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'I might need something to deal with scent,' Myst thought as he dodged past the hyena-like monstrous beast that had been hiding behind a desk until he'd walked past trying to get down to the basement of the apartment building Blasto had hidden his lab under. He put on a burst of speed and slipped into the stairwell then jumped the rail and dropped to the concrete, trusting in his invulnerability and symbiote to protect his knees.

Myst dashed forward, pulled open the door, slipped into the tinker's lab and paused when he saw an entire basement filled with cloning vats and the sorts of equipment that would make a mad scientist giggle. 'Why the hell do I want copies of him again?'

'Screw it, it will make Riley happy and his clones will be saner without the influence of the shard,' Myst mused as he closed the door then dashed over and grabbed fuzzy haired man in a surprisingly clean white lab coat that was slightly shorter than he was as he reached for some type of remote. "Sorry, not happening."

"What do you want?" Blasto demanded nervously.

"Can you make a dinosaur?" Myst asked as he focused on the personality traits he wanted Blasto's clones to have. 'Calm, loyal, sane, not a drug user and nice.' He quad copied the man, dropping the clones in his pocket dimension.

"You burst into my lab to ask if I could make dinosaurs?" Blasto asked in surprise.

"Pretty much, dinosaurs are awesome," Myst replied as he used his Mind Flayer power to tweak Blasto to be less paranoid when it came to him.

"Dinosaurs are awesome," Blasto admitted, "but the PRT would shit a solid gold brick and sign the kill order they have waiting if I started creating dinosaurs. Of course they’d pretty much do that for half the things I have in my lab."

"What if I could offer you a lab in an unexplored alternate Earth without PRT restrictions, would you be interested making strange and unusual creatures then?" Myst asked, fairly sure the very idea of an unsupervised Blasto would give some PRT employees a mental breakdown or heart issues.

"I'll need electricity, decent supplies and a steady supply of pot," Blasto replied immediately.

"Why pot?" Myst asked.

"It keeps me from listening to the voices in my head, they have ideas, much worse than dinosaurs for my continued liberty," Blasto explained. "Also I'll want good living conditions for my younger sister, she's the only decent family I have left."

"Deal," Myst replied. "We should have portals up in Brockton Bay in a few days and the infrastructure built in another week or two."

"Is this a paying gig or just relocation?" Blasto asked, honestly fine with either considering how frustrating Accord had been lately.

"If I gave you money you’d just spend it on lab equipment anyway," Myst said reasonably, “so why don’t we cut out the middleman and you tell me what you need and I’ll get it?”

"State of the art equipment, facilities, and supplies?" Blasto asked hopefully. “I have a wish list ready for if I ever got lucky enough to afford everything I wanted, should I just give you that?”

"Sure," Myst replied, knowing he could use his replicator to create lab equipment that blew anything on the market away and it’d cost him nothing. “If the technical specs are available I can get you nearly anything.”

"I have some ideas on my computer for improvements on what is normally available without it turning into tinkertech so I don’t have to continually monitor and repair everything, do you want to see them?" Blasto asked hopefully.

"Of course, that way we don’t have to replace and upgrade everything all the time," Myst replied cheerfully, making a mental note to assign a Leet to check over the specs to make sure they were feasible.


Myst forced himself to relax and smile as 'she' walked up to the mansion's gate, dressed like a Japanese school girl from a hentai, i.e. short skirt, no bra and a dress shirt thin enough to leave very little to the imagination. She smiled cheerfully as she pushed the call button.

"What do you want?" a young girl's voice asked over the speaker.

"I'm selling Bibles for charity and to save your soul, everyone needs saving, right?" Myst asked, her voice bleeding cheerfulness.

"No, go away," the girl replied in annoyance.

"But, your soul is in danger," Myst argued.

"If you don't go away, I'm going to set you on fire," the girl warned him.

"Are your parents home? It sounds like you need educational spanking. I have several excellent educational paddles for sale," Myst replied, doing his best to keep from laughing.

"Are you fucking insane?" asked a different female voice, that sounded a bit older.

