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Mist absently studied his avatar, it was weird seeing his face without his various appearance altering perks, it was the little things that stood out, eyebrows that were a touch overgrown and a dozen other things too small to notice on their own but which added up to a change in his features. The avatar wasn’t ugly or anything but he wasn’t model gorgeous like the face in the mirror whenever he happened to look at his reflection. It wasn’t like he’d went out of his way to grab perks that changed his appearance, far from it actually, but there were enough free appearance perks scattered around the chain that they snuck up on you, a little here, a little there. He glanced down at the sand that was blowing in the wind then at the flat landscape behind his avatar that was desert as far as he could see without pushing his enhanced vision. “Ready?”

His avatar flipped him off. “Would it matter?”

“Not particularly.” Mist raised his version of the skull of corruption and targeted his avatar. He activated the staff then tossed a small condensed ball of fire at the temporary magical copy of his avatar the staff created then reached out with his magic and twisted the dying copy into a chunk of magicite as it died. 

“That doesn’t bother you does it?” the avatar asked with a certain amount of unease as he looked at the chunk of magicite.

“Should it?” Mist asked uncertain if one of his various perks was screwing up his reactions or if he’d just lived with the ability to create avatars for long enough that torching a copy of him didn’t bother him anymore.

Sin spoke up, “It’s just a framework and mana, did it work?”

Mist let his avatar vanish as he walked over and picked up the magicite. He studied it with his ability that let him know the result of using various magical items. “It’s mostly worthless otherwise but we should be able to learn the Mundane Mondays ability as a magical spell.”

“Which you’ll learn then hand out copies of so that you’re immune, right?” Sin asked with amusement.

“We should be immune anyways with our magic resistance but the whole point of doing it this way is so we don’t screw ourselves over.”

“Have you figured out where you’re going next?”

Mist raised his eyebrows. “We still have eight months before we can leave.”

“Are you saying you haven’t thought about it?” Sin asked with amusement.

“Not really, I’ve been busy with the studio and hanging out with the munchkins.”

“You realize they’re teenagers, right?”

Mist scowled. “I’m well aware, I’ve lost track of the number of actors, stagehands and movie crew I’ve had to warn against trying to seduce them over the last couple of weeks.”

Sin snorted. “I’m all for a fun roll in the hay but some of those guys were just creepy.”

“Is that what happened to Frank?”

“Nope, getting hit with lightning out of a clear sky seven times in a row was just really bad luck.” 

Mist raised his eyebrows as he looked at her. “Bad luck?”

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” Sin sang as she danced backwards.

“Right.” Mist gestured and orbed them back to his office in the strip club. “Considering I need to kill monsters to learn the new ability, any ideas what we should work on upgrading?”

Sin reached into her inventory and pulled out a pair of sheer crimson silk panties. “I wouldn’t mind running through my underwear’s item world to see if I can get something more impressive from the Item God.”

Mist frowned slightly as he could feel magic almost rolling off the panties. “Where did you find these?”

“I made them. I combined a copy of the anti theft and armor creation panties with the monk’s loincloth to boost armor then I moved the 50% damage to mana ability off a copy of the belt that Ginny found after upgrading it to 100%. It keeps us from having to cast mana shield and provides a decent amount of armor.”

“And by decent, you mean insane?” Mist asked with amusement.

“Of course. Either way, nothing that we can’t deal with as long as we’re careful. Between our avatars, powers, armor and the conceptual nature of the invulnerability geo panels, they shouldn’t be able to scratch us as long as we’re careful.”

“It would also give us a chance to let loose and practice some new spells I’ve been working on.”

Sin turned to look at the door as a half naked inkblot toon hurried in. “What’s up Candy?”

Candy said, “Some of the girls are getting harassed by a couple of customers that won’t leave.”

Mist sighed as he stuck the magicite in his pocket. He’d hoped that the last group of idiots he’d tossed out of his club for being disrespectful pieces of shit would have spread the word but apparently Smack Wiped Off the Streets required a couple more examples before it dealt with the problem permanently. “We’ll take care of it.”


Mist frowned slightly as he studied the panty wearing white spikey haired Majin Item God that was standing in front of the exit portal. He was wearing a long frilly pink coat and a garish jeweled ring in addition to the purple panties. “That would look less horrible if he was female.”

Aisha coughed, “Bullshit.”

Sin snickered, “It could be worse.”

“How?” Selena asked how as she stared at the fashion reject.

Buffy grinned as she looked the mostly human looking demon over. “He looks handsome enough if you ignore his poor choice in fashion.”

Sin glanced at Aisha. “Do you want to sneak over there and steal his panties or do you want me to?”

