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“This is completely bullshit and unfair,” Beast Boy complained as he glared at the screen. “The first time through Raven poisons me then she kills me with a spork, a fucking spork!”

“I’d agree with you, but I’m laughing too hard,” Myst said as he watched the man on the screen that looked suspiciously like Connor sharpen his axe.

“To be fair, the food was poisoned so it wasn’t Red’s fault the first time,” Raven pointed out. 

“What about the spork?” Beast Boy demanded.

Zatanna glanced away from the magical symbols she was drawing on the lounge floor with chalk. “Completely justified, the wolf tried to eat her.”

“Besides, the wolf ate grandma, he’s evil,” Starfire said with a firm nod, that made her breasts jiggle, which was easily visible as she seemed to have ‘lost’ all her tops once she realized they were no longer mandatory hero wear.

“Off with his head!” Karen declared, getting into the spirit of things, as she made a chopping motion with her hand.

“I still can’t believe they stuck a wig on my duplicate and made him the grandmother,” Cyborg complained, with a snicker that said he wasn’t all that upset.

Megan shook her head. “Poor wolf, eating all that metal doesn’t sound fun.”

“Or people,” Beast Boy added, a little upset at seeing any version of him acting that way.

“At least the woodsman was awesome last time,” Robin said smugly, rather amused with how the character that looked like him had turned the forest around the house into a nightmare death trap.

“I don’t know, I like this version of the woodsman better,” Megan said as she snuggled against Connor’s chest.

“I can’t really complain,” Connor said as he watched the man that looked like him ‘fight’ a large green wolf in a surprisingly realistic fight. “Nice moves.”

“Bite his head off!” Beast suggested, wishing the devilishly handsome wolf would get in at least one win. “Ha, he’s going to win!”

Kara glanced over at Beast Boy. “You know the hero always wins, right?”

“Not this…” Beast Boy trailed off as the woodsman punched his fist into the wolf’s chest and ripped out his heart. “What the fuck?! That’s completely out of character!”

“Seems legit to me,” Connor said thoughtfully as the woodsman pulled out a knife and the scene faded to black.

“Oh come on!” Beast Boy complained when the scene shifted to show the Connor like woodsman walking into the cabin with a green wolf skin pelt. “That’s completely uncalled for!”

“At least I wasn’t Red this time,” Raven muttered as the woodsman set the pelt on the table and caught the girl that looked suspiciously like Megan when she flung herself at her hero.

“My hero!” Red Riding Hood said cheerfully then started stripping. “Let me reward you for your hard work.”

“Weren’t they supposed to get the grandmother out of the wolf’s stomach?” Cyborg complained.

“Only in the children’s version,” Myst explained as he walked over to the empty wall near the door and selected the vending machine wheel feeling fifteen thousand mana pour out of his pool and into his gacha, even the non mana sensitive teens shivering at the feel of it.

Zatanna shivered as the mana wave caressed her, causing her toes to curl slightly and her breath to catch. Glancing over at Raven she saw the hooded sorceress bite her lower lip and force herself not to moan.

“How come we never get rewarded like that?” Beast Boy complained as he glanced over at Megan to see how she was taking watching a girl that looked remarkably like her strip on screen. He knew the world had changed and was much more awesome, but the normally shy martian couldn’t be that different, could she?

“That’s because Robin is always stealing the girls,” Megan said absently, rubbing her back against Connor’s chest as she watched the woodsman mount her duplicate on her new wolf skin rug. 

Zatanna finished the circle then turned to watch the movie, trying not to blush too much when Megan slipped Connor’s hand under her skirt. ‘At least the world didn’t tip the other way, I’d rather live in a naughty world than a purtain hellhole.’ She pulled her attention off Megan and Connor and looked over at the wheel floating in front of Myst. “Hopefully the vending machine has decent soda.”

“Or snacks,” Beast Boy agreed, trying and failing not to stare at Megan and Connor.

Kara glanced over at Megan and Connor then glanced away, not wanting to be rude. “Any idea why the movie keeps changing each time we play it?”

“It’s interactive,” Cyborg said, keeping part of his attention on Megan who was wiggling as Connor finger fucked her. ‘I am going to have to take Myst up on his offer of regeneration, sex isn’t nearly as much fun without the right dongle.’

