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Constantine pulled his attention off the spinning Weapon wheel that was floating in front of Myst. “Fine, I’ll bite, how much do you want for a decent mana battery?”

Myst looked away from his newest pendant and looked at Constantine. “Do you have any anti scrying trinkets I can borrow for a couple of minutes so I can copy them?”

Constantine smirked then pulled a rather ugly tribal necklace out of his pocket. “I picked this up from a shaman in the Congo, it should do the trick.”

Myst focused on the necklace that seemed to be a haphazard collection of brightly colored bird feathers and animal teeth taken from various predators. “Did you make a pass at his daughter or was the man drunk when he made it?”

“I might have had a tumble with his daughter, why?” Constantine asked.

“Because it will give you a wicked headache for an hour or two after you put it on and I’m trying to figure out if that was intentional or a mistake,” Myst mused as he stretched his arms over his head, happy that he’d condensed his collection of pendants down to the ‘original’ pendants. Sure, most of them only regenerated two mana a second and stored four thousand mana but he’d managed to get his original pendant up to 39 mana a second before he’d run out of pendants.

“That probably explains why he was willing to part with it,” Constantine admitted, not terribly bothered as he’d had a hangover from hell the one and only time he’d put it on.

Myst caught the hand crafted dagger that dropped when the wheel stopped. He looked at the poorly crafted dagger with his upgrade ability. “That saves me a trip to L.A.”

Willow pulled her attention off the screen where a Buffy like girl was beating the serial killer to death with a table leg. “What does it do?”

“This.” He mentally activated the knife’s enchantment causing it to morph into a decent looking short sword.

“Nice! Can you make my sword do that?” Buffy asked hopefully.

Myst selected the 50 point Odds and Ends wheel. “I’m not sure you need a giant anime sword, but I should be able to copy the knife’s enchantment to a knife then copy your sword’s magical properties.”

“I don’t know, she’s kinda short and some of the demons are quite large,” Xander teased.

Buffy stuck her tongue out at Xander and he leaned forward and captured it with his own for a moment before letting her loose.

“Joking aside, I should be able to work something out.” Myst caught the glass vial of black sand that dropped when the wheel stopped spinning then selected the 800 mana Alchemy wheel.

“Are you going to make enough knives to share?” Xander asked hopefully.

“Do you actually know how to fight with a sword?” Myst asked, not sure how Xander’s life compared to the show, beyond living on the Hellmouth.

“The pointy end goes in the demon?” Xander asked dryly.

“That actually depends on the sword. You’ll need some training, but I can make them easy enough.” Myst studied the sand inside the perfectly ordinary glass vial. ‘Huh, sand that glows in the moonlight, that would be neat for artwork.’ He put the vial in his inventory.

Harry walked over and set a stack of transfigured belts on the ground next to the ritual circle. “Ripped apart transfigured bronze, copper wire, a rupee and a sticking charm, yeah talk about a shoestring budget.”

Myst grinned at Harry. “Considering they’ll be destroyed when I move the enchantments to something better, the quality is pretty much irrelevant.”

“Don’t you have any professional pride?” Constantine asked with amusement, used to hearing this from the other side himself.

“Pride has never been my sin.” Myst reflexively caught the potion that dropped when the wheel stopped. He looked at the ornate glass vial filled with a viscous golden liquid and grinned when he realized what he had. ‘Huh, the bottle turns blood into re’em’s blood over the span of a year or 1780 mana, that’s insanely useful and would probably do interesting things to the wizarding economy. “Re’em’s blood.” 

“What do wizards use it for?” Willow asked.

“Typically speaking, drinking,” Constantine replied, a bit amused at the look on the teens’ faces.

Buffy wrinkled her nose up in distaste at the idea of drinking blood. “What happens if you drink it?”

“Other than an unpleasant taste, you’d get a large boost to your physical strength and durability for about six hours,” Constantine explained.

“In other words, useful for an important fight?” Xander asked.

“Something like that, let’s see if we can improve that.” Myst spent 60 mana to boost the duration of the potion up to twenty four hours then another hundred mana to add an extra day. “Mad science time!” He laughed as he spent a thousand mana and increased the duration of the potion by ten days.

Zatanna looked away from the movie. “You should probably avoid making everyone think you’re an unstable lunatic.”

“Good point.” Myst admitted then closed his gacha menu as none of the extremely cheap food wheels looked that interesting, at least not while he was in the circle and didn’t have an alien girl’s lap to sit on. “Let’s see, duplicating the re’em blood would require blood and magic.” He glanced over at the vending machine. “I’m going to need an unopened Coke or a root beer.”

