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"If I wished for a way to easily create money, how would you grant it?" Ginny asked, glancing between Hermione and Myst.

"I'd reach through time to a world where Voldemort acquired the Philosopher's stone and steal it for you," Myst replied with amusement.

"How is that a bad thing?" Sirius asked as Lily walked into the drawing room with Harry.

"She's not an alchemist, she'd have to do actual work to learn to use it," Hermione explained.

"Pretty much," Myst replied with a grin.

Ginny shook her head. "I'm not my brother, I don't mind work."

"Makes me wish I'd managed to hide the one I found," Harry admitted.

Myst swapped his Matter Creation power to a cosmic scrying power and went looking for a decent world to steal the stone from. "Huh, that could work," he mused when he found a world that would work out well enough without Harry's alternate. He opened a portal in front of Quirrellmort's death curse that would have hit Harry's alternate in such a way that it hit him in the chest then tossed a fireball at the possessed teacher, burning him alive.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" Ginny blurted, having seen the death curse hit him in the chest.

"I'm currently immune to magic," Myst replied as he used Projection to orb Voldemort's retreating soul to Azkaban right in front of a dementor. He walked through the portal and picked up the philosopher's stone that had fallen from the professor's hand then turned to look at the red haired girl that was staring at him with her wand pointed at him.

"You're going to steal my loot, aren't you?" the girl asked warily.

"I killed him," Myst pointed out as he studied the girl that looked a bit like Lily with a touch of Harry mixed in.

"I figured out how to get through all of the traps," she argued, wondering how he'd created a portal and why no one had mentioned that it was possible.

"Fair point, what do you need money for?" Myst asked as he scanned the stone so that he could recreate it.

"My aunt managed to steal just about everything in my vault because Dumbledore left the key with her," she complained. "I was hoping that if I can make enough gold, I could leave. My cousin likes hitting me, I'd rather not go back."

Myst checked her possible future, trying to get an idea of what her life would be like if she stayed in her world. 'You could really use some plot armor. Then again, you make it through the fight with the snake to help Neville save Ginny and get assaulted by Lockhart, things spiral from there.' He gestured towards the portal. "You're welcome to come with me, I'll even show you how to use the stone."

"You're mental if you think I'm leaving with a stranger," the girl replied.

"How about your alternate's mother?" Myst asked as he pointed at Lily.

"Mum?" the girl sputtered when she looked through the portal and saw Lily.

"I'm from a different timeline but yeah, I'm Lily Potter," Lily said, not sure what else to say.

"Assuming this isn't a trick, I'd never have to see my Aunt or Uncle again, right?" the girl asked.

"Not unless you want to stab them," Myst offered.

"Try not to corrupt my daughter," Lily complained as the girl ran through the portal and hugged her.

"Sorry," Myst replied as he followed the girl through the portal. He closed the portal behind him then skimmed the timelines for a version that hadn't trusted him and stayed. He opened a small portal into her version of Lockhart's head when he tried to stun her so he could rape her. He skimmed over her adventures until the start of her fifth year when her cousin tried to rape her then skimmed the rest of the year which was one nightmare after another. 'Screw that.' He opened a portal to her room as her cousin Dolores was bashing on the door. "Need a lift?"

"Yes!" the fifteen year old girl shouted, wishing she'd taken the chance back in first year. She grabbed her trunk and quickly jumped through the portal. "Thanks…" she trailed off when she noticed the girl that looked like she had back in first year. "Rain?"

Rain looked at the trunk the other girl was holding. "Rain?"

"Your life didn't turn out peaches and cream, so I gave her a lift," Myst explained and closed the portal. He checked for that timeline's version of Hermione Granger and found her in her room hacking a server.

Lily sighed. "The elders are going to scream bloody murder over this."

"I don't work for the angels or the demons, I'm neutral," Myst replied as he followed the timeline forward through Hermione's time in secondary school until she ended up getting seduced by a darklighter at her graduation party that looked like a young Robert Redford. 'Knocked up at fifteen, at least he didn't drug her,' he mused as he skimmed over the next couple of years where she took night courses and taught herself computer programming while taking care of her daughter before getting her associates. 'A bit of exotic dancing and hacking with some programming jobs on the side, not a bad way to make a living.'

