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Rayne stumbled as he went from filling out a stupid Magic Accademy survey on his computer to standing in the entryway of what looked like an expensive old fashioned academy next to a collection of close to twenty movie star quality students looking at the group of ten adults standing in a line ten feet away from the group of teenagers. His gaze swept over the adults, half of them looked vaguely professional while the other half looked like they'd just stepped onto a fantasy porn set, including the woman with a giant snake tail in place of her legs. His gaze was drawn towards the smoking hot woman with red hair as she stepped forward and gestured around the room.

"Welcome to the Academy of Forbidden Arts where nothing is forbidden, except using magic against your teachers, I'm Elizabeth Bellafont, Headmistress," the red haired woman announced, instantly causing the various teenagers to stop talking.

'Forbidden Arts?' Rayne mused, his mind already going a mile a minute as he tried to figure out the best ways to get the most of his experience.

"If you do that, we'll fucking kill you," one of the teachers dressed in black said 'cheerfully', causing the crowd to go dead silent.

"Bronwyn, you can't kill the students on the first day," the woman to her left scolded.

"If they're as stupid as some of the idiots in last year's group it would help," Bronwyn grumbled.

Elizabeth looked down her nose at Bronwyn then looked over the group of students. "As I was saying, you've all been selected for the Academy because of magical potential-"

"or bribes," the woman with porn star sized breasts cut in.

"Cindy, not all of us care about money," Elizabeth scolded.

'You could use those as flotation devices,' Rayne mused as he stared at the woman's breasts, wondering if they were natural or the result of a spell. 'Great, you're already drinking the kool aid, it could just be sufficiently advanced technology.'

"That's not what you say every time the budget comes up," the brown haired woman in red robes piped up.

"I'll remember that Fiore the next time you need supplies. As I was saying, welcome to the Academy of the Forbidden arts. In case you weren't aware, there are nine schools of magic that we'll be focusing on, Acciomancy, Enchantment, Epidromancy, Eromancy, Malumancy, Mensuramancy, Metamancy, Naturamancy, and Psionomancy."

"Which is what in English?" one of the three other teenage men asked.

Elizabeth turned to look at the young man wearing the formal shirt that had asked the question that a lot of the students ended up asking in one form or another. "In short and in order, summoning, creating magical items, body shaping, sex magic, curses, dimensional magic, magic of controlling magic, nature magic and mental powers. I'll leave it to your instructors to explain their classes, just know that it's against the rules for them to change your grade based on sex."

"Which is completely stupid considering I teach sex magic," the woman with massive breasts complained.

'Huh, maybe it's just as well I didn't choose Hogwarts as the best school,' Rayne mused as he glanced at his fellow students, trying to get some idea of their state of mind as he was still sort of expecting someone to jump out at him and yell gatcha despite the fact that everything seemed very real and he'd went from his room to standing in a school.

Elizabeth sighed. "We've been over this Cindy, you'd take advantage and we want them alive to graduate."

Cindy pouted. "It's not my fault the idiot didn't tell me he had a heart condition."

"Moving on," Elizabeth said as she turned to look at the woman in a low cut dress with an over the top witch's hat. "Emilia, try not to lose any more students in other dimensions."

"I told them not to wander off, they didn't listen," Emilia replied with a shrug. "I'm not going to hold their hands, some of them have my class right after Cindy's, do you know where she's been?"

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on," Cindy replied sarcastically.

"Sorry, I don't have your issues," Emilia said sarcastically. "I lose less students than Bronwyn."

Bronwyn shook her head, causing her long black hair to sway. "I've never lost any students, I've just murdered a couple because they deserved Darwin awards," she paused as she looked at the students, "I mean I sent them on their way."

'Note to self, don't piss any of the teachers off,' Rayne mused as he scanned the teachers, noticing that none of them looked surprised by Bronwyn's comments. 'Then again, if they can grab people from their rooms, they can probably teleport their ashes into the ocean.'

Elizabeth shook her head then looked at the scantily clad woman in the pink and white outfit that looked like it belonged in a club. "Jewel, show the students around then take them to the dorms."

"Fine," Jewel snapped as she floated off the ground and flew towards the hallway. "We'll do the ten cent tour then they can get some sleep."

Rayne pulled his long hair away from his face as he followed the rest of the professor and the group of excited students, idly wondering if he'd be in Hogwarts or maybe My Little Pony if he'd answered the survey differently. 'At least I can't see any wires so maybe I'll actually be able to learn something useful.'

