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Myst stared at the television in disbelief. “Please tell me that this is Klarion’s fault.”

Zatanna winced as she watched a topless girl wearing a pair of green gypsie pants and a red santa hat grab a thug with her red and white striped hook that looked like a candy cane around the neck and drag him to the ground so that a large fat man with a fur loincloth and antlers on his head could handcuff the thug. “They had a Heroes show before, sort of like that old Cops show but they normally censored any nudity and they certainly didn’t let the heroes run around looking like that!”

“He should be shot,” Myst grumbled as he looked at the overweight almost lumberjack looking hero with antlers. 

“Which one? The hero, the thug or Klarion?” Zatanna asked, knowing he was probably joking about actually shooting them.

“All of them?” Myst asked sarcastically as the fat hero flexed for the camera. “Are you sure this is actually on network television and not cable?”

Zatanna shook her head as the show faded to black and a car commercial took its place. “Channel 6 should be network news unless that changed.”

“Let me guess, they have a bunch of C or B listers that take videos of themselves and send them in?”

“They’re mostly heroes I’ve never heard of,” Zatanna admitted. “They come up with new heroes every week or every other week. It’s a bit disturbing really. This is the first time they’ve been this blatant with the nudity though.”

“In that case, we can probably blame Klarion,” Myst agreed as he dropped a thousand points to boost his cloak’s mana regeneration by ten points a minute, bringing it up to twenty six points a minute.

Zatanna giggled as the mana pulse washed over her. “At least the car commercial looks normal enough... “ she trailed off as a mostly naked female super fell out of the sky and crashed into the car, caving in the hood. “Act of god, insurance, yeah…”

“She obviously needs a better costume, one that doesn’t rip,” Myst mused as he studied the remains of the woman’s costume, it looked a bit like a red and black Superman knock-off only with a Z rather than an S.

“Maybe we offended someone in a past life?” Zatanna joked.

Myst considered it then started snickering. “If this is what happens when we offend people, we should do it more often. Should we see what’s on HBO?”

“Might as well,” Zatanna agreed as she punched in the number then blinked as the station changed and she saw Superman or at least a reasonable likeness fucking an actress that was dressed like Wonder Woman. She read the caption at the top of the screen, “Bondage for Justice, the Adventures of Steel and Wonderous Woman, using their bondage powers for Justice!”

“How many times can you fit justice in there?” Myst asked sarcastically.

Zatanna raised her eyebrows. “That’s your issue with this show?”

“It just seems like lazy writing and come on, you know damn well she wouldn’t be that passive,” Myst argued.

“Hmm, she’d probably have to be tied up,” Zatanna mused thoughtfully as she pushed the mute button to avoid the soundtrack.

“Time for a distraction,” Myst said as he grabbed the 100 point costume wheel on his gacha menu.

Zatanna glanced at the floating wheel. “Costume?”

“I figured I might get something useful and waiting for my mana to regenerate so I can boost the cloak is boring.”

Zatanna snickered as she looked at the leather collar that dropped from the wheel. “Huh, bondage on your mind?”

“It’s random, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” Myst grumbled as he studied the collar, wincing as he read the tag.

“I believe you…” Zatanna trailed off as she noticed the metal tag on the collar said Artemis. “The question is, whether Artemis believes it,” she teased. “So, what does it do?”

“It makes an illusion of a cat’s tail and ears while increasing your balance a tiny bit,” Myst explained.

“So, it makes you look like a cat person?” Zatanna asked as the door opened and Starfire and Artemis entered the room.

“Oh, my favorite series,” Artemis said as she flopped down next to Myst.

“You actually like this show?” Zatanna asked warily.

“The plot is excellent and his muscles are delicious. Besides, forty percent goes right to charity,” Artemis said as she put her feet up on the bench. “M&M’s?” she asked hopefully.

“Sure,” Myst replied as he conjured a large bag of M&M’s for her to enjoy.

Starfire sat down next to Zatanna. “Why can Beast Boy walk around without clothes, but I was asked to keep mine on outside of my room?”

“Who told you that?” Artemis asked in confusion. “You’re a hero, you don’t have to worry about nudity laws.”

Myst cut in before Starfire could answer and give something away, “Why are heroes different?”

“There are a number of heroes that have sunlight related powers, as well as powers that react badly to being covered up, or that can’t wear clothes because they’re shape changers. The laws were changed years ago when someone realized that trying to arrest metahumans and aliens while they were busy saving lives was counterproductive.”