"What's going on?" Rain asked, wondering where the younger version of her came from.

"I can open portals through time. I rescued a version of you that wanted to leave back in your first year. You're from a timeline where you chose to stay. I followed the timeline with precog until you ran into issues then I opened a portal and here you are," Myst explained while he investigated the deaths of Hermione's parents and skimmed over the next couple of years until her death. 'Dies on her twenty first birthday because her daughter saved someone using her powers and Hermione protested when a darklighter showed up to claim her.'

"How and can you teach me?" the older Rain asked hopefully.

"Sorry, it's not something I can teach," Myst replied as he pulled his athame out of his inventory. "Just a second, I need to shank a darklighter." He opened a portal to the point in time two seconds before the darklighter that was going to kill the other Hermione would have raised his crossbow and stabbed him in the back.

The older Hermione stared in disbelief at the portal in space. "Great, I'm losing my marbles, first someone teleports in and starts talking about raising my daughter to be an angel hunting assassin and now people are opening portals."

"How attached are you to your house?" Myst asked as he scanned the adorable looking five year old with wild brown hair 'hiding' behind the recliner. 'Darklighter and wand witch, I can see why they'd want you.'

"I grew up here, I might have hated some of the people in school, but it's home, why?" Hermione asked warily.

"Because I doubt they're going to stop now that they know about your daughter, they don't like loose ends," Myst explained.

"How do I know that going with you isn't going to be worse?" Hermione asked warily.

"You don't but I'm friends with your alternate in my timeline," Myst said as he pointed at the local Hermione.

Hermione took a step to the left so the older version of her could get a better view. "Hi."

The older Hermione stared at the girl that looked like a younger version of her that didn't care as much about her hair. "How much time do I have and can I grab my computer?"

Myst winced when he caught a version of the future. "Sorry, not sorry." He used Projection to teleport Hermione and her daughter through then closed the portal.

"You're not supposed to kidnap people," Lily complained, giving Myst an exasperated look.

"Sorry, we had like forty seconds before a group of demons showed up and things would have gotten messy," Myst explained then focused on the older Hermione. "Give me a couple of minutes to get things set up and I'll teleport your house to an expanded trunk. Now that the portal is closed we have plenty of time."

The little girl wearing My Little Pony pajamas piped up, "I'm Sarah Granger, can I get names?"

"I'm Myst, this is Hermione Granger, witch extraordinaire," Myst said, gesturing at the younger Hermione then went around the running giving everyone's names before finishing with both Rain Lily Anne Potters."

"Doesn't that get confusing?" Sarah asked as she glanced between the two Rains.

"She's my younger alternate from a different timeline," Rain explained with a shrug, still trying to piece everything together. "I normally just go by Rain."

"Is this like Sliders or Stargate?" the older Hermione asked warily, hoping she wasn't going to fall apart.

"More like Sliders, you're stable," Myst assured her.

"Sliders?" Harry asked, glancing between Hermione and Myst.

"It's a television show," the older Hermione explained. "Can someone explain who the crazy person with the crossbow was or how we teleported?"

"In reverse order, magic and he was a darklighter, which is basically a descendant of one of the guardian angels that got twisted by the demon king," Myst explained.

"Demon king?" Ginny sputtered.

"Technically he's called the Source of All Evil but he's basically a demon king. There's a bit of a supernatural war going on in the background which generally steers clear of the Wizarding World for various reasons," Myst explained as he pulled up the design program on his heads up display and went to work designing the magical chest he wanted.

Hermione pulled her attention off her alternate's daughter and looked at Myst. "If she's my alternate, why didn't she end up in Hogwarts?"

Myst used his Scrying ability to check. "She managed to annoy the Defense teacher they sent to interview her with all of her questions so he marked her down as someone that wanted nothing to do with the wizarding world and erased her memory of the visit."

