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Harry pulled out the naughty Link picture book and set it on the table.

Hermione stared at the naughty book. “Are you trying to get us in trouble?”

Sarah chuckled. “Don’t worry, I can hide the book from everyone while we’re in it.”

Hermione sighed in relief. “I’d rather not get banned from my favorite library and why are there naked elf girls in your book?””

Sarah cast a cloaking spell on the book so that no one else would notice it or interfere with it. “Done.”

Harry shrugged. “I found it in the bookstore.”

Hermione frowned slightly. “There are probably less naughty versions around.”

“This is the only version I’ve found that has several of the items as spells that we can learn rather than items we’d have to carry around. I’d rather be able to summon a ladder and conjure a flame spell than have to haul around a ladder and a magical candle to say nothing of the raft that I expect is a spell.”

“Oh. So we’re farming gems to buy the spells?”

Harry blushed faintly as he looked down at the graphic novel. “Ah… not exactly. Actually, that reminds me, we should go to the monster girl training area first. You’ll need to acquire some skills there to complete the quests for the elf girls we’ll find.”

Hermione asked, “Skills?”

“Too many to list off. They also have a witch that can make sure you’re healthy.”

Sarah said, “Let’s go, you’ll have fun.”

Hermione had to admit she was a bit curious about the monster girls and having a magical checkup might be a good thing if they were exploring strange worlds. “You’re the expert.”

Harry put the Zelda book away in his backpack and pulled out the monster girl book. “Sarah, if you wouldn’t mind?”

Sarah cast her notice me not spell on it so that no one other than their group would notice it. “Done.”

Harry reached out with his magic and brought the three of them into the monster girl book.

Hermione looked around the waiting room curiously. “Now what?”

Harry grinned as he saw a cute nurse coming toward them. “Now we fill out some paperwork and then we get to training.”

Sarah grinned but didn’t say anything.

The nurse smiled at Hermione. “First time?”

“Yes,” Hermione said a bit bashfully.

The nurse looked at Harry. “Do you want to help her with the paperwork?”

“Sure.” Harry accepted the clipboard.

“Turn it in when you finish filling it out.”

Hermione found her eyes following the naughtily dressed nurse as she sauntered away. “I don’t recall seeing nurses dressed like that outside of a movie I found in the VCR that my Mum wouldn’t let me watch.”

“I didn’t watch a lot of movies growing up and I can’t recall ever seeing a doctor before spy camp so I wouldn’t know.” Harry looked over the form and started checking things off. “Sex Ed 101 with optional oral exam.” He filled in the blank next to male assistant with his name and additional female assistant with Sarah’s then continued filling out the parts of the form he knew before handing it to Hermione. “You’ll have to fill out the rest of the details.”

Hermione looked over the form, “There’s an exam?”

Harry asked, “You’re afraid of tests?”

Hermione put a checkmark by the optional oral exam. “Of course not. In fact I’ll take all of the exams just to prove it.” She put herself down for the rest of the exams as well as the medical exam that she was fairly sure wasn’t a test on her part. She frowned as she got to the last item on the list. “Trainer shots?”

“Basically a series of shots to enhance your physical capabilities and insure taming monsters won’t injure you. It’s 100% safe, well 99%, some people have been known to get a rash but that’s fairly rare and it goes away in a couple of days.”

Hermione put a check by the shots. “That’s it.”

“Now we turn it in and wait.”

Hermione turned in the paperwork then blinked as the clock on the wall spun wildly for a second. “What…” She glanced down at her watch and noticed that there was nothing wrong with it. “Weird.”

A nurse stepped out of the backroom. “Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Sarah.”

“That’s us,” Hermione spoke up.

“Well, follow me.” The nurse turned and walked back into the backroom.

Harry smiled widely as they followed the nurse into the backroom.

The nurse led them to the nurse station. “Okay, please strip so that I can complete the medical examination.”

Hermione blinked. “What?”

“You don’t expect me to examine you with your clothes on do you?”

Harry shrugged and started getting undressed. “I don’t know why people get so upset about these things.”

“Probably because you’re wearing x-ray glasses that let you see through clothes,” Sarah pointed out as she spun around and stripped out of her new clothes with a bit of flair. “Most people are a little more modest, not that I understand that either.”

“So… you’ve already seen me naked?” Hermione asked quietly.

“You and everyone else,” Harry agreed putting his hands on his hips and not making a single move to cover himself as he faced her.

“Oh,” Hermione said, blushing heavily, but unable to look away from him as she started getting undressed slowly.

“To be fair the glasses are magic and are slowly correcting my eyesight,” Harry admitted. “It was the only thing we could find that would do that.”

“Not that we looked all that hard,” Sarah added. “They work perfectly fine.”

The nurse rolled her eyes. “And the underwear.”

Hermione’s blush increased as she slipped off her underwear and set them on the counter with the rest of her clothes. “Now what?”

The nurse picked up a wand and started running it over Hermione’s limbs much like a security guard at an airport might. “Let me get a baseline first then we’ll get the shots out of the way.”