“That makes sense,” Myst agreed, slightly surprised that the government had actually done something intelligent. He made a mental note to look up how the hell that had happened.

“Oh good,” Starfire said as she pulled her armored leather halter top off, “this is itching.”

Myst stared as Starfire scratched the underside of her breasts. ‘I’m not sure if that’s a point for her being affected by the change or if she’s just being Tamaranean. Probably a point for not, considering she didn’t know. Damn nice breasts though.’

Zatanna pushed the mute button on the remote when it looked like they were getting back to actual conversation. “In that case, we should have enough time to finish the show before Robin gets back.”

“Hopefully, he always complains about the fight scenes,” Artemis grumbled.

Myst conjured another large bag of M&M’s for Starfire and Zatanna to share and tried to at least appear like he wasn’t staring at Starfire’s breasts while he waited for his mana to recharge. Sadly, despite his best efforts to ignore the show, the plot was actually decent which meant that his attention kept getting pulled off the girls. He took the tiara out of his inventory and put it on then pulled out the bouncy ball so that he could keep track of Starfire’s breasts while he watched the show.

Artemis glanced down at the collar in Myst’s lap, noticing her name on the tag when the show got to a slow part. “Is that for me? What does it do?” she asked eagerly.

Myst was extremely glad that he had his empathy on at that moment so he knew what the correct response was, “Yes, of course. It gives you a boost to your balance and gives you an illusionary tail and cat ears.”

“Neat!” Artemis giggled as she grabbed the collar and quickly put it on then stood up. “How do I look?” 

“Like a cat girl,” Myst replied he checked out her blonde tiger like tail and white ears that looked quite cute on her.

Zatanna glanced up when she noticed the direction Artemis was looking and spotted the bouncing ball hovering in the air looking down at the group.

Starfire glanced up at the drone then waved. “I’m going to enjoy having extra eyes.”

“Speaking of breasts, can you make something to increase my size a little? I mean mine aren’t small but I’m kinda feeling outclassed here,” Artemis said honestly.

“Hmm, considering your profession, if they get too big they’d get in the way,” Myst reminded her gently. “On the other hand, I should be able to figure out something for the magical girl transformation or something to boost them for partying.”

“I can probably go up a cup size without drastically impacting my skills and can’t you decrease the breasts on my costume self?” Artemis asked.

He checked his upgrade ability. “Looks like I can increase your breasts a cup size or two directly if you want or I can try increasing your voluptuous stat a touch, which should do the same and increase your general appearance a touch.”

“In that case, I’ll take the appearance upgrade, half a cup size should work nicely,” Artemis replied, wanting to see how it felt before she went for more of an upgrade.

“Okay.” Myst spent fifty mana to boost her voluptuousness quality which increased her breast size half a size and added a touch of ‘padding’ to her behind to balance things out. “That should do it.”

Artemis blinked as her shirt and pants got tighter. “I wasn’t expecting that much of a difference.”

“I’m fairly sure it’s mostly muscle,” Myst replied, as he checked Artemis out. He was fairly sure most people wouldn’t notice the changes to her behind unless they were looking for them as they were subtle.

Artemis pulled her shirt off and looked at her breasts then looked at Starfire’s breasts. She shifted into a shooting stance then pictured drawing her bow, fairly sure she hadn’t ruined her aim. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” Myst replied. ‘Yeah, sorry Robin, you’re on your own for ‘fixing’ this.’

Robin walked in with a shopping bag, trying to casually glance between Artemis and Starfire’s breasts. “I got the supplies.”

“Do you like my tail?” Artemis asked curious if Robin had actually noticed her illusionary tail.

Robin glanced down at Artemis’s swishing blonde tail then back up to her face. “It looks nice, seems like something someone would grab in a fight.”

“It’s an illusion. The collar also gives me a boost to my agility and people will waste time trying to grab my tail,” Artemis said smugly.

“Ah, in that case, fantastic,” Robin agreed as he glanced over at Starfire’s breasts then handed Myst the shopping bag and took a seat by Starfire to watch the show while his brain rebooted.

“Sweet, time to figure out if I can duplicate things,” Myst said as he stood up and walked over to the desk so he had room to work on his projects.

“What are you going to start with?” Zatanna asked.

