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Selena frowned as she looked at Ralph’s half charred skull. “Shouldn’t he have fallen over or woken up? How long does your spell last, anyways?”

“A while, everything will go back to normal when we remove the spell,” Harry explained.

“So we can set him on fire again?” she asked hopefully.

“If we do it right, he’ll even be awake when we do it,” Harry said as he finished packing up her stuff.

“You’re my new favorite wizard,” Selena said seriously, trying not to think about the shite that Ralph had put her and Beth through. “What are you going to do with Ralph?”

Hermione grinned as she pocketed the shrunken bathroom, happy that it was a self contained wizarding unit rather than a muggle bathroom with pipes. “Stick him in a box for the time being.”

“And my sister?” Selena asked as she looked at her frozen sister.

“No reason we can’t just pick her up and carry her to the house and unfreeze her somewhere more comfortable.” 

“Works for me,” Selena agreed, knowing they were hiding things but not willing to push matters until she knew what was really going on and if they were as nice as they appeared to be.


Beth twitched as she went from sprawled on her bed kissing her sister to sitting on a couch in an unfamiliar room with her smirking sister and two unfamiliar masked figures. Her gaze jumped toward the masked girl that was wearing their bracelets. “What happened to Ralph?”

“I knocked him unconscious and stuffed him in a box,” Hermione explained.

“That sounds like a good place for him,” Beth agreed as she glanced around the cozy looking room with a piano.

Selena grinned as she thought about setting Ralph on fire. “I told them they couldn’t set him on fire until you were awake to watch.”

“Seemed only fair,” Harry agreed as he sat down on the piano bench.

Beth scowled as she thought about Ralph, nervous and unsure about what was going on but soothed by how happy her sister looked. “I wish I could get my collar off so I could stick it on him, that way he’d regenerate when we set him on fire.”

“If you want, I can try to get your collar off,” Hermione offered, rather uncomfortable about having magical slaves.

Beth glanced over at Selena, trying to figure out if she was serious. “The regeneration is nice, but if you can get it off so we can torture Ralph until his mind breaks I’d appreciate it.”

“We can certainly try,” Harry offered.

“In that case, this calls for a celebratory fuck!” Beth said enthusiastically as she glanced between the new people and her sister, still aroused by what they had been doing just seconds before and wanting to ingratiate her and her sister with their new masters.

“That doesn’t sound ethical…” Hermione trailed off as Beth wiggled and her breasts shifted, drawing her attention to them.

Beth rolled her eyes. “The collar doesn’t make us like you, it just makes us follow your orders. Ralph should be enough proof of that.”

“It also doesn’t make us horny, we are sexual beings because of our parentage,” Selena reminded Hermione.

“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it until we can figure out how to get the collars off,” Hermione admitted.

“In that case, do you want to fuck me or should I fuck my sister for your entertainment?” Selena asked with amusement. “We were interrupted after all.”

Harry piped up, “Tag team her.”

Hermione blushed as Selena and Beth laughed. “That’s not helping.”

“I don’t know, I’m pretty sure it would help you relax,” Harry teased.

“It’s an excellent idea,” Beth said enthusiastically as she ran her eyes over her attractive master.

“Who’s side are you on Harry?” Hermione asked, forgetting that she probably shouldn’t use his name until they’d sorted everything out with the girls.

Harry shrugged. “As long as you’re not giving the girls orders, I don’t see any harm in watching them show you a good time if they want to.”

“We should deal with the collars first.”

“Assuming you can get the collars off, then what?” Selena asked warily.

“Then you’re free…” Hermione trailed off as she realized the girls didn’t look particularly happy with the idea. “Don’t you want to be free?”

Selena shifted uncomfortably. “It’s not that we don’t want to be free, it’s just that we don’t really have anywhere to go.”

“And if you’re bound, you’d have a place to stay?” Hermione asked, suddenly understanding house elves a bit more and feeling sort of horrified at the idea of trying to make a bunch of them homeless last year.

“Yeah,” Beth admitted, not wanting to upset the girl she was bound to but not wanting to get ‘freed’ just so that they could end up ‘free’ for anyone to grab and use.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to kick you out,” Harry assured the girls.

“In that case, let’s worry about the collars in the morning.” Selena smiled at Harry. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” Harry agreed.

“Do you have a small penis?” Selena asked as ‘innocently’ as she could.

“What?!” Harry sputtered.

“Good question,” Beth agreed.

Hermione snickered as she looked at Harry. “No complaints.”

“How would I know? It’s not like I compare notes with the guys,” Harry defended himself, rather happy that his mask covered his blush.

“It’s just that Ralph had a small crooked prick which might have contributed to him being crazy,” Selena explained.

