

“She’s right though, enchanting and aether control are good choices.”

“Thanks, I should get going though, I still need to head into town with Dad to get something for Mom for their anniversary.”

“Good luck and hopefully it goes better than last year.”

Alex snickered. “It can’t be much worse. Love you.”

“Same.” Abby smiled as she headed back to the living room to finish her game.


Alex smiled as she waved her hands over the engine of her dad’s black 1978 Camaro, “Hocus pocus…”

Daniel chuckled. “Now I know you’re just messing with me.”

Alex shrugged. “Only a little.”

He said, “Speaking of messing with people, how did your chat with Abby go?” He looked up at the clock hanging over the garage door, “You didn’t talk for very long.”

Alex rolled her eyes. “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean that every conversation has to take forever.”

“Really? I was fairly sure that was a rule.” He smirked as she glared at him.

“I just wanted to ask about aether control and enchanting, she said they’re good choices.” She used a trickle of magic to cause the grease and dirt on the engine to flow like water until the engine looked almost new. “That’s better.”

He smiled as he watched the grease and dirt pool on the sheet of plastic under the car. “You’re such a girl.”

“It was filthy Dad, I mean seriously when was the last time you washed the engine?”

“I think I had the car wash guys clean it once back in 94 when I got it…”

“So close to twenty years?”

He shrugged. “That sounds about right… I mean it’s not like I take it through mud or anything, at least not often.”

Alex sighed in frustration. “And you wonder why it has so many issues.”

He glanced at the pile of parts that he still hadn’t put back in. “So how long do you think it will take to fix?”

“I should have it running in like twenty minutes assuming that we can figure out where some of this stuff goes. That leaves us plenty of time to hit the stores and go shopping for Mom’s present. Where did you put the manual?”

He walked over and grabbed the book from the well organized shelf. “On the shelf where it always is.”

Alex said, “That should help.”


Cael scanned the group of martial artists that he would be sparring against with a bit of unease. Most of the kids didn’t look too scary but as this was a multi state wide martial arts tournament he wasn’t going to judge by looks alone.

One of the guys looked like a solid block of muscle and one of the girls had a good four inches on him. Considering it was just point sparring he was a bit more worried about the tall girl with the faded black belt than the muscle bound boy, the two gossiping girls in the corner or the other boy with the new looking belt that was off to the side doing a bit of shadow boxing. He glanced over at where his martial arts teacher was in the crowd then looked back over the rest of the contestants. He fidgeted with his headgear and gloves then took a couple of deep breaths to calm his nerves.

Cael snapped back to focus as the announcer called his name. He stuck in his mouth guard and walked over to the spot that was marked out for the match. He spared a glance for the large slightly overweight announcer then bowed to his opponent and stepped back as he waited for his opponent to charge in or close or whatever he was going to do.

Cael smiled as he blocked the other boy’s first kick then pushed his leg up to unbalance the kid so that he could step forward and punch him in the chest on the way down. He grinned as he jumped back as the ref called “Point”. He waited for the other teen to get up then used a crescent kick to distract him then followed it up by a kick to the kid’s head with his other foot. He smiled as he scored another point. Cael wanted to roll his eyes when his opponent tried a scream to distract him as he charged in with a front kick. He dodged the front kick and grumbled when he got a fist to the face for his trouble. Cael ignored the ref calling out point as he stepped back and waited for the kid to try something else. He smiled as he managed to block the kid’s roundhouse kick to his head and tag the guy in the face with his gloves.   

“Cael is the winner.”

Cael did a slight bow to his opponent before he left the ring. He felt a bit better now that he had won his first match. It would have sucked to come all this way only to lose the first match.

The announcer called out, “Alexandra and George please step into the ring.” Cael was glad that he now had a name for the tall red haired girl with the faded black belt. He winced as George charged in with a kick and got a punch to the face from the girl for his trouble. Cael watched George fall to the ground as the girl’s punch lifted him off his feet and deposited him on the ground. Cael whispered, “Crap.”

The announcer looked down at where George was sprawled on the ground, “Are you okay?”

George pulled himself off the ground with some effort. “Yes, sir.”

One of the other contestants muttered, “She’s got reach… Damn ape… I thought this was supposed to be the 14 to 16 bracket.”

One of the other girls smiled as she thought about all of the times Alex had beat her in practice at the dojo, “It is, she’s sixteen.”

Cael watched her kick George a couple of times from out of his range. Most of the shots were blocked but they were still taking their toll on George’s self confidence. “This is going to suck.”

The large blocky teen smirked. “One solid hit and she’ll start crying.”