“It’s an interesting bit of magic,” Raven noted. “You should try to duplicate the enchantment on some other movies, it’s not fair to make Beast Boy the villain all the time.”

“I knew you loved me,” Beast Boy said, teary eyed but with a wide smile, making Raven stifle a giggle.

“Worth a try.” Myst grinned when the wheel finally stopped spinning and a polished black steel and glass vending machine appeared against the wall. “Drinks, drugs, guns, hero costumes and various snacks.”

“Hero costumes?” Karen asked as she walked over to look at the machine.

Beast Boy glanced over at the vending machine then looked back at Megan, who’s clothes had melted away, and decided the vending machine could wait as she seemed to be deliberately putting on a show for them.

“Apparently.” Myst glanced over at the back of Megan’s head then dialed his empathy down as he didn’t need to know she was really ‘happy’ about writhing on Connor’s lap or how everyone else was responding as they watched, causing a feedback loop as she fed their emotions back to them.

He turned his attention to the various costumes. “Supergirl skirts that offer flight, Wonder Woman Bracelets, with a disclaimer. Material may not stand up to firearms. Witchblade, not actually a semi intelligent artifact of doom, but it doesn’t say what it actually is. Spiderman, they’re not responsible for dog hair or other objects clinging to it and I don’t know why that would be a problem. Lantern costume, warning force fields won’t actually stop bullets or most thrown objects.”

“Naughty Angel, wings do not allow flight,” Karen read one of the labels. “What’s the point of that?”

“No clue.” Myst glanced over at the drinks. “Five cents for Coke, root beer, Sprite, apple juice, or lemonade. Ten cents for strawberry lemonade, orange juice and twenty bottle caps for Nuka-cola.”

“Bottle caps? That’s odd,” Beast Boy said, not taking his eyes off Megan, unaware that his head was bobbing up and down with her movements.

Myst shrugged. “It reminds me of a computer game from back home.”

Cyborg pulled his attention off Megan as she slumped against Connor. “What type of guns?”

“Sorry, I’m not a firearms expert. My buddy Charles could have answered that but he’s not here. It looks like standard shit other than the alien ray gun.” Myst frowned as he looked at some of the drugs on sale for bottlecaps. ‘Yeah, these look like they’re from Fallout.’

“How much is the alien ray gun?” Robin asked, not bothering to look away from Megan as she laid there panting, a sheen of sweat on her skin.

“1551 bottle caps, don’t ask me why.” Myst looked over the collection of drugs on offer. “Yeah, we’re going to have to do some tinkering on the combat drugs as they’re all fairly addictive as they are.”

“Not surprising, they’re drugs,” Robin said as Aqualad walked in.

“Drugs?” Aqualad asked warily, wondering what he’d missed as he’d just come in to see what the large mana surge had been.

Myst gestured toward the vending machine. “In addition to useful things like soda and interesting hero costumes, it offers combat drugs. I was just telling Robin we should avoid using any of them until we can refine them.”

“That still sounds like a risk, even refined,” Aqualad argued.

“I should be able to move the useful properties to a sugar pill and boost them until the useful effects are permanent. Unless the side effects are directly linked to the useful properties, that should take care of any side effects. Thus they’re no longer dangerous drugs, more like low priced super serums.”

“Ah, fair enough,” Aqualad admitted. “What type of useful properties are possible?”

“Some of them increase the amount of damage you can shrug off and one of them boosts your reaction speed.” Myst grinned as he spotted the Rad-X package. “Mostly I was just saying, don’t use the drugs in their base form, they’re not worth the risk for a temporary boost unless the shit has truly hit the fan.”

“Why would we need them?” Connor asked.

Myst turned to look at the back of Connor’s head. “Some of them give interesting boosts. In the case of Rad-X, it provides increased resistance to radiation, like say... kryptonite radiation.”

“Which would be extremely helpful,” Karen agreed readily, wondering if seducing the mage might encourage him to speed up his work on that particular project.

“Yep, especially if we can make it permanent. I’m one of the last people that would suggest using drugs, but there’s a difference between using drugs to get high or increase your abilities temporarily while risking your health and taking one minimal risk dose of a safe drug that can give people permanent abilities, especially when you have a precog looking for side effects.”