“You’re welcome to check if you want,” Harry replied half seriously.

Beth looked at Selena. “Paper rock scissors?”

Hermione shook her head. “Take your pants off, Harry.”

Harry stood up and teleported his pants and boxers to his hand. “Complaints?”

Beth grinned as she looked at Harry’s equipment. “Well, looks like you’ll be a lot more sane than he was.”

Selena giggled as she knelt on the ground with one knee. “If you’ll come over here, I’ll do something fun with my tongue.”

Harry stepped closer, not sure what he was doing as he barely knew the girls. “Really?”

Selena playfully stuck her tongue out at Harry then looked at Hermione. “Permission to blow your boyfriend’s... mind?”

Hermione smiled at Selena. “If you wish.”

“Wizard,” Selena replied as she got on her hands and knees. She turned to look back at her sister. “Fuck me while I’m playing with my lollipop.”

Beth grinned at Hermione as she jumped up and bounced over to where her sister was kneeling. She ran her hand over her sister’s behind and watched the show as Selena started licking Harry’s shaft.

Hermione blushed slightly as she moved to the side so she could watch Selena’s breasts jiggle.


Harry glanced away from the frozen girls sprawled on the mossy forest floor and up at Hermione then over at the sword she was holding in her trembling fingers. “Second thoughts?”

A voice in Hermione’s head asked, ‘Would keeping them be a bad thing?’ as she studied the two adorable and naked red haired girls they’d spent the last couple hours fucking as they got to know them. They’d even tossed their masks which had caused the girls to giggle as they realized they’d fucked Harry ‘Fucking’ Potter but thankfully they hadn’t made a big deal out of it. “More like doubts.” She didn’t want to sound possessive but she was already getting attached to the girls and didn’t want them to leave. 

“Best case, we get the collars off and they decide to stay. Worst case, we get the collars off and they go crazy.”

“That doesn’t fill me with confidence,” Hermione grumbled.

Harry sighed as he looked at Selena’s red locks that he’d carefully pulled away from her neck so it wouldn’t be cut when Hermione hacked her head off. “Take a leap of faith.”

Hermione brought her sword down on Selena’s neck, the enchanted metal cutting through flesh and bone surprisingly well. “Grab her head.”

Harry reached down and pulled Selena’s head away from her body so it wouldn’t regenerate. “Do you think a half veela heart would be enough to complete the ritual for Sirius?”

“It should, they’re magical creatures,” Hermione replied as she watched Selena’s blood shoot out of her neck and spill on the ground.

“Is it a bad thing that I really want to test the veela recipe?” Harry asked as he pictured Selena roasted on a platter with various garnishes on her like the picture in the hag’s book. 

“Probably…” she trailed off thinking about how delicious the roast Draco had smelled, not that she’d ever stick any part of Draco in her mouth if she could help it. “On the other hand, tossing her body to the spiders would be a waste.”

“Not to mention disrespectful,” Harry agreed. “If it makes you feel better we could ask her when we animate her head.”

“We should also ask if they’d want us to use the hag ritual on them,” Hermione agreed as she glanced at Beth. 

“That’s the spirit. Do you want to grab Sirius while I animate her head so we can ask her a couple questions?” Harry asked as he walked over to where they’d set their clothes and supplies so he could grab a plaque and his wand. 

“Might as well.” Hermione vanished with a burst of flames.

“Hopefully Selena doesn’t go crazy,” Harry muttered as he carefully lined her head up on the plaque and started casting the string of spells that would result in a long lasting animated head. He felt slightly bad about making sure she had to follow orders but he wanted some straight answers and he wanted to be able to order her not to spill his secrets considering they’d most likely get him tossed through the veil regardless of the prophecy and Voldemort. 

Selena blinked as she woke up and saw a naked headless body next to her sister. “What the hell!?”

“We needed the collar off.”

“So you killed me!?” Selena screamed.

Harry winced. “Not exactly, do you remember how we said the spell to freeze people sort of reset them?”

Selena took a breath as she tried to calm down. “Does that mean I’m not really dead?”

“Not really or at least Selena isn’t, she’ll reset.”

“And me?” she asked warily.

“You’ll be stuck as a talking head. If it makes you feel better I can cancel the spells and you’ll fade away and Selena can live a happy life never knowing how we got the collar off...” Harry trailed off, not really sure what to say.

“Fuck that, can you animate my hands and plaque to fly around?” Selena asked hopefully.

“Probably, why?”

Selena smirked. “Because this way I can tongue fuck myself while I play with my breasts.”

Harry blinked. “Really?”

“I’d rather not just fade away and the severed hand was one of my favorite characters on the Addams Family growing up. Besides, being mounted on a wall sounds boring.”

