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Harry groaned as he found himself in a dark void looking at large glowing red letters, “Game over?”

The letters shifted and changed to read,

New Game

Load Game


He stared at the words in confusion as he tried to figure out what happened and how he ended up wherever the hell this was. “Okay, last thing I remember is walking to the hotel then the Knight Bus appearing then nothing… Well, shite!” He reached out and touched Load Game.

An ethereal voice said, “I’m sorry, you don’t have a saved game to load.”

Harry snorted. “Right, because my life is a damned video game. Okay screw it, let’s just go with the insanity for a moment.” He reached out and touched the options menu. He looked over the difficulty settings. “Current difficulty Ironman, no saving the game, no inventory, no area map, no character sheet and no hope… right.”

He looked at the other difficulty modes. “Easy mode starts at Hogwarts… normal starts right before I get my letter… difficult mode starts after Uncle Vernon opens the letter and Champion starts when I was a baby and I get to watch my mother die again… I’d get to see my family and pick up more mental scars.” He shook his head. “Screw it, I get a save game feature, an inventory, an area map and a chance to save my parents and the world still works like normal.” He knew it probably wasn’t going to be that easy but he was going to try. He selected Champion mode then looked at the rest of the options.

He didn’t see a point in changing the music settings though he played with them a bit to make sure there wasn’t something like theme music when he was in danger or something, sadly there wasn’t or at least it wasn’t that easy because he’d have to put up with background music all the time. “That would drive me crazy… if I’m not already crazy.” He reached out and enabled the tutorial. “Maybe this will help.”

He gave the options ‘page’ one last look then blinked as he noticed an enabled toggle labeled, PG Mode. “What the hell?” He tapped it so that he could get a description.

The ethereal voice said, “PG Mode, none of that naughty business here, teachers abound, protective older brothers, mothers that watch daughters like hawks and if all else fails, buses. Be assured with this enabled things will be squeaky clean with little more than the occasional hug or kiss.”

“Buses? You have to be shitting me… I died because of a fucking PG setting! Fuck that and the horse it rode in on!” He hit the little circle and disabled the ‘feature’ that had probably gotten him killed. He looked over the rest of the page to make sure there wasn’t anything else he needed to disable. He exited back to the main menu and hit create new game trying not to think about the fact that his entire life might have been a video game. He blinked as he found himself in the middle of a room with small bed, a dresser and a various stuffed animals. He frowned as he realized that he couldn’t move.

“Welcome to Champion mode. You have enabled the tutorial, that means that the world will work like a game until the tutorial is completed despite the difficulty setting. The first order of business is to save the game, you may do so by touching your nose and saying Save Game or by saying Merlin Save Game in case you can’t touch your nose. Please save the game.”

Harry blinked as he found himself able to move. He brought his rather tiny hand up and looked at his rather tiny fingers. He brought his finger to his nose. “Save Game.”

“Game saved! To load the game merely touch your nose and say Load Game or say Merlin Load Game. The next order of business is your inventory.”

Harry blinked as a translucent window appeared filled with a picture of a dark haired baby and various equipment slots surrounding him. “Two rings, an amulet, a belt, pants, shoes, shirt, armor… armor? Really?”

The ethereal voice said, “Armor is important, it helps keep you from dying.”

“I guess that might have helped the last time around… Okay, face slot item, helmet, gloves and bracers.” He glanced down at the twenty inventory boxes and the little arrows and tabs. “Potions, ingredients, books, weapons, armor and miscellaneous.”

“Pick up a stuffed animal and put it in your inventory.”

Harry walked over to a stuffed bear and picked it up with both hands then almost dropped it when it growled at him. “Right, charmed toys.” He stuffed the bear into the first box.

“Congratulations, to remove it merely reach in and grab it.”

“Okay, that’s useful.” Harry could think of a couple of times that he could have used an inventory to hide things. He pulled the bear back out of his inventory.

“Excellent, that’s the spirit. To open or close your inventory just concentrate on opening or closing it.”

Harry put the toy back in his inventory then focused on closing it. He smiled when the inventory window vanished.

“Excellent, the area map is accessed by thinking about your map, it can map buildings you explore as well as well as outdoor locations. To bring up your map, merely concentrate on it.”

Harry concentrated on the map and smiled as a translucent three dimensional image of the room appeared. “Now what?”

