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Gothic giggled as she looked around the locker room at the various half-naked porn quality teenage girls. She smiled as one of the girl’s bent over to pick up a hair brush which showed off the fact that her tiny pink gym shorts had Arcadia Jailbait printed on the back of them in black letters.

‘Huh, never really thought about it, but how the hell did they get the gym clothes past the school board?’ She decided it really didn’t matter as she glanced over at one of the cheerleaders who was busy scrubbing herself with a washcloth in the shower. She pulled her attention off the cute naked girl and looked over at the exit that lead to the gym with some difficulty then looked at the sign over the door. ‘Gym clothes required.’

She glanced at the door that led to the pool then at the piece of paper stuck to the door frame. ‘No gym clothes, swimming suits or nothing.’ She walked over to the doorway that led to the gym and frowned as she realized it wouldn’t let her through.

One of the girls near the door spoke up, “You can’t go in there without gym shorts, you’d get written up. The student store sells them if you’ve lost yours.”

“Right,” Gothic grumbled as she walked over to the door to the pool and found a similar barrier over the entrance. ‘Hmm, swimsuit or nothing, I can do that.’ She walked over to an empty locker and started stripping out of her clothes. She frowned slightly as a girl in a sports bra walked through the door to the gym followed by a girl with two band-aid sized strips of pink cloth tied to her shorts via string. ‘Apparently just the shorts matter, good to know.’

She finished stripping and stashed her clothes in the locker then cautiously walked through the archway to the pool, half surprised that the barrier actually let her through. She giggled as she walked out into the pool area and saw the olympic sized pool filled with half naked or naked teenagers swimming or playing some type of game in the water. ‘I could get used to this.’

She glanced at the empty stands that were probably filled when they had a swimming event. Her attention was pulled away from the stands as a cute naked girl ran over to the drinking fountain near the door to the locker room, holding her D-cup breasts so they didn’t bounce. “Nice.”

“Thanks.” The girl grinned as she let go of her breasts and leaned down to get a drink of water, her breasts bouncing against the front of the drinking fountain.

Gothic smirked as she let her gaze run down the other girl’s near perfect body. ‘Maybe I should talk Amy into letting the other Panacea give us a couple of upgrades.’ She waited until the other girl stood up then asked, “Are we doing anything special in class today?”

“Nope, it’s a free day, if you need swimming lessons check with the teacher,” she gestured toward the attractive twenty something woman sitting with her feet in the water that was wearing a pink, vaguely translucent one piece swimsuit, “before you get in the pool, but other than that, we’re supposed to have fun.”

“Thanks.” Gothic smiled as the girl turned and ran to the edge of the pool then jumped in. ‘Yep, this is my favorite dungeon.’ She headed over to the teacher to ask about swimming lessons.


“Have fun, someone will let you out in an hour, probably.” Cockblocker waved at everyone in detention then closed the door and locked it.

Taylor stared at the door in surprise. “Did he just lock us in here?”

“Yep,” one of the guys agreed as he set his cards on the table showing a flush of spades. “I win again.”

“Isn’t that a fire code violation?” Taylor asked with a touch of annoyance as she turned to look at the rest of the people in the room. They looked normal enough, no gang colors, tattoos or anything marking them as anything other than your average if attractive high school students. Thankfully none of them were sneering or acting stuck up like Emma and her friends. She glanced at the clock, twelve o’clock, thirty seconds. She looked down at the poker game, a touch disappointed that they weren’t playing for school bucks or anything. 

“Probably,” one of the other guys replied as he pulled a four of spades out of his hand and tossed it on the table. “One of us is cheating and I don’t think it’s me.”

One of the three girls snickered as she pointed at the blonde haired boy that looked like a model. “Cheater.”

One of the other guys tossed his hand down, showing five aces. “I thought the point was cheating?”

The last guy shook his head and showed his pair of twos. “I think I win by virtue of not being a cheating bastard.”

One of the other girls piped up, “That’s not what Sally said.”

The boy shook his head. “She started it, I so didn’t need to see her and my little sister going at it on my bed.”

The girl snorted. “Little my ass, she’s got D-cups and she’s sixteen, I’d fuck her. Pretty sure everyone in this room would fuck her.”