"No, I'm selling redemption!" Myst said enthusiastically.

"Okay, we're killing her for the good of the human race," the older voice muttered, being just loud enough to be picked up by the microphone. "Come in," Cherie suggested as she pushed the button to open the gates.

"Thanks, you won't regret it!" Myst lied as he watched the gate swing open.

'Is skipping and singing about friendship too much?' Myst mused as she walked down the driveway towards the mansion, a bounce in 'her' steps to make sure her large breasts were bouncing as she walked. 'Probably.'

Cherie had a difficult time not laughing as she listened to her father gleefully talk about breaking the idiotic girl with an excellent set of tits that was walking towards the mansion. Normally, she would have felt bad for the girl, but the fact that she couldn't sense the girl at all meant that something strange was going on which meant she might have a chance to escape.

Heartbreaker opened the door and used his power on the girl walking up the steps, intending to make her adore him and stared in shock as his power bounced like he'd hit a brick wall, finding no purchase on the girl's mind. "What the fuck?!"

Myst blurred forward and grabbed the tall man with a lanky, muscular physique by the neck and copied him once, picturing a sane, loyal and respectful clone that would spend his life fixing the original's mistakes if it was the last thing he ever did. He caught a flash of the original's mind, the lack of ambition and channeling his frustrations into abusing people so he could avoid causing so many problems the government had to deal with him. He turned Heartbreaker to stone then dropped him in his pocket dimension next to Accord's statue.

"I don't suppose you want to make a deal?" Cherie asked hopefully.

"That depends, do you like getting spanked?" Myst asked cheerfully as she held up one of the paddles she'd been carrying. "Sorry, I had to," she replied, rather amused that she could see Cherie's nipples tenting her t-shirt more than was probably normal.

"Does that mean, spanking is off the table?" Cherie asked as she eyed the strange girl's breasts, a touch disappointed.

"That depends, are you a bad girl?" Myst asked as she turned her attention towards the two men running towards her that were probably Cherie's older brothers and general assholes. She focused on the two men and turned them to stone.

Cherie glanced at her brothers that had just been turned into statues then looked back at the girl. "Which answer is more fun?"

"For me or you?" Myst asked with a grin.

"Both?" Cherie asked as she licked her lips as she looked at Myst's long red hair.

"I can work with either," Myst replied as she tossed the bible behind her, knowing the conjured bible would fade in an hour or two. She turned to look at the Heartbreaker clone. "Get dressed and start fixing what you can fix."

"Yes ma'am," the clone replied and headed for his bedroom.

"What is going on?" Cherie asked.

"I'm replacing Heartbreaker with a loyal clone that will be fixing your father's various messes. I suggest packing up and leaving before the police show up in a couple of days," Myst suggested.

"Are you going to take care of my siblings?" Cherie asked warily, hoping she wasn't going to steal her stuff or do something else unpleasant.

"That depends, do you care enough to help take care of your siblings?" Myst asked.

"Most of them are sociopaths and immune to my power or at least resistant so I doubt that would work all that well," Cherie admitted.

"Are you immune to their powers?" Myst asked.

"Mostly," Cherie replied with a shrug.

"In that case, do you have any objection to being cloned a couple of times so I have someone that can take care of them?" Myst asked with a grin.

"That depends, am I free to go?" Cherie asked, wanting to avoid being near anyone that resembled her father.

Myst considered the question for a couple of seconds. "I'll even set up a trust that will pay you to stay out of trouble."

"That's less entertaining but acceptable if I get to fuck them," Cherie offered, figuring she could make her own money easily enough.

"I doubt they'd object," Myst replied as she held out her hand.

Cherie stepped forward and grabbed Myst's hand. "How does it work?"

'Loyal, naughty, bisexual nudists with a love of family.' Myst focused on the personalities he wanted the clones to have and copied her four times, getting a sense of the clones' minds and realizing that half the reason Cherie wanted to get a spanked was because she thought he was into it and the other half being that she just really liked getting spanked, at least when it wasn't her father doing it.

Cherie grinned as she looked at her naked clones. "Nice."

