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Myst yawned as he woke up enough to remember that he should check his mana pool. ‘3045 of 3045, damn it, overslept a touch.’ He looked at his HUD’s clock. ‘At least I only overslept by a couple of minutes.’ He dropped 3040 mana pool into boosting his mana capacity, raising his mana pool by 304.

He carefully untangled his arm from one of the girls’ arms, probably Sabrina’s then reached over and fumbled for the mana filled pendants he could feel. ‘Yeah, screw it, I can’t see shit.’ He opened his inventory and looked for his cats eye glasses, happy that his inventory menu glowed enough that he could see everything he had stored.’ He grabbed the glasses then put them on and frowned as everything was still pitch black. ‘Right, lowlight, not dark vision.’

He went back to fumbling for the pendants then smiled when his hand brushed one. ‘957 mana, that should be plenty.’ He looked at his glasses with his upgrade ability. ‘A hundred points to upgrade the vision, might as well try.’ He spent the mana to upgrade the glasses then looked around the room, it was sort of like looking at a black and white television only everything was muted greys and a touch unclear. ‘Good enough for right now.’

He turned his attention toward the girls sleeping peacefully, Sabrina having grabbed Zatanna’s arm since he’d extracted his arm from her grasp. ‘Yeah, stare later.’ He spent the rest of the mana in the pendant to boost his mana capacity then grabbed the next pendant. ‘Two thousand points, yeah, I should have drained everything properly before taking a nap.’

He quickly spent the mana to increase his mana capacity by 200 then grabbed the next pendant and did the same. He quickly worked his way through the rest of the pendants, happy that the mana pulses weren’t enough to wake the girls up so he didn’t have to deal with cranky witches.

‘Okay, 33 mana out of 5549 isn’t horrible.’ He spent ten mana to bring it up to an even 5550 then set his alarm on his HUD for thirty minutes. He pulled his glasses off and stuck them back in his inventory then rested his head on the magic pillow and tried to drift off.

He wasn’t sure if he’d actually managed to drift off or if he’d just lost track of time daydreaming about his eventual costume when his alarm dragged him back to reality. He opened his upgrade menu and dropped 4500 of his 4536 mana into increasing his mana regeneration then grabbed his sunglasses out of his inventory and went to work using the mana the pendants had stored to boost his mana regeneration.

‘Let’s see, I’m up to 177.9 mana a minute, which means thirty minutes almost fills my reserves, this should work.’ He set his alarm then stashed his glasses in his inventory and tried to drift off, knowing he’d have to swap off increasing his capacity with his mana pool if he wanted the most out of his time.

He wasn’t sure if he should be happy or slightly annoyed when he woke up to his alarm feeling wide awake. ‘Yeah, that’s enough sleeping for right now.’ He opened his inventory and grabbed his sunglasses then put them on so he could see the pendants. He glanced at Sabrina’s sort of blurry breasts then opened his upgrade menu and spent 100 mana to upgrade the sunglasses so the image was crystal clear if still in greys. He spent 5200 mana to increase his mana regeneration another 5.2 points a minute.

Myst carefully swapped Zatanna’s pillow for the magic pillow, rather thankful when Zatanna didn’t wake up. ‘That should leave you bright eyed and bushy tailed in a couple of hours.’ He turned his attention to the pendants. ‘This should give me another 23.4 mana a minute every thirty minutes and since I don’t need to worry about my capacity right now, more power!’ 

‘Yeah, that was a horrible joke.’ Myst quickly finished using all of the pendants to boost his mana regeneration. ‘Okay, now what? I’ve got at least another hour before Zee gets enough sleep to be reasonably functional.’ He glanced at the door, fairly sure that moving too much would wake the girls up, something he’d rather avoid. 