“Aye!” the group chorused with everyone raising a hand, making him roll his eyes.

Taylor briefly considered denying it but figured the girl was being rhetorical. She frowned as she glanced at the clock and realized that the minute hand was still pointing at the twelve and the second hand was pointing at the four which wasn’t where it was the last time she looked. “Is the clock broken?”

One of the girls glanced at the clock. “Nope, looks fine to me.”

‘Second hand moves, nothing else works, yeah, I’m not staying here forever.’ She pulled a couple lockpicks out of her pocket and went to work on the lock.

One of the girls asked, “Are you trying to pick the lock?”

Taylor smiled as the lock opened with a click. “Nope, I picked it.”

“Sweet. Freedom!”

Taylor pressed her ear against the door and listened for a couple seconds. “We should be safe, we just need to sneak out and down the hall without anyone hearing us.”

The guy that had shown the five aces stood up. “Piece of cake, let’s go.”

Taylor had a feeling their little escape attempt wouldn’t end well as the various delinquents fled the detention center, but it was sort of amusing to watch. She blinked in surprise as one of the girls handed her a five on her way past. ‘That’s one way to make school bucks.’ She pocketed the five then followed the rest of the students down corridor and out into the hall, half afraid that Cockblocker or a teacher would catch them.

She glanced around to make sure there weren’t any teachers or hall monitors then headed toward the art room, determined to get the painting. ‘Be easier if I could just buy it.’ She grinned as she saw Cockblocker dragging some other poor soul toward the recently emptied detention center with his back to her. ‘That should give me a minute or two.’ She slipped around the corner then broke into a mad dash through the empty hallway toward the display case.

Taylor lurched to a stop in front of the case then quickly pulled a couple lockpicks out of her pocket and went to work on the lock. She winced as the thin pick bent out of shape as she pushed a bit too hard in her haste. ‘Damn it.’ She carefully pulled the lockpick out of the lock and stuffed it in her pocket to fix later. She grabbed one of her other lockpicks and went to work on the lock, trying to be careful but knowing she had a time limit before someone found her. 

Taylor scowled as her eighth lockpick broke. ‘Okay, this is obviously not working.’ She glared at the glass case. “Wonder if I have enough time to to break the case and steal the painting before Cockblocker shows up.”

Cockblocker shot a net over her with his net launcher. “Pomph! And Nope!”

“Fuck!” Taylor exclaimed as Cockblocker started dragging her down the hallway.

“Not while on duty,” he replied with amusement.

“So, how much to let me out of here?” Taylor asked with a touch of amusement and a little annoyance.

“Bribery will cost you an extra hour.”

“Technically I didn’t attempt to bribe you, I asked if it was possible,” Taylor replied, amusement winning out over her frustration at being netted.

“Fair enough,” he conceded. “2nd offence 2 hours detention.”

“Fine,” Taylor muttered. ‘Not like the clock moves anyways.’ She briefly considered blasting Cockblocker when he helped get the net off her and gently pushed her through the door but figured she might be able to get another five or ten dollars from the people in detention for springing them. His smirk as he shut the door, made her want to reconsider her stance on shocking him. ‘Ass.’

One of the girls asked, “What did he get you for this time?”

“No hall pass,” Taylor lied as she turned to look at the people in the room, she wasn’t terribly surprised to find they were the same group as before.

One of the five guys said, “Yeah, that’s a pain. I had a hall pass, pretty sure he just doesn’t like my face.”

“That’s because you’re ugly,” replied one of the other boys.

“That’s not what your mother said,” he defended himself lamely.

He snorted. “Have you seen my stepdad? No accounting for taste, so sure, I could see it, you’re her type.”

“You win,” he admitted.

Taylor glanced at the clock, ‘Yeah, you’re not moving.’ She glanced over at the teacher’s desk in the corner of the room. “Do they ever actually have a teacher in here?”

“Now and then,” replied one of the girls as she worked on her homework.

