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Myst glanced away from his spinning gacha wheel and Dawn’s breasts when he sensed Anakin and Padme approaching the door to his room. “Clothes?” he asked as he used his ring to conjure boxers and a pair of shorts.

“Overrated,” Dawn replied with amusement as she turned off the news feed that she’d been watching and twisted around so that she was looking at the door.

Myst used his telekinesis to push the button that opened the door. He smiled when he saw Anakin with a very pregnant Padme standing at the door. “Feel free to come in and sit down.”

“Thank you,” Padme said as she walked in and carefully sat down on the other couch after glancing at Dawn, happy to be off her feet.

Anakin sat down next to Padme and studied the spinning prize wheel that was floating in the air, trying his best not to stare at Dawn. “Hats?”

“Everyone needs a good hat.” Myst reached up and caught the tinfoil hat that dropped when the prize wheel stopped.

Dawn snickered as she studied the simple looking folded hat made out of tinfoil. “I think I’ll stick to a fedora or a witch’s hat.”

“I can’t say I blame you,” Myst replied as he studied the hat’s abilities, not sure if some enchanter was being a smartass or if his power was trolling him. ‘Increases paranoia and boosts mental defenses? Someone was too much of a conspiracy nut.’

“Did you just conjure something using the Force?” Padme asked as she studied Myst’s strange metal hat.

“Technically I used my internal magic but yeah, basically.” Myst put the hat in his inventory and bought the Weapons wheel for 2,000 mana. “What brings you by?”

Padme glanced at the spinning Weapons wheel, not sure what to make of the stranger’s unique ability. “We saw Sabé and Obi-Wan practicing, do you have more elixirs?” she asked, knowing that Sabé would bother her until she asked. “This won’t hurt my children, will it?”

Myst unchained his precog and looked into the future to make sure the re’em’s blood elixir wouldn’t hurt Luke and Leia. “No, they’ll be fine.” He conjured two bottles of blood enhanced Coke and floated them over to Anakin and Padme. “Free of charge, though I wouldn’t object to some lightsaber training when we have time.”

“Deal,” Anakin said as he grabbed the bottle in front of him, feeling the last dregs of fear about Padme’s health vanish as they drank the bottles and he felt the force flow through his body.

“That doesn’t taste nearly as bad as I was expecting,” Padme admitted after finishing her bottle, slightly surprised when the bottle vanished.

“Good,” Myst replied with amusement, happy to sidestep the entire mess with the empire and avoid several decades of war and death.

“What else do you have?” Anakin asked, curious what other interesting abilities they could pick up.

“That depends on what you have to trade,” Dawn cut in before Myst could give everything away.

“Credits?” Padme asked as she glanced between Dawn and Myst.

Myst shook his head. “Sorry, I have plenty of credits thanks to Dooku’s bounty.”

Dawn glanced at Anakin then focused on Padme. “How about permission to conjure up a couple siblings for Anakin? We’re going to need help setting up an academy for Force users and Anakin is decently trained.”

“You’re going to have to explain that,” Anakin said, curious how they were planning on conjuring people out of thin air.

“I have a spell that instantly creates a twin of a living creature,” Myst explained as he watched his Weapons wheel slow down and stop. He reached up and grabbed the double edged shortsword that dropped from his gacha. “Nice balance and weight.”

“Is that a sith sword?” Anakin asked as he looked at the blade with a purple crystal in the crossguard.

“I’m fairly sure you’d be able to sense rage bleeding out of the metal if it was a sith sword,” Myst replied as he stuck the sword in his inventory. “But yeah, the spell would let me give Anakin a sister.”

“What are you offering?” Anakin asked.

“How about a drink from a chalice that would give you the permanent ability to find people and objects or maybe gloves that would allow you to conjure ice, cold or snow?” Myst asked, fairly sure Anakin would go for the ability to find people.

“What’s the range?” Anakin asked, knowing he’d have to take the deal if it let him track down General Grievous.

