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John grinned as he watched Harley dance on the table wearing nothing save her purple panties and a smile. “You realize the Joker is going to try to kill you, right?”

Mist snorted. “I honestly can’t see anyone telling him about this and I’m immune to toxins and durable enough to take a hit from Superman without getting a bruise so I’m not all that worried.”

“He’s already going to be pissed about you beating the crap out of him,” Zatanna pointed out.

Selena absently replied as she watched Harley’s breasts bounce as she danced, “If he comes after us, we’ll teleport him to Siberia.”

“Sounds fair,” John agreed. He was still a bit confused why none of the cops ever shot the hell out of the Joker.

Mist smiled as one of his duplicates put the finishing touches on a spell that would keep the Joker from hurting or threatening anyone and cause him a significant amount of agony if he tried or ordered anyone to hurt or threaten anyone. “I put an anti violence spell on him that should keep him from hurting anyone in the ‘unlikely’ event that he breaks out of Arkham. I’d rather one of the cops put a few holes in him but you work with what you have.”

Aerial smiled as a door opened in thin air and Sapphire and Emerald walked out. “Nice to see you again.”

Sapphire glanced around the room then grinned as she saw Harley. “Is that Harley?”

Abby snickered. “Yep, she was nice enough to put on a show.”

Harley grinned as she continued dancing. Even ignoring the fact that Mist’s group had given her magic, it was nice having people around that actually listened and she felt better than she had in years.

Mist glanced between the mostly identical girls wearing red silk dresses that hugged their curves in a very distracting fashion, the only difference between the two girls being one had glowing blue eyes and the other glowing green. He pulled his attention off their rather spectacular breasts and back up to their eyes and faces as he wasn’t sure which girl was Aerial’s Hermione and which was the other Hermione they’d picked up. “Hermione?”

“Yes.” Emerald let the door close behind her as she walked over to where Aerial was sitting and sat down next to her.

Aerial grinned as she pulled Emerald into a kiss.

Sapphire grinned at Mist as she sashayed over and sat on his lap. “More or less, I’ll answer to Hermione and Sapphire though I’ve been Sapphire longer than I’ve been Hermione.”

“Give it a couple days and you should be fine.” Mist rested his hand on Hermione’s leg.

“Good to know,” Sapphire replied as she leaned against Mist and watched Harley’s dance.

“You still like books, right?” Abby asked as she pulled her attention away from Harley.

“That hasn’t changed,” Sapphire admitted.

John glanced between the twins. “Right, as much as I appreciate watching two hot girls kiss, we should probably talk about the dark forces after Aerial.”

Aerial sighed as she broke the kiss with Emerald. “If you have any suggestions other than to hide under the best wards Mist can make, I’m all ears?”

“Hopefully we can talk some sense into most of them,” Emerald grumbled.

“I doubt it.” John glanced at Zatanna then back at Aerial. “You can’t stay in the club forever which means training is your best option.”

Zatanna spoke up, “Not to mention you’re going to want to make sure your family is safe.”

“Are you volunteering to teach her?” Abby asked.

John winced. “I’m not sure I’m the best person for that.”

Zatanna smirked. “I don’t know, it might keep you out of trouble.”

“Speaking of…” Mist trailed off as Melinda, Kimberly, Ashley, Julia and Patricia orbed into the club.

John twitched slightly as he glanced between the new arrivals. “Friends of yours?”

“Yes.” Aerial smiled at her friends.

Mist smiled at the girls, “Welcome to the party.”

Melinda glanced at Harley. “Please tell me you’re going to give her a jester’s cap.”

Harley giggled as she sat down on the table. “Please?”

Selena spoke up, “I’m fairly sure Mist has a jester’s hat stashed away somewhere that you can have.”

“Sweet, best boss ever.”

Mist wasn’t quite sure how to take that, her last boss had been the Joker and her previous boss had been someone in Arkham. “I try.” He glanced at Kimberly’s Starheart ring. “Up for sharing a copy of your ring?”

Kimberly glanced between John, Harley and Zatanna. “I’m not sure giving Harley a magical version of a power ring is a good idea, right now.”

Harley pouted. “Awe, please?” 

Mist said, “I’ll see if I can come up with a knockoff version.”

“Knockoff version?” Harley asked with a pout.