Xander practically bounced over to the vending machine and dropped a dime into the coin slot then pushed the Coke button. He grabbed the old fashioned glass bottle of coke then walked over and handed it to Myst. “Let me guess, you’re moving the strength boost to the Coke so you can duplicate it?”

“That’s the plan.” Myst set the Coke down in front of him then focused very carefully on only transferring the strength enhancing properties from the re’em’s blood to the bottle of Coke and not messing with the alchemy bottle at all.

Constantine watched the liquid inside the potion bottle vanish, leaving an empty bottle and a bottle of Coke infused with magic. ‘At least his combining spell is actually a spell.’

“Did it work?” Willow asked.

Myst ignored the urge to cackle madly as he was fairly sure he’d already pushed that joke as far as he could in good taste and double checked the bottles for any glitches or trouble. “Perfect.”

He focused on the alchemy bottle and spent the mana to turn the Coke bottle into a knock-off alchemy bottle. He slipped the original alchemy bottle into his inventory then looked at the knock-off bottle with his upgrade ability. ‘Yeah, that only pulls in half a point of mana a day, which is basically useless as it would take years to turn the Coke into something useful. On the upside, it creates magical Coke rather than re’em’s blood which means I can probably use it to make magical potions the quick and easy way.’

“You’re giggling, any luck?” Raven asked dryly.

Myst smiled at Raven and Willow. “More than I probably deserve. The bottle infuses any Coke you pour into it with the ability to grant supernatural strength for twelve days provided you pour enough mana into it.”

“What about Pepsi?” Xander asked.

Myst shook his head. “Only if you want it to explode.”

“Seriously?” Beast Boy asked, surprised that the ritual was that picky.

Myst grinned at Beast Boy. “No. I’m fairly sure it won’t actually explode, though I’m not sure it would actually do anything useful either.”

“In other words it’s not a bug, it’s a safety feature?” Xander asked with amusement.

“Sure, let’s go with that.” Myst looked at his own abilities with his upgrade ability, knowing that he’d been avoiding looking to see how much improving some of his abilities was going to cost. He blinked as he realized it was far cheaper to upgrade his ability to copy magical items than he’d been expecting. ‘Now I feel like an idiot.’

Raven glanced over at the vending machine. “We’ll have to run some tests.”

“If nothing else, I can just move the strength property to something else if someone is allergic to Coke.” Myst spent 10,000 mana to upgrade his ability to create knock-offs so they’d be a ninth as effective rather than a tenth.

Harry shivered as he watched a wave of blue mana pour out of Myst, hit the circle then vanish into the ground. “What did you upgrade?”

“My ability to create knock-offs.” Myst gestured at the pile of belts. “If I’m going to be making gear for eighteen people, I might as well take a couple minutes and boost my ability to create knock-offs.”

“Speaking of gear, how are we supposed to pay you?” Buffy asked, wanting to make sure she wasn’t going to be on the hook for a bill she couldn’t afford.

“You can thank the Watcher for graciously lending Constantine his debit card to grab supplies from the vending machine though I certainly wouldn’t object to a signed picture of the three of you, I’m going to start a scrapbook of the various heroes I’ve helped,” Myst explained as he used the pendants to upgrade his knock-off creation ability.

“That’s it?” Willow asked, surprised that he hadn’t asked for more.

Myst shrugged. “I get room and board and the League has been decent enough about supplies. You’re a group of heroic teenagers, I’d feel like shit if I accepted money from you because I’ll have plenty of money in a couple of days from various projects.”

“Fair enough,” Xander cut in before Willow could argue the point. “If we run into any interesting magical items, we’ll drop you a line.”

“That would be fantastic,” Myst agreed then spent spent 57,050 from his pendant to finish upgrading his knock-off ability so that all of his knock-offs were an eighth as effective as the original while still only costing a tenth of what it should.

Harry blinked as another massive wave of magic rushed out of Myst, broke against whatever boundary the circle created then flowed into the ground. “What type of magic items are you looking for?”

“Communication mirrors, enchanted safety razors that only cut hair, magical tattoos, invisibility rings or magical pens that take notes?” Myst asked, not sure what type of magic the wizarding world had in this world.

“The first two are easy, I have copies in my bag. I’ve never heard of anyone enchanting tattoos in the wizarding world.” Harry glanced over at Constantine. “Have you?”