Rayne wasn't sure if he should be impressed or disappointed by the quick tour of the facility that looked like an old fashioned yet well maintained private high school. From what he could tell it was a bit like Hogwarts in that they didn't teach mundane subjects. The only real saving grace was that they started with high school age students which meant they weren't missing as much. Thankfully the school wasn't nearly as backwards as most of the rooms he'd seen had outlets and computers which meant they weren't stuck in the dark ages.

Jewel gestured towards the rows of computers the students could see through the large windows in the hallway. "As you can see, we have an excellent computer lab. Sadly, you're first years which means you'll have to fight with the second and third years."

"I thought the school was four years," a blonde haired girl asked, her voice making her sound like a valley girl.

"Most fourth years don't have time to play video games or watch cat videos," Jewel explained as she continued walking down the hallway. "Don't summon anything outside of your dorm or an approved summoning area or curse the building or open rifts to hell anywhere in the school."

"We can do that?" a dark haired girl asked with a bit too much enthusiasm for Rayne's taste.

"You're going to be one of Kuroko's favorites," Jewel muttered as she looked at Jennifer.

"Which subject does Miss Kuroko teach?" Jennifer asked.

"Summoning, she's an Acciomancer," Jewel replied as she walked over the doors leading to a courtyard. "There are a number of rules but they basically come down to don't wreck the academy and don't kill your teachers or fellow students. We're particularly concerned with the first two but do try to avoid the last one."

Rayne grinned slightly as they headed out into the courtyard and he saw the various wooden benches, gazebos and concrete planters scattered around in a way that looked nice if a touch haphazard. He glanced up at the three story brick building on the other side of the courtyard then glanced at the path that led to what looked like a stadium then looked at the other stone building to the left.

"And we're done," Jewel said as she gestured towards the building on the other side of the courtyard. "If you haven't taken care of your housing assignment, you're already screwed."

"What?" a blue haired girl in overalls blurted.

Jewel smirked as she gestured towards the building on the other side of the courtyard. "The dorms are nice though they lack privacy and some of the second and third year students like summoning tentacle demons so I'd keep one eye open."

'Great, maybe I should have picked Hogwarts,' Rayne mused as he studied his fellow students, trying to get some idea what he'd have to deal with over the next four years. Most of them seemed nice enough though some of them looked like they wanted to take everything apart and see how it worked and not in a good way.

"If you haven't arranged other accommodations, just tell the person at the desk your name and they'll give your room assignment, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get drunk," Jewel said as she flew up into the air and over the school out of sight.

'Yeah, that's almost as helpful as Trelawney or Binns,' Rayne mused as he headed towards the dorm, figuring he'd find out how bad things were before looking for alternate accommodations though he wasn't sure how he'd pay for them as he had less than fifty dollars in his wallet and he was fairly sure he wasn't on Earth or at least not his Earth as he'd heard one of the girls talking about being nobility like it mattered.

"I'm glad I don't give a shit about her class," the blonde girl with a valley accent complained as she headed towards the dorm. "Sex magic all the way."

"That's because you don't have a brain," muttered a black haired girl with red eyes.

Rayne blinked as he noticed a devil tail poking out from under the girl's red dress. "Nice tail…" he trailed off as the girl's tail waved at him.

The girl smirked as she headed towards the dorm with a skip in her steps.

'Yeah, this is way better than Hogwarts,' Rayne mused as he followed the girl across the courtyard, eager to get settled and start his quest to become the most powerful wizard in history but trying to play it cool. Of course some of the other students were less restrained and rushed past him, hoping to get a decent room assignment.

"Is this a mistake?" Therion asked the busty green haired girl standing by the RA's door in a translucent pink silk nightie that hid next to nothing as Rayne walked in.

"The dorms are co-ed." The RA tapped her clipboard. "Didn't you read the pamphlet?"

"I thought it meant girls on the same floor," Therion admitted, knowing he was going to get distracted.

"Don't worry, we can put up a screen," Maia suggested, glad that she'd gotten the long haired man for a roommate over the other guy that had flirted with her during the tour.

Rayne glanced around the lobby, glad to see that it looked like most of the dorms he'd seen on television or at least most of the ones that weren't supposed to be super elite and stuffy. 'The couches look comfortable and there's plenty of light thanks to the windows near the ceiling, it was probably too much to expect them to have a library filled with arcane books of ancient lore in the dorm considering the size of the library wasn't that impressive,' he mused as he walked over to talk to the RA, figuring she'd have a clue what was going on.