“Basically flight and the defensive stuff without the ability to level the city.”

John twitched as he pictured Harley flying around the city causing havoc. “Great, why is it always the crazy people with power?”

Mist said, “Generally speaking you have to be a little crazy to be a decent magic user and people that are unhinged are willing to go places the rest of us aren’t.”

Ashley spoke up, “Either that or it’s genetic and you won the cosmic lottery. My cousin is basically a reality warping god in human form, it’s a bit unfair.”

“Reality warping god?” John shook his head. “Is this one of those things I’d be happier not knowing?”

“Quite possibly yes,” Julia agreed with amusement.

Patricia shook her head. “Don’t mind them, Wyatt’s great.”

“We should probably swap magical talents and items then figure out what we want to do for the next year,” Sapphire pointed out.

Mist said, “I’m going to be working on building a decent ship and playing with the gacha system.”

“Gacha system?” John asked warily.

“Basically I pour magic into the universe and it gives me interesting trinkets, i.e. magical items and other stuff.” Mist smirked as he saw the look of disbelief on John’s face.

John sighed then looked at Zatanna. “Did you put them up to this?”

Zatanna shook her head. “No.”

Abby snickered. “Don’t worry, it won’t take long before you’re as crazy as the rest of us.”

“That’s not particularly reassuring,” John muttered.

Selena opened her gacha menu and chose the most expensive option then poured mana into it. 

Harley blinked as small multicolored dragon appeared on the table in front of Selena. “Dragon!”

Mist sighed as he looked at the dragon. “You’re feeding it.”

“I hate Gotham, I’m not doing this sober,” John complained as he stood up and walked over to the bar.

Abby snickered as she watched John stalk off. “We should probably give him a ring or something that prevents him getting drunk.”

Zatanna shook her head. “I’m fairly sure alcohol is the only thing that gets him through the week.”

“If it makes you feel better we can probably fix some of his issues, make sure he’s not cursed and all of that.”

“That would probably help,” Zatanna agreed. She had a feeling the next couple of days would be rather interesting.


Willow frowned slightly as she walked into the lab and saw her alternate and another duplicate Mist working at a lab bench. ‘Seven duplicates fucking the girls, three working on the shield designs, five tinkering with the basic ship design with Umy, one in the kitchen working on baking a cake with Riley, maybe half a dozen working on magical items for the League and however many he has running around Gotham.’ She asked, “How many duplicates do you have active?”

“More than a few, less than a 100,” Mist replied as he activated the ability he’d copied from Dawn’s fusion toad and ‘fused’ the three metal samples sitting on the counter into a chunk of grey metal. “I’m working on creating something that can shrug off a hit from an angry god without a scratch, I’m just trying to spread the workload out a bit.” He also had two duplicates currently working on getting dates with Wonder Woman and Batgirl, five wandering around various alien bars and pirate hangouts scanning ships and four that were currently playing around with the gacha cheat to see what they could find.

“Any luck?” Willow asked as she glanced between her alternate and Mist.

The Willow standing by Mist said, “We’re getting closer.”

Mist shrugged. “Orihalcrum can take anything up to a divine strike, Diana’s bracers are damned near indestructible, heartstone can take most anything other than someone mainlining the power of a god of destruction and true adamantium and vibranium are both extremely durable in their own right. If I can fuse them together in the right order or quantity, I might get something that can stand up to gods.”

Willow shook her head. “I doubt 40k has anything that can even scratch true adamantium let alone orihalcrum or heartstone.”

“Probably not but if we’re going to build a ship, we might as well build it to last.” Mist worked on scanning the grey metal his new fusion power had created.

“How much mana do you think you’re going to need to create the hull plates?” Willow asked absently as she scanned the metal so that she could reproduce it if she needed to.

“A lot…” Mist trailed off as he looked at the blueprint for the divine metal he’d created and realized that it was almost exactly what he wanted, a lightweight, insanely durable, magic and corruption resistant metal that was so close to indestructible that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference unless you were tossing around enough divine power to obliterate galaxies. The only negative was the mana cost to synthesize a cubic foot of the metal was about the same as it would take to mass scatter a planet.

“How much is a lot?” Willow asked warily.