“You can touch the image and spin it if you like. Once you’re done with that, proceed to the door.”

Harry reached out and twisted the map a couple of different ways including upside down before putting it back to how it started and closing the map. He walked over to the door, reached up and tried the handle and sighed when he found it locked.

“Locked doors, some doors are locked, some require a key and some can’t be opened until later in the story. In Champion mode this doesn’t normally apply but this is the tutorial. Explore your room then take a nap to complete the tutorial.”

Harry reached up and touched his nose. “Save Game.”

“Game Saved.”

Harry concentrated on the door, opened his mouth and realized that he didn’t know the unlocking charm, he could remember Hermione using it but he didn’t remember the wand movements or the incantation. He blinked as he realized that he didn’t remember the incantations for any of the spells he’d previously known. “Cheating fucking bastards!”

The ethereal voice replied almost cheerfully, “I’m sorry, all specific spell knowledge has been erased.”

Harry took a breath then let it out as he tried not to throw a tantrum like his cousin or Malfoy. He ran through the last seven years in his mind, he could remember various classes and mixing potions but nothing specific about how to make any particular potion or spell work. “Okay, I’m going to kill someone when I get out of here.”

He glanced around the room. “Okay, think Harry, you’re seventeen, not one and a half. What do you have to work with?” He scanned the room looking for anything he could use to get out of his room. “The door is locked, the window is too high to reach, I’ve got stuffed animals and whatever is in the dresser...” He trailed off as he noticed the fact that the clock on the wall was stopped at half past five o’clock with the second hand paused over the three. “Right, tutorial…” He thought back to some of the computer games that Dudley had played over the years. “That probably means I’ve got time as long as I don’t take a nap or do something that advances things.”

He grinned as he opened his inventory and started tossing stuffed animals, blocks, little toy cars and other such toys into it. Sure, they might not be useful but they were his and if things went as he suspected they were going to go, the house would be destroyed and the stuffed animals would be left to rot or locked up in a vault. He picked up the comfortable looking throw rug and put it in his inventory then walked over to the drawers and opened them.

The ethereal voice said, “Containers, in most difficulties containers hold either random loot or specially placed loot. Of course some containers are empty, searching them can turn up surprising treasures. However Champion difficulty is more realistic which means outside of the tutorial you won’t find random loot in most places.”

Harry looked over the baby clothes he found in the bottom drawer then frowned slightly as he found a small lion hat that looked suspiciously like the one Luna had at the Quidditch game only smaller.

“Gear, certain items increase stats, appearance and or style. Equip the lion hat for a bonus to cuteness.”

Harry pulled out the lion hat and equipped it.

“Congratulations, you have found your first piece of magical loot.”

Harry paused as he thought back to one of the times that Dudley had tossed a controller at him after he hadn’t saved and had gotten killed after finding something nice. He touched his nose. “Save Game.”

“Game saved.”

He stuffed the clothes into his inventory. It wasn’t that he really thought he was going to need them, it was just that he didn’t see any point in leaving them to be destroyed either. He reached up and pulled open the second drawer and jumped back in shock as a large snake jumped out at him. He sighed in relief as he realized that the ‘snake’ was a cloth snake though it was certainly moving around and hissing like it was real. He blinked as everything froze.

The ethereal voice said, “Welcome to the combat tutorial. Combat is a necessary part of life or at least it is for adventurers. If this was Easy Mode, combat would be turn based, as it’s not, do your best to beat the enemy into submission. In Easy or Normal modes, monsters drop loot, in the other difficulties they only drop loot appropriate to what is in their pockets.”

“Right… because charming stuffed animals to attack children is sane?” Harry asked warily.

“The animated stuffed snake that Padfoot enchanted might not seem like much to an adult wizard but to a child it is a fearsome playmate and can result in nap time coming early. As this is only a test of your battle prowess the snake will not initiate combat but will defend itself once attacked so I suggest you find a weapon.”

Harry stared at the ‘large’ cloth snake that was slithering back and forth between him and the dresser. “I’m going to murder Sirius, I swear.” He glanced around for something that he might be able to use as a weapon. Sadly, nothing jumped out at him which wasn’t all that surprising considering he was all of one and a half or so. “Okay, let’s see blocks and leggings…” He pulled a pair of his pajamas out of his inventory and tied the end closed then filled the top part with some wooden blocks then tied the second leg around the toy so that it made a sap or at least a childish version of a sap. He looked his improvised weapon over. “This can’t end well.”

