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“How much more do I have to read before I’m influenced enough to molest Ginny?” Hermione asked as she looked up from the Occlumency book and over at Harry who walking back from the bathroom.

Harry shrugged. “You’ve been reading it for a good thirty minutes, you should be fine though I’m kicking myself for not asking the same question.”

“Considering she gave you permission to strip and eat her, I’m pretty sure groping was implied and encouraged.”

“Works for me.” Harry replied as he walked over and sat down next to her on the couch so he could read over her shoulder. He absently set his hand on her behind as he worked on reading the book, knowing they’d need better mental defenses in the coming weeks. 

Hermione finished the section she was reading then closed the book. “Let’s go talk to Sirius.”

“About?” Harry asked.

“I’d like to make sure the occlumency book is safe and pick his brain about curse breaking.” Hermione stood up then flame teleported Number 12 with Harry.

Harry blinked as he suddenly found himself without anything under his behind as he dropped to the floor of the hallway in Number 12. “A little warning next time.”

“Sure,” Hermione lied as she reached into her pocket and pushed the button on the watch, unpausing time.

Harry sighed as he stood up then headed toward the stairs where he could hear voices.

Sirius snapped, “We’re not carrying on the insane Black family traditions anymore, we’re only going to carrying carry on the sane ones, if I can find any!”

“Bad Master wouldn’t understand sane if it bit him on his tail,” Kreacher snapped.

Sirius glared down at Kreacher. “Let me put it this way, my head will be up on the wall before yours!”

“Is that an order master?” Kreacher asked hopefully.

“No, that’s not an order,” Sirius stated firmly.

“A suggestion? A fond desire for your birthday or maybe just a request?” Kreacher asked with amusement.

“No as a matter of fact, I order you to never cut off my head.”

“Neck?” Kreacher asked with a smirk.

“No,” Sirius said unconsciously reaching up to feel his neck.

“What if cutting off your head was the only way to save your life?” Kreacher whined.

“How in the hell would that work?!” Sirius demanded.

“Kreacher doesn’t know, Kreacher just works here,” Kreacher pointed out smugly.

“Trouble?” Hermione asked as her and Harry walked into the stairs room.

Sirius turned to look at Harry and Hermione. “No, just a discussion with Kreacher about putting his head on the wall.”

“Bad Master doesn’t understand having his head mounted on the wall is a mark of pride and is help for future elveses,” Kreacher taunted Sirius.

Sirius rolled his eyes. “Finish cleaning the house and we’ll talk.”

Kreacher smiled as he walked away. ‘It’s about time he told me to clean the place.’ 

“Slipping out of Hogwarts on a Friday night, is this going to become a habit?” Sirius asked with amusement.

“Probably,” Harry admitted.

“Excellent, just don’t let the rest of the order catch you, they don’t understand how annoying being locked up is.” Sirius turned and headed for the drawing room. “Let’s head to the drawing room.”

Hermione glanced up at the row of house elf heads on the wall, it had taken her reading the journal before she’d realized that it wasn’t nearly as barbaric as she’d thought when she’d first heard of the tradition. ‘At least they treat their house elves better than the Malfoys treated Dobby.’ She followed Sirius and Harry into the drawing room. “How long do the side effects from the occlumency book usually last?”

“You should be fine by morning which is why I said to read it before you go to sleep. Why, what happened?”

“Just weird thoughts and ideas,” Hermione lied. She couldn’t really admit to something that Ginny didn’t remember on the off chance Sirius mentioned it to Ginny.

Sirius grinned as he noticed Hermione’s faint blush but didn’t press the issue. “Right… anything I can help with?”

“Maybe, how good are you at dueling?” Harry asked.

Sirius perked up. “I used to be pretty good in a fight, why?”

“Some Ravenclaws were harassing a friend of ours in Ravenclaw. We told Flitwick, but I can’t see them stopping without something more drastic than a couple detentions, especially given how the sixth year was smirking behind his back.”

