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Pandora smiled at Morgana as the other girl walked out of her bathroom wearing a crimson silk night dress that was more than a little see through thanks to the material and dampness of her skin from the girl’s bath. “Nice.”

Morgana glanced down at her breasts which she could see through the fabric. “Gwen would lose it if she saw me in this.”

“Isn’t that half the fun?” Pandora asked with amusement.

“Not when Uther would toss her in a dungeon for corrupting me.”

“I guess it will have to be our little secret then.” She patted the edge of the bed between her legs. “Come over here and sit down so I can brush your hair.”

Morgana blushed as she pulled her gaze off of Pandora’s rather nice breasts then walked over and sat down between the naked girl’s legs. She wasn’t sure what was wrong with her but the girl was certainly stunning and made her feel warm and tingly inside which was more than a little disconcerting considering she’d just met the girl a couple of hours ago and she was female. She had a feeling that Uther would be appalled by Pandora’s lack of modesty but it was honestly a bit refreshing if nerve wracking. “Why are you helping? You’re not a servant.”

“You mean beyond the fact that you’re cute?” Pandora smiled as she started working a brush through Morgana’s hair.

Morgana shivered slightly as she felt Pandora’s breasts against her back, normally she probably wouldn’t have really noticed or thought much about it but with her thin nightdress and Pandora’s flirting, she was more aware than she’d normally be. “Besides that.”

“I like brushing my friends’ hair. Besides, what better way to seduce you than getting you relaxed first?”

“You don’t quit do you?” Morgana asked with amusement.

Pandora snickered. “Do you want me to?”

“I should but I don’t,” Morgana admitted.

“In that case, relax and let me brush your hair then we’ll see where things go from there.”

“Speaking of relaxing, how do you think Merlin is doing?”

Pandora paused for a second as she tried to figure out a polite way to say that Sin was probably fucking his brains out. “Sin is probably teaching him how to give her a massage so that he can give you massages when you’re feeling tense.”


“Think full body backrub, I could show you after I finish brushing your hair.”

“Let me guess, I’d have to be naked?” Morgana asked with amusement.

“You don’t have to be but it works better.” Pandora smirked as she continued brushing Morgana’s hair.

“You don’t have any shame do you?”

“Why should I? I’m a magic using goddess with immunity to the cold and we’re not exactly in public, we’re in my room in a pocket world which means that no one is going to walk in and see us having fun.”

“Having fun?”

Pandora smiled as she paused her brushing and trailed her left index finger down Morgana’s arm. “Are you saying you don’t want me to give you a massage?”

“I didn’t say that,” Morgana quickly pointed out.

“Good because I’m looking forward to it.” Pandora went back to brushing Morgana’s hair.

“Are you going to try to seduce my alternate?”

“That depends, do you want me to?” Pandora asked teasingly.

“Why would I want that?” Morgana asked in confusion.

Pandora snickered. “I just figured you’d want the chance to have some fun with both of us.”

Morgana’s blush deepened as she realized what Pandora was implying. “Ah…”

Pandora smiled as she finished brushing Morgana’s hair. “That should do it, do you want to try the massage now?”

“What do I have to do?”

“Take your dress off then lie on the bed face down so I can start with your back.”

Morgana stood up then reached down and pulled her nightdress up and over her head. “Where do you want it?”

Pandora smiled as she ran her gaze over Morgana’s body. ‘Yeah, I’m keeping her.’ She crawled backwards so that Morgana could climb onto the bed. “On the desk or on the chair, it doesn’t matter.”

Morgana carefully set the silk dress on the back of the chair then got up on the bed and sprawled out. “Your sheets are way too comfortable.”

Pandora snickered as she carefully straddled Morgana so she could start on her shoulders. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”

“Hopefully.” She shivered slightly despite the warmth in the room as Pandora’s fingers started lightly gliding over her shoulders, it felt nice even though she knew that Uther would scream about her letting someone she barely knew see her naked. It didn’t take more than a few seconds of Pandora’s fingers running over her back to make her realize she didn’t care what Uther thought.

Pandora smiled as she worked on dealing with all of the knots in Morgana’s shoulders. 