He grabbed his ‘weapon’ with both hands then cautiously walked over and swung with all his might at the cloth snake hoping to get a decent opening shot. Sadly, his opening shot didn’t hurt the snake as much as he would have liked as the creature lashed out at him and bit him which actually hurt a lot. “Shite!” he swung his weapon at the snake again and scored a minor hit only to be hit with the tail and tripped. He winced as he banged his head on the ground then screamed as the snake wrapped itself around him and squeezed.

“Thus ends the tutorial.”

Harry blinked as he found himself in his bed as the door exploded. He wanted to scream as he found himself unable to do much of anything as the event was obviously scripted. Watching the entire scene play out was horrible and bitter sweet as he got to see his mother but he couldn’t save her, couldn’t fix it. He wanted to shout, he wanted to scream no, but nothing came out. “Merlin Load Game!”

The ethereal voice said, “Congratulations, you have discovered the delight of the load game feature, it is great for undoing mistakes.”

Harry sighed in relief when he realized that the second drawer was closed and that there was no sign of the cloth snake. “Okay… that hurt way too much to be a dream.” He climbed up on the edge of the bottom drawer then opened the third drawer from the bottom then jumped back and glared at the dresser. “Okay… maybe it was just the second drawer.” He cautiously walked back over and tried to climb up so that he could look into the third drawer. He scowled as he found it nearly impossible to pull himself up the dresser with the third drawer open. “This is going to be a problem.”

He pushed the third drawer closed then stepped on the handle of the second drawer and grabbed the edges of the third drawer and worked on climbing the dresser. He scowled as he slipped and fell and lost a fifth of his life when he fell and hit his head on the ground. “Fuck.”

“Climbing increased by 1. Acrobatics increased by 1. Falling isn’t fun but the more you do it and survive the better at it you get at least on Easy or Normal mode. The other modes don’t work that way.”

Harry rubbed his head where he’d smacked it then stared at the health meter that had appeared. “Health bar?”

“Champion mode normally doesn’t have a health bar but I’ve temporarily enabled it during the tutorial.”

“Thanks…” Harry went back to climbing and fell a couple more times, losing some health each time.

“Climbing increased by 1.”

“Okay this isn’t working.” As much as he had a feeling that increasing his climbing skill would help, he couldn’t afford the lost health if he was going to fight the cloth snake and win. He touched his nose. “Load game.”

“Game loaded.”

He smiled as he found himself standing in front of the dresser pain free. “Okay, let’s try this again.” He pushed the bottom drawer closed then pulled the throw rug out of his inventory and set it in front of the dresser then piled his collection of stuffed animals on the rug. “That should help.”

He reached up and touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

Harry grinned as he started climbing the dresser. He scowled as he fell off the dresser and landed on the stuffed animals.

“Climbing increased by 1. Acrobatics increased by 1”

His scowl turned into a smile as he realized that he hadn’t lost any life for falling on the stuffed animals. “Okay, this is abusable.” He stood up and rearranged the stuffed animals then touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

Harry spend a couple of minutes working on his climbing skills until he could reliably climb up the dresser and get to the top. He grinned as he looked around his room from the top of his dresser. ‘Hermione would be screaming right now.’ He reached up and touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

He focused on bouncing then jumped off the dresser onto the pile of stuffed animals. He winced as the pile wasn’t quite large enough to prevent some damage. “Merlin Load Game.”

He smiled as he found himself back on the top of the dresser. “Okay, let’s see what is in the top two drawers.” He sat down carefully then worked the drop drawer open. He emptied the underwear and socks into his inventory and smiled when he found a pair or faintly glowing booties. He equipped the shoes.

“You have found a magical method of moving around. These children’s shoes have been enchanted to slide around on the floor.”

“Right… yeah not while I’m climbing.” He pulled the boots off and stuck them in his inventory then closed the drawer and worked on opening the second drawer down. He smiled as he found several shirts that were charmed with different designs. He stuffed them in his inventory then closed the drawer and climbed down thankful that his increased climbing skill made it easy to get up and down the dresser. He glanced over at the window then at the dresser. “It can’t be that easy, can it?”