Sirius nodded. “I can show you a couple tricks that I learned being an auror that might help. I’d rope Remus into helping but he’s trying to recruit some werewolves before Voldemort gets to them.”

“Do you think he’ll have any luck?” Hermione asked.

Sirius sighed. “Probably not, the ministry makes it really hard to hold a job in the wizarding world if you’re a werewolf.”

“It’s stupid, it’s not like they can help being infected,” Hermione complained.

Sirius shrugged. “Preaching to the choir on that one.”

“Where do we start?” Harry asked before Hermione could work up a decent head of steam about werewolf issues.

“Let’s start with a shield charm and go from there,” Sirius replied as he pulled his wand out of his robe pocket so he could demonstrate the proper method of casting Protego.


Harry looked up from reading his cookbook as Hermione flame teleported back with a headless phoenix. “Any trouble?”

Hermione walked over and set the dead phoenix on the counter. “No, he’s not going to ward his office against Fawkes coming or going which means I can come and go as I please.”

“I imagine you could slip through most wards,” Harry mused as he drew his wand.

“That reminds me, I want to see if I can get into Ollivander's backroom and make a copy of his books. How long do you think it will take to dress the bird and toss it into the oven?”

“Maybe twenty minutes, I want to make sure I get the seasonings right.”

“We could always ask Dobby to cook it,” Hermione pointed out.

“We could but then I wouldn’t get any practice and I’m fairly sure they’d rat me out if I asked them to cook a person.” Harry still wasn’t all that comfortable with the idea of eating someone even if they’d be fine when they unpaused time.

“Probably, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.” Hermione flame teleported to Ollivander’s shop and headed for the backroom, happy that all of his wards would be frozen. She would have felt worse about trespassing, but she wasn’t sure where else she could get books on crafting wands because Hogwarts certainly didn’t have any nor did Flourish and Blotts. She hadn’t ran across any in the various other magical bookstores she’d checked over the last couple of years either which meant that most of the secrets were probably selfishly locked up in certain family libraries.

She walked over and opened the door to the backroom, half expecting it to be locked. She was a touch surprised that it wasn’t and that Ollivander was working at his bench on a wand. “I guess when you’re old, Friday night is as good as any other day to get your work done.”

She wasn’t that surprised that the well ventilated workshop looked like a combination of a woodworker’s shop and an apothecary which sort of made sense considering each wand was an expertly carved piece of wood that needed a magical core to function. Her eyes lit up as they fell on the glass case in the corner of the shop filled with what looked like leather bound journals. “They should teach wand crafting at school,” she complained as she walked over to the cabinet and opened it. She glanced over the journals then started copying them.


Harry looked up from the occlumency book he was working his way through when he noticed the edges of Hermione’s flame teleport. He looked up and grinned as he noticed her large bag bulging with books. “Twenty minutes, eh?”

“I might have gotten a little carried away,” Hermione admitted as she set her collection of books on the floor next to the piano.

“That’s because you’re a naughty witch,” Harry teased as he put his bookmark in the book and set it on the couch. “I’d suggest stripping so I can spank you but I don’t have a paddle.”

“For the best,” Hermione replied, not sure if he was joking or not. “How much longer on the roast?”

“At least another hour though I should probably baste it again before we leave to do Ginny’s ritual to keep it from getting dry on the off chance we’re not back quickly enough.”

“Sure, that should give me enough time to read the rest of the chapter.” 

“Sounds good.” Harry playfully swatted Hermione’s behind as he walked by on his way to the kitchen. “We’re going to have so much fun with Ginny.”

“How long have you been reading the book?” Hermione asked with a touch of concern as she turned and looked at him.

“Only about forty minutes and I took a break in there, I should be fine,” Harry called out from the kitchen as he checked on the roast.

Hermione smiled as she realized that Harry was just excited about seeing Ginny naked and hadn’t spent too much time with the book. “Good.” She walked over and sat down on the couch so she could read the next chapter about mental landscapes and meditation.

