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Myst scowled as he felt a ball of worry and insecurity walking toward his door. ‘Great, what the hell do you want?’ He glanced at the bedroom where Sabrina and Dawn were playing dress up with Kes and his new mirror.

“Mr. Neelix is at the door,” the computer announced.

Myst gestured and cast a silence spell over the bedroom door then walked over and opened the door to the apartment. “Yes?”

“Where is she?” Neelix asked insistently as he peeked into the apartment, looking for Kes as the computer had told him where to find her.

Myst yawned. “It’s early and I haven’t had my hot chocolate yet, what are you talking about?”

“Kes, where is she?” Neelix whined, wondering if the computer had made a mistake.

“In the other room with the girls, trying on clothes,” Myst replied as he gestured toward the doorway. “I’ll tell her you stopped by when they get done.”

“When they get done?” Neelix asked in confusion.

“DId you miss the part where I said the girls are trying on clothes?” Myst asked with amusement, not sure if Neelix was being intentionally dense or if it was a cultural thing.

“Can’t you just tell them I’m here?” Neelix asked.

“I’m not walking in there for anything less than a Red Alert.” He was fairly sure Sabrina and Dawn would be more than a little annoyed if they burst in and ruined a perfectly good chance to seduce the former Ocampa.

“I just want to make sure she’s alright,” Neelix whined.

“Why wouldn’t she be alright?” Myst asked as he used his X-ray vision sunglasses to look through the bedroom wall. He wasn’t all that surprised to see Dawn sprawled on the bed sans clothes watching the other young ladies with a smile on her face or that Sabrina was showing off a green silk dress that clung to her curves. The fact that Kes had used the mirror to swap her skin’s midnight black color to back to something resembling her previous skin tone was a bit of a surprise but maybe she’d figured the pointed ears and purple hair and eyes were enough of a change if she was going to talk to the other Ocampa or maybe she was just having fun with the magical mirror. He could certainly appreciate the flawless skin and generous curves the cloak had given her.

“Your cloak turned me into a monster, forgive me for being worried,” Neelix complained.

“To be fair, I warned you not to touch it.” Myst pulled his attention away from the girls and looked at Neelix, taking a second to scan his thoughts and memories of Kes. ‘It’s like a bad fairytale romance, one naive teenager and an older man that promises to take her away from her troubles. Of course, the twist is the teenager is a telepath and the older man actually cares, so yeah, not my problem. Still, I should probably ask Deanna to have a chat with the two of them before they crash and burn like in the show.’

“Sorry about that, I was just trying to be helpful,” Neelix whined

Myst sighed as he realized that Neelix was actually sincere and more than a little scared of being on an alien ship but was trying to put on a brave face for Kes. “Because you’re on a new ship, surrounded by strangers that you barely understand and you’re worried that the Captain will kick you off the ship when your collection of stories, tales and contacts eventually dry up?”

“Pretty much,” Neelix admitted, knowing that lying to a telepath was pointless but not really wanting to go into details either.

“Take a breath and relax,” Myst suggested. “You’re forgetting about the replicators, food and water aren’t a large deal on a Federation ship. As long as you’re honest with the Captain about what you know and don’t know, you should be fine.”

“What if I don’t remember?” Neelix asked nervously.

“Then tell him that you don’t remember. If you have to make an educated guess, let him know that you’re guessing and explain why you’re leaning one way or another. The galaxy is vast beyond imagining, he’s not going to think less of you because you haven’t visited every system in the area. You’re also a decent trader which means you’ll probably be asked to handle some trades or to scout places with your ship.”

Neelix glanced toward the bedroom door. “Speaking of deals, how long do driders live?”

“About as long as dark elves, why?” Myst asked.

Neelix stood up straighter. “If that’s my only choice, I’m not going to abandon Kes.”

Myst shook his head. “I’m not sure if that’s bravery or insanity. Either way, let me see if I can make a better version of the cloak before you decide to turn yourself into a monster for a girl.”

“Kes isn’t just some girl,” Neelix replied defensively, trying not to show his relief that he wouldn’t have to rip the seats out of his ship or anything drastic to accommodate a monstrous form.

Myst grinned as he sent a mental message to Sabrina, ‘I’m making a version of the dark elf cloak that I can tweak, I need a cloak with a gem clasp.’

‘Do you have a color preference?’ Sabrina asked telepathically as she reached into the magical hat box.