Merlin blinked as he watched the golden almost honey like elixir that Sarah had poured into the cauldron bubble as it expanded and filled the cauldron. “I bet that saves you a lot of time and effort when you’re making medicine.”

Sarah snickered. “It also keeps me from having to duplicate a couple of hundred magic boosting elixirs.”

“I’m going to have to drink some of that aren’t I?”

“Some?” She laughed.

“Most of it?” He asked warily hoping that it didn’t taste horrible.

“Try all of it and then some. Don’t worry, you won’t be drinking it all at once. I’m going to give you a couple magic books and a mana battery then you’re going to channel a lot of magic into the battery then take a drink to refill your reserves then do it all over again so that your reserves increase drastically.”

“I’m fairly sure that doesn’t actually boost your ability to channel magic, at least not that quickly.”

“It does if I lend you an ability that increases your permanent mana pool the more magic you use. By dumping magic into the battery, you’re both using your magic and storing it for a rainy day.”

“Best of both worlds then. Are you going to boost the other Merlin?”

“Most likely, there are a lot of monsters running around and someone needs to help keep Arthur safe.”

“Why me?”

“Because you already have a lot of magic and you have a good heart. You’ve never abused your magic and I can’t see you turning dark lord or trying to rule the world, so why not spend a couple of hours helping you increase your magic? Besides, friends help each other, right?”

Merlin smiled at the attractive girl. “Everyone needs more friends.”


Arthur stared in shock as a glowing blue oval shape opened in the courtyard. “Guards!” He blinked in surprise as an unfamiliar man dressed like a knight of Camelot tumbled out of the glowing oval. He drew his sword. “Stand ready...” he trailed off as Morgana jumped out of the portal followed by the new jester that his father had appointed. “What is going on?”

Morgana screamed, “Shoot the man in robes!” as she grabbed Merlin’s hand and pulled him and her large pack to the side so the knights could get a clear shot.

Arthur shouted, “Fire!” as an older looking man wearing expensive black robes stepped out of the portal carrying a staff. He smiled as the arrows turned the sorcerer into a pincushion and caused him to fall back into the portal which thankfully closed. “What is going on?”

Mist pulled himself to his feet, thankful that everyone seemed to have bought his illusion of a sorcerer. “Thank you Your Highness.”

Arthur glanced between Mist, Morgana and Merlin. “What is going on?”

“Nodwick the Terrible was trying to banish us from Camelot, it was either run through the portal or die to his animated skeletons.”

“Animated skeletons? Where was this?” Arthur asked warily as he glanced around.

Merlin briefly considered speaking up and adding to the story but Mist had wanted it kept as simple as possible so they could keep their story straight. Besides, servants weren’t normally taken seriously which was more than a little annoying.

“In the courtyard…” Morgana trailed off and looked around as if she was surprised to see the courtyard in one piece. “I think he succeeded in banishing us.”

Merlin muttered, “Great.”

Mist dusted his pants off. “It could be worse, we could have ended up in Cenred’s lands.”

Arthur turned to look at Mist. “Who are you? I’ve never seen you before.”

Mist bowed his head slightly. “I’m Lady Morgana’s personal guard.”

“You are most certainly not.”

“Not your Morgana, mine.” Mist gestured toward the Morgana from the other world as the native Morgana walked out with ‘Uther’ and the other Merlin who was wearing a black and red jester costume. He was looking forward to grabbing his avatar’s memories of the last couple of hours. 

Mist’s avatar that was pretending to be Uther spoke up, “What is the meaning of this?”

Arthur turned to look at the king then stopped as he saw as he saw the other Morgana. He turned back and looked at the Morgana that had exited the portal. “I’m confused.”

The local Merlin asked, “And this is new?”

Arthur turned and glared at the new court jester his father had appointed.

“You’re the one that said it,” Merlin replied with a grin.

Morgana asked, “Why does she look like me?”

Mist did his best to keep a straight face as he explained, “I’m afraid we were banished from our world by an evil sorcerer Nodwick the Terrible.”