Taylor walked over to the teacher’s desk to see what she could find. She was a little surprised to find the desk drawer locked though she probably shouldn’t have been as it was in the detention room. She pulled out her lockpicks and got to work trying to open the desk. She grinned as she managed to open the middle desk drawer after several attempts. ‘Pens, pencils, ducks?’ She picked up the weird piece of soap with a corded rope through it that was carved and ‘painted’ with yellow marker to look like a rubber duck. She frowned slightly as she turned it so that she could see the writing on the side, ‘Hall pass? Yeah, this dungeon is weird.’

Taylor glanced at the popup. ‘Fake hall pass, yeah that would get me in trouble.’ She put the duck back in the desk then looked at the various pens and pencils, nothing really jumped out at her as worth much. She grabbed the two permanent markers she could see and the set of colored pencils and stuck them in her pockets. ‘I’m going to need to sort through my pockets at some point.’

Taylor turned her attention to the two larger drawers and went to work, the top one was easy enough though surprisingly unhelpful in that the only thing in it was a permanently deformed stress ball. She picked up the stress ball and dropped it into her salvage box. She was expecting to get plastic or foam or something, not a vial of compressed anger, five ounces of sand in a tiny bag, and a lumpy glass marble. She looked at the tooltip for the sand and lumpy bit of glass. ‘Compressed shards of shattered hopes and dreams?’

“Yeah, that’s not depressing,” Taylor muttered as she stuck the marple in her ingredients bag then turned her attention to the bottom drawer. It quickly became apparent that the lock on the bottom drawer was of a much higher quality than the other two. Nine slightly mangled lockpicks later and it opened revealing a bottle of whiskey, a burner cell phone, a smut magazine and two small stacks of paper stapled together like books. “What the hell? Alcohol and smut?”

The blond haired boy asked, “What type of alcohol?”

Taylor grabbed the bottle then glanced at the tooltip. “Whiskey.” She set the nearly full bottle on the desk.

One of the girls piped up, “I’d bid on that.”

A different girl asked, “What type of smut?”

Taylor blushed slightly as she studied the cover of the magazine, at first glance it just looked like a normal class of uniform wearing school girls with a teacher standing at the board. That was until you looked at everyone’s shadows and realized the teacher’s shadow was a tentacle monster that was fucking all of the students. “Looks like tentacle porn or schoolgirl porn?”

“One dollar for the porn,” one of boys called out.

“5!” shouted one of the girls with a grin on her face.

“10 for the whiskey!” a different girl said enthusiastically.

Taylor opened the magazine and blinked as a popup appeared, ‘Do you want to learn shadow manipulation?’ “Yes?” She blinked as the magazine vanished and her crafting menu opened revealing an option for graphic novels. ‘I guess that’s one way to increase my art skill.’ She wasn’t terribly surprised when everyone seemed to forget about the porn and start bidding on the whiskey.

“Twenty for the whiskey,” one of the boys said.

The girl that had been working on her homework said, “Thirty and I’ll flash my breasts.”

One of the boys smirked at the girl bidding. “Thirty and you can give me a handjob!”

She snorted. “Pretty sure that’s not a prize, asshole.”

“It might be…” the boy finished lamely as the other guys and a couple of the girls started laughing.

Taylor shook her head. “I’m not giving you a handjob and a bottle of whiskey… sold to the girl for thirty.”

The girl grinned as she stood up and stretched her arms over her head which showed off her nicely toned stomach as her shirt lifted. “So, I have to flash her for the bottle, anyone want to pay me to take my shirt completely off?”

“Five?” one of the guys said.

The girl mock pouted as she spanked her behind playfully. “Do I look like a cheap date?” 

“I’ve got ten?” one of the other guys said.

Taylor blushed slightly as the girl gleefully worked the crowd. ‘I guess that explains why some people like getting sent to detention.’ She turned her attention to the stapled together stories. ‘Mrs. Smith and Sally…’ she trailed off as she flipped through the short story about the detention teacher fucking several students on her desk. ‘Yeah, someone has a one track mind.’ She glanced through the other story about Mrs. Smith getting gangbanged by the football team then dropped both of them on the desk.

The girl smirked as she counted out thirty dollars from the collection of money she’d gotten from the guys and one of the girls then pocketed the rest. “Thank you for your generous donations.” She grinned as she sauntered over to the desk and handled Taylor her thirty for the bottle of whiskey. “There’s the money, now for the fun part.”