“Enough that I’ll actually be able to see my mana pool move,” Mist replied absently as he focused on the sample and opened his upgrade menu. “Let’s see if I can make it completely immune to corruption rather than just resistant without increasing the price by an insane amount.” He focused on increasing the corruption resistance and poured mana into the rock, knowing that the ship needed to be able to resist corruption or it wouldn’t be worth it.

Willow frowned slightly. “We should probably dig up the bracelet Trickster had.”

“That would cut the mana cost by 50%,” Mist agreed as he checked out much he’d increased the corruption resistance. ‘It’s up to 37% so five points. Hopefully I can get it up to at least 50% without drastically increasing the cost, if not, we’ll just have to increase it once it’s built.’

“Or more if we duplicate it and use Let’s Give It a Boost,” Willow pointed out.

“That gets the cost down to something a touch more reasonable,” the other Willow pointed out with a touch of amusement.

“Which is probably a good thing considering how many miles of material we’re going to need for the frame.” Mist focused on increasing the corruption resistance and poured mana into the sample.

“Do you have a basic design yet?”

Mist grinned as the corruption resistance went up to 42%. “Yeah, I used my slot machine power to grab a few cosmic professions, namely starship designer, starship engineer and stardrive technician then came up with a rough plan for the ship. Umy took the plan, created fifty duplicates and I’m not sure how many avatars and went to work turning the design into something insanely good.”

“Any idea what we’re going to test the prototype against?” Willow asked.

“Probably the Reach or some of the crap in the Vega system.” He wasn’t looking to start a war he wasn’t going to be around to finish so he’d probably test all of the ship’s systems then go looking for pirates for a bit of real world experience.

“Makes sense. Have you figured out who or what you’re going to use for crew?”

“Pandora said she had a couple of ideas.”

Alex spoke up as he walked into the lab, “That almost makes me feel sorry for the people in 40k, oh wait, they’re all assholes.”

Mist snorted. “Eh, it’s 40k, pretty sure the entire universe runs on pointless suffering.”

“The dark eldar certainly do.” Alex turned to look at Willow. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your date with Sin?”

Willow smirked at Alex. “I am, I’m just a duplicate.”

“I keep forgetting about that,” Alex admitted.

“That reminds me, Laura wanted to catch a movie.” The Willow near the bench created a duplicate that grinned at Alex as she walked out of the lab. “Nothing like being able to be in several places at once.”

Alex shook his head. “Any luck with the metal?”

Mist finished pushing the corruption resistance up to fifty then turned to look at Alex. “I’m getting there. With any luck we’ll have a nearly indestructible ship. Once we have the basic plans done, we’ll open things up to suggestions then we’ll start on the technomagical upgrades then we’ll probably boost our intelligence and wisdom to cosmic levels and look over the plans to see if we missed anything.”

“Don’t forget running it by a fifth grader,” Willow pointed out ‘helpfully’.

Mist laughed as he thought about the evil overlord list which had some decent suggestions on it. “Yeah, it’s on the list.”

“What type of technomagical devices were you thinking?”

“Stuff to block teleportation and divine attacks and probably a system that orbs or portkeys the ship if we have to fly to another galaxy.”

Alex shook his head. “You do realize the entire 40k setting is set in the Milky Way galaxy, right?”

Mist shrugged. “I’d rather have it and not need it than not have it and need it, besides it should be able to go between solar systems just fine.”

“Do you even know the meaning of fair?” Willow asked.

“Technically but 40k is a nasty place, we’re not going there to make friends, we’re going there to destroy some creepy evil androids, dark space elves, alien eating machines and stomp some orks flat if they get in the way.”

“If they get in the way?” Alex asked as he glanced around the lab.

Mist sighed. “Considering how they spread, I doubt we could contain them short of a hell of a lot of solar system wide spells to keep them from reproducing.”

“Point, too many ships, you’d never get them all.”

“Even if you could, you’re talking about wiping out an entire species for something that really isn’t their fault, they were pretty much designed to be warriors,” Willow pointed out.

Mist glanced between Willow and Alex. “Exactly, which is why I’m not going to bother. I’m going to lay waste to the dark eldar or talk them into leaving for a pocket world where they won’t have to worry about Slaanesh. It’s fairly hard to say the dark eldar don’t deserve a one way ticket to another world. Either way, once they’re dealt with we can go exploring and I can go home, at least long enough to create a duplicate and check on my friends and family.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing my parents and checking up on some people,” Willow agreed.