Myst focused on Ahsoka and smiled when he got a mental image of her talking to a group of clones and a sort of compass in his mind that was pointing behind him, which made sense as he was facing the back of the ship and they were heading to Mandalore. He focused on Mace Windu and got the sense that he was in front of him. “I can sense Ahsoka and Mace, which means it has a decent range.”

“In that case, deal,” Anakin agreed before he could change his mind.

“Are you sure?” Padme asked as she studied her husband’s face.

“No but someone needs to track Grievous down and having family would probably help keep me stable,” Anakin argued, hoping that his new ‘sister’ didn’t cause too much trouble but knowing Grievous would never let him rest unless he was hunted down and killed.

“Sure, let’s go with that.” Myst cast the twin creation spell on Anakin, creating a naked brown haired young woman that bore a decent resemblance to Anakin without looking at all masculine.

The female Skywalker blinked as she went from being in bed with her padawan to being in a lounge with Padme and three strangers, one of whom was naked. “Padme? You’re pregnant?” she blurted when she focused on her friend.

Padme pulled her attention off the girl’s cybernetic arm and looked at her familiar blue eyes, the same exact eyes her husband had. “I’ve been pregnant for a while.”

‘Great, I should have known something would have gone wrong considering the issues with fast growing force users in Star Wars. Hell, I should have checked my precog,’ Myst mused to himself as he pulled his attention off the female Skywalker’s cybernetic arm and focused on her eyes. “What’s the last thing you remember?”

Alanna Skywalker turned to look at Myst, sensing his ability with the Force and wondering where Padme had found several insanely strong Force users. “I was showing Snips a few tricks on our way back from trying to rescue the Chancellor and then I found myself here, what’s going on?”

“I cast a spell that was supposed to make a female copy of Anakin Skywalker,” Myst gestured at Anakin, “and apparently reached into another dimension and copied you.”

“So you’re telling me, I’m a clone and in a different world?” she asked as she glanced between Padme and Anakin, half expecting her friend to tell her they were joking.

“Sorry?” Myst offered, not sure what to say to the girl that didn’t feel depressed or upset.

Alanna Skywalker sighed in relief as she realized they weren’t lying. “Good, that means I don’t have to explain to the Council how I let the Chancellor die.”

“What happened?” Padme asked.

“He was a sith lord and wanted me to kill Dooku and his apprentice, a rather attractive girl with anger issues.” Alanna shook her head. “I would have happily murdered Dooku but Sarafina just needed to be chained to a bed until she calmed down. I wasn’t going to let the Chancellor kill her so I helped Dooku kill the Chancellor then Ahsoka stabbed Dooku in the back while Obi-Wan distracted him.”

“Chained to a bed?” Anakin asked.

“Like you’ve never chained a girl to a bed when they were detoxing,” Alanna replied sarcastically.

Padme turned to look at Anakin. “Something you want to tell me Anakin?”

“What? No, there were obviously differences,” Anakin assured her, not sure which mission would have resulted in chaining someone to a bed.

“Right, we should probably compare notes,” Alanna mused.

“Did you work for Watto?” Anakin asked.

“Qui-Gon Jinn managed to trick Watto into betting me over a pod race. I came in first place despite some cheating by some of the other racers. Which is probably for the best as he was planning on selling me to Jabba in a couple of years. We got the parts we needed to fix the Jedi’s ship then we headed to Naboo to help Padme.”

“Did you shoot out the shield generators?” Anakin asked, hoping that much was still the same.

“It was easy once I figured out the controls,” Alanna said as she glanced at Padme’s stomach. “What’s your relationship with Snips like?”

“She’s my ex-padawan and my friend and she’s in trouble which is why we’re going to Mandalore.” Anakin took a breath and let it out, knowing that he’d done the best he could.

“Does she have a girlfriend?” Alanna asked as she sat down next to Dawn so that she didn’t have to look down at everyone.

“What?” Anakin sputtered.

Dawn snickered as she skimmed Alanna’s surface thoughts, wanting to make sure she was being honest. ‘We really need to look into spells for opening portals, her world sounds interesting,’ she sent to Myst.

Alanna smirked at Anakin. “I’m not her master here and Padme is obviously taken, so is she seeing anyone?”