Taylor briefly considered telling the girl she didn’t have to flash her didn’t want to ruin her fun or at least that’s what she told herself. “If you insist.”

“Hell yeah!” one of the guys said.

One of the girls laughed, “Keep it in your pants.”

“I never agreed to that,” he replied with a grin.

“I’ll give you five to keep it put away,” she said.

“Deal,” he said, shoulders slumping.

The girl smirked as she reached down, grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her D-cup breasts in all their perfect glory. She grinned as she dropped her shirt on the desk and winked at Taylor. “Tell me you like?”

Taylor blushed as she found her gaze drawn to the girl’s perfect breasts and nipples that could cut glass. ‘I really need to find a guy, maybe Dungeon Kid Win would be up for something.’ She pulled her attention off the girl’s breasts. “Best I’ve seen in person,” she admitted.

“Thanks.” The girl grinned as she picked up the bottle of whiskey and turned to look at the rest of the students in detention. “We have a mostly full bottle of whiskey and a decent amount of time to cover, anyone want a drink?” She grinned as she heard a yes from most of the guys and a couple yes from the other girls. “Awesome, let’s open it up to bids for shots or playing with my breasts.” She smirked at the guys.

“Damn it, have some pity, you already cleaned us out,” one of the guys complained.

“I’ve got five,” the guy that had been told to keep it in his pants said perking back up.

“Ten for a drink and to jiggle your breasts?” one of the other guys asked hopefully.

The girl studied the rather handsome young man. “For you? Sure.”

Taylor shook her head as the girl shamelessly took the guy’s money then let the him have a drink of the whiskey and play with her breasts for twenty seconds. ‘At least we don’t have horrible music in the background.’ She pulled her attention off the girl that was gleefully working on fleecing the guys out of their school bucks and pocketed the cell phone then headed over to the door and started working on the lock. Thankfully the lock wasn’t that hard to pick though she waited until the topless girl had extracted all of the money she could from the guys and one of the girls before she spoke up, “I picked the lock, anyone looking to leave?” She held out her hand.

The girl doing homework laughed as she gathered up her stuff and pulled out a five. “You’re evil, you know that right?”

“I’m just trying to profit off the skills I have, some of us don’t have breasts that nice,” Taylor replied as she opened the door.

“Yeah, no shit, most of Hollywood would kill for her breasts,” she replied as she walked over and handed Taylor the five. “Thanks for the assist.”

“You’re welcome.” Taylor grinned as she collected a few dollars from the girls as they left and a ten from the topless girl after the boys sheepishly left, having been completely cleaned out by the topless girl. “Did you have fun?”

The previously topless girl laughed. “Of course, I’ll be able to sell the rest of the bottle in history.” She held up the two stories Taylor had left on the teacher’s desk. “How much do you want for these?”

“Five?” Taylor asked, not really seeing much value in badly written porn.

The girl grinned as she grabbed a ten out of her pocket and handed it to Taylor. “Pleasure doing business with you.”

“Same.” Taylor found her eyes dropping to the girl’s fantastic behind as the girl sashayed down the hallway like it was a runway. ‘Great, I think Gothic is rubbing off on me.’ She shook her head then headed down the hallway. ‘Kevin should be done by now.’


Randal looked up from putting the finishing touches on Taylor’s computer as Amy walked back into the office. He frowned as he noticed the disconcerted expression on her face, “What’s wrong?”

“We might have a problem,” Amy complained as she shut the door and walked over to the desk so she could sit down.


Amy shook her head. “No, she just called to warn me that Skidmark and Mush are dead and to keep my head down.”

“What happened?” Randal asked warily.

“Hookwolf killed them when he rescued Cricket, I’m not even sure I blame him,” Amy admitted, knowing that the Merchants had ruined a lot of lives with their drugs.

“I can’t say I’m all that upset about Skidmark being dead though I can’t see the Merchants taking it well.”

“Carol is pretty sure they’re going to be gearing up for payback which will probably result in a gang war, which means innocent people caught in the crossfire.”

“Probably less than letting the Merchants continue poisoning people,” Randal pointed out as he went back to tweaking the last couple settings he needed to tweak in order to get Taylor’s computer running like a rampaging beast.