‘Uther’ twitched as he asked in disbelief, “Nodwick the Terrible?”

“Yes, a most fiendish foe,” Mist replied doing his best not to crack up.

“Right…” Mist’s avatar send Mist a mental message, ‘Really, Nodwick?’

‘Should I have went with Erik the Awful or Bob the Great and Terrible?’ Mist replied mentally. 

‘Maybe, I’m trying not to break character and laugh.’ ‘Uther’ turned to look at Morgana. “A most trying adventure, I’m guessing the young man next to you is your fool?”

“Personal servant, though I do like the other Merlin’s outfit,” Morgana agreed.

Merlin twitched slightly. “No need for that My Lady.”

‘Uther’ said, “I’m sure we could get your servant a black and green outfit. Let us retire and have some wine while you explain what happened.”

Arthur blinked. “Sire, they got here by magic.”

Mist cut in quickly, “And the sorcerer is dead which leaves us stuck here through no fault of our own.”

‘Liar,’ Uther mentally replied to Mist as he turned to look at Arthur. “See, nothing to worry about the sorcerer is dead as it should be.”

Morgana stared at the other Morgana unsure what to do about having another version of her in Camelot but not wanting to say anything that would make Uther blame them for the magic.

Arthur felt a little bit lost as he escorted the group into the castle.

Mist doubted his plan would have worked if they hadn’t replaced the king but since they had, it was working just fine at least for the moment.


Mist stepped out of his door and onto the Island of the Blessed twenty feet from the altar where a raven haired woman was standing that appeared to be in her early twenties but was at least twenty years older as she’d been friends with Uther before the purge. “Hello Nimueh.”

Nimueh turned and looked at the man that had called her name. “Who are you?”

“Mist o’Shadows, I’ve come to inform you that Uther Pendragon is dead and to ask that you give up your vengeance against Camelot.”

“I would have felt his passing.”

Mist let the door close as he held up the black soul gem he’d retrieved from the other world. “Not if he died elsewhere and I trapped his soul.”

Nimueh stared at Mist in surprise. “I wanted to kill him.”

“I don’t care, you should have killed him twenty years ago or at any point during the last twenty years if you didn’t want someone else to fix the problem.”

“You dare come here of all places and insult me?”

Mist shrugged. “Technically I wasn’t insulting you, you had plenty of time to kill him and you didn’t take it.” He put the soul gem back in his inventory.

“Arthur is of his blood.”

“Arthur has a decent heart and doesn’t hate magic though that might change if you insist on tossing plagues and monsters at him.”

Nimueh narrowed her eyes as she looked at Mist. “What do you know of my plans?”

“I know that if you endanger innocent people in your vendetta, I’ll have to do something about…” he trailed off as she hit him with a lightning bolt. He blinked his eyes a couple of times. “That was mildly annoying, at least tell me next time so I can close my eyes.”

She stared at him in shock, having expected her lightning bolt to kill him or at least do something more than make him blink. “What are you?”

“Wizard, sorcerer, god?” Mist shrugged. “Take your pick.”

“Why did you step in?” Nimueh asked warily.

“Because Uther annoyed me. Magic is neutral, good and bad are choices for mortals, killing his subjects just because they have magic makes him a bad king. To say nothing for his various other personality flaws and ego.”

“What do you expect from me?”

“I’m currently pretending to be the king with an illusion, I’m working with several people to come up with better laws and a way to sell the changes to the people. By the end of a year Uther will be ‘dead’ and Arthur will be king in name as well as truth. If he doesn’t do a decent job, you can take it up with him in a year’s time. Surely, you can wait another year?”

“If I don’t?” Nimueh asked sarcastically.

“Then I’ll banish you to some other realm where you’re not my problem or I’ll send you to hell depending on who you hurt...” Mist trailed off with a frown as his Divine Your Targets perk informed him that she wasn’t going to leave well enough alone or rather that leaving her alive in this particular world wouldn’t improve it. “Damn it, you’re not going to leave well enough alone are you?”

“Would you?” She asked with annoyance as she prepared to toss fire at him.