It turned out that moving a dresser when you’re one and a half isn’t that simple. He couldn’t lift the dresser and he couldn’t push it, it was simply too heavy. “Well crap.” He reached up and touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

He equipped his sliding booties then took a couple of practice steps and found that they actually had decent traction when he didn’t want to slide. He walked over so that he was on the other side of the dresser from the window then charged it. He winced as he bounced off the dresser and fell on his behind.

“Special attack learned, Sliding Charge.”

Harry started laughing as he realized that the dresser had shifted an inch. It was horrible progress but it was progress. He reached up and touched his nose. “Save game.”

The ethereal voice said, “Game saved.”

He skated back over and lined up his next shot and did another sliding charge. He winced as he slipped, fell and slammed his face into the dresser and lost a decent fraction of his health. “Okay, maybe it’s not going to be that easy.” He made a couple more attempts and realized that he only succeeded in doing the Sliding Charge about a third of the time without getting hurt. He shook his head and loaded his save. “Okay, I’ve got a save game, I might as well use it.”

He charged the dresser and hit it with his sliding charge. He grinned as the dresser moved without him losing a sliver of health or anything. “Awesome.” He moved back into place then saved his game and worked on moving the dresser into position without hurting himself. Sure, saving and loading the ‘game’ felt like cheating but he didn’t really care at this point because he didn’t have anything that could restore his health currently.

He wasn’t sure how long it took to move the dresser into place under the window, ten minutes, twenty, it certainly felt like a long time with all the save game loading he had to do. He collected his stuffed animals and put them in his inventory then climbed the dresser and reached up and opened the window with a triumphant grin. ‘Okay, let’s see what I can find.’ He reached up and touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

Harry carefully crawled out of the window onto the roof. He crawled to the edge of the roof and looked down. “Okay, if I was Neville I might have a shot of surviving that without being critically injured.” He glanced back and forth between the two chimneys on either side of the house. “Okay, that might work.” He made his way over to the closest chimney then pulled himself up so that he could look down it. He smiled slightly when he found a faintly glowing star. He reached out and grabbed it.

“You have found one of the secret stars, stars can be traded in for extra abilities before you leave the tutorial. They are typically found in out of the way places. Just drag your star to your portrait on your inventory page when you want to use them.”

“Okay, that’s useful.” He touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

Harry dragged the star to his picture then looked over the list. There were several categories he could pick from, wandless magic, potions, defense, charms, transfiguration, flight, defensive abilities. He looked at the wandless section. ‘Minor telekinesis, summoning objects, banishing objects, changing the color of things and setting things on fire… okay, that would be useful against the cloth snake.’ He looked at the potions list. Sadly, nothing jumped out as being all that useful at the moment. He looked over the defense list. ‘Natural duelist, exceptional shield charms, powerful attack spells.” He looked at the charms, “Increased ability to learn charms… unlocked ability, magical knowledge since the last save doesn’t fade when the game is loaded… okay, that’s broken as shit… but it’s a decent ways up the chain and nothing that helps me find more stars.”

Harry shook his head. He looked over the flight options there were a couple of broom options that looked interesting, better speed, better control that he’d probably taken in his previous life but one option stood out as being completely awesome. “Evans’ float, reduces the damage from falls as long as I’m conscious, nice and two stars would remove damage from falls completely and three lets me fly without a broom… yeah okay, I know where I’m spending my stars.” He selected the Evans Float ability.

“You have unlocked a passive bloodline ability. No action is required to activate this ability.”

Harry carefully made his way over to the other chimney and checked it. He smiled as he saw something shiny about ten feet down the shaft that might be another star. “Okay, this is going to be a pain.” He climbed down as best he could, trying to press himself against the walls of the chimney so that he could safely climb down. Sadly, being able to climb a dresser wasn’t even close to enough to be able to climb down a chimney. He slipped and fell. Ten feet down he collected the star automatically as his feet hit it, thirteen feet down he tripped a magical trap and died as a ball of fire consumed him.

“Congratulations you died during the tutorial, don’t you feel proud.”