"Great, they MIB'd me," the older Hermione complained.

"MIB?" Hermione asked.

"Men in Black, it's a movie that came out in 97," the older Hermione explained then blinked when she realized how young her alternate looked. "What year is it?"

"Summer of 95," Hermione replied.

"That explains why you haven't seen it," the older Hermione said then turned to look at Myst. "Please tell me you can save my movie collection."

"I should be able to save your whole house," Myst assured her as he continued working on the design for the chest.

"What was the date when you left?" Hermione asked, looking forward to asking her alternate a bunch of questions.

"September 19th, 2000..." the older Hermione trailed off when she recalled a couple of security glitches that she'd love to take advantage of. "Could be worse, at least I'm not back in the fifties or something."

"Happy birthday," Harry offered.

"Thanks," the older Hermione replied with a half hearted smile. "Can I still learn magic or is there a time limit on learning magic?" she asked, trying to learn the rules.

"You should be fine," Lily assured her.

"Can I learn magic?" Sarah asked hopefully.

"Eventually," Myst replied with amusement, fairly sure that teaching a five year old more than the basics would result in the type of chaos that he didn't need or want. "If nothing else, I can show you how to teleport."

The older Hermione scowled at Myst. "She's hard enough to keep track of without teaching her to teleport."

"It's also a good way to escape if she runs into trouble," Myst pointed out as he started pouring magic into creating the chest he'd designed based on his expanded chest.

"He's got a point," Sirius pointed out.

"I'll consider it," the older Hermione admitted as she watched a trunk appear out of thin air like it was being printed with a 3D printer.

"Ready to be free?" Ginny asked once Myst finished creating the chest.

"Aladdin is a great movie," Myst replied with a grin.

Hermione turned to look at Ginny. "I'm fairly sure that means yes."

"I wish you free," Ginny said, hoping she wasn't making a mistake.

Myst felt a swirl of magic wash over him and wash away the magical bindings. "Yeah, that's an annoying curse, you can't directly ask anyone to free you. Thanks for freeing me by the way."

"Are you going to go insane?" Sirius asked warily.

"Nah, I wanted the powers, being a genie was a decent trade," Myst replied with amusement as he scanned the gold and sapphire ring on his finger that contained all of the 'Charmed' powers he'd purchased. 'Nothing like drawbacks to give you interesting items.'

"Isn't that a bit a risk?" Harry asked.

"Just a bit," Myst admitted. "So, now that I don't have to worry about getting sealed and tossed in the ocean for ten years, does anyone want to make some deals for power?"

"What type of powers are you talking about?" the older Hermione asked thoughtfully.

"Immortality, enhanced appearance, various magical powers and or supernatural skills," Myst offered. "I can also give you the 'temporary' use of several abilities that might come in useful like perfect memory, supernatural agility or the ability to never get fat or scar."

"I wouldn't object to perfect memory or the rest of the temporary abilities," the older Hermione mused.

"I can think of a couple of things that I'd rather not remember," Ginny admitted, thinking about her time with Riddle's diary.

"Same," Sirius admitted, thinking about his time in Azkaban.

"Dursleys," Harry and both Rains complained at the same time.

Myst glanced between Harry and the two red haired girls. "I can probably tweak the power so it works on skills and general knowledge."

"Now that is something I'd be interested in picking up," Sirius said thoughtfully.

Harry nodded. "I think everyone would."

Myst smiled at Harry. "Speaking of skills, do you want supernatural alchemy skills for free Harry?"

"For free?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep, paid for with the emotional pain of one Severus Snape," Myst replied with amusement as he used his Kingmaker power and bundled Perfect Memory with Supernatural Agility, Jumping and Perfect Body as a basic improvement package. He tweaked Harry's Perfect Memory ability so that it was more focused on skills and knowledge than other details and gave it to Harry.

"I'm still surprised that Albus would let him near first years," Lily admitted.

Sirius sighed. "You and me both."

Harry glanced at Lily then shrugged, not seeing a point in turning down free skills, especially if it pissed Snape off. "I'll take it."