“I was thinking the drones,” Myst replied as he opened the shopping bag and looked at the large collection of supplies that Robin had picked up, dozens of small bouncy balls, several bags of marbles of varying sizes as well as large containers of glitter and a decent collection of headbands, various types of plastic and silver lockets, a dozen pairs of sunglasses and a bunch of random things from the craft store. “Nice collection.”

Robin said, “Your gacha power is random enough that I figured you could use the extras.”

“We can always return it if we can’t.” Myst picked up one of the bouncy balls that had a marble in the middle of it and started filling it with mana, using the ‘drone’ as a template.

Zatanna grinned as she felt the mana flow into the bouncy ball then watched it float up into the air and spin to look at her. “That’s it?”

Myst laughed. “Apparently, fifty mana and I can make spy drones.”

“That was insanely quick, from what you said earlier, I was expecting it to take at least a couple of minutes,” Robin said.

“I’d have thought you would have needed to use ritual magic,” Zatanna commented as she studied the copied bouncy ball.

“Apparently as long as I have the original to use as a template, I can make a knock-off by feeding mana into the basic object. One tenth the speed and lift, the rest of the stats look the same which means the range is probably controlled by the tiara. Let’s see if I can make a working headband then I can start on the magical girl items once I get the original back from Beast Boy.”

“I’ll get him, you can have fun with the rest of the show,” Zatanna said when she saw the look of disappointment on Robin’s face.

“Thanks, shopping is exhausting,” Robin said, happy that he could sit down and relax with two half naked teammates. ‘Maybe the changes aren’t so bad, it’s not like we have to fix things right away.’

Zatanna snickered as she left, knowing Robin was enjoying himself.

Myst grinned as he picked up one of the cheap looking headbands that Robin had picked out then worked on making a knock off version of his control tiara. He fed mana into the headband until an echo of the original tiara’s magic formed in the headband. He looked at the headband with his upgrade ability. “Less range but I should be able to fix that easily enough which makes replacing the drones a lot easier than I was expecting.”

“Good to know.” Robin grinned, looking forward to playing with the drones.

“I’m looking forward to being able to spy on villains,” Artemis said, thinking about how much easier their jobs would be with the drones. “Any idea how you’re going to add the invisibility effect to the drone?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to make sure I could duplicate the drones first.” Myst grabbed the invisible jet out of his inventory then focused on the original bouncy ball and paid the mana to turn the toy into a drone. He frowned slightly as he mentally directed the jet to fly up and it merely wobbled into the air, near the maximum the knock-off enchant could lift. “It’s not the best drone but it should work well enough for the fusion spell.”

Artemis looked at Myst as the credits started on her show. “Could you boost the drone enchantment enough to let someone fly?”

Myst considered how much he’d have to upgrade the drone or multiple drones to support a person’s weight. “I might be able to figure something out that would let you grab a handle or something and have it drag you around but it’s the wrong set up for giving a person actual flight. Besides, we should be able to learn how to summon flying brooms from the magical girl locket.”

“Fair enough,” Artemis agreed, looking forward to testing out the flying broomstick.

Myst moved the bag of supplies to the floor so that he had more room to work. “Give me a minute while I cast this next spell, I don’t want to screw it up.”

“Sure.” Robin grabbed the remote then pushed the mute button, wanting to limit the distractions.

“Thanks.” Myst took a breath then let it out as he visualized what he wanted to happen.

Artemis frowned slightly as Myst said a string of words that were already fading from her memory and she saw a toy jet appear for a second then turn to ash and collapse, vanishing a second later.

Myst sighed in relief as the original bouncy ball vanished from view completing the fusion spell. He mentally moved the invisible eye around, making sure that it still worked then looked at it with his upgrade ability, amused that he could get the stats for the drone even though he couldn’t actually see it. “We have our new template.”

“So, the drones will be invisible?” Robin asked hopefully.

“If nothing else they should be harder to,” Myst turned toward the door as Raven, Beast Boy and Zatanna walked in with Sabrina tucked under Raven’s arm, “see.”

“Any trouble changing back?” Robin asked as he studied Beast Boy’s green face.

Raven walked around the couch then blinked as she glanced between Artemis’ and Starfire’s bare breasts. ‘Yeah, there is something weird going on.’

“Not really, but it takes five seconds and flashes when you transform which might be a problem depending on the situation,” Beast Boy said as he walked over and handed Myst the locket.

