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Amy looked up from working on her math homework as the door opened and her sister walked into the living room with two unfamiliar capes and a strawberry milkshake. She glanced between the man's professional looking robes and the cat girl in a fur bikini. "Let me guess, you're a fan of Myrddin?"

"Not particularly," Myst replied as he studied the frizzy haired teenager sitting on the couch in a pair of red bootie shorts and a black T-shirt that said, 'Boob Jobs 500 Bucks, Cash Only!' in white letters. 'Huh, at least she's making money,' he mused as he looked around the livingroom, slightly surprised that the furniture wasn't overly expensive until he remembered that Carol was probably expecting to have to replace things.

"Oh? Why not?" Amy asked as she held her hand out towards Vicky, looking at the milkshake Vicky was holding and concentrating for a minute before sighing. "I need Force abilities."

Vicky snickered as she walked over and handed Amy the milkshake. "Didn’t even feel a tug. So, despite your theory that you could develop them under repeated actions and great stress as a second gen cape… I’m guessing wanting a milkshake doesn’t count."

"If you're not a fan of Myrddin, why dress like a magic user?" Amy asked, ignoring her sister’s dismal of her brilliant plan for gaining new abilities.

Myst resisted the urge to make a joke about teaching people magic, figuring he'd talk things over with John first as he didn't want to screw things up before he got his powers. "Mostly because it looks amusing and I'm a grab bag, a decent collection of my abilities have weird almost magic like visual effects," he explained as he walked over and held out his hand so that she didn't have to get up.

"Let's have a look," Amy trailed off as she reached out and touched Myst's hand to check his biology and realized that he was in perfect health and that every last organ in his body was near or better than anything she'd seen.

"Amy?" Vicky asked after twenty seconds of Amy just staring at Myst.

"What?" Amy asked as she pulled her attention off Myst's strange biology.

Myst barely kept from smiling as he created four happy, mildly sarcastic bisexual loyal copies, dropping them in his pocket dimension.

"You were zoning out," Vicky replied. "Does he have any medical issues?"

Amy glanced at Myst to make sure he wasn't going to object to her sharing his medical date then shrugged. "He’s the healthiest patient I’ve ever seen who didn’t have a power making him that way, unless he has a power doing that."

Myst smiled as he retrieved his hand while she was distracted as he didn't really want to be used as a template right now. "Maybe? I've had my powers less than a day. You should probably check my projection."

Tangles stepped over and held out her hand.

Amy reached over and touched Tangles' hand with her finger then frowned when she realized there was nothing to sense. "I'm not getting anything."

"Good to know," Myst replied as Tangles stepped back. "Thanks for checking."

Amy hid her smile, not seeing a point in telling him that she would be using what she'd learned to upgrade her sister and her cousins. "Bribery will get you everywhere or at least another inch for 500 bucks."

"Has anyone ever taken you up on that?" Myst asked.

"I'm fairly sure I'm not supposed to answer that," Amy replied with a grin.

"On that note, I should let you get back to your schoolwork." He conjured a business card with the number of the burner he'd gotten from Coil's stash. "Here, the card should last an hour, call if you ever need any help or if you want to do a patrol once I get things set up."

"Just remember to register with the PRT as an independent hero, it helps avoid misunderstandings and comes with a useful list of contact numbers," Vicky said as she opened the door. "Stay out of trouble."

"No promises and glass houses," Myst replied with amusement as he left with Tangles, rather happy that he now had four copies of Amy wandering around his pocket dimension. He smiled as he climbed on Tangles' back and they headed towards the docks to find Lung.


Myst twisted his ring and vanished, leaving the girls in the pocket dimension to entertain themselves, mostly because he was fairly sure Vicky was going to break something if he went another round. He stared at the stained glass windows for a second then looked at the bookshelves filled with leather books and a strange collection of glowing gear he could only guess the use of.

Myst smiled as he glanced at the bright green and yellow tipped feather that was hovering in the air, trailing golden sparks then stared suspiciously at the yellow rubber duck sitting on another wooden bookcase, wondering why a mage had stuck a mundane rubber duck in a sanctum. "I probably shouldn't touch it, just in case."