‘It’s on the list when we get back,’ Myst assured her, rather amused by Anakin’s twin.

“No idea,” Anakin admitted. “She wouldn’t have been as a padawan but she left the order because they put her on trial for planting explosives which means I haven’t seen her in a couple of weeks because she’s on an important mission for the republic.”

“Weird,” Alanna said as she saw a floating prize wheel appear in front of the man that she hadn’t been introduced to. “Ignoring the idiots on the council, what’s with the Twisted Trinket wheel and can I get names for the two people I don’t know?”

“Sorry,” Dawn said a touch sheepishly. “I’m Dawn Troy and my friend with the magical prize ability is Myst. We’re basically travelers from another world and we’re setting up a perverted magical school, do you want to join? We’re going to need a bunch of instructors.”

“How much does it pay?” Alanna asked, fairly sure that she didn’t want to sign up with the Jedi if they were screwed up enough to think Snips had planted explosives.

“How would you like supernatural strength, a boost to your force talents and abilities in addition to regenerating your arm?” Myst asked.

“You can regenerate my arm?” Alanna asked hopefully, not sure how he was planning on increasing her power but willing to give him a chance as Padme was taking him seriously.

“Sure, do I have permission?” Myst asked, wanting to make sure she didn’t want to keep her cybernetic arm.

“Yes,” Alanna said firmly.

Myst gestured and teleported Alanna’s cybernetic limb over to the table then reached over and touched her nose, temporarily giving her his regeneration. “Boop.”

Alanna snorted then shivered as she felt the stump of her arm tingling. She glanced down at it and stared in shock as her missing arm started regenerating before her eyes, she barely had enough time to wonder where the mass was coming from before she was wiggling her newly regrown fingers, amazed that everything worked. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” Myst assured her, fairly sure that she’d have been hugging him if it wasn’t for his gacha wheel. He reached up and caught the strange black almost P.K.E. meter like device, a touch disappointed when he waved it toward the wall and nothing happened. “That’s useless,” he muttered as he looked at the device with his upgrade ability.

“Useless or nearly useless?” Dawn asked sensing his annoyance.

“Fine, it’s only nearly useless,” he admitted as he handed the device to Dawn. “Give it a wave.”

Dawn waved the device around, curious why it lit up when she pointed it at Myst and Anakin but not Alanna or Padme. “What does it do?”

“It’s a stud finder, it apparently lights up when it’s pointed at a male you’re attracted to,” Myst replied as he closed his empty gacha menu and opened it, wanting to pick up a couple more items before they got to Mandalore.

“On second thought, that’s decently useless,” Dawn replied as she tossed the meter back to Myst. “What other gacha wheels do you have?”

“Badge, Clothing, Crystal, Mirror, Sex Toy, Wand or a Watch," he mused as he looked over the options.

Dawn snickered. “Go with sex toys first.”

“Don’t blame me if we get something twisted.” Myst bought the 2,000 mana Sex Toy wheel then pulled the clairvoyance chalice out of his inventory and filled it with water. “As promised, take a drink and you’ll be able to find anything you want.”

Anakin took a drink and concentrated on Ahsoka, catching a vision of her talking to Rex about something as well as a direction. “This should come in useful.”

“That’s the idea.” Myst turned to look at the door a second before Sabrina opened it and walked in wearing a red silk dress that clung to her curves and her hair up like she’d just spent a night on the town. “Any luck?”

“Mission accomplished,” Sabrina replied as she glanced between Alanna, Anakin and Padme, seeing no reason to let them know that she’d just snuck into the Jedi temple and duplicated a bunch of holocrons without anyone suspecting anything. “Twin?”

Alanna smiled at Sabrina. “So they tell me, I’m Alanna Skywalker, you are?”

“Sabrina Shadows, pleased to meet you,” Sabrina replied. “Obi-Wan said to tell you that we have ten minutes before we’re dropping out of hyperspace.”

“Thanks.” Myst reached up and caught the glowing plastic collar that dropped from his gacha wheel. “Not what I was expecting.”