“In other words, just think of it like a vaccine for radiation?” Karen asked, seeing no problems with getting a shot or taking a couple of pills if it meant she wouldn’t have to deal with Kryptonite anymore, especially since Myst could make sure it was safe in advance.

“Exactly. It would also help anyone that deals with radiation on a continual basis,” Myst suggested. 

“I wouldn’t mind having immunity to radiation,” Robin said as he glanced over at Beast Boy with a grin. “I don’t need to end up green and glowing.”

Beast Boy flipped Robin off. “This wasn’t caused by radiation, I have shape changing and I don’t glow.”

“Yeah but you are a vegetarian,” Robin pointed out, as if it was a point against him.

“I can transform into animals, why would I eat them?” Beast Boy asked, confused.

“Because they’re delicious,” Raven said, before she could stop herself. “You are aware that most of the types of animals you transform into are predators, right?” she asked, wondering when she’d started feeling comfortable enough to tease her teammates. 

Beast Boy grumbled, but kept his mouth shut as he had to privately admit it was a good comeback.

Myst glanced between Robin and Cyborg. “Does someone have 9.99 for a Supergirl skirt to test things?”

“Sure.” Cyborg pulled his wallet out of his pocket then grabbed a ten as he walked over to the machine. He fed the ten into the machine and pushed the button for the skirt. He grinned as he reached down and grabbed the blue skirt sealed in plastic. “Anything?”

Myst blinked when he looked at the skirt with his upgrade ability. “Huh, truth in advertising, it lets you glide down if you’re over 500 feet or fly at ten miles an hour if you’re under five hundred feet.”

“That’s not all that impressive,” Starfire said, knowing that she could fly between planets and even solar systems if she wished.

“It is if you can’t fly,” Robin argued. “Even if ten miles an hour is basically a lazy bike ride.”

“There should be an Aquaman costume,” Aqualad complained, feeling slightly insulted that his king wasn’t represented.

“Yeah, that would be nice,” Myst agreed, wishing he could just pull a water breathing enchantment off a cheap costume, but not terribly surprised that he wasn’t that lucky. It was rather a moot point since they planned on getting something better than simple water breathing, still it would have been nice to have an easy excuse for where they’d gotten the enchantment from.

“Flight for less money than dinner is awesome,” Zatanna argued.

“Not to mention we should be able to use knock-off winged boots if we want to go faster,” Myst reminded the group.

“Can you move the enchantment to a pair of shorts?” Connor asked hopefully.

“I should be able to,” Myst assured him.

Kara snickered as she pulled her wallet out, grabbed a ten and fed it to the machine. She pushed the button for the Lantern costume and picked it up after it dropped into the bin. She carefully ripped open the plastic wrapper then held up the skimpy looking Green Lantern costume that came with a cheap looking plastic lantern and a plastic Green Lantern ring. “Yeah, please tell me this has a decent power attached.”

“On second thought, maybe it’s just as well that the vending machine doesn’t sell a costume of my liege,” Aquaman mused.

“Probably,” Cyborg agreed, not terribly impressed with the quality of the costume or its accessories.

Myst looked at the cheap looking green bathing suit with a black Green Lantern symbol on it then at the plastic lantern and the ring with his upgrade ability. “Do you want the good news or the bad news first?”

“Bad news,” Kara said.

Myst had to resist spending a couple mana to upgrade the costume. “The costume is crap and the lantern looks like shit.”

“What’s the good news?” Raven asked, able to feel Myst’s amusement and general good mood.

“The lantern glows with a green light when you say the Green Lantern oath and the ring can make very weak force fields that you could put your hand through with a bit of effort which should be useful when I upgrade the ring and combine it with the other knock-off Lantern ring. I can probably repurpose the enchantment for voice activated lighting with a bit of work, but that’s just for the amusement value.”

“That leaves what, breathing in space and wormholes?” Robin asked, mostly joking.

“Something to work on.” Zatanna glanced at her watch when her timer beeped. “That’s an hour.” She grabbed her rupee bag and poured twenty six rupees of various colors onto the floor in front of her. “Nice collection.”

“Neat,” Starfire said as she floated over to get a closer look at the gems, her breasts ‘accidentally’ grazing Beast Boy’s head which seemed to improve his mood.