He turned and felt his heart lurch as he noticed the stuffed crocodile hanging over another bookcase. "Fucking mages," he muttered after he realized that it wasn't going to spring to life and attack him. He took a couple of breaths to steady his nerves then went back to glancing over the weird collection of books, trunks and trinkets sitting on mismatching shelves that lined the walls. He glanced at the stone floor that was mostly free of clutter and suspiciously free of dust and smiled. "Now there's a useful enchant."

He glanced at the rubix cube floating in a weird glass and bronze lantern sitting on the room's only table then looked over at the potion bottle filled with swirling colors. "It's not Hogwarts, but it's mine," he mused, fingers practically itching to start looking through the books and learning magic, something that he'd always wanted to learn.

He stepped over to the table and carefully opened the unnamed black leather bound book, hoping that it wouldn't drive him mad but willing to take the risk. After a couple of seconds of staring blankly at the chicken scratch he turned the page upside down and reread it, finding it much more legible as apparently the mage had been trying to write with his left hand while eating a sandwich… or considering his handwriting maybe one of his feet.


"Vicky?" all of the Amy clones blurted as they stared at the other clones, having just been teleported and apparently copied. "Where are we?"

"You're in Myst's pocket dimension," offered one of the naked Vicky's clones as she flew over.

"How do we get out?" Amy asked warily.

"We ask nicely, but you probably don't want to leave yet," Vicky said as she gestured towards the bed where another three Vickys were having sex with four blonde girls. "Myst is raiding his magic tower for books and we're going to learn magic!"

"Did you hit your head?" one of the Amy's asked as she stared at her sister or at least the person that felt and looked like her sister, but had been enthusiastically having sex with a girl, which was almost completely unlike her. Hell, John had to sweet talk her to get her in bed with Amy and she was her sister!

"Nope," Vicky replied smugly. "We're clones, that means we don't have to go to school or put up with bullshit, any bullshit."

"Or Carol," three of the Amy's realized, instantly cheering up.

"We also don't have a place to live," the other Amy said as she glanced around the empty meadow. "I don't see houses or grocery stores for that matter and let me just say that fog looks fucking creepy."

“Myst can create anything we want, but we wanted magic first,” Vicky said, ignoring the comment about the fog because it did look fucking creepy. “Probably should have had him make something like a mall to keep us occupied, but meh, at least we have a bed and someone to screw."

"Which you're making good use of. Anyone we know?" Amy asked, still trying to puzzle out what was going on.

"Othala or at least her copies. Don't worry the copies are saner than the original," Vicky assured her as she turned to watch the girls kissing and molesting each other.

"But she’s not missing an eye…" one of the Amys trailed off as she realized that the Nazi clones had both eyes, meaning Othala’s powers worked on her clones which meant hers should too! She spun to one of her clones. "Straight red hair and no freckles?"

"Or blue?" one of the Amys suggested, instantly getting what she was thinking.

"Trade you boob jobs," one of the Amys said as she reached out and poked one of the other Amys' left breast.

"A bit less around the stomach, maybe test some of Myst's upgrades?" one of the Amys suggested.

"After you help me fuck Othala unconscious," Vicky ordered, “that bitch had been cheating by giving her other selves regeneration so they recover faster!”

“Fine, but you have to let me give you a penis,” Amy said.

“Alright, but not permanently."


Myst scowled as he looked down and spotted a group of four asians in their late teens or early twenties harassing an older asian with an apron in front of a bakery. "So much for a nice quiet night getting my bearings," he muttered under his breath. "We might as well have a chat with the idiots."

Tangles flew down and hovered about twenty feet away from the group so that Myst could dismount. "Orders?"

"If they start shooting, I'm using you for cover," Myst whispered as he jumped off Tangles and glared at the teenagers, slightly surprised that the lone female had gone for slutty over warm and comfortable. "Is there a reason you're harassing the nice old man?" he asked, ready to jump behind his projection if they pulled out anything more impressive than the switchblade one of the boys was twirling around like an idiot.

"He hasn't paid his dues…" the leader of the group trailed off as he turned and saw Myst and Tangles. "Who the fuck do you think you are coming into our territory?"

"I'm a new independent hero and I'm going to have to ask you to leave the nice old person alone," Myst said as he activated his Discount Midas power and started turning the youth in the back of the group to stone.