Aisha gestured at the Item God then frowned as the damned panties refused to orb. “Slight bit of a problem with that, I can’t steal his panties.” She found slightly as she tried to orb the rest of his gear and nothing happened. “Or the rest of his gear.”

“Which means he might actually have an upgraded copy of the panties rather than just magical panties like some of the other monsters. In that case, leave it to a professional,” Sin replied as she sauntered toward the Item God.

Willow muttered, “Be careful.”

Daenerys frowned slightly. “She’s not actually planning on fighting him herself is she?”

“Probably not.” Mist frowned slightly as he saw Sin cast a calm spell then make some gestures with a pair of purple briefs she pulled out of her inventory. He brought his hand up and rubbed his face as Sin managed to not only talk the boss into trading his magical panties for her non magical briefs but also convinced him that letting her hold his magical sword until he was done was a great idea. “Perks or not she makes that look way too easy.”

Selena said, “At least she’s hot.”

“You’re all gorgeous,” Mist replied as he reached over and patted her behind.

Sin smirked as she orbed back to the group as the boss worked on pulling on the briefs. “I really should have cursed the briefs.” She stuck his sword in her inventory then gestured and orbed his ring and coat to her.

Buffy winced slightly as she heard the Majin scream in anger and charge the group. “This is going to suck.”

Mist gestured at the boss and flipped his gender to female then worked on scanning ‘him’ as she charged the group without even noticing the flipped gender. He smiled as he managed to get a Divine Majin minion unlock before she cleared half the distance to the group. He raised his hands and tossed four glowing black and blue orbs at the charging demon.

Daenerys blinked as the orbs exploded and obliterated a large section of terrain and the front third or half of the Item God. She stared in disbelief as the Item God disintegrated. “How many times did you upgrade your ultima spell?”

“Technically it’s not an ultima spell, it’s a mix of ultima and a couple of other spells.”

Selena made a mental note not to get hit with any of Mist’s battle spells.

Aisha asked nervously, “How much damage would that do to us?”

“I suggest not getting hit with it,” Mist replied absently as he studied the rather large hole into oblivion that he’d blown into the landscape.

“How many times did you upgrade it,” Buffy demanded.

“I lost track a while ago.”

Selena said, “You have a nearly perfect memory, how do you lose track?”

Mist turned to look at Selena. “Yeah, nearly. I don’t sleep anymore and upgrading things is easy enough I can work on it while I’m watching movies or lounging in a hot tub. I happen to like the spell, it cuts through reflect and elemental defenses like they aren’t even there and hits a decent area.” He was just glad that he’d spliced in some ‘code’ to the spell formula when he’d created his latest version that let him control the area because saying it had a decent area was a rather massive understatement. He’d gotten more than a little carried away upgrading the damage and area enough over the last year that he could probably slag small countries if he tried. While he hadn’t actually tested the spell at full power his HUD gave him a pretty decent idea how much damage his pet project could do if he tossed enough mana into it.

Sin looked up from examining her new sword. “Everyone needs a hobby.”

Buffy grumbled, “I know, I’m just surprised he didn’t mention it.”

Mist started walking toward the gate that would take them out of the item world. “It’s not like it’s a secret that I like upgrading things or that I have a spell altar in the warehouse, I just figured you’d ask if you were interested. You’re welcome to use the altar whenever it’s free.”

“I know, I’m just used to asking one of the real mages for spells after they tweak them,” Buffy admitted as the group started following Mist.

“That’s because you’re lazy,” Aisha pointed out playfully as she flew ahead of the party and toward the exit.

Buffy frowned slightly as she thought about Aisha’s comment. “Am I being lazy?”

Mist snorted. “With how much you help people with their weapon training, not even remotely. Besides, Willow and Hermione enjoy tweaking spells. There is nothing wrong with hiring experts as long as you understand the basics.”

“Does that mean I can get a copy of your spell?” Buffy asked hopefully.

Mist laughed as he landed in front of the exit. “Not until you’ve figured out how to target and control the basic version, talk to Hermione.” He walked through the portal.

“Rats,” Buffy muttered as she stepped through the exit portal.

Selena snickered as she followed Buffy through the portal. She didn’t blame Mist for wanting Buffy to get some practice before she got the upgraded spell.

Daenerys glanced around the strange item world as Aisha and Sin walked through the exit portal then followed them. She turned to look at Abby who was lounging in Mist’s chair. “How much did that boost the panties?”

Abby activated the sensory part of her upgrade ability and looked at the panties lying in the middle of the table. “Killing the Item God boosted the armor rating and bonus armor a significant amount. If nothing else it should help keep us safe without being anywhere near as annoying as actually wearing real armor.”