“Not to mention a miniature computer,” Myst added absently to Robin’s list as he counted the various rupees scattered in front of Zatanna. “That’s a nice mix of greens, blues, and yellows.”

Raven glanced at Zatanna. “Can I have the purple two rupees?”

“Sure,” Zatanna agreed.

“I wouldn’t mind making some knock-off Blue and Purple Lanterns, it would keep the Guardians from trying to arrest us for pretending to be Green Lanterns or attacking us because they think we’re Yellow Lanterns.” Myst frowned as he thought about the Guardians. “Of course all the colors have their own issues.”

“Why? Green and Yellow Lanterns are the only Lanterns, right?” Robin asked.

Myst shook his head. “As my friend would say, you poor summer child.”

“What?” Robin asked. “Am I wrong?”

Megan said, “You’re forgetting Star Sapphire, she’s basically a Lantern of Love.”

“More like obsession,” Myst muttered, making a mental note to check to see where the Star Sapphire was when he had a chance, wondering if the Star Sapphire worked differently in this changed reality and didn’t create Yandere Lanterns.

Zatanna worked on placing six green rupees around the circle between the points of the six pointed star she was in the center of. “You should probably collect the rest of the rupees from the circle so they don’t explode when I empower it.”

“Explode? Are the pendants going to explode?” Myst asked in concern as he walked over and started moving the rest of the rupees to his inventory.

Zatanna finished placing the last rupee then stood up and stepped out of the circle. “You should probably avoid letting them overcharge, but that shouldn’t be a huge problem considering you can always toss them out of the circle or use their mana to increase their capacity.”

“What happens if a person can’t spend their mana fast enough?” Beast Boy asked.

“If they stayed in the circle? They’d eventually explode either physically or magically, but it takes an exceptionally stupid or reckless magi to push things that far. I think I’ve only ever heard of three magi actually physically exploding,” Zatanna assured him.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Kara asked, looking at the circle warily.

“I’ll be fine, I can dump as much mana as I need to into my abilities or just walk out of the circle if I have to,” Myst assured her.

Aqualad shivered as he looked at the ritual circle. “On that note, I’m going to stay long enough to watch you perform the ritual then I’m going to head into town and watch a movie or get something to eat. It’s bad enough when he’s spending small amounts of mana, I’d rather not feel like I’m being constantly electrocuted.”

“I can’t say I blame you and sorry,” Myst offered as he stuffed the last two rupees into his inventory.

“Don’t worry about it,” Aqualad replied, knowing that Myst having more mana would help in the long term even if him spending mana was a touch annoying in the short term.

“Before we start the ritual, can you enchant one of our movies to be interactive?” Robin asked.

Beast Boy bounced over to the movie cabinet and looked through the collection. “I know just the movie!” He was relatively sure of one movie which would have come through the changes to reality with little alteration, if any.

“I can try,” Myst offered, not sure what the enchantment would do to a different movie, but was willing to try.

Beast Boy smiled triumphantly and held up a movie. “Bunny House Slaughter!”

“Yeah, that movie is horrible, dead naked girls everywhere,” Megan complained. “They would have done so much better to grab the shotgun first.”

Myst rolled his eyes and held out his hand. “Hand me both of the DVDs and I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks, you’re the best!” Beast Boy said excitedly as he grabbed the DVD out of the machine and handed them both to Myst.

Myst focused on the Raven and Beast Boy DVD and spent the mana to copy the enchantment over to the horror movie and then spent another hundred mana to enhance it so the characters in the movie could ‘hear’ them if they shouted. “Worst case, we watch something else.” He handed the movies back to Beast Boy.

“Awesome!” Beast Boy ran back over to the machine to start the new and improved horror movie, noting the half naked zombie Raven and Starfire on the cover.

“Let’s do this.” Zatanna gestured toward the Seal of Solomon on the ground and started chanting once everyone had stepped back.

Myst mostly ignored the words as he felt the magic twist and energize the circle, the green rupees catching fire and the entire seal glowing with green light. 

“In you go,” Zatanna said cheerfully.

Myst walked over and picked up the pendants off the bench that had been shoved against the wall then walked back over to the circle. “How sure are you that this is safe?” he teased.

“If you’re that nervous look at the circle with your upgrade ability,” Raven suggested.