"Are you a brute?" the young man with the knife asked with a sneer as he swung the knife around in a vaguely threatening manner which would have been far more impressive if his other hand hadn't been shaking.

"Something like that," Myst lied as his other self used his magic ring to exit the Mage’s Retreat and drop into his personal dimension where he created a meadow isolated from the others so he’d be able to concentrate. He created a handful of zip ties, that his other self pretended to pull out of his pocket to hand to Tangles. "Tie them up."

Tangles walked forward and grabbed the man with the knife as he swung at her. "Stop resisting," she said, sounding like she didn’t care if he obeyed.

Myst turned his attention towards the teenage girl as she pulled a gun out of her purse. 'That went south rather quickly,' he thought as he turned the young woman into a stone statue, less than happy about the idea of getting shot even if she'd been pointing at Tangles.

The other young man turned and bolted when he saw his friend's knife bounce off the girl's skin without leaving a mark. 'Fuck this shit!'

Myst created a bola with three metal balls on chains in his pocket dimension then pulled it out and started swinging it over his head. "Let's see if this works," he muttered as he tossed the weapon at the fleeing thug. He winced slightly as the weapon hit the man in the leg and he tumbled face first into the ground and knocked himself out. "Perfect," he lied as he turned to look at the shopkeeper, making a mental note to practice using the bolas as he was seriously out of practice. "I don't suppose you want to press charges?" he asked hopefully.

"And get my shop burned to the ground?" the old man asked dryly. "No thanks."

"Suit yourself," Myst replied as he turned to look at the idiot that Tangles was hog tying with zip ties. "I don't suppose you'll tell me where to find Lung?" he asked, mostly just curious if the man would betray his boss as he already knew where to find Lung thanks to Coil's files.

"Fuck off, I'm not a snitch!" the man replied. "Do your worst, I'll be out in a week."

"What makes you think I'm handing you to the cops?" Myst asked sarcastically as he stole the man's wallet and smartphone out of his pockets.

"Because you're a hero?" the man asked warily, finally realizing that he might be in a lot of trouble and not the legal kind.

Myst focused on the thug that had tried to kill his projection and used his Midas power on the idiot, turning him into a statue. "Don't worry, I'll turn them back before I drop them off with the police."

The old man eyed the statues warily. "You realize they'll just send someone else, right?"

"Feel free to toss me under the bus if anyone asks," Myst replied as he reached over, touched the statue and teleported it into his pocket dimension. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Lung about being a fucking lunatic."

"You should stay away from Lung, he's killed a decent number of independent heroes," the man warned after he realized Myst was serious.

"Thanks for the warning but I have a plan," Myst replied as he walked over and teleported the other two statues into his pocket dimension.

"You're insane," the old man muttered before heading back into his shop to grab a drink, glad that he hadn't asked the soon to be dead man's name.

Myst frowned when he glanced over at where the young man he'd hit with the bolas had fallen and realized that he'd already fled or been dragged into one of the shops. "Great," he muttered as his other self stepped through the fog isolating the two meadows and saw the group of girls were playing with their looks with Panacea's help, all four of the Panaceas. He headed towards one of Lung's clubs, hoping he could find Oni Lee before the lunatic found him.

Myst smiled at the dozen naked girls on the bed. "My other half ran into a slight problem, I'm going to need invulnerability and pyrokinesis for a bit."

"In that case, get over here," Othala said cheerfully as she patted the bed next to her.

"We'll take care of you," one of the other Othala's said as she worked on giving one of the Amys a back massage for a little body shaping.

Amy pulled her attention away from the version of her sister she was finger fucking and studied Myst. "We're a bit cramped with just the one bed and I want a pool and hot tub."

"What type of pool?" Myst asked as he walked over and sat down on the bed so the Othala clones could boost him without interrupting their fun.

"We're not picky, just sticky," one of the Vicky clones said cheerfully before she went back to making out with an Amy.

'Original Amy can keep the original, I'm keeping the clones, they are much easier to get into bed,' Amy thought as she playfully spanked her sister. "If nothing else, we're going to need showers and a bathroom."

"Yeah, I'm not taking a shit out in the open," Vicky said seriously.

"Good point," Myst muttered as he focused on an area ten feet from the bed that was slightly lower than the ground under the bed and created a small water tower with a row of showerheads and a drinking fountain next to a pink porta potty. "That should do it."