“If nothing else, it let us blow off some steam.” Mist didn’t want to mention his new Mundane Monday spell or ability to the group until he was sure that it couldn’t screw him over. While he trusted his companions to a decent extent he’d rather not give them the ability to easily screw him over if he could help it in case of drawbacks or other shenanigans.

“Let’s talk to Hermione about Mist’s combat spell,” Daenerys suggested as she left the office and headed toward the lounge to find Hermione.

“Sounds good,” Buffy agreed as she followed Daenerys.

Aisha glanced up at the clock. “I should get back to the studio and practice for tomorrow.”

“Break a leg,” Mist suggested with amusement.

“Thanks.” Aisha orbed back to her dressing room in the studio.

Abby glanced between Mist and Sin. “Did you manage to steal anything useful?”

“A devil ring, an enchanted frilly coat and a lot of crap off random monsters but nothing fantastic.”

Mist said, “We might get luckier with the rest of the duplicated panties. Nothing like being able to jump out at the second to last level so that you can kill the boss again and again after duplicating the original.”

“One of these days you’re going to jump into an item world and get blown apart then I’m going to laugh,” Abby pointed out.

Selena said, “That’s cold Abby.”

Abby stuck her tongue out at Mist. “He has extra lives, he’ll survive.”

Mist smiled at Abby. “Thanks for sending us into the panties.”

“You’re welcome. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to grab something to eat before movie night.” She stood up and looked at Selena. “Coming?”

Selena glanced at Mist. “Are you coming with us?”

Sin said, “We’ll catch up after we do some testing on a new spell.” 

“Cool, have fun.” Selena took Abby’s hand as she walked over then turned and walked out the door with her sister.

Mist watched his girlfriends walk out of the office then turned to look at Sin. “Ready?”

Sin gestured and dark orbed them back to the desert. “Sure.”

Mist glanced around the desert then cast his new Mundane Monday spell. He smiled slightly as his vision and enhanced hearing didn’t dull nor did the sun feel hotter. He lifted himself off the ground with his flight ability. “Looks like it works.”

Sin laughed as she floated off the ground. “So does Drain No.”

Mist stared at Sin in surprise. “I really should have checked the damned ability before I went to all that effort.”

“Pretty much boss,” Sin agreed.

Mist swapped to his actual Mundane Monday ability and sighed when they remained flying. “So much for it being a flaw in the spell.”

“You swapped to your original ability didn’t you?”

“Yeah.” Mist held out his hands and conjured a ball of flames over his hands. “This could be fun.”

Sin conjured a ball of flames over her right hand. “There is something to be said for having a fifty foot radius defense that only fucks with the enemy.”

Mist let the ball of flame vanish as he thought about how much the ability would screw with various high tech aliens and magic users. “It should make things easier.”

“I’m still going to tease you about turning it into a magical spell because you forgot about Drain No.” Sin snickered as she dropped her spell.

“To be fair now that I have the spell I can take the spell and twist it into an area version that I can leave places with Eyes of Permanence.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that you forgot about testing it.” Sin stuck her tongue out at Mist.

Mist shrugged. “I wasn’t expecting it to be as easy as combining the two powers.”

“Sometimes things really are that easy, speaking of easy, let’s head back before we miss the start of whatever movie the girls are playing.”

“Let’s hope it’s not a romantic comedy.” Mist gestured and orbed them up back up to the slice of heaven.


Daenerys frowned slightly as the crowd went wild with shouting and whistles as one of the Yankee players stepped up to the plate. ‘Why the excitement?’ she asked the group telepathically because she doubted anyone would be able to hear over the crowd.

Mist smiled as he replied mentally, “Because the bases are loaded and he’s a legend, in my world he retired in 1935 and still holds several records 80 years later. He’s faded a bit in the last couple of years but he’s still rather impressive.’

‘Which is why would wanted to see a game, right?’

‘Pretty much, yeah.’

Sin checked her watch then glanced at a small piece of a napkin she’d written some notes on. ‘Twenty says he hits a homerun.’ 

Ranma snorted. ‘I’m not taking that bet.’

‘Hell yeah,’ Dennis cut in as Babe Ruth hit the ball with a crack of thunder or at least it felt that way as the crowds went wild as the ball sored toward the stands.

Sin smirked as she reached up and caught the ball with her bare hand. “Yoink.”

Taylor looked over at where Sin was standing with a large smirk on her face and a ball in her hand. ‘How the hell did you know where he’d hit the homerun?’

‘Because I’m amazing,’ Sin lied as she looked down at the slip of paper with a seat number and time that she’d slipped herself as she was getting popcorn. Sure, traveling back in time a couple of hours to make sure you could catch one of Babe Ruth’s home runs was a little dodgy but it was Babe Ruth. 