He set his alarm for thirty minutes so he wouldn’t forget about the pendants then turned his attention to the mundane properties of his pink cloak rather than the supernatural. ‘Let’s see, thread quality, material… color.’ He selected color and dropped ten points to increase the red quality. He watched the pink cloak in his upgrade window change into a slightly darker pink with a grin. ‘Let’s try that again.’ He spent another ten mana, changing the cloak to a light red color. ‘Closer.’ He grinned as another ten points changed the cloak to a solid red. ‘Not quite.’ He spent another twenty mana upgrading the cloak to a vibrant crimson color, that screamed pay attention to me, I’m important. ‘Perfect!’

‘One problem down, several more to go,’ Myst mused as he watched Sabrina sleep while he tried to figure out what to work on. ‘Let’s start with the basics, she’s going to need clothes which means going shopping or giving her a magical ring.’ He opened his inventory and started searching through his collection of crafting supplies. ‘This would be easier if Robin had picked up some costume rings.’

‘I’ll just have to make a ring.’ Myst inched back against the wall, trying to give himself a touch more room without waking up either of the girls. He grabbed the spool of wire that Robin had picked up in the craft shop then flipped through the pages until he found the collection of rupees and grabbed one. ‘Let’s see how much stuff I’ve forgotten in twenty years,’ he mused as he grabbed the pliers he’d borrowed from the lab and went to work creating a sort of half cage to hold the gem.

Myst spent the next couple of minutes bending the wire and unbending the wire as he tried to duplicate something he only sort of half remembered. He carefully clipped the wire and studied the flimsy ‘woven’ copper ring that held the rupee in a less than stellar half cage. ‘Yeah, don’t quit your day job.’ He looked at the ring with his upgrade ability, somewhat relieved that his ability acknowledged that the copper and crystal ring was in fact a ring.

He quickly spent ten mana to upgrade the artistic nature of the ring, watching in wonder as the bends in the copper ring evened out and went from looking decidedly amateurish to something approaching sellable. ‘That’s better.’ He focused on his knock-off Lantern/clothing ring and pushed fifty mana into the copper ring, doing his best to duplicate the ring’s enchantment. 

He frowned slightly as he looked at the newly enchanted copper ring with his upgrade ability, ‘Looks decent if you ignore the fact that a wet paper bag is stronger than the shield at this point and I doubt the hand could move much more than a feather.’ He slipped the ring on and looked at the less than stellar costume options. ‘At least the color of the gem determines the color of the effects. That makes things easier.’ He glanced at his mana pool then spent another hundred mana to upgrade the new ring’s almost non existent clothing options. He grinned as he looked through her expanded collection of clothing items. ‘I’ll probably have to upgrade it a couple more times but that should work for right now.’

He stuck the ring in his inventory then grabbed another rupee and got to work making another ring, knowing the entire team was going to want copies. Besides, he needed to dust off his jewelry making skills if he wanted to do anything impressive.


Zatanna woke up, feeling quite well rested and clear headed. She turned to look in Myst’s direction as she felt a pulse of mana wash over her. “What time is it?” she asked in a whisper as she sat up.

“Just after four in the morning,” Myst replied softly, not wanting to wake Sabrina up.

“How much regeneration are you up to?” Zatanna asked as she stretched her arms over her head.

“457.6 mana a minute, with cap of 5,550,” Myst replied with amusement as she reached over and carefully swapped Sabrina’s pillow with the nap pillow.

“Ecnelis,” Zatanna whispered as she gestured at Sabrina, creating a field of silence around her so that they could talk normally. “So just over twelve minutes to fill up your mana pool from empty?”

“Close enough. The amulets give me another 23.4 mana a minute every thirty minutes which is awesome.”

“Do you have any idea how many warlocks would kill you for your power?” Zatanna asked.

“All of them? Though I’m fairly sure some of them would gleefully kill people for a Klondike bar, so I’m not sure they should count. Besides, we’re not telling them about my power, so it doesn’t really matter.”

Zatanna shook her head. “You know it’s not going to be that easy, right?”

“Sure, but I’m really trying to avoid freaking out and doing something drastic like putting on the Helmet of Fate so that I can defend myself.”

“Yeah, let’s avoid that, Kent said Nabu went a bit crazy toward the end,” Zatanna said. “So, what have you been working on while I was sleeping?”

