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Robin glanced at Beast Boy who was currently in the form of a large great dane next to Cyborg who was dressed in a white spandex outfit with spades all over it. “Take Beast Boy and find the lunatic behind the scenes.” He looked over at Myst who was wearing a purple and black jester costume, the purple ‘burning’ with purple flames. “Run around healing people and try not to get yourself killed.” He looked at Raven and Zatanna both dressed in nearly identical Catwoman outfits. “You’re on fire patrol, Kid Flash, rescue anyone you can.”

“On it,” Kid Flash said as he blurred away, not terribly amused by his renfaire like outfit.

Robin looked at Megan who made a passable Poison Ivy. “You and Connor, let’s go. Artemis, keep watch on the magic users. Go team!”

Myst resisted the urge to shake his head as he headed off to find people to heal as the rest of the group scattered. It didn’t take him all that long to find people to heal. Thankfully, other than a couple of people the medics hadn’t gotten to, most of the people with life threatening injuries had already been taken away. Sadly, that was how he’d gotten a little bit lost in that he’d followed the sound of a girl’s crying into a dark alley, which was pretty much every alley in Gotham but at least the injured young woman had actually needed healing.

“What marvous chaos!” the Joker called out cheerfully as he stepped out of the shadows, glancing between the strange translucent blue skinned person in a flaming purple and black jester costume that Harley would kill for and the young woman the hero had been helping. “There is only room for one Clown Prince of Gotham!” he warned, shaking a finger at the interloper.

“This is why I hate Gotham,” Myst grumbled to himself as he gave the suddenly terrified college girl he’d just healed a push to get her moving away from the voice then turned to look at the clown that had just stepped out of the shadows or maybe jumped down from the fire escape, he was almost as good at lurking as The Bat. “Hey, do you think you could get Harley to sign a picture for me?”

The Joker blinked. “What?”

“You’re pretending to be The Joker, right?” Myst asked as he reached down and picked up an empty Coke can off the street then stood up. From what he could sense from the psychopathic clown with his empathy, he was reasonably sure the man was actually the Joker or at least someone just as deranged. “Which means you’re probably a member of Harley’s fanclub, right?”

“Funny,” the Joker said sarcastically as he glanced toward the fleeing young woman. “I’m the real deal.” He slid a hand inside his jacket to grab his trusty seven shooter.

“So you’re saying, you’re the piece of shit that tossed my Harley out a window?!” Myst asked coldly as he glared at the Joker, trying to distract the Joker from the girl escaping.

The Joker smirked at Myst. “She deserved it, she almost killed Batman, that’s my job!” He pulled out his revolver and pointed it lazily in his latest victim’s direction.

“Harley! Come out and give me a sign of your favor so I can crush this clown with my muscles of doom!” Myst called out as he made a show of crushing the aluminium can or rather demonstrated the fact that he wasn’t any stronger than a normal human.

The Joker snorted as he watched the strange meta crumple the can. “Yeah, Harley is across town slumming it with Ivy so she’s not here to save you. I’m going to kill you, then I’m going to give Harley your heart, so at least you’ll have that or rather she will.” He laughed.

“Oh good,” Myst replied as he teleported the remaining air inside the crumpled can directly into the Joker’s brain. “I’d hate to have her pissed at me.” He enjoyed the brief look of confusion on the Joker’s face before the clown collapsed like a puppet, suffering from a major brain embolism, far more than he probably should, but he doubted he’d ever regret killing the demon in human form. He glanced around to make sure there weren’t any obvious witnesses in any of the windows on the dark street then walked over to the Joker’s body and stuffed it into his inventory. ‘Sorry Harley, but you’re much better off without him.’

Myst twitched and tossed himself backward as he got a precognitive flash of Connor landing on him. “Shit!”

Connor crashed into the spot where Myst was just standing then tumbled into a brick wall. “Not having flight sucks!”

Myst conjured a shield of light as he saw a yellow and red hulking brute of a man charge out of the alley toward them. ‘What the hell?! He’s terrified, not angry.’ He gestured and created a glowing cage around the meta as Connor got to his feet. “There’s something wrong, he’s terrified.”

“He doesn’t look terrified to me,” Robin complained as he ran around the corner and tossed a cable bola at the meta’s legs after the meta casually ripped the cage apart. “That didn’t work!” he shouted as Connor charged the meta.

“No shit!” Myst complained as he watched Connor get slammed through the air by a ‘casual’ backhand from the meta. He gestured as the meta charged toward him, creating a dozen buzzsaws made of light.