‘No, but the flimsier the better,’ Myst replied, sending her a mental picture of rolling up a lightweight silk cloak so he could transfer the magic to a bracelet.

‘That works,’ Sabrina replied as she pulled a thin green cloak out of the hat container then teleported the cloak in front of Myst.

‘Thanks,’ Myst replied as he caught the cloak and Neelix took a step back, glaring at the cloak warily.

Sabrina giggled as she watched Neelix’s face with her drone. ‘If you make something that temporarily lets a girl transform into a female drider, I’m going to want a copy.’

“What happened to the cloak?” Kes asked, curious what Sabrina had done with the cloak.

‘I’ll see what I can do,’ Myst replied as he walked over to the table and sat down so that he could work on enchanting the new cloak.

“I teleported it to Myst, he wanted to duplicate the dark elf cloak so he can experiment with the duplicate and not risk the original since we know it works,” Sabrina explained as she studied the image the mirror was showing Kes. “The red dress looks nice.”

Kes looked at the long flowing dress the mirror was showing her and shook her head. “It doesn’t seem all that practical.”

Sabrina grinned as she spun around, causing the hem of her dress to flare. “It’s not supposed to be practical, it’s about having fun. Besides, I’m planning on talking Myst into giving you a magical ring that will let you swap clothes whenever you want which means you don’t need to worry about if it’s practical.”

“That would be nice but I don’t really have anything to trade,” Kes said as she focused on the mirror and changed her hair to a dark blue color. “What do you think?”

“I’m a fan…” Dawn trailed off as a small wave of mana washed over her, tickling her sides and bringing a smile to her face. “That’s almost as good as chocolate.”

Sabrina snickered. “Just wait until he starts spending more mana, it’s better than chocolate.”

“Chocolate?” Kes asked as she stripped out of the dress that Sabrina had convinced her to try on so that she could put her pants and shirt back on.

“It’s a type of candy, we’ll have to have Myst conjure some when we’re done.”

“We should probably let B’elanna know that we have a mirror that can tweak her appearance in case she wants to change her skin tone or the color of her eyes and hair,” Dawn suggested.

Sabrina snickered as she pictured the entire crew walking around with anime colored hair. “We should probably let everyone know. Hmm, I wonder…” she trailed off as she focused on the mirror and changed her skin to an interesting shade of purple. “This could be interesting.”

Dawn studied Sabrina’s purple face. “We should probably talk to the Doctor before we let everyone taste the rainbow.”

“We should let the Doctor run some tests,” Kes agreed as she finished getting dressed.

“Probably for the best,” Dawn agreed as she rolled off the bed and grabbed one of the dresses she’d pulled out of Myst’s box as another larger wave of mana washed over her. “I’m going to chain him to a bed when he upgrades me.”

“Why would you chain him to a bed?” Kes asked in confusion.

“Because…” Dawn trailed off as she pulled the dress over her head, not sure how to explain the joke to an alien. “It’s a joke, mostly I want him to stay in bed and have sex while he enhances my abilities because his magic feels fantastic.”

“Ah,” Kes replied with a faint blush as she picked up Dawn’s thoughts, not sure why she wanted a bunch of people to watch while she had sex with Myst and Sabrina.

“I very much doubt you’ll have to chain him to the bed,” Sabrina teased as she used her ring to swap to her typical black dress. “Besides, he can teleport.”

“Rats, foiled again,” Dawn said as she adjusted her dress as another wave of mana washed over her that was larger than the others. “I’m looking forward to Myst upgrading the planet, it’s going to be awesome.”

Sabrina grinned as she stuck the hat box in her inventory then opened the door and walked into the main room. “Anything interesting?”

Neelix smiled in relief when he saw Kes walk out of the bed room looking closer to her normal appearance. “Having fun?” he asked, trying not to come off as overly protective.

Kes nodded, feeling better about being on an alien ship, heading across the stars. “Yes. I haven’t had a chance to hang out with friends in months.”

“Which is basically years for the rest of us,” Myst said as he finished upgrading the rupee bracelet that he’d transferred the cloak’s enchantment to. “This should allow people to change to male or female elves which should drastically improve our ability to create an elven empire.”

“Elves or dark elves?” Sabrina asked as she eyed the bracelet lying on the table.

“Elves, it’s a knock-off,” Myst replied with a smirk. “Which means I should be able to upgrade the enchantment so the elves will be able to breathe water like an aquatic elf and play with darkness and levitate like a dark elf.”