“I think a couple people are, at least we have duplicates so we won’t be missed.”

“It certainly makes it easier,” Alex agreed.

Willow smirked at Mist. “I’m looking forward to meeting Mist’s family and old friends.”

“I’m sure they’ll love you, if not, nothing says we have to stick around.” Mist still wasn’t sure what he was going to tell his old friends and family when he got back, on the one hand, he remembered everyone perfectly thanks to his perfect memory perk, on the other hand, he’d spent longer jumping than he’d been alive before jumping. He didn’t feel old thanks to his various perks and age resets but the truth of the matter was that he wasn’t the same person he’d been when he left. Then again, he was fairly sure he hadn’t turned into an eldritch abomination either which was something of a relief.

“That reminds me, how do you think they’ll take you making them grandparents a couple dozen times over?” Alex asked with amusement.

Mist winced. “Probably better than Pandora making them great grandparents twice over, probably. I was planning on tossing a couple new kids at them and running or at least using them as cute adorable human shields.”

Willow laughed. “That might work, on that note, we should probably work on that if we want the kids born before we jump worlds.”


“Sounds fun, do you think we can get Buffy, Dawn and your Tara to join?” the other Willow asked hopefully.

“We can always ask,” Mist replied with amusement.

“On that note, I’m going to find Cordelia.” Alex laughed as he left the lab.

“Best of luck.” Mist put the sample of metal in his inventory so that his duplicates could deal with it then followed both Willows out of the room. 


Pandora frowned as she watched the strange green skinned man walk up the VIP stairs. ‘Green skin, stupid looking red and green costume, yeah, yet another magic using villain that wants to steal Aerial’s power.’ She was getting a bit tired of the seemingly never ending collection of trouble that Aerial’s drawbacks gave them. “I’m fairly sure that you’re not supposed to be here.”

Wotan ignored Pandora as he turned his attention toward his target. “Easy enough, all that power in the hands of a child.” He gestured and sent a shadowbolt at Aerial.

Pandora gestured at the shadowbolt and sent it back at Wotan. She smirked at the look of disbelief on his face as his own shadowbolt tossed him off the stairs like a rag doll. “I’m going to have a chat with security.” She flew over to the stairs then focused her attention on Wotan and suppressed his magic. “You should have left well enough alone Wotan.”

Wotan gestured and blinked when nothing happened. “What did you do?”

“You’re a mortal with magic, I’m a goddess, figure it out or don’t.” Pandora lifted him into the air with her telekinesis then cast soul trap on the ancient warlock and snapped his neck. “How many more idiots do I have to kill before they get the message?”

Klarion smirked as he walked through the door. “I don’t think you’ll be killing anyone else today though I do appreciate your style considering Wotan was a real piece of work.”

Pandora turned to look at the teenager standing at the base of the stairs. “Let me guess, you’ve come to harass, kill or steal the powers of my friend?”

“No, I have a demon problem, I’d like some help defending Limbo Town. I heard of your friend’s power through the grapevine and figured she could help, maybe in exchange for copies of rare spells?” Klarion asked hopefully.

‘He looks like Klarion from the comics, more or less but he doesn’t feel evil and my dark lighter sense doesn’t ping him as evil which is weird. I’ll have to ask Zatanna if she’s heard of him.’ She gestured and orbed Wotan’s body into space and his gear to the vault. “You might as well come up, grab a soda and explain about the demon.”

“Thank you,” Klarion replied as he headed up the stairs rather happy that he wasn’t going to have to fight someone that could casually kill a warlock of Wotan’s experience and power.

Pandora wasn’t sure which was worse, evil magic users trying to kill Aerial or everyone else wanting her help with quests. She was looking forward to the end of the jump and Aerial’s drawback vanishing.


Diana winced slightly as her baby kicked. “This is your fault.”

Riley pouted as she continued running the scanner over Wonder Woman’s rather large belly. “How is it my fault?”

Diana turned and scowled at Mist who was watching the process with way too much amusement. “I meant Mist’s fault.”

Mist smiled at Diana. “To be fair, you’re the one that said you wanted a child.”