"That's a joke, right?" Amy asked dryly as she scowled at the porta potty.

"No," Myst lied, unconvincingly as he couldn't stop himself from smiling. "It's just a stop gap measure until I can design a decent hotel," Myst assured her as he used his shape changing power to change his t-shirt so that it read 'Architects for the Win!'

"Is there a reason you're changing your clothes?" Othala asked.

"One of my powers gives me the skills of any profession I can name as long as I'm sort of dressed for it," Myst explained as he focused on his Roleplay power and slipped into the role of a high class architect.

"In other words, you can be an architect for a day?" Amy asked as she played with Vicky's breasts.

"Or a bartender or just about anything else..." Myst trailed off as his other half peeked around the corner of an alley and saw a number of Asians milling around the front of an old warehouse. "It's like they're not even trying to hide."

"Who?" Vicky asked, confused by the jump in topics.

"The ABB, there has to be a dozen people just standing around in front of the warehouse, the PRT has to know where they are," Myst complained.

"It's Lung," two of the Othala's said at the same time, the other two not seeing a reason to stop playing with Vicky long enough to answer the question.

"Breaking up one of his clubs isn't worth the collateral damage," Vicky explained, “and when dealing with Lung there is always collateral danger.”

"In that case, screw it." Myst focused on his pocket dimension power and added a lake on the edge of the meadow then added a white sand beach around the lake as well as half a dozen wooden cottages with water towers and solar panels on the roofs. "That should give everyone a place to stay, I'll expand things when we get more people."

"How many people are you planning on copying?" Amy asked.

"I have a pocket dimension and I can basically conjure food and water, is there a reason I shouldn't clone as many interesting capes as we can find?" Myst asked as his other self shifted his appearance and clothes so that 'he' looked like a twelve year old Japanese Girl Scout.

"You should copy some movie stars and directors," Vicky suggested.

"Not a bad idea," Myst mused as he made a mental note to look into copying some writers and directors. "Either way, my clone is walking into Lung's base, try to keep the invulnerability and pyrokinesis up."

"Do you want anything else?" Othala asked.

"I wouldn't object to super-speed and augmented strength," Myst said as he dismissed his projection and conjured a basket with several boxes of girl scout cookies. "If I'm going to take out Lung before he ramps up, I'm going to have to be fast."

"We can do that, I'll get pyrokinesis," Othala said as she set her hand on Myst's thigh.

Myst waited until the other Othala clones had given him their buffs then walked around the corner and headed for the warehouse filled with gang members. He ignored the voice in the back of his mind arguing that he should just go in fast and furious and kill them all, mostly because he wasn't sure how many of the thugs were only there because the gang wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of the ABB guards asked as he looked at the Girl Scout walking towards the warehouse.

"You should go home," one of the other ABB guards encouraged, knowing it wasn't a safe place for little girls.

"I'm selling Girl Scout cookies," Myst replied cheerfully, slipping into his role with disturbing ease thanks to his Roleplay power.

"Get lost, no one wants overpriced cookies that aren't even made with real Girl Scouts," the first guard sneered, trying to send her away before anyone noticed she was there.

"Are you telling me that Lung doesn't want cookies?" Myst asked as the guard stepped towards him. "Fine, can I talk to your manager?"

"What?" the man sputtered.

"Whenever Mom can't get someone to behave like a reasonable adult, she demands to talk to their supervisor, it's generally super effective," Myst said smugly then kicked the thug in the nuts when he went to grab her, lifting him off the ground and ending his family's chances of a next generation. "Bad touch!"

The second guard winced. "How many boxes do I have to buy to get you to go away?" he asked, knowing that she really needed to leave before Zhang got up and shot her or worse.

"Twenty," Myst said as he pulled the man's wallet out of his pants, flipped it open and stole his wad of cash. He dropped the wallet on the man's face and stuck the cash in his basket.

"You can't just steal his wallet," the other guard said, trying not to laugh.

"I didn't steal his wallet, just his cash. Besides, Mom says I can steal from assholes," Myst argued as he started walking towards the warehouse with a smile on 'his' face.

"You little bitch!" shouted one of the first guy's friends as he ran at Myst with a knife.