Mist opened a door to the other world’s version of the Island of the Blessed then knocked her through with telekinesis. “Probably not.” He closed the door. “Best of luck dealing with the dragon.” He briefly considered reaching out and shattering the altar to the goddess to keep people from being sacrificed in the future but he really didn’t want to pick a fight with a powerful goddess especially when he still had most of his year left. Besides, it wasn’t like the altar couldn’t be replaced. He made a mental note to send Sin to hit both Nimuehs with her sanity hammer technique then opened a door to ten feet in front of the bounty hunter Halig which was the next jackass on his list of people to deal with.

Halig reached for his sword as a man in black clothes stepped out of a door in thin air. “Sorcerer.”

“Halig?” Mist asked just to make sure he had the right bounty hunter. He wasn’t terribly surprised when his perk showed him that Halig wasn’t a decent person and wouldn’t make the world a better place if he was left alive.

“Why do you know my name?” Halig drew his sword and waved it at the man.

Mist closed the door behind him then glanced around the clearing the bounty hunter was in. He wasn’t overly impressed by the man’s filthy looking horse drawn cage. “You’re far too much like Uther, you will leave Camelot or else-” he reached up and caught the sword the overweight man tried to hit him with. “Stop that.” He crushed the blade as he ripped it out of the man’s hand. “As I was saying, you’re a waste of a human but you were working for the king, you will leave Camelot or you will die...” Mist trailed off as the man grabbed a dagger from his belt and went to attack him despite his earlier failure with his much longer and nicer weapon. He dropped the mangled sword then summoned his Doom shotgun and shot the bounty hunter in the head as the man lunged at him. “Fuckin’ Darwin award.”

Mist winced slightly as the horse tried to run away because of the noise from the gunshot. He reached into his pocket and pushed the button which stopped time. He walked over to the dead bounty hunter and stole his coin purse then walked over to the horse drawn cage and started working on unhitching the horse so he could take it back with him.


Xander was just glad that Cenred was a decently handsome man as he shoved the man’s body through the door into the other version of the world because he was going to have to pretend to be him for a decent length of time. Thankfully or not he had access to the man’s memories so he had a better idea how to keep everything running or at least he would have if he was willing to continue to allow his soldiers to play bandit in their off hours. “This isn’t going to be as easy as I’d like.”

Dawn frowned slightly as she glanced around the king’s sleeping chambers. “Why not?”

“Cenred had most of his soldiers on rotation and at least a decent number of them are bandits on their off days.”

“Let me guess, he was crooked enough that he didn’t care, right?”

“As long as the taxes kept flowing and no one raided any of the neighboring kingdoms with recognizable symbols on their gear, he turned a blind eye if they wanted to misbehave.”

“We’re just going to have to fix that.”

“Any suggestions?” Xander asked hopefully.

“I have an idea but you won’t like it.”

“What’s that?” Xander asked suspiciously.

“If we take over the various kingdoms that have outlawed magic we can reverse the laws.”

“That’s a lot of bloodshed if we use an army.”

“What’s the alternative, we send assassins after all of the guards and knights without morals? This is the dark ages, we’d be here forever.”

“Point. We have a large army and we can pay mercenaries to an extent but they’re still going to want payment which would drain the treasury.”

Dawn shrugged. “So we pay them in leprechaun gold then send them to their deaths fighting magic hating bastards.”

“I don’t think it works that way, a lot of the soldiers are just doing their job.”

“In Cenred’s army? Hardly, most of them are black hearted bastards. My alternate solution is to make a bunch of deathtrap dungeons that lure in magic hating bastards.”

“That’s a little vicious Dawn.” Xander shook his head. “Killing people just because they don’t like magic is bad.”

“So is killing people that have magic. Now that I’m thinking about it, I might have a decent use for the worst soldiers of the army.”


“We send them to the Perilous Lands via portals to kill wyverns. As long as we pay them in fake gold, it doesn’t really matter how many evil mercenaries we hire.”

Xander rubbed the bridge of his nose as he considered Dawn’s less than ethical plan. “Let’s check to see if the Fisher King wants to be healed first. If we can restore his health and land, it would be a decent place to send the druids that don’t want to jump ship with us.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” Dawn opened a door to the doorway in the Fisher King’s throne room then stepped through. “Hello.”