“That was before she decided to keep me up all night for a week straight,” Diana complained.

Riley snickered as she finished the scan. “On the upside, she’s perfectly healthy.”

“Thanks for checking.”

“Of course. Have you figured out a name yet?”

Diana sighed. “Not yet, Mist wants to call her Pixie, I was thinking about going with an Amazon name.”

Mist shrugged. “It’s your choice though I stand by my statement about not naming her after your mother, it would just cause confusion in the long run.”

“Especially considering your mother is immortal.” Riley put the scanning rod on the tray. “I sort of like Pixie.”

“It seems like a child’s nickname. What happens when she grows up?” Diana asked with amusement.

“If she doesn’t like it, she can use her middle name or pick something else.” He’d rather not have his daughter stuck with a tongue twister for a name but it was Diana’s choice. 

“We’ll see.”

Riley turned to look at Eris as she waddled into the med bay. ‘Hot naked pregnant girls, I really should take some pictures and make a calendar, nah Raven would probably kill me.’ She smiled at Eris. “Here for your checkup Ms. Potter?”

Eris mock glared at Riley. “Considering the last time I missed a checkup, you sent Sirius to prank me, I figured I’d get it out of the way.”

“Checkups are important and I was busy checking on the rest of the girls.”

Diana pulled her attention off Eris’s rather large belly. “At least Pixie will have a bunch of siblings.”

Riley picked up the scanner and started scanning Eris’s belly. “Better than growing up an only child.”

“Or growing up with an evil cousin,” Eris pointed out as she thought about Dudley.

Mist smiled at Eris. “At least you’ll never have to see him again.”


“If that’s everything I’m going to find Sin and talk her into giving me a shoulder rub.”

Riley said, “You’re good, come back in a week and I’ll give you another checkup.” 

“In that case, let’s go find Sin,” Mist said as he headed toward the door.

Diana snorted as she followed her boyfriend/friend with benefits out of the medical bay, ‘At least he’s cute and doesn’t mind me having sex with the rest of the girls.’


Umy smiled as she lazily floated ‘above’ the heavily armed sleek black battleship they were going to use to clean up 40k. At first glance it didn’t look like much, just a long teardrop shaped ship with a shuttlebay and a collection of maneuvering thrusters on each side, it was only once you got close that you noticed the thousands of weapon ports that covered most of the ship and the main particle weapon on the front they could use to mass scatter planets if they had to. While it was certainly symmetrical and functional, it wasn’t what she considered a work of art. Thankfully it didn’t need to be, it just needed to be able to destroy anything and everything that it came up against, which it did quite well.

Not only was the hull and most of the ship’s internal framework made out of the nearly indestructible metal that Mist had created, the ship had hundreds of mana engines pouring energy into the network that fed the magitech shields that he’d tweaked with the Magic Must Defeat Magic perk from Jackie Chan Adventures. They’d tested the shields and inertial dampeners by flying it through the asteroid belt as fast as they could. The results had been rather impressive, the inertial dampening system hadn’t even registered the hit on the various overlapped shields as the ship smashed through the large rocks without stopping or even slowing down. “I still think we should have painted it red.”

“We’re not orks, it won’t go faster just because we paint it red,” Mist replied via telepathy as he studied the ship that would become their flagship.

“Point,” Umy admitted with amusement.

Harry snickered as he used his slot machine power to create a power to supercharge his snow globe power. “I still think copying the pistol from Doom a couple of thousand times then moving the hitscan quality to all of the ship’s weapons is cheating.”

Umy shook her head. “Considering the number of fast annoyingly agile ships in 40k, I don’t care.”

“Never said you should, just that it felt a bit like cheating.” Harry activated his newly created overload ability then moved the capital ship and everything inside of it into a large snow globe. “Sort of like that.” He tossed the snow globe to Mist.

Mist grinned as he caught the snow globe. “I almost regret not taking a jump with a shipyard.”

“You could always build one on your world,” Umy pointed out.

“This is easier.” He stuck the snow globe in his inventory. “How are you and Pandora doing with the soldiers?”

Harry said, “We made some copies of Pandora’s catgirls then gave them enhanced learning, skill copying, FISS and the cosmic brick abilities then ran them through a dungeon of cosmically skilled cripples so they can kill them for the skills.”