“I made thirteen mostly functional duplicates of my ring and played with costumes while I tried to figure out what I wanted to work on today.”

“Oh neat, can I see mine?” Zatanna asked hopefully.

“Sure.” Myst pulled the second ring he’d updated out of his inventory then placed the ring in her hand. “I’ll probably have to upgrade it a couple of times but this should get you started.”

“Thanks.” Zatanna slipped the ring on her finger then opened her menu and started playing with her costume options.

“You’re welcome.” Myst opened his gacha menu and looked over the available wheels. “Rings for 500, Weapons for 700, Crowns for 600, Trinkets for 200, Lamps for 400, and Mad Science for 2,000. Mad Science for the win!” He spent the two thousand mana to buy the Mad Science wheel.

Zatanna shook her head when the glowing Mad Science wheel appeared in front of Myst and started spinning. “I’m starting to wonder about your sanity.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be a responsible Mad Scientist,” Myst assured her. 

“Why don’t I believe you?” Zatanna teased.

“Because you’re paranoid?” Myst asked with amusement. He caught the strange alien blaster rifle shaped device that dropped when the wheel stopped. He glanced at the words written on the side of the gun in permanent marker. “GMC Alternator 9000?”

“That sounds like that belongs in a car,” Zatanna said as she focused on the lights she could see on Myst’s alien blaster.

Myst examined the blaster with his upgrade ability. ‘Holy shit! I’m going to abuse the hell out of this getting rid of villains.’ He put the weapon shaped device in his inventory, extremely happy to get a device that could send the targets to another dimension and retrieve their counterparts even if he didn’t have nearly as much control over which counterpart the device collected as he’d like. “That’s going in my inventory for a rainy day.”

“Dangerous?” Zatanna asked.

“Potentially, depending on what you’re shooting it at.” Myst bought the Crown wheel. “Let’s see what else we can find.”

Zatanna shook her head. “How are you doing for mana?”

“I have 676 left but I’m not all that worried about it with my regeneration.” Myst smiled when the wheel stopped and an ancient looking almost elvish crown dropped into his hands a few seconds later. He looked at the crown with his upgrade ability and blinked. “I think my ability is trolling me.”

“What does your crown do?” Zatanna asked, curious why Myst was complaining about the crown.

“It’s possessed and yet surprisingly useful if you’re not a noble in a land that has to worry about dowries and you have a way to deal with the unseelie nymph bound to the crown whispering in your ear, trying to encourage bad behavior or drive you insane depending on your character.”

“That sounds like a deal breaker. What do the rest of the enchantments do?” 

“You mean beyond letting the fae whisper in your ear? It boosts your chance of having twin daughters by 90%, triplets by 30% and quadruplets by 5%. It also gives your daughters enhanced appearance, durability, intelligence and magic while decreasing the chance of genetic issues or harmful mutations by 25%.”

“That sounds useful if you ignore the part where a fae is trying to drive you insane,” Zatanna mused as she worked on reassembling her clothing selections she’d had on Myst’s ring. “Do you think you can make a knock-off version without binding a fae to the crown?”

“It’s worth looking into.” Myst grabbed the Ring Wheel. “Hopefully it drops a ring of invisibility or evasion or something useful.”

“That would be nice, as long as it’s not Bilbo’s ring.”

“I’m fairly sure that’s more than 500 points,” Myst replied. He caught the ring that dropped then shivered as he felt hatred and rage pouring off the ring. “I think you might have jinxed it.” He looked at the ring with his upgrade ability. “That’s cursed as hell.”

“What does it do?” Zatanna asked warily, wishing she could see the ring.

“It basically lets you channel the power of a demon, increasing your strength, agility and endurance at the possible cost of your soul.”

“Soul?” Zatanna asked warily.

“If you die while using it, the demon claims your soul. If you commit enough crimes to get sent to hell, the demon gets your soul. If you use it to permanently boost your physical abilities seven times, the demon gets your soul.”

“So it’s basically useless?” Zatanna asked.