The RA looked at the handsome dark haired freshman that was a touch over six foot. "Name?"

"Rayne Smith," Rayne replied with a smile, trying not to stare like a perverted idiot as he was fairly sure the girl was at least a couple of years older than he was and could probably hex him or make her displeasure known.

"Smith," she muttered as she scanned over the list. "You're in number thirteen with Yelena Mara."

The blue haired girl with the overalls sighed. "Great, I don't suppose we can swap roommates?"

"Give it a week," the RA replied as she grabbed their keys off the door and tossed them to Rayne and Yelena.

"Don't worry, I don't snore," Rayne assured Yelena.

"Good," Yelena grumbled as she headed down the hallway.

'At least she's cute, even if she doesn't have a generous figure,' Rayne thought as he followed his new roommate down the hallway. "Any idea which classes you'll take?" he asked, figuring that was a safe enough question.

Yelena considered ignoring him for a couple of seconds then sighed as she realized it would be counterproductive. "The first years have classes with each of the teachers but I'll be focusing on Enchantment, Mensuramancy and Metamancy."

"Dimension magic and altering spells?" Rayne asked, wanting to make sure he'd understood the headmaster.

"That's right," Yelena replied then fell quiet.

'At least her voice isn't annoying,' Rayne mused as he followed her down the hallway.

Yelena stopped in front of the wooden door marked with a thirteen. "It better have a decent workbench," she muttered as she used the key, opened the door and flipped the light on.

Rayne glanced at the two raised bunk beds with plain if functional looking desks under them then over at the door that led to a bathroom. "I don't see any workbenches but it could be worse."

Yelena spared a glare for the bed with a pink blanket on it as she walked through the small room and looked around the cramped bathroom. "At least there's a shower."

"That's something," Rayne agreed as he walked into their dorm and glanced around. He sighed in relief when he saw a school pamphlet sitting next to his overnight pack and a pile of secondhand books on the desk under the bed with a blue blanket. 'At least I have a couple of changes of clothes which should give me enough time to figure out what the hell is going on.'

"I don't suppose you want to swap blankets?" she asked hopefully.

"We can probably talk to the RA," Rayne suggested as he walked over and picked up the school pamphlet, hoping it had more information or at least a schedule. A quick glance over the pamphlet confirmed that it had a map and a schedule which was nice. "Two classes Monday through Thursday and Eromancy on Friday. What are we supposed to do with the rest of the time?"

"Projects, homework and work study," Yelena said absently as she slipped her shoes off. "Most magic users can only cast five spells a day which means they need to spread the classes out."

"Five spells a day?" Rayne asked, wondering if he should have picked Hogwarts after all.

"Spells take magical energy," Yelena replied as she picked up her enchanting book and climbed up onto her bed so that she could sprawl out.

"Why is Eromancy the odd one out?" Rayne asked.

"I'm guessing they want everyone to have the weekend to recover," Yelena said as she opened her book and started reading. "Any other questions or can I start reading?"

"Have fun," Rayne said cheerfully as he picked up the Acciomancy book and looked at the table of contents, trying to get an idea of how the book was organized. 'Demon summoning, raising the dead, summoning tentacles,' he shook his head, not sure if he should be surprised or not considering some of the things the teacher had mentioned. 'Great, some idiot is going to get dragged to hell in a handbasket.'

He continued looking over the list, wanting to have some idea what the teachers were talking about in the morning. 'Monster girl summoning, summoning items and fictional people?' He sat down on the edge of the desk as he flipped to the section in the book that dealt with summoning fictional people and started reading.

It quickly became apparent that the spells weren't nearly as simple as just waving a wand and saying a couple of words. They were more like sheet music or a logic puzzle that you had to carefully play with until you found the solution at which point it was actually easy to solve or at least that was what he was hoping as the diagrams looked more complicated than the mad scientist notes they often used in movies that didn't actually make sense.

Rayne flipped back to the front of the book and looked to see if he could find an explanation of the terms they were using and sighed when the first page started with a spell to summon an imp. 'Yeah, I'm not that stupid.' He flipped to the back of the book and looked at the spell to banish summoned creatures. "Yeah, I think they're trying to get people killed."

"Why?" Yelena asked, not bothering to look up from her book.

"Because they don't explain some of the terms and they stuck the banishment spell at the back of the book," he replied as he closed the book and set it on the table.