“Okay,” the nervous young girl replied, looking out of the corner of her eye and noticing Harry was looking at her. She blushed, but was unable to completely suppress a satisfied smile.

The nurse finished with the wand. “Okay, the computer is calculating the correct dose and…” she smiled as the computer beeped, “done.” The nurse collected several syringes from the cupboard.

“How much is this going to hurt?”

Harry shook his head. “It’s not too bad.”

The nurse smiled at Hermione. “You’re going to have to turn around so I can give you the shots.”

“What?” Hermione asked.

“The shots are designed for a person’s rump.”

“Not my arm?” Hermione asked hopefully.

“Nope, sorry.”

Hermione glared at Harry. “You knew.”

“It’s just a couple of shots, you’ll get over it.” Harry covered his eyes with his hands. “Is that better?”

“Depends, can you see through your hands?” she asked,

“Yeah, and it looks really cool with the bones of my hands in the way,” Harry said cheerfully.

Hermione sighed as she leaned against the counter so that the nurse could give her the shots. “Do it.”

“Try not to jump, I’m just going to swab the area first.” The nurse smiled as she used a disinfectant and numbing swab to clean and numb part of Hermione’s bottom.

Sarah giggled as she watched the nurse give Hermione her shots. “She’s a keeper.”

Hermione winced slightly when the nurse stabbed her with the largest needle but thankfully none of them had hurt as badly as she’d feared.

The nurse smiled as she deposited the needles in the needle bin. “That’s it. You can leave your clothes here, someone will make sure they get washed and dried.”

“Ah…” Hermione muttered.

“Don’t worry, your stuff is completely safe. Your next station is to the right as you exit and two doors down.”

“Thank you.” Hermione headed out of the nurse’s station, skipped the first door and knocked on the second.

A cute looking teenaged girl opened the door. “Come in and have a seat on one of the chairs.”

Hermione walked in and sat down trying not to show how nervous she was because of the upcoming tests and the fact that she was naked with a cute boy that she’d just met. “Now what?”

The instructor shut the door after Harry and Sarah walked through. “Now I give you the basic Sex Education talk complete with test subjects and diagrams. After that, I’ll show you some sex techniques using Sarah and Harry to demonstrate, then you’ll have a test on your ability to duplicate what I’ve shown you.”


“You put a checkmark next to demonstration for extra credit on all your exams, right?”

“Ah… I thought that was just a basic knowledge and competency test,” Hermione explained while blushing. She’d also thought any demonstrating would be something simple like rolling a condom onto a banana or the proper way to track your cycle on a calendar.

“Ah, no worries, you can simply skip it and take a zero for those tests. It shouldn’t hurt your final score too much... Twenty percent or so for each missed test… Well, you can always retake the tests next week.”

Hermione winced as she pictured failing that many tests and realized she couldn’t bring herself to accept anything less than a top score. She felt like cursing her inability to go for anything less than top marks, but then sighed and shook her head, chuckling to herself. ‘At least this should help me with my shyness.’


Harry frowned slightly as Hermione stumbled as the three of them exited the monster girl book. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m just not used to exiting books.” Truth be told Hermione wasn’t sure how she felt but she was fairly sure she was closer to the other meaning of fine that she’d heard on the radio: Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional or at least that’s how she felt she should be feeling.

Physically she was a little tired but otherwise pain free thanks to the instructor’s healing spells. Mentally, she knew that she’d agreed to each step of training. Sure, her insane desire to get top marks had pushed her into trying a couple of things that she otherwise wouldn’t have tried, but no one had pressured her into it.

On the one hand she knew she should be freaking out, she was eleven and she’d spent the last couple of hours having sex with two people that were mostly strangers. Sure, technically you could call the lunch with her mother their first date and the trip into the book their second but the fact remained that she’d had sex with two nearly complete strangers, three if you included the sex instructor on her second date. On the other hand, she didn’t feel guilty about it, which worried her a bit. She shook her head and decided that doing something productive would get her mind out of the gutter. “Zelda?”

“Of course, we’ve got spells to acquire and magical items to loot,” Harry said.

“How come you aren’t just pulling the magical items out of the book?” Hermione asked.

“Because I wouldn’t get the spells and I’m testing to see if finding the items increases the number of magical items I can pull out of the book before it chars,” Harry explained.

“That’s not a bad idea but what are you going to test it against?” she asked curiously. “If you don’t have a control you won’t know what the results really are.”

“That’s a good point, we might have to explore some other worlds after we get done looting everything from this one,” Sarah said.

Hermione smiled as she pictured spending the summer jumping through stories with Harry and Sarah. “That sounds fun.”

Harry put the monster girl book back in his backpack then pulled out the Zelda book. “Let’s go.”

Hermione glanced at the naughty Zelda book. “Please tell me there aren’t any tentacle monsters in the book.”

Sarah cast her spell to keep people from noticing the Zelda book. “Not that I know of, but I haven’t tried to cross the water yet.”

“Great, let’s do this before I change my mind.”

Harry reached out with his magic and transported them into the book.