Myst used his Skill Management power to give Harry a copy of his borderline supernatural Alchemy skill that he'd picked up from the jump. "That should do it."

Harry blinked as he realized how everything was connected and dozens of ways to improve the potions he could remember in exacting detail. "Holy shit…" he trailed off as he realized he knew exactly how to use a philosopher's stone.

"Language," Lily 'complained', trying to hide her amusement.

Sirius snorted. "Don't even start, you swear like a hag when you break things."

"Does anyone else want a copy of my alchemy skill?" Myst offered with a devilish grin.

Sarah promptly raised her hand. "Yes please!"

Myst glanced at the older Hermione. "That one is your call but it comes with knowledge of things to avoid and good safety measures for dealing with hazardous material."

"I'll be good," Sarah promised.

"Can I try it first?" the older Hermione asked, wanting to make sure that her daughter wouldn't end up with anything too dangerous and curious what type of potions existed.

"Of course, do you want the same basic enhancement package I gave Harry?" Myst asked as he used his Kingmaker ability to give Hermione and Sara a copy of Harry's enhancement package.

"That would be great," she agreed, looking forward to picking up as many skills as she could.

Myst gave her a copy of his alchemy skill. "What do you think?"

She blinked as she realized she knew how to make hundreds of potions she'd never heard of and pull off a lot of tricks that sounded interesting. "It comes with a pretty decent understanding of what not to do, so yeah, go for it."

"Thank you!" Sarah squealed happily, looking forward to being making potions and tossing spells like a magical princess.

Myst gave Sarah a copy of his writing skills and vocabulary then gave her a copy of his alchemy skill. "Anyone else?"

Hermione raised her hand a second after Ginny and a few seconds before Lily and both Rain Lilys. "It feels a bit like cheating but nothing says we can't take the basics and improve on them."

"That's the spirit," Myst replied as he handed out the enhancement packages then copies of his alchemy skill to everyone in the room.

"Damn!" Lily blurted as the new information combined with her already amazing skill and gave her new ideas to explore. "Can I study the philosopher's stone for a couple of weeks?"

Myst swapped his 'free' power to Matter Creation then duplicated the stone. "One condition, if you manage to copy it, you have to tell Severus that you managed it then let him try, it should frustrate the hell out of him."

Lily laughed. "Deal."

Myst tossed the copy to Lily then tossed the original to the older Rain Lily. "No hard feelings for walking off with it back in your first year?"

"No hard feelings," Rain replied as she slipped the stone into her pocket, having long since come to terms with the fact that no one would have let her keep the stone.

"Can I get the basics for spell casting?" the older Hermione asked hopefully, not really looking forward to spending months or years catching up.

"That depends, what are you offering?" Myst asked.

"How about an IOU for one romantic date and or a strip show?" she offered.

"Strip show!" Ginny blurted.

The older Hermione shrugged. "It's not like I have access to my accounts and he's a genie, what does he care about money?"

"Considering I can basically just open portals and loot vaults or snap my fingers and create bars of gold and mountains of gems, not so much. A chance to go on a date with a lovely girl and embarrass people on the other hand is worth more than all of the gold you could offer me," Myst explained.

"Does that work for the rest of us?" the older Rain Lily asked hopefully.

Myst turned to look at Rain Lily. "Just you and both Hermiones, Lily is married, Harry and Sirius are male and the rest of the group are too young."

"Yeah, I doubt the elders would approve of picking up extra powers even if we could come to some sort of deal," Lily mused.

"I should be offended but I'm sort of relieved," Ginny admitted.

"Which is the other reason the offer wasn't on the table." Myst used Matter Creation to create a stack of IOUs and an expensive pen then handed one of them to the older Hermione along with the pen. "Fair?"

The older Hermione grinned as she read the card then wrote her initials on both lines. "Deal."

The older Rain Lily held out her hand for a card. "I'd love a better understanding of magic and some extra powers."

"What about the rest of us?" the younger Rain Lily asked with a pout.