Robin blinked as the buzzsaws tore into the meta’s head and neck with an unholy grinding noise then the meta fell to the ground and immediately started shrinking. “Plastic?” he blurted as he recognized Plastic Man’s costume.

“I hate mind control!” Plastic Man complained as he reformed his head and got to his feet, ripping a tattered metal band off his former head before reabsorbing it. “Were you trying to kill me?”

“I was fairly sure you’d survive,” Myst replied as he let his light shield vanish as he doubted it would stand up to a direct hit anyways. He made a mental note to upgrade it a bit when he had the chance.

Starfire flew over a building from the direction of the bank carrying an unconscious, naked, and badly injured Megan over her shoulder. “Medic!”

“I got mind controlled by the Mad Hatter,” Plastic Man complained, worried about the destruction he’d caused.

“The League really needs better defenses against that,” Myst complained as he rushed over as Starfire landed. He reached out and touched Megan’s leg, granting her regeneration while trying not to stare. “What happened?” he asked, relaxing slightly as he saw the large thankfully cauterized wound on her shoulder start healing.

“One of the people The Hatter was mind controlling shot her with some type of energy weapon. I managed to destroy the card that The Hatter had stuck in his hat that was controlling him then I grabbed Megan and headed here to get her healed,” Starfire explained, happy that she’d been able to free the man and that Megan would be fine once she healed.

“Raven and Beast Boy?” Myst asked, hoping they hadn’t been injured in this clusterfuck of a mission they’d found themselves.

“Zatanna are helping put out the fires,” Starfire explained as Connor stalked back over. “Cyborg and Beast Boy are trying to track down The Hatter and Kid Flash is searching the streets for problems.”

“Any idea where the Mad Hatter is?” Robin demanded as he glanced between Starfire and Plastic Man.

Plastic Man shook his head. “No, I gave him the money from the bank and he split. He told me to cause a distraction and take out Batman. Is he alive? Please tell me he’s alive!” he begged, hoping he hadn’t actually killed his friend.

“Batman’s alive,” Robin assured him as he sent off a text message to Alfred informing him that they’d resolved the situation. “Any idea who was taking pop shots at Starfire and Megan?”

Plastic Man glanced at Megan’s shoulder. “The Hatter was gloating about mind controlling Deadshot.”

“Huh, that doesn’t sound good for The Hatter’s life expectancy,” Myst mused cheerfully, fairly sure that the Mad Hatter wouldn’t be a problem anymore if Deadshot found him before the cops or Batman. He glanced at his mana bar, slightly annoyed to realize that he’d let it get full without spending it. He opened his upgrade menu and dropped all of his mana into buying more maximum mana.

Robin winced. “We’re going to need to find The Hatter before Deadshot.”

Myst opened his mouth to ask why then decided to avoid arguing morality with Robin while they were on a mission that had turned into a clusterfuck. “Considering who we’re dressed like, we should probably leave while we can.”

Cyborg’s voice came over Robin’s communicator. “We lost The Hatter, he went into the sewers and the cops are crawling over everything, we need to leave.”

“Fine, fall back to the Zeta tube by the phone both on Third, we’ll regroup at the mountain,” Robin ordered deciding to cut their losses as the team was supposed to stay under the radar.

“Good,” Myst said, wanting to get out of Gotham before something else went wrong, like Batman waking up and getting annoyed by everything they’d done, since it was without the permission of a senior member of the League.


Myst pulled his attention away from his upgrade menu when he heard a knock on the doorframe. He smiled as he felt and then saw Zatanna. “What’s up?”

“I’m a bit too wired to go to sleep,” Zatanna admitted.

“Come in and pull up a chair,” Myst offered as he gestured toward the desk’s chair. “What’s on your mind?” He could sense that she was all over the place emotionally.

Zatanna walked over to the chair, grabbed it, and pulled it back a bit so that she wasn’t craning her neck to look up at where Myst was sprawled on his bunk bed. “I’m trying to figure out if the mission was even worth it, not healing Batman, but the bit after when we went after the villains.”

“Because we didn’t catch The Hatter or because Megan nearly bled out or because Connor got kicked around like a ragdoll?” Myst asked softly

“All of the above… well, mostly the first two,” she admitted as she sat down in the chair. “Connor needs to actually learn to use his head. We… did not pull off the trick as smoothly as I’d have liked.”

“I’m reasonably sure that Batman will catch The Mad Hatter and stick him back in Arkham if the police or Deadshot don’t get to him first. I’m pretty sure Deadshot has a professional grudge at this point.”