"We're going to need the paddle, she's been a very bad girl," one of the Cherie clones said with a smirk.

"I'll get the video camera," one of the other clones said as she headed towards her room..

"Strip!" one of the clones ordered Cherie as she grabbed one of the paddles out of Myst's hand.

Cherie grinned as she started stripping. "You're wearing too many clothes."

Myst laughed as she started unbuttoning her shirt, figuring he could always start working on fixing everyone's mental issues after he had some fun with Cherie. 'At least she doesn't need to join the Nine to get away from her father this time.'


Emma and Madison blinked and looked around, finding themselves standing in the middle of an empty field.

“And four of you,” John said as he tapped Emma on the nose, making four naked clones, “and four of you,” he finished, tapping Madison and creating four naked clones of her as well.

“What’s going on?” Emma asked curiously, while taking the time to examine her clones who just grinned and waited for John to give them a command.

“I… There are five of me now and four of them are naked!” Madison blurted out. “Man, I am cute enough to get away with murder.”

“Just about,” John agreed as a black sphere appeared in each hand and he passed them to an Emma clone and a Madison one. “You two are to help Sophia with whatever she desires and not let anyone know you aren’t the original,” he ordered.

Madison’s clone moaned as the symbiote bonded to her. “Yes, Master!”

Emma’s clone rolled her eyes and shivered as her own symbiote bonded to her. “Got it!”

“You’re a Master?” Emma asked nervously as she realized how far over her head she was.

“Yes, but the whole ‘Master’ thing there… I think that’s just one of her kinks,” he admitted.

Everyone turned to look at the original Madison who was blushing a bright red.

“What? It’s a common fantasy!” she defended herself.

John shook his head and tapped the two symbiote clad clones, causing them to vanish. “It is and I’m hardly one to kink shame anyone, at least for one that common anyway. I still don’t get the one involving balloons for instance, but that’s neither here nor there. Now, you two are going to be empowered several ways, but you are also going to be enslaved for a period of three years.”

“What?!” Emma squeaked nervously, her clones moving to comfort her and whisper that it would be okay.

Madison bit her lip, but didn’t comment. Everyone knew that anything she did say would not be a complaint anyway. The way her clones were squeezing their thighs together said they really liked the idea.

“I’m a friend of Taylor's,” John said cheerfully. “I’m going to enslave you for three years, warping your minds and bodies into servants for her. You will be taking care of her, making sure she is happy and content, in all ways possible.” At Madison’s gasp he nodded. “Yes, sexually as well. I could make you completely miserable for a shorter amount of time, but I’m not that cruel, so instead it’s going to last longer. It all balances out and you will be empowered during your enslavement. At the end of the three year period you will be allowed to leave if you wish.”

“Taylor?” Emma asked in disbelief.

John grinned. “You will be waiting on her hand, foot, and other assorted body parts. Now, what setting would she like best?”

“Setting?” Madison asked curiously.

“Yes, do you think she would like a castle or a mansion?” he asked.

“What’s so special about Taylor?” Emma demanded.

John reached out and grabbed Emma’s hand twisting her misplaced hatred into a deep lust and desire to serve her old friend. “What would Taylor like best?”

“Um, depends,” Emma said thoughtfully, knowing her emotions had been twisted but not caring. “If you mean to live in, she’d want a hotel, so someone else would do all the cooking and cleaning and she could relax.”

John gave her a narrow eyed look. “What hotel?”

“Super 8,” Emma replied with a shrug. “Her parents were never rich and so dad had us stay at one together when we went on vacation when we were nine and she loved it.”

John just shook his head. “This is a strange world indeed.” He created a two story Super 8 hotel complete with restaurant and pool. “Okay, what else would she like?”

“A place with horses and cows,” Emma said, “plus a small pond to go fishing in.”

“A farm?” he asked, just to be sure.

“We visited one and she loved riding horses and bugging the cows,” Emma admitted. “It wasn’t bad, though not some place I’d go when I had the choice of a real vacation spot.”

He waved and a picturesque farm appeared behind him. “Okay, that a farm and a hotel. Think that’ll keep her happy?”