Cael wasn’t convinced that one solid hit would send her to the ground crying like the idiot seemed to think. Considering the fact that she had lifted her opponent off the ground with a punch he didn’t want to be the one to piss her off. He smiled as Alex finished George off with a spinning hook kick and walked off the mat. “You’re rather good.”

She took her mouth guard out with her left hand, “Thanks.”

The blocky boy sneered, “You wouldn’t last two seconds in a real fight.”

Alex looked at the blocky boy and sighed, “Lighten up, it’s just a sport.”

He muttered low enough that the announcer didn‘t hear him, “You’re just a stupid girl, what do you know about fighting?”

Cael didn’t think the idiot would survive a real fight with the girl but saying so wouldn’t convince the guy. “It’s just a sport, you don’t need to get so bent out of shape.” He ignored the blocky guy’s attempt to stalk off like he mattered. “So, how far did you come for the tournament?”

Alex watched the boy stalk away with an amused smile. “Not too far. What about you?”


“That seems a ways to go for a tournament.”

He chuckled. “Rode up with my instructor and a few other students yesterday.”

“Sounds like a fun road trip,” Alex admitted.

“It wasn’t too horrible.” Cael turned to watch the next two contestants.

Alex smiled slightly as the announcer called her name.

The bulky boy finished getting a drink from his water bottle then stepped into the ring. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

Alex ignored the boy’s comments as she put her mouthguard in then moved into the ring.

The bulky boy charged as soon as the referee said, “Start.”

Cael grinned as Alex slammed her foot into the bulky boy’s head hard enough to drive him to his knees despite the padding they were wearing. His grin turned to a frown as he realized that he would probably have to spar her at some point. ‘Great, she’s fast as well as strong, this is going to hurt.’

“Point.” The announcer had to work to keep the smile off his face as he watched the bulky kid stagger back to his feet in a daze. “Continue.”

Cael twitched slightly as Alex lashed out and hit the bulky kid in the solar plexus dropping him to the ground. ‘Note to self, redheads are scary.’

The announcer winced as Alex blocked a kick then stepped to the side and backhanded her opponent in the temple hard enough to drop him to the mat. “That’s three points and match.”


Cael sighed as he looked up at the red haired girl towering over him. “Damn…”

Alex took her mouth guard out with her left hand and offered her right hand out to help him up. “You almost got me.”

He accepted her hand as he got to his feet with her help. He took his mouthguard out with his left hand. “Thanks for allowing me to save my ego but yeah you’re better than I am.”

She grinned, “It’s the longer arms and legs.”

The announcer spoke loudly so that he could be heard over the background noise of the tournament, “We have a winner. You can grab your medals from the front desk.”

She nodded, “Thanks.” She turned and looked at Cael, “Are you doing forms or anything else today?”

Cael glanced over at the large clock on the wall. “I’ve got forms in an hour, you?”

“I already did my forms but I’ve got board breaking in an hour or so…” She blushed slightly as she thought about how much Abby would tease her for asking a boy to lunch even if it was just lunch, “Do you want to get some lunch?”

He smiled as she beat him to the question he was going to ask her. “Sure. I‘m Cael.”

“I‘m Alex… well Alexandra but everyone calls me Alex. Let me just tell my dad and Alisa where I’m going.”

“I’d hate for them to worry.” Cael glanced over the crowded bleachers as they walked. “So which one is your dad?”

“The redhead that looks like a basketball player sitting with the lady with long flowing red hair.”

Cael chuckled when he spotted a tall red haired man sitting on the bleachers next to a gorgeous redheaded lady. He pointed at the couple. “Is that them?”

“Yep.” Alex waved to her dad and Alisa.

Alisa grinned as she spotted Alex walking their way with a cute brown haired boy. “Hey she found a cute boy to follow her around. Do you think that Abby will let her keep him?”

Daniel chuckled, “Be nice.”

She grinned, “I’m always nice…” She stopped whatever she was going to say as Alex and her new friend walked up.

Alex rolled her eyes, “Hey, you don’t mind if I grab some lunch with Cael do you?”

“Go for it.” He held up his digital video camera. “I promised a couple of parents from your class that I would record their children’s performance.”

“Cool, that way we can watch it later to see what we need to improve. Do either of you want me to grab you a snack?”

Daniel replied, “I’m good.”

Alisa said, “If you could grab me something to drink that would be nice.”

Alex glanced toward the hall that had a large sign with the words “This way to refreshments.” printed on it in large block letters. “I’ll see what they have.” She turned and headed for the food.

Cael looked at Daniel and Alisa, “Nice to meet you.” He turned and quickly followed Alex once he noticed that she was already heading toward the food.


Chichi son

He laughed. “We should still have come vanilla. I think they just wanted the excuse to flirt and kiss each other in public.” have some

Alex Wierzbicki

nice work. is this an original setting or am I just not recognizing it?