Hermione looked around at the dirt covered area surrounded by rock walls. “Where are we?”

“Basically at the start of the game.” Harry pointed at the cave. “That’s where I found the witch that taught me how to craft wooden swords with a spell. I’m not sure if she’s still there, but I guess we can check.”

“Let’s check.” Sarah hurried toward the cave entrance.

Harry followed her into the cave with Hermione following along.

Hermione blinked and then blushed as she entered the cave and found a naked elf girl sitting in a wooden chair reading a book. “Oh, right this is one of those books.”

The elf girl looked up from her book and smiled at Harry and the girls. “Hey, you brought friends and one of your friends got taller.”

Harry waved and gave the girl a smile. “Hello again.”

Sarah grinned. “I ate some magical cake, it was very tasty.”

Harry gestured toward Hermione. “Can you help my friend out with the sword spell?”

The elf girl looked at Hermione. “I suppose, but it’s going to cost you.”

Hermione asked, “How much?”

The elf girl smirked as she stood up and set her book on the chair. “I’ll trade you.”

“Trade?” Hermione asked hesitantly.

“Sure, if you give me a fully body massage and your friend helps me out like last time, I’m willing to teach you how to craft wooden swords with a spell and skip collecting a small mountain of gems.”

Hermione looked over at Harry. “Are you willing to help her out?”

Harry grinned as he let his gaze travel over the naked elf girl. “Sure.”

“Excellent.” The elf girl waved her hands and cast a spell causing a well crafted and comfortable looking wooden four poster bed to appear out of thin air.

Hermione smiled as she thought about camping with her parents and how nice such a spell would be. “How much for that spell as well?”

The elf girl laughed as she flopped down on the bed. “We’ll see how good your massage is, but I’m sure we can come up with something.”


Sarah snickered as the group walked down the road. “Eventually you’re going to have to look at each other.”

Harry smirked as he enjoyed alternately looking at her panties and bare behind with his X-ray glasses. “Hey, I’m looking.”

Hermione shook her head. “This world is screwy.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Seriously, she’s a hot elf girl, you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy watching me stick my hand-”

Hermione rubbed her face with her hands trying to scrub away her embarrassment. “Do you have any shame?” she interrupted him.

Sarah smirked. “Just admit it, he’s hot.”

Harry shrugged. “I used to but after the monster girl training and spy camp, I just don’t see the point. Life should be enjoyed, and girls are fun.”

Sarah asked, “Was trading a massage for a spell and watching Harry make her happy really that bad?”

“No, though I think she enjoyed the massage way more than she should have,” Hermione replied.

Sarah smirked. “You weren’t complaining when I was giggling and moaning in training.”

“That was training and I didn’t want to fail my test… So how many bosses do we have to kill?” Hermione asked hoping to change the subject.

“Let’s see.” Sarah snickered as she pulled her cheat guide out of her bag, opened it and looked over the dungeons they still needed to clear. “Most of them, we’ve also got to run around and have sex with some hot elf girls for spells.”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Did it ever occur to you to just grab a spellbook out of a book?”

“Sure, but this way cuts down on the studying required.”

Hermione turned and gave Harry a stern look. “Are you trying to get out of studying?”

“Mostly I was just having fun. Speaking of books, I have an enchanting guide that I need to sit down and look at,” Harry said.

“Enchanting? As in making magical items?”

“Yeah, I’m still trying to make heads or tails out of it, it was written by the person that created my glasses.”

“Your X-ray glasses?” Hermione asked.

“The very same.”

“We can probably do that tonight if I can convince my Mum to let you visit, if not...”

Sarah said, “If not then we can meet you at your local library tomorrow or hide in a book that you can take home.”

Harry nodded. “I’m not losing my second friend.”

Hermione smiled as she realized that Harry cared for her and wasn't just using her for her intelligence as had happened before or for sex as she knew boys were wont to do as they got older. She looked down at her watch, “We’ve got another three or four hours before my Mum comes to pick me up, let’s see how many dungeons we can defeat.”


Snape shook his head as Dumbledore walked up. “How many books did you end up reading to the group of children?”

“Two, the storyteller the library had cancelled and I volunteered, it’s nice to get out of the castle now and then,” Dumbledore replied.

“Right, because I don’t spend enough time around children?”

“Were you able to find him?”

“No, he was here and then he wasn’t, much like all the other times that we’ve gotten close. As loath as I am to admit it, we should leave this to McGonagall.” He figured she could waste her time tracking Harry across half the country, as he was fairly certain Harry was even safer than when he was under the wards Dumbledore had erected to protect him considering the way the Lords of the Fey treated children.

“Perhaps you’re correct. She’ll be sending out his letter tomorrow so that should help,” Dumbledore admitted.

“In that case, I have potions I need to tend to.” He handed Dumbledore back his tracking device.

Dumbledore accepted the device then headed for a dark corner where he could vanish without anyone seeing him.


Chichi son

“Sure, if you give me a fully body massage and your friend helps me out like last time, I’m willing to teach you how to craft wooden swords with a spell and skip collecting a small mountain of gems.” a full body


nice work