Myst grabbed one of the boxes and tossed it at the man's face then stepped forward and kicked him in the nuts, stepped to the side and kicked the side of the man's knee causing it to snap as he crashed to the ground.

The other man winced as Myst grabbed Li's hair and bashed his face into the ground a couple of times until he stopped moving. "Are you insane?"

"No, I just want to sell the most cookies," Myst said cheerfully as the door opened and he saw a man in a black bodysuit with a demonic looking oni mask step out of the door. "Do you want girl scout cookies?" he asked, not sure how the hell to deal with Oni Lee that didn't involve a lot of noise and collateral damage.

"What happened?" Oni Lee demanded as he looked at the unconscious guards.

"They didn't want to buy my girl scout cookies," Myst replied.

"Are you a cape?" Oni Lee asked.

"Yes," Myst replied cheerfully, not worrying about the sociopath thanks to being invulnerable.

"What are your powers?" Oni asked calmly as he studied the girl scout that had taken out two of his guards.

"Enhanced strength, I bet I can beat Lung at armwrestling," Myst boasted, figuring that might be his best shot at touching Lung without causing too many issues.

The guard shook his head. "Not the best idea."

"If he beats you, you'll work for him," Oni Lee stated, figuring Lung would want to recruit her despite her age as they had few enough capes.

"If I win he has to buy all of my cookies," Myst demanded, curious how far he could push things, mostly because he had Othala to keep his clone from getting splattered. He followed Oni Lee into the illegal gambling hall and over towards a VIP section that was mostly just a roped off section where a well built man with a mask was sitting.

"This new cape thinks she can beat you in armwrestling," Oni Lee stated, “she has bet her freedom vs you buying all her... cookies.”

Myst ignored the laughing crowd when Oni Lee grabbed his shoulder in a grip that would have most likely hurt if he was really a twelve year old girl. He created a copy of Oni Lee (noting that his personality was almost non-existent thanks to his power degrading it) that was loyal in the pocket world. 'Just as well you're going to die.'

Lung looked at the skinny Girl Scout that thought she could beat him. "You think you can beat me?" he asked not sure if he should be angry or not and finding himself mostly amused.

"Of course," Myst walked over and put his elbow on the table in a blatant challenge, causing Oni Lee to lurch forward before letting go as he realized that he couldn't hold him in place. "If you win, I'll work for you. If I win, you'll buy all of my Girl Scout cookies."

"You're Asian, you'll work for me anyways," Lung stated with a shrug.

"Put your money where your mouth-" Myst reached up and grabbed Lung's arm as he tried to backhand him, stopping it cold. 'Screw the nice way.' He flung his free hand towards the ceiling throwing a wave of flame to destroy the lights and plunging the room into shadow, causing everyone to start shouting as Lung tried and failed to remove his arm from ‘her’ grip, his form beginning to swell. He hadn’t meant to set the building on fire, nor provide so much light, but then he’d never used the pyrokinesis ability before.

He focused on the various more reasonable versions of Lung he could remember from fanfiction and cloned a better version of Lung then used his strength to slam his fist through the original Lung's chest before he could escalate to the point where he couldn't be hurt. He stuffed the body into his pocket dimension then twisted around and hit Oni Lee with enough force to snap his neck as he stood there stunned at seeing two Lungs. He’d planned to kill the teleporter when they were in complete darkness so he couldn’t teleport away, but this worked just as well. He grabbed his basket of cookies and tossed it into his pocket dimension then grabbed Oni Lee's body and did the same.

He transported the teleporter’s clone back into the real world and touched the two clones, implanting their instructions before he changed into a black cat and bolted for the door, doing his best not to get stepped on, fairly sure John wouldn't complain too much about him replacing Lung and Oni.


Chichi son

"Let's have a look," Amy trailed off as she reached out and touched Myst's hand to check his biology and realized that he was in perfect health and that every last organ in his body was near or better than anything he'd seen. anything she'd seen?

Robert Buniff

I love it when your characters can copy people. Wish I could find more stories like this. Gonna go read your Scooby builders again 😁.


John would be Dogbertcarrol right? I recall that being his chosen name in other collaborative works you have done before. Is he going to be writing up his parts or is this entirely your work in a friend insert sort of way? I’m only asking because while I enjoy his stuff as well the wait would just about kill me if we needed to stop for a while whenever his stuff queued up for typing.