“I can probably fix that eventually,” Myst mused as he focused on the locket, trying to figure out the best way to duplicate it.

Beast Boy stared as he turned and saw the girl’s state of dress. “The locket might have scrambled my brain, I’m seeing things... wonderful things,” he said as he glanced back and forth between Artemis and Starfire before turning to look at Raven hopefully, but she simply raised an eyebrow in response and hid her own amusement while he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Artemis rolled her eyes but was pleased by the attention. “Take a seat Beast.”

Beast Boy grinned as he hurried over and sat down next to Artemis so he could keep both girls in sight. “As side effects go… I like it!”

“Any luck while I was gone?” Zatanna asked as she walked over to look at what Myst was working on.

“I managed to move the invisibility effect to the original drone, so I’m calling it a success,” Myst said as he reached down and grabbed one of the plastic lockets and a plastic tube of purple glitter. “The real test is duplicating the locket.” He carefully removed the top of the glitter then carefully filled the tiny chamber in the plastic locket.

“Is there a reason you’re acting like you’re using hydrochloric acid or something equally as dangerous?” Robin asked as he watched Myst cap the tube of glitter then set it on the desk where he wouldn’t knock it over.

Myst grinned as he realized that he was probably being overly careful. “Sorry, habit. I had an acquaintance in college that loved glitter, it got everywhere.” He focused on the locket and poured two hundred mana into the locket as he focused on the transformation device.

Zatanna watched as the glitter changed into purple sparkles while the magic was absorbed. She raised her eyebrows as the headband that Myst had left on the desk vanished and the locket snapped shut. “Was it supposed to do that?”

“Hell if I know,” Myst muttered as he studied the new ivory locket with his upgrade ability, trying to figure out why it had eaten the headband and turned the plastic locket ivory. “Less regeneration… and only a headband for a costume. Zatanna, do you have a spell to identify how a magical item works?”

“Sure, yfitnedi!” Zatanna said as she gestured toward the duplicate locket. “Interesting, the creation process actually consumes the costume and imprints it on the locket then conjures a temporary copy of the costume everytime you transform, which means even if you damage the costume, everything will be back to normal the next time you transform.”

“Does that mean we can’t upgrade our costumes once you make the lockets?” Robin asked.

Myst shrugged. “I can use upgrade to boost the items, but I’m not sure how I’d add properties.” 

Zatanna shook her head. “I’m fairly sure you can’t or at least it would take a decent amount of research to figure out how to modify the locket.”

“This might be a stupid question, but can you move the properties from the conjured items to real objects?” Beast Boy asked, curious how much they could cheat as he went over ways he’d munchkined his RPG characters.

“No idea,” Myst admitted as he reached down and grabbed another headband out of the bag. “But it’s worth testing, I’ll need a volunteer to wear the locket.”

“Pick me!” Starfire said enthusiastically as she jumped up and hovered in place.

“Have fun.” Myst tossed her the locket.

“Just concentrate on transforming,” Beast Boy suggested.

Starfire put the locket on then activated it, causing it to open and a stream of purple sparkles to pour out of the locket. “Neat!”

Raven watched as the sparkles ‘ate’ Starfire’s clothes while generating a simple headband and changed her skin from her normal orange color to a pale white and her face to someone unrecognizable though attractive. “Green human looking eyes and pale skin. That should help with a secret identity.”

Starfire wiggled her fingers as she floated a couple of inches off the ground. “I could get used to this.”

‘Nice to have confirmation that the transformation doesn’t screw with people’s powers,’ Myst thought to himself as Conner and Megan walked into the room.

Robin ran his gaze over Starfire’s new body, while trying not to stare. “This should make blending in easier.”

Connor glanced between Starfire and Myst, unconcerned with her nudity. “Please tell me you figured out how to grant flight.”

Myst made a mental note to find a spell to summon a rolled up newspaper. “Sorry, Starfire could already fly, though you should be able to learn the spell to conjure a witch’s broom.”

“Star?” Connor asked in surprise and taking a closer look.

Starfire nodded. “I might need to go to the mall of shopping.” She posed in midair with her hands on her hips drawing everyone’s attention to her naked form.

“Why a headband?” Megan asked as she walked over to the other couch and sat down.

“Just an accident, it was close enough to get absorbed when I copied the locket,” Myst explained as he studied Starfire’s new form. Her new form wasn’t quite as stunning, but she’d certainly get second or even third looks walking down the street. “Can I see the headband?”