“I’ll probably need Hermione’s help to modify the spell but we should be able to come up with something.”

“Awesome.” Selena glanced back at her lifeless body. “What are you going to do with my body?”

“I was planning on using your heart to increase a friend’s fire magic and let his magic grow by eating magical creatures.”

“Magical creatures.” Her eyes went wide as she connected the dots. “You’re going to eat me, aren’t you?” she asked in surprise.

Harry blushed. “You’d be delicious and it seemed less disrespectful than tossing your body to the acromantula.”

Selena pondered what she wanted done with her body. Even if he could preserve it and animate it like some undead abomination, there was a certain appeal to being a flying head which meant she wouldn’t have a real use for it. Letting it rot in a grave wouldn’t help anyone, same with it getting devoured by monstrous spiders which left cooking it up to boost her sister and duplicate as the only reasonable use, at least if you ignored a bunch of cultural taboos. “What else can you use to empower people?”

“The hearts of various magical creatures such as unicorns, thestrals and phoenixes. I suggest phoenix heart as it gives you the ability to flame teleport. Do you think Selena and Beth would want to be upgraded?” Harry asked, hoping they’d want to join the team.

“Are there any horrible downsides?” Selena asked warily as she thought about the various dark rituals she’d heard horror stories about.

Harry shook his head. “Not that I’ve noticed and we’ve used the ritual on four people so far.”

“Okay, before I agree to let you cook up my body for a sinfully delicious feast,” she grinned at how his blush got worse, “how did the saviour of the wizarding world end up a cannibal?”

“Technically I’m not,” Harry defended himself. “I’ve never actually eaten anyone, you’d be the first.”

“So, you’ve just been eating non intelligent creatures so far?”

Harry frowned slightly as he thought about Fawkes. “I’m not actually sure how intelligent phoenixes are, but we’ve stuck to non humanoids so far.”

“Is it wrong that being your first humanoid meal sounds sort of sexy in a warped way?” Selena asked, sort of turned on and strangely enough honored about the whole deal. Besides, it wasn’t like she was using her body anymore, anyways.

“Probably, but being normal is overrated,” Harry assured the severed head, thinking about the Dursleys’ driving desire to be ‘normal’.

Selena looked up at Harry with a serious look. “Are you going to abandon Beth and my alternate?”

Harry shook his head. “I don’t abandon my friends.”

“Just eat them?” Selena asked teasingly.

“If I had a better way to increase our magic beyond the initial ritual, I’d use it. Besides, we had to get the collars off, this is the only way we knew of that would work which sadly leaves a copy.”

“Fair enough.” She blinked as Hermione appeared in a flash of fire with an unconscious middle aged man in his boxers. “Did you know Harry wants to eat me?”

Hermione glanced between Selena’s head and Harry. “It came up in conversation when we were discussing what to do with your body. It would certainly help improve our fire magic but it’s your choice what we do with your body.”

“In that case, you have permission to cook my body other than my hands as long as you’ll share with Selena and Beth after using the ritual on them,” Selena offered.

“Hands?” Hermione asked, slightly confused what Selena was thinking.

“Think Addams Family,” Selena replied with amusement. “Harry said you might be able to animate my hands.”

“It shouldn’t be that hard,” Harry agreed.

“Oh, that could be interesting. Deal,” Hermione agreed eagerly before Selena could change her mind then blushed as she realized how excited the thought of eating Selena’s copy was making her.

“I guess there’s only one important question left, spit roasted or pan roasted?” Selena asked, thinking about some of the darker fairytales she’d heard as a child.

“I’m not sure we can find a large enough oven,” Hermione grumbled as she lowered Sirius to the ground in a clear patch away from the blood.

Harry grinned as he remembered the oven expansion charm in the back of the hag book. “The hag book has a charm for expanding your oven.”

Selena grinned as she glanced over at her sister. “In that case, oven roast, we can always spit roast Beth if we want to compare the two dishes.”

“Works for me,” Hermione agreed as she grabbed her knife from the pile of supplies. “Let me cut out her heart then you can make sure she’s properly cleaned up for roasting.”

“That sounds messy,” Selena muttered, thinking about some of the things Ralph had butchered.

“It’s a bit messy,” Harry agreed as he thought about the entrail expelling charm he’d used on Draco’s copy. “I should probably haul her into the woods a bit further.”

“Probably,” Hermione agreed as she started cutting into Selena’s chest to get her heart.

“What does the ritual entail?” Selena asked, trying to distract herself from thinking about the fact that she was going to be stuck as a flying head for the next couple centuries or until the charms wore down enough she started rotting.

“Basically, I draw some symbols and a ritual circle on the ground then cut up the heart and feed it to Sirius while he’s unconscious,” Hermione explained as she worked on her grizzly task. 