Myst glanced at Raven then looked at the circle with his upgrade ability, trying to make sure there weren’t any horrible side effects. “The circle triples mana regeneration and should last eight hours, nice.” He stepped over the circle, doing his best not to twitch when the tingling feeling washed over him. He carefully sat down, making sure that he was completely inside the circle. He spread the pendants in a half circle in front of him so that he could reach out and touch each one easily. He looked at the first pendant. “Three a second for the pendants which means this should work nicely.”

“On that note, best of luck,” Aqualad said as he walked out of the room, wanting to be out of the room, if not the base, when Myst started spending large amounts of mana.

Myst pulled one of the yellow rupees out of his inventory along with the wire and pliers he needed to make a cage for his new pendant. “If nothing else continually swapping between the pendants should keep me busy.”

“Or drive you insane,” Zatanna teased, fairly sure he wouldn’t last ten minutes before he had to boost the capacity on the new amulets to keep from getting hyper.

“Probably,” Myst agreed as he started working on the first new pendant while the opening scene started. ‘200 mana for the basic pendant enchant then another 5400 to bring it up to one a second and however much to bring it up to a level where I don’t have to spend every second swapping between pendants. Actually screw it, it’s still 200 mana despite the fact that I’ve upgraded the capacity, I might as well boost the capacity of the original up to ten or twenty thousand then make copies, they’d end up with one to two thousand mana which is plenty and would save some effort later.’ 


Superman landed ten feet in front of the black masked cheerleader. “I don’t suppose you’d put down the sword and come quietly?”

“I’d love to, but I can’t!” the cheerleader exclaimed as she lunged forward to stab Superman.

Superman dodged to the side to avoid the blade, finding it easy to avoid her swings without Metallo flooding the area with kryptonite radiation. While she was inhumanly fast and strong he doubted she was strong enough to toss a car or dodge a bullet, which meant that she might as well be moving in slow motion. “I don’t suppose you have any suggestions?”

“Duck,” the girl said as she tried to hit Superman with a roundhouse kick.

Superman winced as he blocked her kick with his arm and it felt like getting punched by Captain Marvel or Black Adam. ‘Shit, let’s avoid getting hit.’

“Nut shot!” the girl warned as she went for a front kick between Superman’s legs.

‘Hell with that.’ Superman stepped back then dodged as the girl swung her sword at him in slow motion. He blurred forward then grabbed the sword and ripped it out of her grasp.

“Thanks! Knees!” the cheerleader warned as she went for a sweep.

“Stop telling him your attacks!” ordered a young man with a high pitched voice and an English accent, before he was tackled by a pair of teens. “What the fuck! Stop hitting me! Help! Not the spleen! Arrgghh! Back to the spleen!”

Superman grabbed the cheerleader under her arms then blurred toward where he’d heard the voice come from. He blinked as he flew around the corner and saw a teenage girl with red hair and a teenage male with dark hair kicking the crap out of a scrawny male in his late teens or early twenties that was dressed in a trench coat. “Please stop assaulting the young man.”

“Fuck no!” Xander Harris turned to look at the person asking him to stop hitting Devon Travers then blinked as he realized who had asked him to stop. “He mind controlled my friend,” he explained angrily, approaching to examine the cheerleader and make sure she was unharmed.

Superman quickly set her on her feet as the examination started getting through enough to vanish under her clothes.

Willow turned to look then blinked when she saw Superman. “Sorry Sir, can you arrest him, please? I would like him released into general population where those that commit crimes against young and innocent girls get what’s coming to them.”

“I have diplomatic immunity,” Devon sneered. “I’m the one who’ll be pressing charges here!”

“On what grounds?” Superman asked, trying to figure out which group he was going to have to turn the idiot over to.

“Press charges?!” Buffy demanded as she turned towards the junior watcher and glared in such a way that if she’d had heat vision would have reduced him to a greasy smear on the ground.

“They broke an ancient sacred relic,” Devon complained. “It was a priceless Watcher treasure.”

“You body jacked me!” Buffy snapped.

“You’re the Slayer, you refused to do your duty!” the man snapped back.

“You don’t pay me, you certainly don’t own me!” Buffy snarled.