Harry blinked as he found himself back in the formless void. He reached out and hit load game and sighed in relief as he found himself back on the roof. “Cheating bastards.” He wasn’t sure who he meant, the game, the people that stuck him wherever this was or his parents for setting up a death trap in the chimney. He used his star and looked at the defense options. “Dragon’s blood, resistant to fire, giant blood, a quirk of genetics or a giant in your bloodline grants you some ability to resist stunners and they’re scaleable.” He smiled as he noticed one option that removed the requirement to eat which would be good if he got stuck with the Dursleys again. “Longbottom bounce, 50% chance to bounce from a fall.”

Harry shook his head as he thought about his friend. “Hopefully, we can avoid the crap this time around.” He assigned his star to Evans Float then looked down at the ground and jumped. He winced as his health meter dropped by a tenth for the two story drop. “Ouch.”

He looked around the yard for anything interesting, sadly other than a couple of rocks he didn’t see anything he could grab thanks to it being a tutorial. He made his way over to the front gate and tried to open it.

“You have reached the edge of the current map.”

Harry sighed as he looked out into the darkness. “So much for that idea.” He walked up to the front door and checked the handle. “Of course it’s locked. Fine, be that way.” He made his way around the side of the house looking for anything interesting. He smiled when he saw the tool shed around back. He walked over and checked the door and scowled when he found it locked. ‘Seriously, they’re wizards and no one can find the place.’ He glared at the lock. “Unlock, unlock, unlock, unlock you stupid piece of shite!”

Harry blinked as the lock popped open.

The ethereal voice said, “You have successfully used wandless magic. Unlock ability learned. This simple trick can open anything not charmed against magic.”

“That’s something.” He opened the door and looked over the contents of the small shed. He wasn’t sure what he’d need the shears for but the fifty foot rope definitely would help with the chimney. He grabbed the hammer and box of nails just in case. He grinned when he opened a tool box and found a chocolate bar as well as a spool of wire and wire cutters. He ate the chocolate bar and blinked in shock when his health was restored to full. “Right… video game.” He shook his head. “This would be easier if I had a broom.” He moved the toolbox over to the bench so that he could climb up onto the bench. He smiled at the locked cabinet above the toolbox. “Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.”

He pointed his hand at the lock. “Unlock.”

“The lock has been charmed against basic unlocking charms.”

“Now we’re getting somewhere.” Harry pulled out the spool of wire and put off a piece and pulled out a nail and attempted to pick the lock on the cabinet. He wasn’t all that surprised when his ‘lockpick’ broke and vanished as that seemed fairly standard in the video games he’d heard of. He was rather surprised that after the fifth time he tried to pick the lock he got an announcement telling him that his lockpicking skill had increased.

The ethereal voice said, “Wizards don’t always think about muggle solutions. If you weren’t worse than a trained monkey you might have a chance of picking this lock.”

Harry muttered, “Thanks.” sarcastically as he cut another lockpick and went to work. Twenty or thirty minutes later he managed to grind another fourteen points in the skill before he ran out of wire. “Okay, I’ll just have to come back.” He absently touched his nose and said “Save Game.” before he realized that he might have just screwed himself as he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to get back to his room.

“Crap. Damn it Harry, stop being Ron, think. Okay, I’ve got a save, if I have to I’ll work on climbing the walls.” He walked back around the house and rang the doorbell. He offered an innocent smile as the door was yanked open ten seconds later by man with a wand that looked like his father’s pictures.

James asked in disbelief as he lowered his wand slightly. “Merlin Harry, how?”

Harry wanted to say any number of things but only one word came out, “Pop!”

The ethereal voice said, “Dialog options during the tutorial are limited.”

James rubbed his face which his free hand. “What am I going to do with you? Okay, let’s get you back upstairs for your nap before Lily catches you down here, she’ll blame me.” He reached down and picked Harry up then stepped back in and closed the door. “I’m going to have to charm the room against apparition, I swear.”

“Pop.” Harry wanted to scream as he once again tried to give them some type of warning. He glanced around the living room as his father took him up the stairs. ‘Looks like the kitchen is to the left and the library is to the right and there is a door under the stairs that might go somewhere interesting.’ Harry blinked as he was taken to the second floor then up to the attic. He’d half expected the jig to be up as James opened the door to his room but to his surprise the window was closed, a bunch of stuffed animals were scattered around and the dresser was back where it had started. “What?”

James said, “Mommy is working on something important. I’ll talk to her about letting you fly around on your broomstick after your nap, no more popping outside, okay?”