"How about 100 hours of 'community service' making magical items or potions and you have to go by Rain so we know which Rain we're talking about?" Myst offered as he handed one of the cards to the older Rain.

Rain glanced at her older alternate. "You've been Rain Lily longer, what do you think?"

"Works for me," Rain Lily agreed with a grin as she accepted the pen from the older Hermione and signed her initials on the card.

Rain grinned at Myst. "In that case you have a deal as long as it comes with the knowledge and ability to make magical items."

"Works for me," Myst replied as he created a card that she could use to keep track of her hours and handed it to the almost twelve year old.

Ginny shook her head. "I can't see Mum letting me work that many hours so we'd have to wait until Hogwarts."

"I'm not in a hurry," Myst replied as he handed Ginny a card to keep track of her hours. "Okay, basic spell casting," he mused and swapped out his Matter Creation skill for a national level witchcraft skill that would cover the basics of using wand based spells. "This should cover the basics and help refresh Lily and Sirius' skills."

"I wouldn't mind a refresher course," Sirius admitted, knowing he'd gotten rusty during his stay in prison.

"Same," Lily agreed, interested in the differences.

Myst used his Skill management skill to give everyone other than Sarah a copy of his skill with wand based magic. "That should help."

Sirius stared at Myst in disbelief. "It's like you stole everything out of Albus' head and stuffed it in mine."

"It feels like I ate too much ice cream," Hermione complained as she rubbed her temples.

"No such thing," Myst teased as he dropped his witchcraft skill and picked up a Cosmic Precog ability. "I should probably pick up a couple more powers before I use the conversion ritual to boost everyone."

"Let me guess, you're going demon hunting?" Lily asked warily.

"Eventually, I figure I'll start with pretentious idiots first," Myst replied with amusement as he used his precog to scan for a timeline with a particularly annoying version of Simon Thaddeus Reginald Marks. 'Check, one arrogant idiot that is willing to use a glamour to pretend to be Paige's husband to bring into existence a powerful child and an evil version that isn't particularly noteworthy.' He pulled his athame out of his inventory then created a temporary duplicate of himself. "Ready?"

"Ready," the duplicate replied as they opened portals to just before the 'good' and 'evil' Simons would have orbed to the manor to rape Paige and stabbed him in the shoulder, stealing his powers while Myst did the same with the half whiteligher version. He pulled his dagger back and closed the portal at the same time that Myst did the same.

"Who did you stab?" Lily asked warily.

"A particularly annoying version of Simon Thaddeus Reginald Marks and his not so evil alternate," Myst admitted as he turned the man's orbing ability into a power sphere so he could duplicate it while his duplicate did the same with the evil version's dark telekinetic orbing.

"Let me guess, the world is better off without the idiot?" James asked as he walked into the room with Albus.

Albus glanced between the two versions of Myst then glanced at the older Hermione. 'At least things aren't boring, I wonder if I can con him into teaching Defense?'

"More or less, yeah," Myst replied as he absorbed the power sphere. 'Okay, the evil version gets a little worse but that's the nature of the balance with that place.'

"You've heard of him?" Lily asked.

James nodded. "Only in passing, one of the elders mentioned him, he's an English witch and white lighter mix."

"Most versions aren't that bad," Myst admitted. "That particular one was going to use a glamour to pretend to be someone else's husband."

"That's a bad trick," Sarah complained.

"Very," the older Hermione agreed.

Albus glanced between the two Hermiones before settling on the one that was familiar. "I wasn't aware you had sisters."

"I stole them from a timeline where they were going to die," Myst replied with a grin.

"If I can ask, what happened?" Albus asked, curious how such a thing was accomplished.

Myst gestured at the older Hermione. "Mione never attended Hogwarts so she didn't have any way to kill the demons that showed up to recruit her daughter."

"Mione?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Would you rather go by your middle name?" Myst asked.

"Mione works," the older Hermione admitted, figuring it was better than using her stage name.

"And you don't have anything to go back to?" Albus asked in concern.