"Not everyone learns to banish creatures, minor spells are easy to learn but most spells are hard to learn and harder to master. I doubt most of our fellow magic users will learn more than a dozen spells during their first year. Most students ditch six schools after their first year and focus on three then ditch the other two in third year and focus on their favorite school for their last two years," Yelena explained.

"Ah," Rayne muttered, feeling like an idiot for not knowing. 'I wonder if this is how Hermione felt when she first learned that magic was real?' he mused as he picked up the pamphlet. "Do you think the library has a 'Magic for Dummies' book?"

"It's probably worth looking," Yelena replied as she went back to reading, wanting some peace and quiet.

Rayne looked at the map then left the room, taking the pamphlet with him so he didn't get lost. He stopped and stared as he saw a busty brown haired girl walking down the hallway completely naked save for a clear plastic collar. 'This is better than sitting at home working on shitty online assignments.'

"See something you like?" the naked girl asked with a smirk when she caught him looking.

'Screw it, she's walking around naked with a collar, might as well be honest.' Rayne looked her in the eyes. "What's not to like?"

The girl smirked as she slapped her ass. "Damn straight. I'm Jessica Silvers by the way."

"Rayne Smith," Rayne replied.

"Pleasure to meet you." Jessica grinned then continued on her way.

Rayne watched the attractive girl walk off. 'On second thought, it's probably worth only being able to cast five spells a day.'

"Never seen a naked girl before?" Derry asked as he walked out of his room.

Rayne turned to look at his fellow classmate who was holding the Eromancy textbook. "Never in person."

"You'll get used to it," Derry replied with amusement. "Where you headed?"

"Library," Rayne admitted.

"Same, let's go," Derry said as he started walking down the hallway.

Rayne shrugged and followed along, not sure what to make of the other guy and his easy going nature. "What do you think of the school so far?"

"It's," Derry grinned as they walked past a busty blonde girl leaning up against a doorframe, wearing a witch's hat and a blue dress that barely covered her butt, "nice."

"Thanks," Lucy replied as she adjusted the brim of her hat. "I figured it was appropriate considering we're at a magic school."

"Of course," Derry replied with a smile as he enjoyed the view. "We'll see you around, we're on a quest for books."

"Library?" Lucy asked.

"I wanted to see if I could swap my Eromancy book, the one they gave me is a bit stained," Derry admitted.

"Stained?" she asked, then noticed the title of the book. "Yuck."

Derry laughed. "Nah, someone spilled coffee or something on it."

"Lucy, can you help me with my trunk?" a brown haired girl asked from inside the room.

"Best of luck," Lucy offered as she headed back inside to help her roommate, her dress riding up and giving the boys a nice look at her pink panties as she bent over to grab the trunk.

'It's like winning the lotto,' Rayne mused as he pulled his gaze away from Lucy's tush as she stood up, not wanting to look like a pervert as she'd been polite.

Derry grinned as they headed out of the dorm and back towards the main building. "I'm glad I didn't let my mother talk me into getting an apartment."

Rayne chuckled. "It's certainly more interesting than I was expecting."

"Do you know if your roommate is seeing anyone?" Derry asked.

"It didn't come up," Rayne replied. "What are you going to focus on?"

"Eromancy," Derry replied with a grin.

"Makes sense," Rayne said, making a mental note to look through the book before Friday so he'd have some idea what to expect because he wasn't sure what sex magic actually entailed.

Derry opened the door and walked into the school. "What about you?"

"I'm looking at summoning and enchanting," Rayne said as he followed Derry into the building, spotting a couple of students walking around that looked a year or two older. He shivered slightly as he saw a naked girl on a leash that looked blitzed out of her mind.

"Cool," Derry replied as they walked down the hallways. "Word of advice, learn Hex Proof if nothing else from Malumancy, otherwise anyone and their dog can curse you without recourse," he suggested in a whisper after the older boy and the leashed girl had walked down another hallway.

"It's on the list," Rayne replied, making a mental note to look up the spell as soon as he got a chance. 'Hopefully I'm not playing catchup for the rest of the year.'

"It's called the School of Forbidden Arts for a reason," Derry warned.

"Point," Rayne admitted, going silent as they made their way to the library. He was more than a little surprised when they walked into the room and realized the library was far larger on the inside than it should be which was something of a relief as he wasn't sure how the hell you'd fake that unlike the teacher that 'flew' over the school, that could be faked with wires.