“In other words, you can boost people without them ever knowing?” Selena asked, interested in the possibilities.

Harry shrugged. “If I hadn’t been awake for the ritual, I’m not sure I would have noticed the changes, but thestrals aren’t exactly magical powerhouses unlike phoenixes.”

“Not to mention you started with a lot of magic. I probably would have teleported eventually even without knowing I could,” Hermione replied as she managed to cut Selena’s heart free. “It’s all yours.”

“Thanks,” Harry replied as he pointed his wand at the headless body, flicked his wand and whispered, “Wingardium Leviosa.”

Selena frowned slightly as she watched Harry levitate her headless corpse into the forest. ‘I wonder if they’ll let me see what I taste like?’ She turned her attention back to Hermione. “Do I need to stay quiet or can I ask questions?”

“Feel free to ask questions, I’ll tell you when I’m going to start the ritual,” Hermione replied as she walked over and grabbed a bowl from her supplies and carefully set Selena’s heart in it.

“Can I eat and drink?” Selena asked hopefully as Hermione picked up a stick and walked over to stand next to Sirius.

“Technically though you don’t need to, the food just sort of vanishes once it hits the plaque or at least that’s what’s supposed to happen,” Hermione explained as she set the bowl on Sirius’ chest then started drawing the symbols she needed for the ritual in the dirt.

“Have you figured out how long you’re going to stick around Hogwarts?” Selena asked, curious about her future plans.

“I hadn’t really given it much thought beyond cleaning up the wizarding world a bit and studying for the OWLs.” 

“So no dreams of starting your own tropical island country with a harem of magical girls handing you grapes?” Selena asked with amusement.

Hermione smiled as she shook her head. “I like grapes but no, I don’t have any plans to turn into Ron.”

“Ron?” Selena asked warily, thinking about Ralph.

Hermione snickered as she pictured Ron on a beach with a bunch of scantily clad girls feeding him grapes while he played chess with a naked girl. She had a feeling he’d never want to leave. “He’s sort of lazy and is always hungry but he’s generally an okay wizard unless he’s being a jealous prat.”

“Huh, what about the rest of your friends?” Selena asked, not sure what else she could say as Ron didn’t sound particularly fun to be around.

“Sirius is Harry’s godfather so I’m not sure how much he counts. Ginny is Ron’s younger sister, she has a bit of a temper but she’s a decent person and would have your back in a fight. Neville is courageous even if he’s a bit of a wallflower the rest of the time. Luna is a bit strange but in a good way, I think you’ll like her.”

“That’s it?” Selena asked, a bit surprised that Hermione didn’t have more friends.

“You’ve met Harry, other than that I don’t really have any friends,” Hermione admitted as she finished setting up the ritual.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be your friends,” Selena assured her, knowing that her and Beth could use more friends as you could never have too many friends.

“Thanks.” Hermione wiped her hands off on her legs then knelt down next to Sirius and picked up Selena’s heart and her knife. “This would be easier with a blender.”

“Nah, most blenders require power and we’re in the woods,” Selena replied teasingly.

“Fair enough, any ideas how we’re supposed to tell Beth and Selena about you?” Hermione asked as she started cutting up Selena’s heart into the bowl.

Selena snickered. “You could always just tell them that you got them a sex toy.”

“Sex toy? Do I want to know?” Harry asked as he walked out of the woods with Selena’s headless body floating upside down behind him.

“We’re trying to come up with ways to tell Selena and Beth about me.” Selena studied her body, it didn’t look carved up other than the hole in her chest though her stomach looked like someone had hit her with a wasting curse or something.

“You’re our Beth and Selena expert,” Harry reminded her as he floated Selena’s body over to a ‘clean’ patch of grass and set it down. “I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

“Probably,” Selena agreed, wanting to avoid implying that the original Selena was dead if at all possible. “We should probably just tell them that I’m basically a clone that was created in the process of getting the collar off.”

“Probably for the best,” Hermione agreed as she finished cutting up Selena’s heart small enough that she could force it down Sirius’s throat without too much trouble. 

Harry glanced over at Beth. “We still need to remove Beth’s collar.”

Hermione sighed. “Let’s finish the ritual so we can get Sirius back home then worry about Beth and getting Selena in the oven.”

“Just remember, I need my hands,” Selena reminded them, rather attached to the idea of having two animated flying hands to play with.

“Don’t worry, we’ll figure out something,” Harry assured her while Hermione worked on getting the heart into Sirius’s stomach for the ritual. While preserving her hands would be easy enough, he wasn’t sure how to link them to her head or the exact spells he’d need to let them fly but was fairly sure Hermione could figure something out.



Chichi son

You should rename this to Hermione and the Watch Part 15