Constantine shrugged. “I’ve seen a few people in America with tattoos charmed to move when mundanes aren’t watching but they went out of style with the Statute of Secrecy a few hundred years ago.”

“Statue of Secrecy?” Myst asked as he pulled out his spool of wire, pliers and a rupee to make a bracelet.

“The wand using branch of wizards and witches hid themselves a few hundred years ago and have tried to hide all traces of magic, even going as far as wiping people’s memory if they witness magic.”

Willow scowled as she thought about the Watcher that had wanted them arrested. “How come they haven’t been arrested?”

Constantine shook his head. “Mostly because of old treaties. It’s technically illegal in America to use memory spells or mind control without a court order but the victims would have to remember getting mind wiped to report the crime and no one who knows anything about the magical world wants to open that can of worms.”

“Why not?” Xander asked.

“Because most governments are quite happy with the wizarding world hiding and not bothering them. Take Harry for example, he’s a half trained wizard that can teleport, fly a magical broom and blow apart stone with a simple spell, not to mention unlock any non magical door short of a bank vault,” Constintine explained with a wave towards his apprentice. “You can shoot a wizard as long as they don’t have a shield up ahead of time but if you attacked them in any meaningful way, they’d go to ground or flee then they’d get their heads out of their asses and make you pay.”

Harry spoke up, “Of course, that’s in general, I’m not sure the British ministry could pour piss out of a boot with instructions.”

Constantine frowned in thought and lit a cigarette. “There is a spell that creates magical fire, it burns damn near anything. All it would take is one decently crazy wizard to teleport around and burn entire cities to the ground and you’d never catch all of them.” He took a deep drag and blew out a cloud of smoke that briefly formed into the skyline of a burning city before breaking up. 

“Besides, they’ve been inbreeding themselves into non-existence for the last century or two when not killing each other, so the governments of the world would like to continue that trend,” he finished. “Never stop your enemy when he’s making a mistake.”

“He stole that from the evil overlord handbook,” Harry said.

“At least he read it,” Xander and Myst chorused, drawing looks from the girls.

Myst reached over and grabbed the supergirl skirt and one of the belts. “It’s a useful list for heroes, villains, and anyone who has to deal with either one of them.” He quickly cast the spell that moved the flight property to the belt. “Hmm, speaking of crazy ideas, I need someone’s hand.”

“We need our hands,” Buffy said seriously, hiding her hands behind Willow and Xander who jumped slightly at where she stuck them and then jumped herself as they returned the favor.

“He can grow them back,” Starfire offered.

Myst turned and looked at Starfire then shook his head after a couple of seconds. “Okay, let me rephrase that, I just need to wrap a belt around someone’s wrist like a bracelet so I can move the enchantment to a bracelet.”

“See Harry, this is why you need a more flexible outlook toward magic,” Constantine said smugly.

“I’m working on it, we can’t all torch vampires with a lighter,” Harry grumbled slightly.

“It’s actually fairly easy, they’re ridiculously flammable,” Xander offered with a bright smile.

“Fine, I’m curious if this will actually work.” Zatanna stepped over the circle and held out her hand toward Myst.

Harry watched Myst quickly wrapped Zatanna’s wrist with the belt, making it as bracelet like as he could. “Yeah, except he lit him on fire from halfway across the city.”

“How?” Buffy asked. “I’m guessing magic, but that would still be a neat trick.”

“With style,” Constantine said smugly.

Myst slipped his new bracelet on his left hand and cast his spell to move the enchantment from Zatanna’s ‘bracelet’ to his bracelet. He grinned when he checked the bracelet and everything looked perfectly workable. “One bracelet to another bracelet.”

“Nice,” Zatanna said as she stepped out of the circle.

“Can you give us more details?” Willow asked hopefully. “That would be a fantastic spell.”

“Less useful than you’d think,” Harry muttered. “He used a dirty sanitary napkin, a lighter, and a couple of packets of salt from the local chip shop to ignite the vampire.”

“Eww and how would that work?” Beast Boy asked in disbelief as he glanced between Constantine and Harry.

“He was a proper vampire, not one of the demonic half breeds, I wasn’t getting anywhere near him,” Constantine said with a shrug.

“The master vampire had fed on the girl, the girl’s blood was on the napkin, which let him magically link the blood to the vampire then he pulled out his lighter and torched the napkin which caused the girl’s blood in the vampire to ignite which caused the vampire to die horribly and painfully,” Harry listed off each step.

Constantine shook his head. “Now you’re just exaggerating, he was dead in seconds.”

“Sounds pretty painful to me,” Beast Boy said.