“You don’t really care what happens to The Hatter do you?” Zatanna asked curiously.

“Considering he’s a serial mind controller that keeps getting out of Arkham and that his latest scheme caused tens of millions of dollars in damages for maybe a hundred thousand dollars loot at most? Not really. Plastic Man is going to have to live with being mind controlled into injuring a friend and coworker for the rest of his life, and he’s really lucky no civilians died. Still, I can’t say it’s a total loss.”

“Not a total loss?” Zatanna asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I saw Connor and Kid Flash talking to Dinah about training earlier so I’m hopeful that they’ll actually listen now.” He spent a hundred mana and boosted his mana regeneration up to 60 a minute or one point a second. He frowned slightly as he noticed the cost to increase his mana regeneration had just jumped drastically. “I think I just hit a snag.”

“What happened?”

“I hit the next tier, it’s going to cost ten times as much to increase my mana regeneration, which means I’m going to have to work on increasing my mana pool so I can afford to upgrade the pedometer.”

“You were going to need to do that anyways. What are you up to now?” Zatanna asked, curious about the ins and outs of Myst’s power.

“130,” Myst said as he spent twenty mana to boost it two points. “Make that 132.”

“Which means that you should make 1000 mana in a couple of hours?” Zatanna asked, looking forward to seeing what a 1000 point gacha could get them.

“About two and a half provided the cost doesn’t skyrocket,” Myst grumbled.

“Oh no, I’m slightly less of a god, whatever will I do?” she asked dryly.

“Okay, I might have deserved that,” Myst admitted with amusement.

“Can I play with your ring?” Zatanna asked hopefully, needing another distraction.

“Only if you close the door,” Myst replied as he didn’t really feel like borrowing a pair of shorts as they hadn’t gone shopping yet and the mission had pretty much derailed things.

“That I can do,” Zatanna said as she gestured toward the door. “Esolc, kcol.”

Myst took his ring off his finger, causing his shorts to vanish and tossed the ring to Zatanna. “Have fun.”

Zatanna smirked as she checked Myst’s behind out from where he was laying on the bed. “I will.”

“Help, I’m being reduced to eye candy,” Myst said dryly. “On that note, honor demands that I remind you that the ring is currently set for shorts only.”

Zatanna stuck her tongue out at Myst as she slipped the ring on her finger. “I remember, but thanks. How do I bring up the menu to change the costume?”

“Try focusing on it,” Myst suggested as he spent his mana to increase his mana pool while he was thinking about it.

Zatanna focused on the ring, bringing up the menu and grinned as a computer game like costume window appeared in front of her. “Neat, you can save several costumes in the ring’s memory.”

“Feel free to play with the rest of the slots, just don’t change the shorts, they’re comfy.”

“No problem, that still leaves me with five slots. Do you think you could upgrade the number of slots?” Zatanna asked as she looked through the types of clothes available.

“I’m pretty sure I can upgrade just about anything other than skills,” Myst said as he focused on the ring and looked at its upgrade options. “Hmm, looks like I can upgrade the quality of material it can simulate and the designs.”

“That might be worth trying at some point.” Zatanna giggled as she saw a purple silk dress that was a touch on the sheer side that she was fairly sure Myst would appreciate that probably wasn’t risque enough to get her father to turn him into a toad if she modeled it... probably. She selected the dress then looked at the small mannequin of herself in her menu.

She spun the mannequin around a couple of times, noticing how sheer the dress was and how well it showed off her behind. ‘On second thought, I probably shouldn’t tell Dad, I don’t need a toad for a teammate.’ She stood up then focused on activating the ring.

Myst blinked as Zatanna’s clothes vanished and were instantly replaced by a flaming knee length purple silk dress that clung to all that ‘right’ places and would likely get him killed by her father if he ever mentioned seeing her in it. “Nice…”

Zatanna giggled as she slowly spun in place, giving him a show to pay him back for the brief show she’d gotten when he first transformed and for healing the second degree burns on her left arm she’d gotten during the mission. “What do you think?”

“I think you look fantastic,” Myst offered with a smile as he did his best to burn the image in his mind, not having enough mana to upgrade his memory to photographic just yet.

Zatanna grinned as she spun around, causing her dress to flare and show off her bits. “Might need some work for an official costume.”

“Most likely,” Myst agreed dryly as he extended his arm. “Let me touch the ring a second, I want to upgrade the clothing options,” he offered, wanting to give her a reason to continue the fashion show.

Zatanna grinned as she stepped closer and held her hand with the ring out so he could touch it.