“Let me get this straight, you used mind control on the young lady that happens to be an American citizen and you’re claiming diplomatic immunity?” Superman asked, wanting to make sure he understood the situation.

“Yes, you can’t touch me,” Devon declared as he pulled his diplomatic passport out of his pocket then tossed it at Superman’s feet with a smirk. “I demand that you arrest these two and turn custody of the Slayer over to me.”

Superman looked down his nose at the man, wondering if stupidity was as valid a legal defense as insanity where he came from. “For defending their friend?”

“For assault!” Devon snapped as he carefully got to his knees, trying not to scream in pain. “And breaking a valuable artifact… and possibly my ribs.”

“That you were using to mind control our friend!” Willow hissed, Xander grabbing her before she could renew her attack, since there was a witness, and one whose word would definitely outweigh theirs in a court of law at that. 

“Prove that we broke it,” Xander said with a smirk. “I’m going to tell anyone that asks that you dropped it.” Which was even true, though that was only because he’d hit him… multiple times.

“Mind control is a felony in America, as in kidnapping, especially kidnapping a minor.” Superman reached down and picked up the man’s passport. He flipped through the passport, more than a little annoyed that he had either had diplomatic credentials or a remarkable set of fakes. “Diplomatic papers from England.”

“Which means you can’t touch me,” Devon said confidently. 

“That might have been true until you had the girl attack me,” Superman pointed out.

“You can’t prove that!” he countered nervously. 

“Fair enough, let me make some calls and verify your credentials. If you actually have diplomatic immunity, I’m going to turn and walk away leaving you here... alone with them, as I can’t prove that you mind controlled the girl into attacking me,” Superman explained as he pulled his cellphone off his belt, flipped it open then scrolled down his contact list and called Constantine.

“You can’t do that, they’ll kill me,” Devon said looking nervously at Xander and Buffy who were suddenly looking very hopeful, even as they both held back an angry Willow from committing gross bodily harm, followed by grievous bodily harm, then murder and possbly a side order of desecration of a corpse as well.

“That is baseless slander,” Xander said with an evil grin. “Both vicious and vile.” He slid a hand up the back of Willow’s shirt and gently stroked her, calming her slightly before he distracted her by suggesting she check Buffy to make sure she was okay. 

“See, nothing to worry about,” Superman said with a cheerful smile that should in no way have looked as innocent as it did.

“Do you know what fuckin’ time it is?” Constantine asked in an angry whisper, sounding more than half asleep and possibly a little drunk.

“You’re our British magical expert, we have a British national that is claiming diplomatic immunity, I’m fairly sure that he was using mind control on someone called ‘The Slayer.”

“Oh for fucks sake!” Constantine complained. “Smarmy bastard with a stick up his ass? Watcher’s council?”

“That’s my impression and yes, according to his passport,” Superman agreed.

“Where are you?” Constantine asked as he rolled out of bed, giving the hot blonde sprawled on his bed a very regretful look before he grabbed his pants.


“I’ll grab a fuckin’ portkey, be there in two minutes,” Constantine promised. “Maybe five, I have to wake my apprentice, if I have to be awake, so does he.”

Superman glared at the mind controlling idiot, less than impressed with the man’s intelligence as he hadn’t bothered to deny anything, only saying they couldn’t prove it. “League bylaws state that we’re allowed to call an expert as needed, so the League’s magical expert is on his way. If everyone could avoid doing anything drastic for the next ten minutes, we’ll get to the bottom of this.”

“I’m fine waiting,” Buffy said, knowing Superman wouldn’t turn her over and feeling a lot better about things, sandwiched between her two friends who were holding her like they never planned on letting her go.

“Who did you call?” Devon demanded.

“John Constantine,” Superman said, trying not to take any joy in the way the man’s face paled or the way a trail of liquid was suddenly visible down the front of his trousers, but finding even he wasn’t strong enough for that. 


William Jackson

Huh. So this chapter comes with a reveal that this is a crossover with both Buffy and Harry Potter. Any others?

Patrick Sandhop

True. They've crossed over with a bewildering number of IPs. Oh, and my compliments on some of that dialogue. "Not the spleen! Arrgghh! Back to the spleen!” is gold.

Robert Buniff

Ok this getting really good. Buffy and a hint of Harry Potter. I can't wait for the next post !