Umy snorted. “And you think I’m the cheater for the hitscan weapons.”

“I’m blaming Pandora for the dungeon.”

“No reason not to stack the deck,” Mist defended his daughter.

Umy asked, “Does that mean we can stop worrying about upgrading the ship?”

“I’m pretty sure we’re done…” Mist trailed off as he suddenly found himself in the blackstone chamber with Genie. “Hey.”

Genie playfully shook her finger at him. “I can’t believe you knocked up Wonder Woman and both Karas.”

“In my defense, they’re intelligent nice gorgeous girls, was I supposed to say no?”

“I’d have checked for mind control if you had,” Genie replied as she bounced forward and pulled him into a hug.

Mist grinned as he returned her hug. “So, what’s next?”

“You mean other than grabbing all of your female companions and giggling over baby pictures for a couple hours?” Genie asked innocently as she let him go.

“Yeah, other than that,” Mist replied with amusement. 

“I figured you have two choices, you can fill out the document for the Freelancer jump while I giggle with the girls over baby pictures or you can just get tossed into 40K with your new ship and we’ll skip the party.”

“Hmm, would you toss in a Gloom Prism?” Mist asked hopefully.

Genie laughed as she added the device that created a demon repelling field to Mist’s inventory. “Sure I can add it to your inventory, it’s only 300 points and you’re giving up thousands of points.”

“I have a ship that will annihilate anything it runs into and that none of the factions can touch, I don’t really need anything else. Technically I don’t need the gloom prism because I could probably find one but I’d rather avoid having to find it.”

“Works for me, we’ll have a party when you get back.” Genie snapped her fingers and sent Mist and his companions into 40k.

Mist blinked as he found himself on the bridge of his starship with Umy, Pandora, Xander, Willow and Fred. “Last jump, last mission then we’re free to explore the multiverse.”

“Are we killing them or moving them?” Fred asked.

“I’d rather move them to an empty mirror world or pocket world where they can’t hurt anyone else, somewhere without a connection to Slaanesh so they don’t have to be sadists.”

Fred shook her head. “They’ll just turn on each other.”

Mist shrugged. “Probably but once they realize the warp doesn’t exist, they’ll probably calm down.”

“Or freak out more,” Pandora replied.

“Either way, once they’re no longer a galactic power in this universe, we’ll be done.”

“What about the tyranids?” Umy asked.

Mist grinned. “Portals and balefire, we don’t need to kill all of them just all of the queens and the more intelligent minds in control of the hives. If we channel enough magic into it, we should be able to burn the queens out of the timeline which means anything they created should vanish. Even if we can’t destroy them all, we should be able to cripple them.”

Pandora asked, “What about the humans?”

“I was going to open a door to the golden throne and pull the Emperor out then cast regenerate on him. I should be able to come up with a technological solution to the beacon that let’s the various human factions travel through the warp. If not, the Emperor can figure something out or get back in the throne, either way, I don’t really care. If nothing else, he should be able to screw over the tech priests and the various idiots running things which should keep them out of our hair until long after we’re done.”

Pandora nodded. “We should probably assassinate most of the chaos aligned primarchs and destroy their ability to create more space marines while we’re at it. Not to mention that a couple of hundred portals and some cosmic strikes scattered to certain locations would certainly help.”

Fred spoke up, “If we’re trying to cripple all of the factions we can probably use slot machine and the spell maker to come up with a spell to destroy every ork spore on an entire planet. If we can make that work we can either turn it into a staff or use technomagic to turn it into a weapon.”

“If you can make it work, go for it.” Mist was less worried about the orks than he was the necron but having a spell to obliterate the necron from a planet would be rather useful. “We can probably do much the same for dealing with the necron.”

“It might take ensouling something to boost the ability or using overpower on the slot ability then crafting the spell but we should be able to figure out something.”

Willow shifted uncomfortably. “What are we going to do about the Tau?”

“Depends on if they’re lunatics or if they’re sane. There was a hell of a lot of recon bullshit involved with that faction in the gameline. If they’re burning people’s flesh off because they won’t join their empire for the ‘Greater Good’ then I’m going to kill the leadership until someone sane takes over. If they’re decently sane like the first couple of books then I’m going to leave well enough alone. We only have to cripple one faction, not all of them.”