“Right, guess that works,” Xander muttered.

The Fisher King slowly looked up at Dawn. “Come to steal my treasures or release me from my torment?”

Dawn said, “I came to offer healing or release if you can’t be healed.”

“Death, there is very little on this world that could heal me, most of them far too precious to waste on an old broken king even if I wanted to live. Though I am curious what would you ask for healing if you could heal me and my land?” he asked curious what the young lady would say.

“Safe haven for magic users that are willing to live in peace.”

“On second thought, if you can heal me, I’ll grant your request. If you can’t, help me die and I’ll leave the land to you.”

Dawn opened her inventory and pulled out her Magicka gloves then slipped them on. She grabbed a potion of cure disease then closed her inventory. “This should cure any and all diseases then I’ll try healing you with magic, with your permission of course.”

“How easy was the potion to make?” He asked not wanting her to waste a priceless treasure on him.

“Easy enough.” She walked over and handed him the potion as Xander stepped through the door into the throne room.

The Fisher King drank the potion not expecting it to do anything but willing to try. He was rather surprised when he felt a wave of magic flow through his old and tired body granting him a reprieve from the sickness that had plagued him for hundreds of years. “That might have helped but I’m still injured.”

Dawn raised her hands and channeled life magic into him. She frowned as the life energy seemed to drain away into the tower and the stone beneath their feet. “This is going to take a bit of work.”

Xander cast his most powerful regeneration spell then twisted it to be permanent as he opened his inventory and grabbed a potion of youth. “Let’s try something else.” He tossed the contents of the potion at the old man and smiled as the man’s features changed into a much younger form. “That should help.”

The Fisher King sighed in relief as he felt better than he had since before he’d gotten wounded in battle. With the beam of green energy and the strange man’s spell constantly pouring healing into him he could actually feel the land around the tower healing rather than all of the energy trying to keep him alive. It was wondrous and terrifying how much magic the two young people had. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I should get back before people miss me but do you need me to send some people to deal with the wyverns?”

“If you have people that can deal with them without risking themselves, I’d appreciate the help,” the Fisher King admitted.

“In that case, I’ll talk to some friends of mine.” Xander turned and headed for the door.

Dawn smiled as she continued pouring life energy into the old sorcerer on the throne. “I’ll call when I’m done.”

“Sounds good.” Xander walked back into Cenred’s bedroom. He waited until Dawn closed the door then grabbed his cell, scrolled down and selected Wyatt’s number. 

Wyatt answered on the second ring. “What’s up Xander?”

“Dawn and I healed the Fisher King, are you up for hunting wyverns?” 

“I’ll grab Piper and Morgana, our Morgana and orb down. That’s going to be a bit confusing.”

“Probably,” Xander agreed.

“I’ll catch you later.” Wyatt ended the call then headed off to round up a group to hunt wyverns.

Xander changed his appearance to match Cenred’s then gestured and changed his clothes to match what the king had been wearing. ‘Might as well start looking through the knights to see if any of them are worth saving.’


Mist frowned slightly as she watched the king’s casket be lowered into the ground. He wasn’t sure if he should feel guilty about faking a blow to the head at the two month mark that had in a roundabout way led to the death of the minion he’d had pretending to be the king. He’d faked the blow to the head so he’d have a reason to ‘forget’ the last twenty years so that he could reverse the laws on magic without looking like he’d been placed under an enchantment. Of course, the ‘king’ forgetting about Arthur had put the prince through the ringer emotionally and probably shortened Gaius’s life thanks to the stress it put him under but it was really the only way he could think of in order to change the laws without everything going sideways. 

Of course, everything had still went sideways once the laws had been changed, various groups had sensed blood in the water and sent envoys and less friendly assassins to make sure Uther died before he remembered all of the reasons they shouldn’t be trusted. Thankfully or not depending on how you looked at it, Merlin and Arthur had managed to fend off all of the various attacks for another three months until a hunting accident had killed the minion pretending to be the king. Mist still wasn’t sure if the spear had been tampered with or if it actually was just a freak accident. He was leaning toward divine retribution for kicking the high priestess through a portal but hunting wasn’t exactly safe so it could have been an accident.