“Speaking of unusual setups, can you change into a gorilla, Beast Boy?” Myst asked with a grin, knowing he could or at least most versions of him could.

“Why?” Beast Boy asked suspiciously.

“I need to put the bracelet on someone’s finger but I need the bracelet to look like a ring which means I need a giant or a gorilla and I don’t have any giants handy.”

“That is certainly some interesting mental math,” Raven commented.

“Rings are easier to deal with and no one would even question why you’d sleep with your ring on,” Myst pointed out. “Besides, I’m going to add the flight property to my ring.”

“Fine.” Beast Boy walked over to a cleared space and changed into a rather large gorilla then put his hand through the area over the circle. 

Myst stuck the bracelet on Beast Boy’s finger then pulled a ring out of his inventory and cast his spell, moving the flight property to his ring. “And done. Thanks for the help Beast.”

Beast Boy pulled his hand back then changed back to normal. “That was easy.”

“Now comes the fun part, moving the various enchantments around and boosting everything.”

Constantine smirked. “Let’s see what we have to work with.”


Buffy picked up the crappy looking cardboard and plastic glasses that they’d made out of some plastic wrap, an empty pizza box and some tape. “I love the idea of being able to look through walls and crypts and check if people are carrying weapons, but these look stupid and fragile.”

Constantine glanced away from the collection of rings that Harry was crafting using a transfiguration spell and looked at Myst. “Is there any reason you couldn’t move the enchantment from the glasses to everyone’s eyes?”

“Not exactly the same thing there,” Myst pointed out. “How would we go about it?”

“Glasses have lens, and so do eyes,” Constantine said smugly. “Can’t you move the enchantment from the glasses to the lens of someone’s eyes?”

“No idea, but it’s worth a shot,” Myst agreed, “after all if it doesn’t work all we have to do is cut out their eyes and let them regrow. So, who do you suggest using as a volunteer to test the process?”

“You’re the one with regeneration,” Constantine said taking a drag off his smoke.

“The cloaks offer regeneration to anyone wearing them, and it’s easier to work on someone else, so are you game?” Myst asked with a smirk.

“Count me in,” Constantine said, figuring the possible benefit outweighed having to cut his eyes out and let them regenerate if something went wrong.

“I’m awed by your level of insanity,” Buffy offered.

“It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work,” Constantine pointed out.

“I’m going to have to disagree, it just means you’re lucky,” Myst said as he stepped out of the circle, reached down and picked up one of the X-ray glasses. He quickly cast the spell before Constantine could change his mind. “Anything?”

Constantine blinked then grinned when he realized he could see through everyone’s clothes, other than Raven’s and even the walls if he focused on them. He refocused and everything went back to normal. “Looks like I won’t have to carve my eyes out today.”

“There’s always tomorrow,” Harry suggested mock cheerfully.

“Now that we have a reliable source of regeneration, learning to deal with having bits of you cut off is now legitimate training,” Constantine suggested with a smirk.

“His sense of humor is either seriously messed up or he’s really hardcore when it comes to training,” Beast Boy said, not sure which was more disturbing.

“A bit of both,” Harry admitted, still a bit impressed by how far his teacher was willing to go to get things done, but not willing to admit it aloud.

“I’ll be back, I need to grab a hero costume and stretch my legs.” Myst turned and headed toward the workshop to grab the hat box.

“I’ll grab the pendants if they start sparking,” Zatanna promised, having been sitting and listening to the two talk shop while taking notes.

“Thanks.” Myst wasn’t planning on being gone that long but he’d been sitting for a couple of hours and everything had a decent capacity so nothing should be in danger of exploding.

“We could start with your scar,” Constantine suggested thoughtfully. “Get rid of any sympathetic link.”

Beast Boy blinked as he realized that Harry was actually considering the suggestion. “You’re actually considering cutting off a scar?”

Harry tapped the lightning bolt on his forehead. “This cursed scar has been nothing but trouble.”

“Stop being melodramatic, you’ve gotten laid what, twenty times because of it?” Constantine asked with amusement.

“I lost count but that doesn’t make up for it,” Harry grumbled.

“It helps,” Constantine replied.

“I didn’t say it didn’t help.” Harry smirked. “Besides, I can always put it back with an illusion if I need to.”

Beast Boy stared at Harry. “Twenty people?”

“Well over that,” Harry said with amusement, “that’s probably just been in the last couple of months.”

“Because of a facial deformity?” Beast Boy asked in disbelief.

“I got the scar when someone tried to kill me when I was a baby.”