“What does it do?” Alanna asked.

“It allows you to alter your appearance, if you want to be a famous actress or look like the queen for a night, just touch it to a picture or the person in question and the collar adds the look to its collection. It also has a graphical interface so you can create customized looks.”

“That would be useful for scouting,” Anakin said.

“Not to mention add some spice in a bedroom. Illusion or transfiguration?” Dawn asked, curious how it worked.

“It’s an actual physical change.” Myst stuck the collar in his inventory and bought the Crystal wheel. “I’d let you play with it, but we’re less than ten minutes out and we don’t need to get distracted.”

“It’s going to take an hour to get through traffic,” Anakin pointed out.

“Not if we use the cloak and just ignore everyone else,” Myst pointed out as he conjured a bottle of Re’em’s blood infused Coke and handed it to Alanna. “This should drastically increase your strength and durability.”

“Thanks, I don’t suppose you have an extra lightsaber or clothes?” Alanna asked hopefully.

Anakin pulled his attention off the spinning Crystal wheel and looked at Alanna. “I have enough spare parts to make a lightsaber but you’ll need a focusing crystal.”

Alanna smiled as she looked at Myst’s Crystal prize wheel. “I have a feeling that’s taken care of.” She opened the bottle and worked on drinking the contents, pleasantly surprised by the taste.

Myst blinked when his precog showed him a flash of Alanna fighting General Grievous with a glowing purple lightsaber while wearing a sheer purple loincloth and halter top. He reached up and caught the purple crystal that dropped from his gacha wheel when it stopped. “I’d make a joke about the Force providing but I’m pretty sure she’s laughing gleefully right now.”

“Why?” Dawn asked.

“Because I just saw a vision of Alanna fighting Grievous,” Myst replied as he bought the Clothes wheel for 9,000 mana. He duplicated the perfectly cut lightsaber crystal with a gemino charm and handed Alanna the original. “That should make things easier.”

“I don’t suppose you can wave your hand and make the war go away?” Padme asked dryly.

Myst shook his head. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t.”

“Why not?” Padme demanded.

“Because I don’t like tyrants, people joined the Republic because they were promised certain benefits, if the Republic can’t provide said benefits like having the Republic keep them safe then everyone should have the right to leave and take care of themselves. Until the Republic recognizes that basic right, I see no reason to support their corrupt rule and without the threat of force, the Republic has no reason to change.” Myst reached up and grabbed the belt of silver rings and sheer purple cloth that dropped from the gacha wheel.

“Hundreds of thousands of civilians have already died,” Padme complained as she looked at the indecent outfit that Myst was holding.

“Which isn’t my fault. I’d happily wave my hand and keep any innocents from getting hurt if I could but I can’t,” Myst replied as he checked his upgrade ability to see what type of powers the belt possessed. “Nice, it keeps you clean and it makes you immune to damage from metal while you’re wearing it which makes slug throwers basically useless.”

“Less people would get hurt if the war was over,” Padme argued.

“Only in the short term, the Republic has been dying for a while and most governments aren’t willing to give up power which means they’ll do whatever they can to keep it, even when they shouldn’t.” Myst sighed as he realized she’d pulled him into a political argument. “We can argue politics another day, we should be getting ready.” He bought the Badge gacha.

“Is it a bad thing that I’m picturing an entire order of lightsaber wielding dancing girls cutting through an army of droids while being immune to everything they can throw at them?” Dawn asked with amusement as she pictured Alanna and Sabrina dancing around in the outfit.

“Probably,” Sabrina teased. “I’d love a copy.”

Myst smiled at Sabrina. “I’ll work on making duplicates.”

“I wouldn’t mind a copy,” Alanna said, seeing no problem with the comfortable looking outfit other than she’d need to find a top to go with it.

“Would it still work if I wore it over shorts?” Anakin asked, fairly sure the boost to his defenses was worth more than the slight loss of dignity, especially against Grievous.

“It’s worth testing,” Myst replied, fairly sure he could just move the magic over to a pair of shorts or to the costume ring.