“What about the eldar?” Xander asked.

“Other than offer them relocation elsewhere, I’m not sure there is much we can do, most of them aren’t all that crazy at least not for living in a shitty universe.” Mist opened his inventory and pulled out the gloom prism. “This little device creates a field that repels the warp, I’m going to make a copy then I’m going to supercharge it and see if we can stitch the world back together where the warp is bleeding out into real space.”

Pandora shook her head. “Yeah, let’s deal with the dark eldar first, then worry about the rest just in case something goes drastically wrong.” She was going to leave trying to purify a couple chaos worlds until last.

“Fair enough,” Mist agreed. He activated the com unit. “This is the captain speaking, all senior staff please head to the bar for planning and or assignments.”

“You realize we have more than one bar, right?” Umy asked with amusement.

“Sure but there is only one bar on the command level,” Mist replied then orbed to the bar.


“I have a feeling this isn’t going to be as easy as Mist is hoping,” Willow grumbled.

Xander shrugged. “Probably not but we only really need to cripple the dark eldar and that shouldn’t be hard.”

“A couple upgraded tinker bombs dropped in the right place and their city is gone which means their ability to influence the world is crippled which means we win.”

“Point, in that case, let’s go have some fun.”


The GM glared at his game map that was updating before his eyes. He turned to look around the table then focused on Loki. “I’m seriously considering calling foul on this shit.”

“This wasn’t me, blame the girl that’s snickering,” Loki pointed at Genie.

Genie smiled at the game master. “You said, and I quote the game world reflects that particular 40k world. You sent a bloody tyranid hive after our group’s world, did you expect me to take that lying down?”

The GM scowled. “It’s called cheating.”

“Nope, I checked the rules, no powers at the table, no messing with the dice, no precogging the answers or any of that shit, nothing in the rules say I can’t empower someone else.”

Loki raised an eyebrow. “And they just happened to go to the particular 40k world the GM was using? I call shenanigans.”

“You’re Loki, you can’t call shenanigans, it’s in the rules.”

Loki sighed. “Come on, that was years ago, that doesn’t count, right?”

Q spoke up, “Loki did it, make Loki fix it.”

Loki turned to look at Q. “I’ve caused less messes than you have.”

The GM sighed. “Fine, since I don’t have a tyranid fleet or dark eldars or necron or… much of anything to hit you guys with, you win, make your damned D&D characters and we’re updating the fucking rules. No sending people or objects to the game world to hack things.”

Genie resisted the urge to snicker. “Fair enough, I’ve got a Dark Elf half dragon I wanted to play anyways.”

The GM put his head on the table, knowing that they’d just make something worse if he complained.

“Any idea where your jumper will go next?” Loki asked as he grabbed a character sheet off the stack and four six sided dice out of his bag.

Genie snickered, “Back to his Earth to look up some friends and see his family, I’ll give him a couple of weeks before he’s bored out of his mind.”

Q said, “We could always pay him a visit and say hello.”

“Could be fun,” Loki agreed as he rolled the dice and they came up sixes. “Is that an eighteen or a nineteen?”

The GM muttered. “18, you don’t get extra points for rolling 4 sixes.”

Loki scowled then rolled the dice again and smirked when they came up sixes again. “Hey another 18.”

The GM lifted his head up off the table. “Has any checked his dice for weights?”

Loki shook his head in disappointment. “I’m offended.”

“That we think you’re cheating?” The GM asked in disbelief.

“No, that you think I’d need weighted dice if I was going to cheat.” Loki looked at Genie. “Besides, what type of a person cheats at a friendly game?”

Genie looked down her nose at Loki. “The type of person that hates 40k and likes D&D though I didn’t cheat.”


Genie snapped her fingers and changed her t-shirt to have the Norse Crisis Flowchart on the front. “Loki did it, make Loki fix it.”

Q laughed as he rolled his dice and they came up sevens.

The GM sighed as he reached into his coat for his flask.


The End...



Is there a Book 2? They have twenty years there... Also, did I miss the 40K Build?

Mist of Shadows

You didn't miss the build, it just didn't really matter for the purpose of the story. Compared to what he had, it was next to nothing. He basically walked in and curb stomped everything, rather than show the rage I'd feel getting stuffed in 40k, I showed the reason for everything.