“How does that help?” Beast Boy asked confused.

“Girls love a good story,” Harry replied with a shrug, not wanting to get into it.

“Either that or it was a whole lot of pity fucks,” Constantine said snarkily.

Harry shook his head. “See what I have to put up with?”

Constantine smirked. “I’m just keeping you from getting a swelled head.”

“Yeah, you and the rest of the wizarding world,” Harry complained as he finished attaching a purple rupee to another transfigured ring. “Starfire, which color ring do you want?”

“Purple like friend Raven’s,” Starfire said as she swept Raven into a hug that pressed her friend’s face into her breasts.

“A little less enthusiasm please,” Raven said as she pried herself free, a dusting of red in her cheeks.

Starfire smiled at Raven, happy that she wasn’t as resistant to affection lately.  

“Dude, awesome costume!” Beast Boy said enthusiastically as Myst walked in carrying a green superhero costume. “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.”

Myst blinked as he realized that the green jumpsuit and helmet combination bore a certain resemblance to a Power Rangers costume. “Eh, I needed a superhero costume I could destroy that I wouldn’t feel bad about, this is what sprang to mind. With a bit of tweaking, I should be able to use the fact that the magic girl lockets can conjure clothes to give a necklace or ring the ability to conjure winged boots when you want to move faster.”

“That’s nice and all but how are you going to disguise the fact that people are walking around with the magic girl lockets that look the same as the lockets that the mysterious heroes that keep showing up are wearing?” Constantine asked.

“I can either include a locket in the costume that looks completely different or I’ll upgrade the costume’s version so they look different. It shouldn’t be that hard to come up with something reasonable.”

Beast Boy blinked when the sounds of heavy metal came from Constantine’s pocket. “Is that your phone?”

“Yes.” Constantine pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“We’re in the middle of a mountain,” Beast Boy pointed out.

“And your point is?” Constantine asked as he flipped his phone open and hit the talk button. “Ripper, what can I do for you?”

“Don’t call me that,” Giles said with a touch of exasperation.

Buffy blinked when she heard Giles’ voice. ‘Why didn’t Giles mention knowing a member of the Justice League?’

“But it’s your name,” Constantine said with amusement.

“Most of the people that called me that are dead,” Giles said.

“Through no fault of yours, what do you need?” Constantine asked.

“A portkey to get out of England and a scrying spell to find my Slayer, there’s a draft fool that is going to die once I find him.”

“Which slayer are you looking for? The blonde, the Jamaican, or the new one?”

Giles winced as he thought about Kendra flatlining. “The blonde, Buffy Summers.”

“I can save you a spell, she’s in Rhode Island,” Constantine said cheerfully.

“What the hell is she doing in Rhode island?” Giles asked. “And how do you know that?”

“She’s currently getting some magical gear courtesy of a Justice League affiliate. She’s also standing three feet away from me. As for the bloody idiot Watcher, I turned him into a rat. Do you want him back?”

“You can stomp him for all I care,” Giles snarled. “But I do need that portkey.”

“Any reason you can’t just hit Diagon Alley for it?” Constantine asked.

“Do you know what time it is here?”

“Yeah, Superman woke me up to deal with your mess an hour ago,” Constantine said.

“I’d have been more than happy to deal with it myself except the prick tossed a touch activated portkey at me that dropped me in the middle of the council library,” Giles complained.

“Someone has been rather lax with the wards, bloody idiots,” Constantine muttered. “Fine, I’ll leave the kids here, we can pick them up in the morning. I have some Watchers to scream at on behalf of the Justice League, mostly because that chucklefuck somehow got diplomatic papers.”

“Travers,” Giles grumbled.

“Give me ten minutes to empty his account. Where are you?”

“You remember that cafe on Great Russell Street?” Giles asked.

“The one that’s a block from the London Museum?” Constantine asked, wanting to make sure.

“That’s the one,” Giles agreed.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” Constantine said then ended the call. He turned to look at Harry. “Do you want to stay here or head to Salem?”

Harry shook his head. “I’ll stay, I don’t need a lecture from Hermione about missing a chance to learn something new.”

“Good call,” Constantine replied with amusement. He turned to look at Buffy, Willow and Xander. “There are extra rooms, I’m sure someone can get you set up for the night.”

“Easily,” Zatanna agreed, happy to help.

“Great.” Constantine tossed Myst the anti scrying amulet. “Do whatever you have to, I don’t need it back, just something that works.”