“In that case, we have a lightsaber to build,” Anakin said cheerfully as he headed for the door.

“I don’t suppose anyone has an extra robe or something?” Alanna asked, wanting to avoid hassles with the crew.

Sabrina gestured and conjured a fuzzy blue bathrobe for Alanna. “No one on the ship should care but wearing the robe should make Obi-Wan feel better.”

“Thank you.” Alanna pulled the robe on and followed Anakin, feeling a bit naked without a lightsaber on her belt.

“I might as well watch,” Dawn said as she followed Alanna out the door.

“Is there something I can help with?” Padme asked, feeling a bit useless as she couldn’t exactly help with the upcoming fight in her condition.

“Nah, we’ve got the combat handled, you and Kenobi get the hard job once we’ve dealt with Maul, diplomacy,” Myst replied with amusement he reached up and grabbed the Red Cross pin when it dropped from the prize wheel.

“Hopefully they’ll listen,” Padme said, tired of the entire war and the collateral damage.

“What does the badge do?” Sabrina asked, noticing Myst’s grin.

“It cuts the cost of healing magic in half and grants knowledge of two healing spells, cure and cure poison,” Myst explained as he looked through the rest of the details to make sure there weren’t any side effects.

“That’s more useful than I was expecting,” Sabrina said as she glanced at Padme. “Does Padme have enough potential to use it?”

Myst checked Padme’s magical abilities again, they weren’t particularly impressive and the Jedi wouldn’t have considered her worth training but she had magical potential which meant he had something to upgrade. “Sure, she could cast the cure spell a couple of times before she’d be exhausted or once without the pin.”

“Once is better than nothing,” Padme said as she took the pin and attached it to her dress. She blinked as a wave of cold went through her head and she realized she knew how to cast a healing spell and remove poison. “Can you upgrade my magic?”

“Tell you what, I have a paddle that removes built up magical corruption, if you can talk Anakin into letting you use it on him, I’ll boost your mana and magical ability up to the point where you could make most of the Jedi Council look weak.”

“How much corruption does he have built up?” Padme asked.

Myst sighed. “Enough that he’s a couple of good shoves away from going completely nuts. Most of it is from some particularly nasty missions. I’d rather avoid him going insane, it doesn’t end well.”

“I’ll talk to him after the mission, is that soon enough?” Padme asked.

“That’s good enough for me,” Myst replied as he dropped a thousand mana and boosted her almost non-existent mana pool by a hundred. “That should get you started.”

Padme shivered as a light wind tickled her skin. “What was that?”

“That was Myst’s mana, it tends to tickle when he’s upgrading people.” Sabrina turned to look at the open door as she felt Yoda approach. “We should probably let Yoda and Obi-Wan use the pin to learn a new healing spell before the battle, just in case they have to heal civilians.”

“Useful, that would be. More curious about second Skywalker, I am,” Yoda said as he walked into the lounge.

Myst duplicated the loincloth and worked on turning the copy into a knock-off as he explained, “I have a spell that creates permanent twins of people, I used it on Anakin after getting his permission because we’re going to need help creating a magical school and Anakin is an excellent duelist and teaching should help him master the rest of his skills.”

Yoda turned to look at Padme. “Thoughts on this, you have?”

“Alanna Skywalker isn’t exactly what I was expecting but she’s certainly someone I’m interested in getting to know,” Padme said after taking a few seconds to consider the question. “If the teaching job doesn’t work out, I’d certainly be willing to hire her as a bodyguard.”

“Use this spell again, you are?” Yoda asked.

Obi-Wan’s voice came over the speaker, “We’re approaching Mandalore, we’ll be at Ahsoka’s location in ten minutes, get ready.”

“Sorry, I should go make sure Alanna has her defensive gear,” Myst said as he headed out the door, seeing no point in arguing about the twin spell when they had a battle to fight.

Yoda shook his head. “Hasty, everyone is.”

“You get used to it,” Sabrina said with amusement.


Chichi son

“Badge, Clothing, Crystal, Mirror, Sex Toy, Wand or a Watch,’ he mused as he looked over the options. mismatched quotes