Harry spent the next couple minutes basting the roast then stuck it back in the oven and walked into the living room. “Ready?”

“I’ve got another paragraph, can you grab my ritual bag while I finish?” 

“Sure,” Harry replied as he walked over to the table and grabbed the bag that Hermione had put together.

Hermione finished reading the last couple lines of the chapter then stuck her bookmark in the book and closed it. She set the book on the couch then walked over and grabbed Harry’s arm. “Ready?”

“Yes…” Harry trailed off as he found himself in an unfamiliar Gryffindor dorm with Hermione holding his hand. “No pink or lacy underwear scattered around?”

Hermione laughed as she let go of Harry’s hand and walked over to Ginny’s bed. “Sorry to burst your bubble but our dorms are pretty much the same and the house elves wouldn’t leave clothes scattered around for more than a couple hours.” She opened the curtains and smiled at the frozen redhead. “Do you want to strip her or should I?”

“Is that a trick question?” Harry asked as he walked over to where Hermione was standing.

Hermione reached down and pulled Ginny’s blanket down to her feet revealing her pajama clad form. “Not really, your turn.”

Harry set Hermione’s bag down then reached down and carefully unlaced Ginny’s pajama bottoms then slid them down her slender legs. He let his gaze travel up her legs and land on her knickers as he absently folded her pajamas then dropped them on her blanket. 

She grinned as she realized they had an easier method of stripping Ginny and a bit of a time limit thanks to the roast. “Can you teleport her shirt off?”

Harry focused and teleported Ginny’s shirt off, leaving her in just her panties. “Is that better?” He absently dropped her shirt on her pajama bottoms as he studied her small but remarkably well formed breasts.

Hermione smiled as she reached down and gently pulled Ginny’s panties down revealing the younger girl’s ginger bush between her legs. She carefully twisted Ginny around so that her legs were half off the bed. “Do you want to taste her first?”

“You can have the first taste this time,” Harry said as he ran his gaze over Ginny’s naked body.

Hermione grinned as she knelt down, parted Ginny’s mess of red hair as best she could with her fingers then leaned down and stuck her tongue between Ginny’s folds. 

“How does she taste?” Harry asked as he watched the show, knowing that Ron would blow several gaskets if he ever found out about this.

Hermione frowned slightly as she considered the question for a couple seconds. “A little weird but not bad, almost but not quite sour.” She slipped her finger inside Ginny’s snatch and wiggled it around then pulled it out and held it out for Harry. “Have a taste.”

“If you insist,” Harry replied with a grin as he reached out and gently grabbed Hermione’s wrist then brought her finger up to his lips. He licked her finger like an ice cream cone then let go of her wrist. He had to agree with Hermione, it was more acidic than sour. “You taste better.”

Hermione giggled then shook her head. “You should probably avoid telling her that if it ever comes up after we fuck her while she’s awake.” She smiled as she reached down and ran her fingers over Ginny’s breasts. “I’m looking forward to hearing her scream our names.”

“You really are a naughty bookworm aren’t you?” Harry asked with amusement as he watched her fondle Ginny’s breasts.

“Maybe a little,” Hermione admitted as she lifted Ginny up and posed her in a sitting position with her legs hanging over the bed in a spread eagle position. She smiled as she let go of Ginny’s shoulders and she stayed how she’d been posed. “That’s useful.”

“It would certainly make posing people for photographs easier,” Harry agreed.

“Are you done playing or can I get started?” Hermione asked as she reached down and grabbed the container she’d stuck the heart into and a tube.

Harry reached out and ran his fingers over her breasts for a couple seconds, feeling her soft skin. “Okay, I’m good. This just isn’t as much fun with her asleep like that.”

“True, let’s get started,” Hermione said as she pulled the watch out of her pocket.

Harry pulled his wand out and pointed it at Ginny. “Ready when you are.”

Hermione pushed the button then quickly reached over and touched the watch to Ginny’s leg after Harry stunned her and pushed it again. “And there we go.”