Mione shrugged. "Not really, my parents died last year and I don't have any close friends. I'm looking forward to seeing them again or at least the closest thing I'm going to get."

Myst's duplicate finished scanning Simon's collection of magical powers then handed the collection of spheres to Myst and vanished.

Albus raised his eyebrows. "That's a nice trick, have you considered teaching now that you're not a genie?"

"Let me guess, you need a Defense teacher?" Myst asked with amusement as he used his Precog to look for a demon with age regression powers.

Albus nodded. "I'd rather not have to rely on the Ministry to appoint one considering the current political climate."

"It beats being a student," Myst mused. "Do you have any objection to me giving out interesting magical powers for good behavior?"

"Will they cause the students to go insane?" Albus asked, thinking about some of the dark wizards he knew of that had made deals with demons before going around the bend.

"Let me check that," Myst mused as he looked at a possible future where he handed powers out like candy. "Nah, witches and wizards are magical enough to support a couple of powers without too many issues."

Albus weighed the risks and the benefits then nodded. "In that case, I don't have any objections."

"Excellent, speaking of teachers, I was planning on cloning a bunch of students from alternate timelines, how much gold would you need to hire a bunch of teachers to cover an extra three thousand students?"

"I don't think I could find enough teachers but if you're willing to pay them for the first year, I don't have any objection to opening the doors to extra students," Albus offered, looking forward to seeing Minerva's expression when he told her about the extra students.

"Are you sure that's wise?" Hermione asked warily.

Albus smiled at Hermione. "An infusion of new blood sounds just like what the wizarding world needs right now."

"Would you be willing to teach a couple of classes if I restored your youth?" Myst asked with a grin.

"Potion or elixir?" Albus asked.

"Active power," Myst replied as he used his Precog to look through future timelines for a version of Cyrto that managed to kill the Charmed Ones. 'Okay, that could work.' He opened a portal to a point a minute before the demon managed to kill Prue and stabbed him in the back, picking up a decent collection of powers and distracting him so that Prue could hit him with a potion and vanquish him. "Give me a second."

"Shit!" Prue cursed as the strange portal opened wider. "Now that?"

"If you give me a second, I'll give your powers back," Myst replied as he turned Prue's telekinesis into a sphere and scanned it. He floated it over to her then did the same with her Astral Projection power.

"Just like that?" Prue asked suspiciously.

"Pretty much," Myst replied as he turned Piper's Molecular Immobilization power into a sphere and scanned it. "I'm not a demon, I'm a demon hunter with the ability to copy powers."

"Do you have any extra powers?" Prue asked hopefully, figuring they could use the help.

"Sure," Myst replied as he turned Phoebe's Premonition power into a sphere. He swapped his Precog power for Matter Creation and created two labeled copies of the three spheres then floated them over with the telekinesis he'd stolen from Simon. "That should give you a copy of each other's powers and make defending yourselves a lot easier."

"What about the Power of Three?" Prue asked warily.

"Way more trouble than it's worth," Myst assured them as he used his Power Containment and Gifting Power to push the Power of Three back where it belonged as Piper walked over holding a metal pipe. "That should do it."

"Why help?" Piper asked suspiciously.

"Because I can and you look like you could use it." Myst pulled up the pattern for his Reconstitution power on his HUD and created three power spheres with labels then floated them over to Piper. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work hunting demons." He stepped back from the portal and let it close.

"What did you pick up?" Harry asked.

"A rather impressive Age Shifting power that will basically let me revert people to a younger form or age up lab rats, the ability to freeze things and Astral Projection," Myst replied with a grin.

"Any downsides of the power?" Albus asked.

"You're just delaying death, not cheating it so you should be fine," Lily said then looked at Myst. "Provided there isn't a problem with the power."

Myst checked the power with his Shard Administration power, wanting to be sure it wasn't going to cause someone to go insane. "Nah, it's clean."

Albus nodded. "In that case, I'd be willing to teach some alchemy classes, there should be more than enough interest with the extra students."

James glanced at Sirius. "Is it a bad thing when I feel like being the voice of reason?"