Mist sent a mental message to Chris, ‘I have a feeling the various other kingdoms are going to push up their attempts to kill Arthur or wed him.’

‘Best of luck on that second one considering he’s already fallen for Gwen,’ Chris replied mentally as he watched Arthur toss the first shovel of dirt onto the grave.

‘Even the first might be a problem considering how many strange and unusual creatures he ate while under the effect of the Isekai perk. He could probably take a knife to the gut and walk it off.’

‘If it even hurt him,’ Chris replied with amusement.

‘At least Xander and Dawn have been cleaning up Escetir by sending the worst of the mercenaries and guards into various nightmare dungeons they built. Selena and Abby have been recruiting some of the saner druids to jump worlds and Merlin is working with Morgana and Hermione to work on their magic using several of Gaius’s books and the updating book from Pokegirls.’

‘I know I shouldn’t be mean but I’m glad Amelia fixed the genetics for Merlin’s ears before Sin talked him into ‘spreading magic’ with the girls in the pocket realm.’

Mist had to resist the urge to laugh as he mentally replied, ‘I think we all are, I’m sure she’ll fix his ears once we jump.’

Chris kept part of his attention on the other knights as they started filling in the grave. ‘Any bets on the other Merlin?’

‘He’ll probably stay and keep Arthur safe or jump with us then come back, time is frozen so it’s not like coming with us would hurt anything. Hell if we’re lucky or unlucky we’ll get Arthur to come with us. I know Jack wants to recruit him.’

‘We’ll see how much of a prick he still is by the end of the jump. I can’t see him willingly giving up being king and he’s still more than an a little uneasy with magic.’

‘Point, either way, I’ve taken scans of this version of Camelot though if I ever remake it, I’m going to put in a better sewer system.’

Chris snorted. ‘You’re just lucky that the mage that built the city included any type of sewer system.’

‘True, I’m looking forward to going back to my world and working on things for a while.’

‘You should probably wait a couple of weeks before you drag both Morganas away at the same time, Arthur is going to need help dealing with the political snakes that are going to come out of the woodwork.’

‘At least Aisha got rid of the worst of the worst.’

‘That girl is disturbingly sane for being as good of an assassin as she is.’

‘It’s better than open war even if it’s the ‘honorable’ choice.’ Mist didn’t consider himself particularly dishonorable for a man born in the twentieth century but he wasn’t a knight and didn’t hold to a code of justice that required him to play ‘fair’ when the people he was going after were guilty as hell.

‘No objections here.’ Chris was more concerned with making sure Arthur stayed a decent king than he was with how many criminals with crowns died by falling down the stairs. He had a feeling the next few months were going to be a lot of work, keeping Camelot safe from greedy idiots.


Morgana shivered slightly despite the warmth of the pocket world garden they were in as Pandora gestured at the naked girl that looked exactly like she did other than having red hair and copied her with barely a gesture or incantation. Despite all of the strange things she’d seen over the last year, being able to copy people with a gesture was near the top of the list. “You make that look easy.”

“It just takes practice and the right type of magic,” Hermione pointed out as she copied the near mindless copy of a red haired nymph version of Logain that she’d ‘programmed’ with various combat skills and basic ethics using the mind garden. 

The other Morgana glanced between the two red haired copies then at her black haired alternate. “It’s a bit weird knowing that we’ll have hundreds of family running around.”

“Depending on how the genetics get mixed, they’re probably cousins at best or perhaps grandchildren or great grandchildren for how they’re related.” Hermione wasn’t sure how the genetics would turn out, that was part of the reason they were testing things.

Ruby gestured and copied the mostly mindless clone of the female Sidhe in human form that Selena had given her. She wasn’t sure what Selena had done with the original version but she didn’t see a problem mixing sidhe magic into the next generation of magic users as long as it didn’t come with the girl’s more questionable personality traits, thankfully Amy and Amelia had went over each of the blank clones with their powers so they shouldn’t have too many genetic issues.