Myst dropped a hundred mana into upgrading the ring’s selection of clothes. “That should help.”

“Oh!” Zatanna squealed as several new tabs appeared including lingerie and cosplay tabs. “This is promising.” She flipped to the third slot then opened the cosplay tab and started looking through all of her options.

“I aim to misbehave, I mean please,” Myst teased, glad that she had a chance to relax and have fun, especially if he got a show out of the deal.

“Uh huh,” Zatanna replied with amusement as she looked through the cosplay options, occasionally sneaking a peek at his behind. “On the upside, we can now honestly say that we’ve been to Gotham and survived, with only a few of us needing healing.”

“It has a sort of horrifying charm,” he said, thinking about all of the villains that usually ran around Gotham that he didn’t want to have to deal with.

Zatanna smirked as she selected a black Witchblade like costume then spun the mannequin so that she could see her behind. ‘Hmm, Dad would ground me for life if I wore this in public even if technically covers everything it needs to.’ She twisted her mannequin up at an angle so she could check how much coverage the costume had between her legs. ‘Yep, technically I would be covered enough to be legal, until I actually moved in it.’

Myst blinked as Zatanna’s dress instantly changed into a knock-off, black alien looking, skimpy-as-hell, one piece swimming suit with a lot of open panels and a creepy looking, alien, black, organic metal clawed gauntlet with a glowing purple gem in the back of the hand. “Witchblade?” he guessed.

“Yep, what do you think?” Zatanna teased as she slowly spun around.

“I’d whistle but you’d probably hex me,” Myst teased as he checked her out. He still wasn’t quite used to his empathic abilities but it was nice knowing that Zatanna was no longer as upset and was enjoying spending time with him.

Zatanna smirked as she finished her slow spin. “Enjoying the show?”

“I like the view,” Myst admitted as he spent his mana on increasing his mana pool.

Zatanna giggled as the mana pulse washed over her, gently tickling her all over. “Let’s see what else I can find.”

“Sounds good,” Myst replied.


Myst blinked a couple of times as he woke. ‘Right, mana then I can go back to sleep.’ He yawned as he opened his upgrade menu and looked at his mana pool. “1657 of 1657 mana, could be worse,” he grumbled as he dropped a thousand mana into his mana regeneration to buy another point of mana a minute. “Stupid scaling shit,” he grumbled as he turned and looked at the clock on the wall. “6:17… yeah, that’s too early to be awake.”

He opened his gacha menu and looked at his options. “Let’s see, snacks for fifty, toys, tools, trinkets or underwear for one hundred, jewelry for five hundred or containers for seventy five.” He picked the jewelry gacha then waited for the brightly colored wheel to finish spinning. He grinned as a silvery celtic spiral armband dropped to the bed. “Nice.”

Myst focused on the armband then blinked as he realized what the armband did. “43% resistance to radiation. I’ll have to see if that helps Connor against Kryptonite.” He selected the container gacha, hoping for a bag of holding. He blinked as the wheel finished spinning and a small metal drinking flask dropped to the bed. “Right, of course I’m not going to be able to get what I want on the first spin.”

He picked up at the flask and read the inscription written on the front. “The Arcane University is not responsible for the contents of this flask, drink at your own risk?” He shook his head then looked at the empty container with his upgrade ability. ‘No point in upgrading the weightless quality or the preservation effect, ‘aging’ one day per year is probably more than sufficient right now. Hell, even the self cleaning enchantment looks pretty solid. I could probably upgrade the increased capacity, but five gallons is probably more than enough right now.’

‘Let’s see, six hundred mana left, might as well grab a couple gachas if only to have something to work on for duplicating things.’ He selected the toys wheel, curious what he’d get. He raised his eyebrows when a plastic tiara and a golf ball sized plastic bouncy ball with a marble in the middle that resembled an eye appeared once the wheel stopped spinning.

“What the hell?” He looked at the ‘toy’ with his upgrade ability then grinned as he realized how useful the toy would be on missions, especially with some modifications. He put the plastic tiara on his head then blinked as he went from having two eyes to having three. “Call me Eyespy!” he joked as he directed the ‘eye’ to float up off the bed and over to the middle of the room. He spun the eye around to look at him, happy that spinning the floating eye didn’t seem all that disorienting. “That works better than I thought.”

Starfire knocked on the door. “Friend Raven said you were awake, did you want breakfast?”

Myst used his telekinesis to open the door. “Breakfast sounds good.”

Starfire blinked as she saw the floating plastic ball floating in the middle of the room. “Gacha?”