"Probably," Riley said with amusement as she walked in.

Sirius glanced at Riley then looked at James. "On the other hand, the Wizarding World could use some new blood."

"I can't really disagree," James admitted.

"How do I register for this version of Hogwarts and can I skip a couple of years?" Rain asked hopefully.

"What year are you supposed to be in?" Albus asked, noticing the resemblance between her and Lily as well as Harry.

"I just finished my first year but Myst gave me some extra skills," Rain replied.

"Time with your peers is important but I'm sure we can come up with some extra projects for you," Albus offered.

"Okay, don't blame me when I shatter the records," Rain replied with a grin.

Albus glanced at Myst. "How much of a boost did you give her?"

"She's probably better than half the teachers in their specialties," Myst replied with amusement.

Albus raised an eyebrow at Myst. "Are you planning on doing that with all of the students?"

"Nah, learning how to do research is important," Myst replied as he turned his attention back to the trunk he was going to use to hold Mione's house and started charming it to further increase the size so that he could push it to a 'unreasonable' degree with his Dimensional Addition or Subtraction ability.

Albus studied the flows of magic his glasses were showing him, surprised by a couple of the man's tricks. "On second thought, do you want to teach enchanting?" he asked once Myst finished enchanting the chest to hold far more than it should in a way that wouldn't fade over the years unlike most charms.

"That would probably be far more entertaining," Myst admitted after considering the question for a few seconds.

"Besides, you could always give Remus the ability to shape change so that no one knows he's teaching," Riley suggested.

"Fair point," Myst agreed with a grin.

"I'd love to have Remus back on the staff," Albus said, looking forward to having a decent collection of professors for the first time in decades.

"Can you cure his lycanthropy?" Lily asked hopefully.

"I'll see what I can find." Myst swapped his Magic Immunity for a Precog power then went looking for a cure for lycanthropy.

"Can't you just cure him?" Ginny asked.

"I could but I'd rather find a cure that I can share," Myst replied as he opened a portal to a version of Flourish and Blotts and started copying all of the alchemy books by that world's Lily Potter using his Matter Creation power.

Lily picked up one of the books. "Curing the Incurable, by Lily Potter and Severus Prince?"

"Apparently, that version of Severus wasn't a complete idiot back in Hogwarts and your alternate ended up starting a potions business with him," Myst explained as he closed the portal and opened a portal to the company's workshop and started duplicating all of the journals and specially designed lab equipment.

Lily opened the book and flipped to the section on brewing the potion that would cure lycanthropy. "This is almost as complicated as liquid luck."

"So you'll be done by morning?" Sirius asked with amusement, only half joking.

Lily shook her head. "Maybe if I had all of the ingredients, you have to pick some of them by the light of the full moon with a silver blade."

Albus walked over so he could check the list of ingredients. "Nothing looks particularly valuable or rare beyond the timing and method of gathering them."

"Does that mean we can cure Remus?" James asked excitedly.

Lily grinned at James. "We should be able to make a batch once we collect all of the ingredients."

James laughed as he hugged Lily, being careful of the priceless book. "You're a genius in any world."

"I know," Lily replied smugly.

Albus glanced over the rest of the books stacked on the coffee table. "How many groundbreaking discoveries did they make?"

"More than their fair share," Myst replied with amusement as he worked on expanding the space in the trunk with his Dimensional Addition or Subtraction power, pushing as much magic into it as he could.

"This calls for a celebration…" James sighed as he heard one of his charges calling for him. "Raincheck?"

"Raincheck," Lily agreed as James orbed out.

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "What was that about?"

"One of his charges needed him," Lily explained. "Speaking of charges, have you figured out where you're going to put everyone you recruit during the summer?" she asked Myst.

Myst snapped his fingers and duplicated the magical trunk with Matter Creation. "I'll probably just copy a summer camp or grab a couple magical tents."

"Speaking of decorating, we should probably check on the rest of the crew," Riley suggested, wanting to make sure everyone was safe.

"Good point," Myst admitted as he used his Precog ability to check on his new friends.