“Technically you could use it at the basic level but as you’re risking going to hell for using it, it’s not worth it to me. Not to mention each time you use it to boost your physical abilities, your appearance and mental and emotional stability take a hit.” Myst put the ring in his inventory. “Ah well, at least it wasn’t more expensive.” He bought the Lamp wheel on the off chance it was something useful.

“Let me guess, you’re hoping for a genie?” Zatanna asked with a smirk.

“Or a nice apartment in a lamp. Mostly I’m just buying it because if I don’t, I’d always wonder if I passed up a chance to get a genie.”

“Fair point,” Zatanna admitted.

Myst caught the copper lamp when the wheel stopped spinning. He looked at the lamp with his upgrade ability and blinked. “The lamp has a Jinni and an apartment inside.”

“You’re telling me you actually got a genie lamp?” Zatanna asked in disbelief.

“Apparently.” Myst rubbed the lamp. 

A red mist spiralled out of the lamp, forming the torso of an attractive naked red skinned young woman with long black hair. “I am the djinn of the lamp, what is your command my master?”

“What are the limits of your powers?” Myst asked as the Djinn squinted, looking round the dark room.

“I am skilled in cleaning and cooking, I am an excellent tailor, and I excel in massage,” she said proudly.

“I think he meant magically,” Zatanna explained.

“Oh,” the djinn said. “I am a spirit of fire and air, I have all the normal powers of one of my caste.”

“Yes, but we aren’t aware of what those are,” Zatanna said.

“You summoned a djinn without knowing even that much?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” Myst said, not feeling the need to belabor the point.

“This has not happened before,” the djinn admitted. “Um… well I can control air and fire, summon certain amounts of substances, usually used for feasts or tailoring, making a home into a palace, and I know a fair amount of magics needed to make any domicile comfortable and safe.”

“In other words, no complicated wishes to screw up or life lessons to learn?” Myst asked, slightly relieved.

“I do not believe so,” she said. “Well, unless you turn out to be an ungrateful and distasteful master or command me to do so.”

“I’ll certainly try to avoid doing any of those things,” Myst assured her, seeing no point in being like Malfoy. 

“He hasn’t been a bad servant so far, though I could do with a massage,” Zatanna teased.

“That I can do,” the Djinn said helpfully as she summoned a massage table and floated Zatanna over to it with a wave of her hand. 

“Now this is more like it,” Zatanna said before her clothes vanished and a pair of hands covered in warm oil landed on her lower back. ‘Probably just as well we’re in the dark, at least he can’t see anything.’

Myst grinned as he moved over slightly so that he could watch Djinn give Zatanna a massage, happy that he’d upgraded his glasses.

The Djinn started working her way up Zatanna’s back. “Why are we sitting in the dark?”

“Mostly because we didn’t want to wake up Sabrina,” Myst replied.

“Which explains the silence spell on the girl.”

Myst glanced at his alarm for the pendants. ‘Plenty of time to watch the rest of her massage before I have to get back to work.’


Sabrina blinked as she woke up with a yawn and found everything pitch black. ‘Morning?’ She frowned slightly as she realized there was a silence spell on her. She used her telekinesis to flip the lights so that she could figure out what was going on. She glanced at Myst then turned and looked down at where Zatanna was sprawled naked on a massage table looking decidedly relaxed and almost gooish while an unfamiliar naked red skinned young woman straddled her.

“Ooh, I could get used to this,” Zatanna moaned.

Sabrina giggled as she realized the silence spell was only on the bed and sat up. “Yep.”

“Oh yeah, they’re gorgeous,” Myst agreed, enjoying the full color display.

Zatanna closed her eyes against the light. “If I wasn’t so comfortable, I’d complain about being ogled.”

Sabrina used her telekinesis to twist the dimmer switch, dropping everything to a nice comfortable glow that let them see everything but didn’t hurt their eyes. “That should be better. Who’s the new girl?”

“I’m a djinn but you can call me Azar,” the djinn said as she ran her fingers over Zatanna’s back.