“Riker to Myst, please make your way to the bridge, we’ve detected two Kazon carriers on sensors,” Riker’s voice came out of the speakers built into the wall near the door.

“We’re on our way Captain,” Myst replied as he used telekinesis to float the bracelet up and stick it in his inventory, it needed a few more tweaks but it should let him recruit people and create an interesting elven empire assuming they could recruit enough technicians and skilled craftsmen to make it viable.

“Time to fuck up the Kazon,” Dawn said cheerfully as they headed into the hallway.

“Pretty much,” Myst agreed as they headed for the bridge. He would have felt worse about his plan to deal with the Kazon if they weren’t slavers and generally nasty untrustworthy people.


“I must express my reservations with Myst’s plan,” Tuvok said as he watched the Kazon ships on the view screen.

Riker pulled his attention away from the view screen and focused on his chief of security. “Which part?”

“The part where you’re planning on marooning the Kazon on a barely habitable planet so that you can salvage their ships while Myst or Sabrina look through the prisoner’s memories for information.”

“I’m marooning the Kazon because they’re slavers and they tried to kill us so they could steal our technology,” Riker explained. “From what Myst and Neelix said, they’re basically a pre warp society that stole advanced technology and have spent the last two decades terrorizing everyone in their section of space that they can get away with harassing.”

“They’ve had warp travel for over two decades, which means the Prime Directive doesn’t apply,” Tuvok pointed out.

“And the Ferengi have had warp travel for centuries, that doesn’t mean I trust them or that they’re decent people,” Tom added.

Riker glanced at Tom. “Mr. Paris has a point. I’m not saying the Prime Directive applies, I’m saying that I’m willing to look for alternative solutions to just destroying every ship we run across. Besides, their ships should have maps of this section of the Delta quadrant, maps we can use to avoid other hostile species. Even with Myst’s help, we’re going to be here for years unless we discover some new technology or a wormhole. There is also the problem that I don’t know how reliable Myst’s information is.”

“You think he’s lying?” Tuvok asked as the doors to the turbolift opened revealing Myst’s group.

Riker glanced over at Myst. “No, I think his information is about another timeline.”

“Which means there might be differences,” Myst agreed as they walked onto the bridge. “Pride has never been my sin, Tuvok. I’d rather get confirmation than assume that I’m right and make a horrible mistake.”

“Surprisingly logical,” Tuvok admitted as he studied Kes, noting that her skin tone had reverted to something resembling her previous coloration.

Riker turned to look at Tuvok. “Transport as many Kazon off the first ship as you can before they raise shields then do your best to transport the rest.”

“We’re being hailed,” the comms officer said.

“Put it on screen,” Riker ordered.

The screen changed to show a Kazon.

“You’re in Kazon-Ogla territory, we demand your surrender. Power down your weapons and surrender and we’ll only sell you as slaves rather than kill you,” the Kazon offered.

“While that is a generous offer,” Riker lied, ”I have a counteroffer, agree to release all of your slaves and we’ll consider leaving your section of space without destroying your empire.”

“I’m going to enjoy killing you,” the Kazon stated with a savage grin and cut the connection.

Myst shook his head but kept his mouth shut as it wasn’t his ship and they hadn’t asked for his thoughts.

“They haven’t raised shields, where do you want to start?” the comms officer asked as he looked over the scans they’d taken of the carrier ship.

“Start in the engine room and go from there,” Riker ordered. “Jam their outgoing communication if you can.”

“Already on it,” the comms officer replied.

“Good.” Riker turned to look at Tom. “Mr. Paris, evasive maneuvers as soon as they get into firing range.”

“Yes sir,” Tom replied as he started programming in a few options that he could use with a push of a button.

“We’ve relocated all of the Kazon to the cargo bay,” Tuvok said.

“That’s it?” Tom asked, surprised that they hadn’t even been hit.

“The improvements to the transporter system were significant,” Tuvok admitted as he glanced toward Myst.

Myst shrugged. “I’m just glad that it worked.”

“Permission to beam over and shut down the shields?” Tuvok requested.

“How long until the ships hit anything?” Riker asked.

“At their present rate? Lacking any star charts of the greater systems, I’d estimate several millennia,” Tuvok replied.

“In that case, permission denied,” Riker replied. “We have more than enough time and telepaths to do this right. I want their command codes and a basic idea of what everything is before we send anyone over there.”