Pandora grinned as she gestured and copied the cat girl that looked a lot like Ginny. She’d copied one of her cat girls with a mindless cloning potion then fused her together with a mindless copy of Ginny for wizarding magic and the magical loyalty the cats had for her. “This should help increase the amount of magic the next generation has.”

Morgana glanced over at the long line of women that wanted children then turned and looked at Pandora. “I still think you’re a bit crazy, you could just clone everyone you need for your cities.”

Hermione gestured and cloned the Morgana clone. “We’ll probably end up cloning a decent number of towns and cities, especially when we start working on increasing the number of magic users on Willow’s world but I’d rather start with as diverse a group as possible to limit how interrelated everyone is.”

“I want to see if the order we merge the clones changes what the merged girls look like.” Ruby was looking forward to seeing how much they could push things now that they could merge people that weren’t pokegirls. 

Morgana shook her head. “It’s a good thing none of you are evil, you could make an army and take over the world.”

“I’d rather copy scholars, dreamers and cute girls than soldiers but you’re right, I could make a nearly unstoppable army if I wanted.”

Pandora shrugged. “We normally leave commanding armies to Mat.”

Morgana could understand why they didn’t worry about an army, their friend had managed to fend off a small army of bandits with five guards and some townsfolk, highly skilled didn’t even come close.

The other Morgana pulled her attention off her clone’s behind. “How does the g-Stylus work?”

“Carefully,” Pandora replied with amusement as she pulled the black g-stylus out of her inventory. She reached over and touched one of Morgana’s clones.

“Is it supposed to turn blue?”

“Yes, it should turn black once it merges the girls together.” She reached out with the stylus and touched the copy of the nymph version of Logain which caused the two girls to merge into an extremely attractive combination then the pen to revert to black.

Hermione lifted her camera up and took a picture of the resulting amalgamation then made a note in her notebook. “That’s a nice combination.”

Ruby giggled. “I’d fuck her.”

“She is rather attractive,” Morgana admitted as she studied the new girl’s body.

The other Morgana frowned slightly as she studied the blank look on the new girl’s face. “Physically, at least.” 

Pandora nodded. “One of the reasons we’re going to use the ritual of Rebirth on all of the clones. They’ll grow up with a family and learn about life.” 

“Not to mention inherit some magic from their mothers,” Ruby added.

Pandora gestured and copied the merged girl twice then copied the catgirl that looked like Ginny twice. She touched the g-stylus to one of the Ginny lookalikes then to one of the merges. She smiled as she looked at the red haired girl that looked like a catgirl porn star if you added an entire helping of class and style. “Take a picture.”

“On it,” Hermione replied as she took a couple of pictures then marked down the combination.

Pandora touched the Morgana and nymph Logain merge with the stylus then the Ginny lookalike catgirl clone. She smiled slightly as the result looked more like a sister than a copy of the other combination. “That’s promising.”

Ruby giggled as she started copying the various clones as fast as she could.

Morgana shook her head. “It’s like watching a joust, you know one of the knights or both could die but you can’t look away.”

Hermione glanced at the girls growing collection of clones then looked at Pandora. “I’ll duplicate them when you put them together.”

Pandora smiled at both Morganas, “Are you sure you don’t mind being copied?”

Morgana shook her head. “They don’t have my memories, it just gives me a family.” 

“Same,” the other Morgana admitted as she grabbed her alternate’s hand. “You can never have too much family.”

Pandora said, “I don’t know, Ruby and I have a small army of half siblings. It can get loud at holidays.”

“On the upside, there are almost always people around to hang out with.” Ruby finished copying the human sidhe clone a couple of times then stopped. “We should probably stop here for now then duplicate the end result. We have a lot of women to knock up with the ritual.”

“Probably a good idea.” Pandora was just glad they’d grabbed the cauldron of plenty to duplicate the fertility potions because having to duplicate that many potions one at a time would have been annoying.

Morgana had a feeling the next couple of years were going to be even more interesting than the previous year as Pandora started fusing the clones together. 


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