“Needs a library,” Emma said. “Taylor loved to read. She may like to watch movies and play in the sun, but she spends at least four to six hours a day reading.”

“First thing that makes sense,” John said, waving his arm and creating a copy of the Ronald J. Norick library that he’d once visited when he was a preteen. It was four stories tall, had large glass windows and was built in a retro modern style.

“That’s what you consider a library?” Emma asked in disbelief.

“It’s from Oklahoma,” John replied. “It has audio video rooms and such, but it also has tons of books she hasn’t read, so it should keep her busy while she’s on the mend.”

“She’ll have an orgasm just looking at it,” Emma predicted.

“Well maybe,” John said, “once she’s out of the coma anyway.”

“Coma?!” the two teens chorused.

“Yeah, your little ‘prank’ almost killed her, and she’s currently still recovering,” he explained as he walked towards the hotel. “Not that we have to worry about her health,” he said holding out a hand and a Panacea appearing naked with a drink in one hand and looking around.

“Where’s the patient?” Amy asked.

“Why are you naked?” Emma asked.

“Because when you sculpt a body this hot, you want to show it off,” Amy replied, with a smirk.

“I have many, many Amys,” John told them, “and all of them immediately started bio-sculpting each other. This one went for…” he looked her over, “firmer breasts and some landscaping, but no big changes, not that she needed any.”

“You say the sweetest thing,” Amy said, “even if I wasn’t a clone of your best friend created to be your sex toy I would kiss you for that.”

“I didn’t create you to be my sex toy,” John said with a frown.

Amy pulled him close and glared into his eyes.

“I mean of course I didn’t create you ‘just’ to be my sex toy,” he quickly corrected himself. “You also do a good job curing all the little boo-boos when not ‘servicing’ me.”

“She has you whipped, doesn’t she?” Emma asked, amused.

“Only on thursdays,” Amy said, before letting him go and taking a sip of her drink.

“Anyway,” John said, leading them into the lobby and creating an extra set of keys for a suite on the first floor, “we’ll need a bed to transfer her to.” He unlocked the door of the first room they came to, showing a nice if not extravagant room.

“I swear they haven’t updated the decor since the 90’s,” Emma complained, as she took in the golden carpet, white walls, and the abstract painting on the walls that she was sure she’d seen on a disposable cup somewhere.

“And here we go,” John said, transferring an unconscious Taylor onto the bed.

“She looks so thin,” Emma said sadly as Amy shoved her drink into John’s hand and quickly started seeing to her patient.

“Yep, mostly your fault,” John said, “well you and genetics. That girl was born to be a beanpole.”

He transferred in Danny Hebert a moment later as he had apparently caught them in the act of taking Taylor from the hospital.

“What’s going on?” Danny asked, looking around in confusion.

“Panacea is healing your daughter,” John told the balding, middle-aged, dock worker to calm him down. “We’re in a pocket dimension set up to help her recover.”

He slowly nodded. “And them?” he asked, gesturing at the naked teenage girls. Well, all but Emma as apparently Madison had taken the initiative on her own sexual enslavement by stripping down so she could blend in.

“Paying for their treatment of your daughter by becoming her servants,” John replied. “Emma is pretty fucked in the head. I mean really fucked, she had a mental break when captured by the ABB a couple of years ago, that’s why she was behaving that way, while Madison is just doing whatever anyone in authority tells her to do, because that’s the way she’s wired. If the school had come down on them for bullying she’d have quit, as she feels really bad about it.”

“Why?” Danny asked, confused. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because,” John replied with a shrug. “It was really fucked up and I could fix it, so I’m doing so.”

He reached out and tapped Danny, creating a clone and handing him some clothes to change into. “You are going to stay here with your daughter while your clone handles your work for you.”

Danny sat down, apparently having reached his limit of strange events for the moment.

“Taylor should be up in a few minutes,” Amy said, “let me look at her father real quick.”

John looked around the room while Amy worked on Danny and his clone, fixing years of stress and depression as well as overwork. “Way too many people in here,” he decided. “Okay, every naked person… except Amy, go hang out at the pool. I’ll give you orders later.”