“Doesn’t help the people that die in the crossfire,” Amy pointed out grimly.

“You’re right it doesn’t. Still, you caught the villains, that’s what heroes do, it’s not your fault that Hookwolf is a sociopath.”

Amy sighed, “I know, starting a gang war wasn’t on the list of things I wanted to today, or ever.”

“And you didn’t,” he said seriously. “You may be a miracle worker, but like most medics you aren’t God. They chose to do all the little things that lead up to this point and that’s what is causing a gang war. Hookwolf killed them simply because he could, and it was only luck that kept that from happening until now. Trust me, it would have happened sooner or later, that’s just the type of bastard he is. What you guys did was give the PRT a chance to resolve it peacefully… and they failed.” 

“Okay, I feel a bit better…” Amy trailed off thinking.


“I’m not a god? When did this happen?” she asked incredulously trying to lighten the mood and take her mind off everything.

“No one told you?” he asked, acting stunned.

“You do know I can make you hung like a five year old, right?” Amy turned and smiled as Kevin, Gothic and Taylor walked out of the portal carrying a couple wooden canvas frames each.

“All hail our glorious goddess Panacea!” Randal replied with amusement.

“What did we just walk into?” Taylor asked as she glanced between Randal and Amy.

“She promised me dual peni if I worshipped her,” he lied.


“More than one penis is peni,” Randal replied, “Haven’t you taken Latin?” 

“No and neither have you,” Kevin replied with amusement. “You got that from a Harry Potter fanfiction didn’t you?”

“I shall confirm nothing!” he grinned. “But seriously two weiners! Can you actually do that?”

Gothic looked thoughtful while Amy laughed until tears came from her eyes.

“I’m going to take that as a maybe,” Randal said with amusement, glad that he’d managed to get Amy out of her funk. He turned to look at Taylor.

“Any luck with the computer?” Taylor asked hopefully as she set her paintings against the desk then reached into her pocket and pulled out a DVD in a slip case.

“Yeah, it’s purring like a beast, what did you find?”

“It’s a digital art program,” Taylor replied as she handed him the DVD. “It appeared when the digital art book vanished.”

“Sweet, these are usually expensive as hell,” Randal replied as he loaded the DVD in the computer.

“I’m looking forward to playing around with it, it gave me enough options that I should be able to get my art skill to twenty.”

“Anyone else pick up anything interesting?” Randal asked as he started installing the art program.

Gothic said, “I picked up swimming from the gym teacher which gives a pretty decent boost to swimming speed.”

“Cool, knowing how to swim is never a bad thing.”

“We picked up a couple of interesting paintings.” Kevin grinned at Taylor. “I also picked up a computer programming book that should make everything a lot faster.”

“How many levels did you start with in that?” Amy asked curious how it interacted with his power.

“Six, which isn’t bad considering I’m not an expert, I mostly use it for general game stuff and drivers for my inventions.”

Amy shook her head. “Tinkers are bullshit.”

“Little Miss Biokinetic doesn’t get to complain about bullshit powers,” Kevin said then glanced at Taylor. “Unless you’re talking about Taylor, then you can complain.”

“Yeah, okay, my power is a bit bullshit, I love it,” Taylor replied with amusement.

“A bit?” Randal shook his head. “Try more broken than Eidolon, he only gets three powers at a time, your power lets you upgrade people and make stuff that would make most Tinkers cry.”

Amy grinned as she looked at the paintings Kevin and Gothic were carrying. “Okay, we know Taylor wins the bullshit power award, let’s see the paintings.”

Gothic grinned as she turned her two paintings around and showed everyone the rather nice paintings of her and Taylor. “They’re not as cool as the dragon, but I’ll survive.”

Randal stared at the paintings. “Damn, someone had talent.”

Taylor blushed faintly has she picked up the dragon painting and held it up so that Randal and Amy could see it.

“I want a copy,” Amy stated firmly as she stared at the large dragon coiled around Taylor and Gothic. “Carol would freak, but I don’t care.”

Kevin smirked as he showed off the painting with purple hair. “They have a couple really talented people in that class. I’m going to have to figure out how to get the art book at some point.”

Taylor lips curled into an unconscious smile as she looked at the paintings with her friends. 


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