“Have fun with the Watchers.” Myst was fairly sure the Watchers wouldn’t enjoy the experience but he didn’t really care considering they’d been next to useless in the show. “I’ll have your amulet and gear when you get back.”

“Thanks.” Constantine turned and left.

“That reminds me, I have something else that might be useful,” Harry said as he pulled out his pocket knife. “It opens most types of locks including magical locks.”

“That would certainly help with the occasional B&E while on patrols,” Xander said thoughtfully.

“Not to mention be easy to conceal for the sword enchant,” Myst agreed as Connor floated into the room with Megan, Kara, and Karen walking in behind him. “Any issues with the magical flight?”

Connor shook his head. “It takes a little getting used to but it’s nice to finally be able to fly.”

“I’m looking forward to flying around once I have time.” Myst pulled the enchanted hat box out of his inventory then reached in and pulled out a short green sundress.

“Why did you have a dress in your hat box?” Xander asked.

“Because the hat box is magic and conjures green clothing.” Myst put the box back in his inventory then focused on the black dress in his inventory that granted lightning resistance and poured mana into the green dress making a knock-off. 

“Can I borrow the box?” Buffy asked hopefully.

Myst looked at Buffy. “I’m not sure Giles would appreciate having to hire a van to get you back to Sunnydale.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “I don’t need a van’s worth of clothes but a change of clothes would be really nice so I can take a shower and not have to put on a dirty cheerleading outfit I’ve been seen robbing museums in.”

“Fair enough.” Myst pulled the box out of his inventory and looked at the box with his upgrade ability. He pushed a hundred mana into the box to expand the color choices to include yellow rather than just an eye watering greenish yellow that was still very much on the green side of things then pushed another 100 mana into the box to increase the number of shades of yellow the box could create then did the same for blue. “Okay, that should let the box create yellow or blue clothes in addition to the green clothes.”

“What about white and black?” Harry asked, thinking about what John had said about being mentally flexible. “You could make a yellow that is pale enough to be white and a blue dark enough that it might as well be black.”

Myst spent another hundred mana upgrading the box so that it could make black and white clothing and accessories. “Fair enough.” He handed the box to Buffy. “I’m going to want that back.”

“How much would it cost to make me one for home use?” Buffy asked hopefully.

“Ask me when I’m done making all of the costumes and we’ll see,” Myst replied as he held up the green sundress. “I need someone to put the dress around their neck, preferably female.” He glanced between the rest of the girls.

“Why?” Connor asked, not sure what the point was.

“Because if they’re wearing it around their neck, it’s a necklace. I’d like to get our required gear down to a necklace and two rings if at all possible.”

Starfire reached over and grabbed the dress then pulled it over her head. She bunched the fabric up in a couple of places and tucked bits under in other places so that the dress looked more like a collar than a dress she’d just not put the rest of the way on. “How is that?”

Myst blinked as he got a flash of precog that showed him a scene with the dress burning up and things going wrong. “Just a second.” He looked over at Buffy who had started pulling clothes out of the box. “I need a green cloth choker.”

Buffy reached into the box and pulled out a cloth choker then tossed it to Myst. “Sure.”

Myst grabbed the cloth choker then pulled two green rupees out of his inventory. He duplicated the sticking charm he’d seen Harry cast earlier and attached the rupee to the choker then gestured for Starfire to come closer. He stuck the rupee to the dress with another sticking charm when she stepped over the circle. “Zatanna, I’m going to need your help.”

Zatanna shook her head then walked into the circle and took the choker from Myst. She put the cloth choker on then smiled at Myst. “Go for it.”

Myst glanced down at Zatanna’s breasts and briefly considered asking her to take her shirt off to increase the similarities but he was fairly sure he didn’t need to. He focused on the funny looking choker around Starfire’s neck and cast his spell to move the enchantment when he didn’t get a warning from his precog not to.

Starfire blinked as the dress turned to dust then vanished. “Did it work?”

Myst quickly checked the cloth choker around Zatanna’s neck and smiled when everything looked good. “That one was a bit of a stretch but it worked.”

“Knock-off tiara headband to cloth choker to necklace should be easier,” Zatanna said as she took the choker off and handed it to Myst before stepping out of the circle.

“What does the tiara do?” Harry asked.

“It lets us control invisible flying spy eyes,” Starfire said cheerfully as she stepped out of the circle.

“That would certainly help on patrol,” Buffy mused as she looked at the blue silk dress she’d pulled out of the box.

“That’s the idea,” Myst agreed as he got to work duplicating his knock-off lantern ring.


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