“If I can offer a suggestion,” Myst spoke up. “I have extra transportation cabinets, we could transport one of the cabinets aboard then simply walk through once we’re ready to explore their ships, that would let us head towards the third planet and start improving it while the telepaths figure out what to do with the prisoners.”

“I thought the plan was to strand them on a planet?” Tuvok asked.

“Just because we’re going to strand them on the planet doesn’t mean we have to put them in the same location,” Myst offered, figuring that splitting them up a bit would keep them from building up the resources needed to make some type of communicator or ship. "The Kazon have over a dozen clans and they don’t necessarily get along all that well outside of uniting to protect their empire.”

“In any case, we’re probably going to want to separate them along clan lines to avoid them wiping each other out,” Dawn mused.

“They are very violent. When I was a prisoner, the Kazon weren’t picky about who they hit,” Kes offered with a shiver.

“I’ll discuss the matter with Deanna once she’s had a chance to talk with the prisoners.” Riker wasn’t sure how long the Kazon would remain on the planet before their faction sent more ships, but he didn’t see a problem making it difficult to collect everyone. “Can you teleport the cabinet over or do we have to stop by engineering on our way to the cargo bay?”

Myst pulled one of his extra cabinets out of his inventory then used his X-ray sunglasses to look through the bulkhead at the Kazon ship and teleported the cabinet to their cargo hold. “Nope, we’re good. I should probably head back to my quarters and work on upgrading my mana capacity if I’m going to upgrade an entire planet.”

Sabrina nudged Dawn and the pair grinned.

“That’s fine, Deanna should be able to get what we need.” Riker turned to look at Tom. “Set a course for the third planet, it should be far enough from the star to support life.”

“Yes sir,” Tom replied as he typed in the coordinates, relieved that the Captain hadn’t bothered with grandstanding and just dealt with the problem.

Myst glanced at Neelix, knowing that Kes would be feeling the magic. “We should probably upgrade your species, while we’re thinking about it.”

“Thank you, I can’t wait!” Neelix said excitedly, looking forward to a long and happy future with Kes.


B’elanna blinked as the door opened and she saw a naked Sabrina sprawled on the couch with Dawn straddling her hips giving her a back massage. “Ah… is this a bad time?”

“As long as you don’t expect movement, it’s fine,” Sabrina said as she turned her head to look at B’elanna. “Dawn is a monster in bed.”

“Or a coherent form,” Myst said from where he was a literal puddle on the floor.

B’elanna stared at the blue puddle of goo on the floor, recognizing the voice. “Myst?”

Myst reformed and sat up, stretching his arms over his head. “Yeah, Dawn has the stamina of a goddess.”

“Technically, I am a minor deity,” Dawn said with amusement as she continued massaging Sabrina’s shoulders.

“Right, what can we do for you?” Sabrina asked. “I’d say ‘to’ you but we’re still recovering.”

“Next time you decide to do whatever that was, can you give me more warning?” B’elanna asked. “I was on my way to my quarters when it started.”

“Just wait until he upgrades a planet,” Dawn said with a smirk.

“And why am I feeling all of this anyway?” she asked. “I haven’t noticed many people reacting, just… the ones you’ve upgraded,” she said. “Nevermind, I seem to have solved that riddle.”

“Eh, it has to do with the fact that you’re a dark elf, they have enough magic to notice,” Myst explained.

“Does that mean that Kes is feeling the same?” B’elanna asked.

“Most likely,” Myst replied as he used his ring to ‘conjure’ a pair of shorts then twisted around so that he was leaning against the couch, happy that his regeneration helped with stamina.

“Probably, do you think you have enough mana to upgrade the planet?” Dawn asked, wondering if they were going to get another couple of rounds of sex.

“If I don’t, then I’ll just have to upgrade it bit by bit,” Myst replied, not sure how much it was going to take but willing to make the effort.


Neelix lay limply on the bed, looking like he’d just jogged around the ship several times, his body covered in sweat with a smile on his face that would probably have required surgery to remove.

“Being an elf is rather enjoyable,” Kes said with a bright smile as she curled into his side.

“Yes, I would have to agree,” Neelix said.


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“Just because we’re going to strand them on the planet doesn’t mean we have to put them in the same location,” Myst offered, figuring that splitting them up a bit would keep them from building up the resources needed to make some type of communicator or ship. The Kazon have over a dozen clans and they don’t necessarily get along all that well outside of uniting to protect their ‘empire.” missing" and missing'