The girls filed out leaving Emma and Panacea as the only teen girls other than Taylor in the room.

“Done,” Amy said. “Stress is a real killer. Also, eat more fibre and drink less beer.”

Both Dannys nodded and sighed in unison.

“Okay, clone Danny,” John said, looking between them before recognizing the one with better clothes as the clone and vanishing him with a tap. “There, he’ll wait for us to send him a Taylor in the hospital room.”

“Clone?” Danny asked.

“Someone to take her spot while she’s recovering,” John explained.

“What?” Taylor asked as she woke up and took in the room. “Emma?”

Emma burst out in tears and threw herself on the confused parahuman.

“I mindfucked her,” John said cheerfully. “She was broken, and now she’s… broken in a different way, but one with less sharp edges. Anyway, she’s honestly horrified by what happened and how she’s treated you and will do anything to make it up to you. Seriously, anything. Don’t make any comments about her going and dying in a fire because she will start gathering kindling.”

“You’re joking?” Taylor asked hopefully.

“I’m not,” John replied. “I’ll let her tell you her story, or you can ask one of her clones, speaking of which.” He reached over and tapped Taylor creating four clones of her.

“I really need to gain some weight,” Taylor said, distracted by the crying Emma and the naked Panacea who had reclaimed her drink.

John tapped one of the Taylors on the shoulder, transferring her to the hospital. “There, now no one will notice you two are gone and you can rest and heal here.”

“Here?” Taylor asked, trying to sit up and failing due to the crying redhead on her chest.

“It’s a pocket universe, and I really should make cards explaining things because it’s not like I can just magically… Okay, forgot about that,” John said, smacking himself on the forehead before tapping Taylor’s foot and Danny’s shoulder, giving them the knowledge he wanted them to have in an instant.

“You’re resurrecting my Mom/Anne?!” the Heberts chorused.

“I can’t resurrect a lot of people, but she is on the list because it would make you two happy,” John explained. “Well, more Taylor than you,” he told Danny, “but regardless she’ll be back about 30 hours from now.”

“What should we do?” one of the Taylor clones asked.

“Eat more,” Amy ordered them.

“I think they meant at this moment,” John said, giving Amy a look that she just smirked at.

“Same answer,” she replied. “They desperately need food since they are in the same condition as their progenitor.”

“How many powers do you have?” Taylor asked, absently stroking Emma’s hair.

“You know how there are grab bag capes? I just grabbed the bag itself. It would take a good ten  minutes to go through all my powers and their possible uses,” he explained.

“Taylors,” John said to get the two clones attention, “wave down a Madison from the pool and make them cook you something, the kitchen is fully stocked.”

“Yes sir,” the clones replied and left.

John created a bag of breakfast burritos and passed it to Taylor who managed it with one hand so she didn’t disturb Emma who was passed out on top of her. “And that’s this situation taken care of, now I’m off to fuck with The Merchants.”

“Ahem,” Amy said.

“What?” John asked, cluelessly.

Amy sighed. “You have half a dozen bodies and you still forget things.”

John nodded. “What am I forgetting?”

“You’ll need one of you to stay here to keep an eye on things, I don’t plan on staying here alone,” she told him, wanting to delay his plan for dealing with The Merchants until she was sure he wouldn’t cause a blood bath.

“Yeah, I really should,” he agreed as he considered it.

“Good, now let's go leave them to recover while we molest one of the small brunettes,” Amy said.

“Yeah, they’ll enjoy that,” John agreed as Amy grabbed his arm and led him off.

Danny pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down. “This has been one strange day.”

“Are you sure I’m not still in a coma?” Taylor asked.


Chichi son

"Is this a paying gig or just relocation?" Blasto asked, honestly fine with both considering how frustrating Accord had been lately. fine with either? Heartbreaker opened the door and used his power on the girl walking up the steps, intending to make her adore him and stared in shock as his power bounced like he'd hit a break wall, finding no purchase on the girl's mind. "What the fuck?!" a brick wall?