“I’m a magical book, you can call me Sabrina,” Sabrina said cheerfully. “That looks relaxing, can I be next?”

“You’ll have to ask Azar.” Myst took his sunglasses off and slipped them in his inventory, seeing no point in leaving them on and giving Zatanna more of a chance to realize that he’d upgraded the glasses.

“Your wish is my command,” Azar said, happy to help. “Well, his is, but I like using my skills so unless he complains, I’d be happy to.”

Zatanna considered the pros and cons of letting the girl with the magic fingers leave then decided that she’d never get up if Azar kept running her hands over her. “I’m good.”

Azar grinned as she floated Zatanna back to the bed with a wave of her hand then floated Sabrina down to the massage table after cleaning it with a wave of her other hand.

Zatanna turned her head enough so that she could look at Myst. “Enjoying the view?”

“I’d be lying if I said no,” Myst replied, seeing no reason to lie about that particular question.

“You’re just lucky you’re my familiar. By the way, nice call with the cloak,” Zatanna teased. 

“Absolutely,” Myst agreed as he glanced over at Sabrina when she giggled. “I’m just glad that everything…” he trailed off as the door opened revealing Raven. “What’s up?”

“I could feel your emotions through the link,” Raven explained as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. “I even felt Zantanna’s. It felt like… she was having sex while you weren’t and I was… curious.”

“Nope, just a really good massage,” Myst said, trying not to sound too amused.

“Ah.” Raven looked at Azar. “I’m Raven.”

“Azar, Djinn servant of Myst,” Azar said, working her way up Sabrina’s back with her fingers.

“Ah,” Raven said, looking up at Myst then looking back at Sabrina and Azar. “How did you end up with a Djinn in the last couple of hours?”

“I got bored of boosting my mana regeneration and decided to play with my gacha menu and grabbed the Lamp wheel. I was hoping for a djinn,” Myst explained, “and for once I actually got what I wished for, she’s awesome.”

“You’re too kind master,” Azar said. “It’s nice to be appreciated.”

Zatanna selected her ring’s black silk outfit she’d picked up earlier, smiling when it appeared on her. “Is anyone else awake?”

“I could feel Batman in the kitchen, he’s concentrating on something,” Raven replied.

“I’m surprised that he’s here this early,” Zatanna said as she sat up.

“Probably a mission,” Myst suggested.

“Do we want to check?” Zatanna asked.

“If he wants us that badly, he’ll call...” Myst trailed off as the com system beeped. “Damn it.”

“Recognized, Superman 01,” the computer announced over the coms. “Recognized, Green Lantern 05.”

Batman’s voice came over the com system, “Myst, please report to the mission room, we have injured.”

“Duty calls,” Myst said as he swung his legs over the rail then jumped down. He pulled the other upgraded copper ring from his inventory and handed it to Sabrina. “Here, this should let you get dressed if you want.”

Sabrina glanced at the ring then popped it in her mouth and chewed it up. “Tasty.”

Azar blinked as a black leather costume appeared on Sabrina before she sat up. “That’s a nice trick.”

“Do you want a ring for clothing?” Myst asked, fairly sure the answer was yes.

“Jewelry?” Azar asked happily.

Myst pulled an extra ring out of his inventory and handed it to her. “Here you go.”

“Thank you master!” Azar said as she slipped the ring on.

“Do you have one for the rest of us?” Raven asked.

“I have enough for everyone,” Myst replied as he pulled another ring out for Raven and handed it to her. “If you need more clothes, I can upgrade it.”

“Does it come in purple?”” Raven asked hopefully.

“As soon as I find a purple gem,” Myst offered as he headed for the door.

“I have extra, I’ll get one,” Raven said as she phased through the wall.


William Jackson

Jesus. I don't know how he hasn't fucked one of them, yet. It is gonna be real awkward meeting with the Justice League with an erection.

Mist of Shadows

Mostly the fact that they're in the getting to know you phase still. Not screwing things up is rather important to him at this point.

Robert Buniff

I'm really liking this one. Although I do like most of your stories. Keep it going.