Harry checked on Ginny’s roommates to make sure none of them had heard anything or woke up, thankfully it didn’t look like it. Amusingly one of Ginny’s roommates slept in the nude, a dark haired young witch who had shaved her pubic hair into a lighting bolt. Harry snickered and restrained himself from running a finger along it, having not gotten her permission unlike with Ginny.

Hermione picked up Ginny in a bridal carry. “When you’re done checking on the girls, we’re good to go.”

“You should see this,” Harry said as he looked at Ms. Vane.

Hermione walked over to look and smiled as she saw the naked girl. “Not bad.”

“Look down,” Harry said, gesturing at the young woman’s crotch.

Hermione looked down at Vane’s pubic topiary. “Lightning bolt, huh. I wonder who she got to shave her.”

“What do you mean?” Harry asked in confusion.

“It’s rather awkward to shave any design and that’s close to a perfect lightning bolt, that would take a lot of practice or help.” Hermione paused. “Or a spell.” She shook her head. “Fangirls.”

“She might just like lightning or Zeus…” Harry trailed off.

“Considering it matches your scar, I think we can assume she’s a fan.”

“I’m kind of a fan of her breasts,” Harry offered.

“They’re nice, let’s go.” Hermione reached over with her foot and lightly stepped on his toes then flamed to where she’d set up the ritual.

Harry watched Hermione do the ritual. He was fairly sure it would have been more interesting if Ginny had been awake but it was far quieter this way. After saving Ginny’s ashes Hermione double clicked the watch. “Ready to take Ginny to the feast?” Harry asked.

“What are we going to tell her?” Hermione asked.

“That the ritual required her consent but not consciousness and we increased her power. We sort of have to tell her about the ritual considering she’ll have flame teleportation and we don’t want that getting out yet. Really, I don’t see her complaining at all, except possibly for the lack of molestation she was promised and we can provide that with no problem.”

“I’ll grab her, you check on the roast.” Hermione reached down and picked Ginny up then headed toward the shack.

Harry opened the door for the two of them then headed to the kitchen, grabbed his potholders and pulled the ‘frozen’ roast out of the oven. “The roast needs a couple more minutes.”

Hermione kicked the door shut behind her then walked over and laid Ginny on the couch. She touched the watch to Ginny’s shoulder then double clicked it, pulling Ginny into the effect. “That should do it.”

Harry put the roast back into the oven and adjusted the temperature on the oven so it would actually cook the bird. He headed into the living room. “So, now what?”

“Enervate, I guess?” Harry asked unsure what they were going to do if Ginny freaked on them.

Hermione hit Ginny with an enervate. “How do you feel?”

Ginny blinked as she opened her eyes, finding herself wide awake and full of energy. “Hermione?” She looked around then stared at Harry. “Where am I?” She frowned as she moved on the couch as she tried to sit up and realized she wasn’t wearing any clothes. “Where are my clothes?”

“On your bed, we needed your permission for the ritual…” Hermione trailed off as Ginny turned her attention back to her.

“Ritual? Did you molest me while I was sleeping?” she asked a little disappointed.

“A bit, but we figured it would be more fun when you were awake,” Harry pointed out.

Ginny beamed. “And the reason you are still dressed?” 

“Complete oversight,” Harry assured her and started stripping making her bounce in place.

Hermione sighed in relief that Ginny was so accepting of the entire thing. She sat down on the piano bench and worked on taking her shoes off. “Feel free to have the first round.”

Harry had barely finished stripping before Ginny pounced on him. 

Hermione grinned as she watched Ginny molest Harry with her hands and tongue, much to his delight. She finished stripping out of her clothes as Harry and Ginny ended up on the couch in a tangle of limbs. She grinned as she headed to the kitchen to check on the roast, knowing they’d be groping each other for at least a couple minutes. She checked on the roast then walked back into the living room to enjoy the show. She giggled as she brought her hand down to her crotch and watched Ginny bounce up and down on Harry’s flagpole.


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