“Broom!” Harry wanted to roll his eyes but he couldn’t do more than smile at his father as he turned and left so that he could get a nap. Harry sighed as the door closed and he could move again. “Dad! Dad!” He felt his stomach drop as he realized that his father couldn’t hear him. “Okay, this sucks. They’re right there and I can’t do crap.”

He walked around and picked up more stuffed animals and added them to his collection in his inventory then touched his nose. “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

Harry walked over and worked on slide charging the dresser back into position, loading as he needed to. He climbed up and out onto the roof then checked the first chimney to see if the star had respawned, sadly though not surprisingly it hadn’t. He walked over to the other chimney and pulled his rope out of his inventory. He tied it around the chimney then spent a couple of minutes tying knots in it so that he had a hope in hell of climbing down the chimney. He touched his nose then said, “Save game.”

“Game saved.”

He carefully climbed down the chimney using the rope so that he could reach the star. He grabbed the star then slowly and painfully climbed back up the knotted rope trying to get out of the chimney before his stamina gave out and he fell to his death. It didn’t take too many tries and loaded games before he realized that he didn’t have enough stamina to make it back up the rope which meant that he either needed to go through the fire or find something that would let him restore his stamina. ‘I should have kept the chocolate bar.’

He sighed as he made his way back into his room and down the drawers. ‘Okay, I need more stamina, maybe I’ll increase my stamina if I kill the monster.’ He opened the bottom drawer and looted it when he found it once again full. He used his sheers on a set of pajama bottoms then used the rocks he’d picked up to create a decent sap and equipped it. He touched his nose and saved his game.

“Rematch.” Harry opened the second drawer then jumped back as the snake came out. He used both hands on his weapon and slammed it into the snake’s head. Sadly the cloth snake seemed fairly immune to blunt damage or maybe it was just that he was only one and a half. Either way, the snake quickly killed him again which resulted in him having to load the game.

“Screw it.” He pulled out his shears and tried to equip them.

“I’m sorry, children aren’t allowed to use dangerous tools.”

“You’re fucking kidding me… tell that to my bloody aunt!” Harry shouted. He scowled as he put the shears back in his inventory then climbed up the drawers and looted the top drawer hoping to find something that would help him, another piece of gear that gave him some advantage, some type of belt he could secure a line to or some type of candy bar that would refill his stamina. It wasn’t until the second drawer that he found a hidden candy bar. He saved his ‘game’ then climbed up the dresser, out the window and over to the chimney.

He climbed down the chimney as quickly as he could, grabbed the star then headed back up. He tossed the chocolate bar to his inventory portrait as he started to run out of stamina. He sighed in relief as he managed to get back to the roof without falling to his death. He saved his game then made his way back into his room and opened the second drawer then jumped back. “Yeah, I don’t care if it was a joke, I’m punching Sirius in the nuts for this.”

Harry used his second star and selected wandless magic fire and smiled as knowledge flowed into his head. He walked over to the other side of the room, raised his hands and created a ball of fire. He focused on the ball of fire until it was about double what it started as then tossed it at the snake. The fire washed over the creature burning it horribly. He swung his sap at the creature’s head to daze it as his fire finished it off.

“Congratulations you’ve managed to defeat your first enemy. Level increased by 2. Perk awarded for reaching level 3, “Mage, magic damage increased by 20%.”

Harry smiled as he saw the shirt that the monster dropped. “Hug me?”

The ethereal voice said, “This uncommon shirt increases the user’s cuteness.”

He equipped the shirt then tossed his dirty shirt in his inventory. He touched his nose. “Save Game.”

“Game saved.”

“Okay, let’s see what you have.” Harry smiled in triumph when he found the star in the second drawer. “Okay, this should give me fire resistance.” He grinned when he found a potion of flame freezing in the drawer. “I guess I don’t need fire resistance, yet.”

He added a second level of Evans Float then headed up to the chimney and drank the potion then jumped down the chimney. He winced as the flames surrounded him but thankfully they didn’t do anything other than feel pleasantly cool. He grinned as he landed softly in the fireplace.

“Acrobatics increased by 2.”

‘Okay, that has potential.’ He stepped out of the fireplace and looked around the small library filled with shelves filled with books, a couch, a comfortable chair and a table and notes. ‘A looting we will go, a looting we will go.’