Starfire reached up, took the headband off and handed it to Myst. “Sure.”

Myst cast his fusion spell, trying to move the magic from the conjured copy to the headband he’d grabbed from the supplies Robin had brought him. He turned his attention toward the new headband as the conjured copy disintegrated. “Yeah, that’s a no, the spell wasn’t able to transfer anything.”

“That’s mildly annoying but not terribly surprising,” Raven said as Connor walked over and sat down next to Megan. “Can you copy the enchantments on the boots or the skirt?”

“It’s worth a try, I’ll need a,” Myst looked at Robin who was already taking off his boots, “pair of boots, yeah.”

Robin passed the boots to Zatanna who handed them to Myst. “I have extra.”

“Makes sense,” Myst agreed as he set the boots on the ground. “Now I just need a volunteer to use the original locket other than Beast Boy, so I can see how it looks on someone new.”

“I’ll do it,” Megan offered, holding out her hand.

Myst handed her the original magic girl locket. “Thanks.”

Megan put the necklace on then stood up and activated it, rather amused by the pink sparkles swirling around her.

Artemis blinked as Megan changed into an identical copy of Beast Boy’s female form, wearing only boots, skirt, and hat. “You look identical to Beast Boy’s transformation.”

“Sort of like Doctor Fate. With the mask, he’s always Doctor Fate even if the person behind the mask changes,” Zatanna mused.

‘Except the lockets aren’t alive or twisted aliens,’ Myst thought to himself as he slipped out of his chair and knelt on the floor.

Megan reached up and touched her green hair then changed it back to red and resumed her normal human appearance. “That’s better.”

“That’s cheating,” Myst teased as he slipped out of the chair and knelt on the ground. “Okay, if you can stand over here without moving I might be able to boost Robin’s boots.”

Megan stepped over so that Myst could copy the boots. “Sure.”

Myst kept his attention solidly on Megan’s boots as he pushed mana into Robin’s boots, doing his best to copy the enchanted boots. He wasn’t sure if he should smile, laugh or shake his head as he looked at the boots with his upgrade ability and realized the boots added 3.4 inches of bonus height and 6.4 inches of protection from falling. He kept his eyes on the ground as he stood up then smiled at the group. “I’m going to call that a successful test, even if I have to boost the crap out of the boots before they’re really useful.”

“Let me guess, three inches of bonus jumping distance?” Raven asked dryly.

“Pretty much,” Myst agreed. “On the plus side, I can copy the enchantment, which means I should be able to boost everyone’s gear tomorrow, once I have my mana regeneration boosted to a decent level.”

“In that case, let’s work on training,” Black Canary said from the doorway where she’d been quietly watching and evaluating the team’s social interactions.

“With pleasure,” Myst replied, looking forward to getting back in shape and dusting off his martial arts skills that he’d allowed to atrophy.


Chichi son

Myst kept his attention solidly on Megan’s boots as he pushed mana into Robin’s boots, doing his best to copy the enchanted books. He wasn’t sure if he should smile, laugh or shake his head as he looked at the boots with his upgrade ability and realized the boots added 3.4 inches of bonus height and 6.4 inches of protection from falling. I think books was supposed to be boots

William Jackson

Is there any reason they're keeping the change to the universe a secret? I can almost understand not telling people who have been changed, but why don't they read in Starfire, Beastboy, and Raven? They all clearly know something is weird.

Mist of Shadows

They'll get there, they didn't exactly have a lot of time and they've been distracted. As for keeping things secret, they're still not sure what's going on, they need to call Kent (fate) and see what's going on and figure out if they're in the right world. But yeah, they'll tell Beast Boy and Raven already knows weird things are going on, she's an empath.

Patrick Sandhop

Hmm. It does seem like they're in a world a few numbers over as to societal mores. Well, nobody's bleeding from their eyes or howling for vengeance so far, so they can investigate without panic. Better than that world split spell from Season 1 of Young Justice where you just know that logic says a lot of kids died due to sudden loss of pilots or drivers even if it was kind of glossed over.

Mist of Shadows

Yeah, the adult/child split would have been horrible... millions of babies dead... probably a lot of toddlers getting in trouble. To say nothing of the people that would have died on the roads... or gotten stranded somewhere best case... at the very least their should have been aftershocks but well, it was a cartoon so they didn't bother with fallout.