“Yeah, the tiara controls the ball’s flight and lets me use it as a third eye.”

Starfire smiled brightly. “Robin will be delighted if you can make him a copy.”

“I should be able to copy it.” He selected the new 200 point trinket gacha. “One more try then we can grab something to eat and take the eye to the lab.”

Starfire smiled as she watched the brightly colored trinket wheel spin. “Hopefully you’ll get another ring.”

“That would be nice,” Myst agreed as the wheel stopped, dropping a silver heart shaped locket on the bed. He looked at the locket’s stats and upgrade potential, trying to figure out exactly what it did based on what he could upgrade. “This could be useful or horrible depending on how it actually works.”

“What does it do?” Starfire asked as she floated into the room.

“If I’m understanding how it works, it allows/teaches the wearer how to conjure a flying broomstick and lets the user transform into a magical girl complete with a magical battle outfit and magical girl transformation sequence.”

Beast Boy poked his head in the door with a huge smile on his face. “Are you telling me you just got a magical girl transformation item?”

“Technically,” Myst replied as he grabbed the locket then jumped off the bed. “If I’m reading things correctly, you’d get a small amount of regeneration in your magical form and some magical gear to help you be a low end hero.”

“Sweet, can I test it?” Beast Boy asked excitedly, looking forward to flying around on a magical broom.

“I don’t see why not,” Myst said as he handed Beast Boy the locket, reasonably sure that the transformation wasn’t permanent as he could upgrade the starting sequence and the return sequence.

Beast Boy looked at the back of the locket. “Aphrodite’s Rule 34…” he trailed off as the locket opened and a stream of pink sparkles burst forth, swirling around him and lifting him into the air.

Starfire clapped excitedly as the pink swirls quickly ate Beast Boy’s clothes as his skin went from green to a more natural looking if rather pale white. She looked down curiously, noting that there were enough sparkles around his crotch to conceal everything which was a little disappointing.

Myst snickered as Beast Boy changed into a girl, growing large D-cup breasts and losing certain other bits as the pink sparkles swirled around the green haired girl then changed into a short pink skirt, soft leather boots with three inch heels and a large green witch’s hat, leaving her topless with her breasts on display. “That might take some tweaking.”

“You don’t say,” Beast Boy replied amused as she studied ‘her’ breasts.

“Nice hat!” Starfire said enthusiastically.

Myst pulled his attention off Beast Boy’s breasts and focused on her boots. “Huh, your boots increase your maximum jump distance by thirty four inches.”

“Just under three feet?” Beast Boy asked as ‘she’ pulled her attention off her breasts and looked at her behind that her short pink skirt barely covered.

“I know it doesn’t seem like much but they also increase the distance you can fall without getting hurt by sixty four inches.” He focused on Beast Boy’s skirt. “Huh, the skirt increases how much you can carry by sixty nine pounds.”

“So he’d hit harder?” Starfire asked.

“Eh, not really, it just boosts your ability to lift stuff,” Myst replied as he pulled his attention past Beast Boy’s near perfect breasts, mostly by reminding himself that he wasn’t actually a girl and focused on the hat. “Your hat won’t blow off in the wind and counts as a bike helmet for protection. Not to mention it also has a S.E.P. field when it comes to helmet laws.”

“That’s oddly specific,” Beast Boy mused.

“You’re going to be flying around on a broom, would you want the cops to keep harassing you about wearing a helmet?” Myst asked.

“Not really,” Beast Boy replied after a moment’s thought. “Can I borrow the locket for a bit? I want to practice in the gym and mess with Robin.”

“I didn’t hear that last part and sure, have fun,” Myst said with amusement as he directed the floating ball out the door. “I’ll be there for a bit after I grab something to eat.”

“Sounds good,“ Beast Boy replied as she left with a smirk on her face.


Chichi son

“Any idea where the Mad Matter is?” Robin demanded as he glanced between Starfire and Plastic Man. Hatter?

Patrick Sandhop

Wonder how long it'll take before Batman realized someone pulled Joker from the deck.

Mist of Shadows

I give it a week before he suspects that something weird is going on and a month on the outside for him to figure out that no one has seen him... talking to Harley would narrow things down to a time frame. Of course Harley might mention it first... so eh.

Mist of Shadows

Hmm... I can promise you that if a knock off Joker shows up Harley will get annoyed. But yeah, there is only one Joker currently in the world. (well one dead Joker)

James Long

I can just imagine Harley showing up in the Batcave and asking "Have you seen my Puddin?"