Leo said, ‘He made some rather impressive hits over the years.’

‘I’ll say,’ Phoebe agreed.

Mist watched the legend run around the bases. While he’d played little league as a kid, he’d never really been a huge baseball fan but there was something to be said for enjoying the game in person rather than on television, especially when it gave you a chance to scan one of the best players in history in case he wanted to create a minion baseball team at some point. He smiled as he noticed Pandora and Leah cheering with the rest of the crowd. ‘At least everyone is having fun.’ He made a mental note to hit a couple more events and games before the end of the jump rather than waste all of his time making old movies.


Mist smiled as he finished writing the last line about Emily’s bubbly happy personality. “Done.” He blinked as a naked red haired teenage looking CGI elf girl appeared out of thin air sprawled out on the couch. “Weird.” Most of the toon items he’d drawn as practice had simply ‘fallen’ out of the page while a couple had to be shaken off the cel he’d drawn them on. The inkblot he’d drawn for a gig and because he wanted to copy three levels of the toon stretching perk and the ageless perk had simply pulled herself off the page and then proceeded to bounce around the room like a demented lunatic with too much coffee in her bloodstream. “Emily?”

The girl yawned and opened one eye. “Hey Boss…” she trailed off as she realized that she was in the real world. “You finished?”

“More or less.” It had taken some fiddling with patterns to upgrade his magical printer to use the toon ink but he’d worked everything out making a couple of toon items for the props department. “You’ll still need to read a couple of books to expand your talent list but you’re good for now.”

Emily sat up then glanced around the room. “Neat.”

Mist smiled as he glanced over her mostly flawless skin, while there weren’t any ugly moles or scars the CGI made her look more like a person than a traditional toon that usually only had a couple of colors. Her irises were a stunning blue that rarely happened in nature but were technically within the range of possible colors. “How are you feeling?”

“3D?” Emily asked as she gently poked at one of her breasts with her right index finger. “And squishy?” She stood up then glanced at her behind. “Looks spankable.”

Mist had a feeling Dawn was going to have way too much fun with her toon. “We’ll have to ask Dawn.”

Emily bounced on the balls of her feet which caused her breasts to bounce. “This is going to be fun.”

Mist pulled an Enhanced Mastery skillbook out of his inventory. “Read the book then we’ll find Dawn and you can have some fun while I copy your stunt double ability.”

“Oh, right, let me test that.” Emily giggled as she created four clones. “I look awesome.”

Mist looked over the identical naked redheads. Other than the fact that he knew where the original was standing he couldn’t tell the difference visually between Emily and her copies. “Looks like your stunt double power works.”

Emily grinned as she reached over and groped her copy’s butt. “I’m going to have so much fun with this.”

Her copy giggled.

“Welcome to the asylum.” Mist had a feeling she’d fit in a lot better with the rest of the group than the crazy inkblot he’d drawn.

Emily let her clones vanish then walked over and accepted the book then opened it. She blinked as it vanished. “Was that a trick?”

“Nope, it was a magic book, it boosted your ability to learn and retain skills.”

“Oh, you’re the best Dad ever!” She lunged forward and hugged him. “Thank you, thank you. Thank you!” She buried her face against his shoulder.

He patted her on the back. “You’re welcome.” He was just glad that he had two months to get her up to speed and okay with the idea of jumping between worlds before they jumped because she seemed like she was going to be a lot of fun. 


Genie smiled as Mist appeared in her blackstone room. “At least you’re not scowling.”

Mist grinned as he held out his arms. “The jump is a lot easier to deal with once you relax and stop worrying about the insanity.”

Genie smiled as she teleported over and pulled him into a hug. She rested her chin on his shoulder. “Have you figured out where you’re going next?”

Mist hugged her back. “Somewhere with interesting magic and a lot of space or the ability to make pocket dimensions.”

“Oh, I know just the place.” Genie gave Mist one last squeeze then teleported back to the middle of the room and gestured grandly at the wall. “Luck of the Draw.”

Mist frowned slightly as a jump document appeared on the wall. “Something to do with gambling?”

“More like a demonic raffle and the Wheel of Time.”

Mist blinked as he saw his name on the jump document. “Wait, seriously? Some Anon made a jump document based on one of my stories?”

“Yep, it’s actually pretty cool, take a look.”

Mist read through the introduction. “So we’d jump in right before the raffle and ‘win’ most of the stuff we pay CP for, got it.”

“Seems the only fair way to do things.”

“Let’s see what the Drop In abilities are, the ability to crash parties and events and get away with it, demon blood which isn’t all that useful, talisman magic which someone could share and a rebirth spell that could be interesting. Let’s see, Contestant, basic magic, a nice boost to charisma and plot armor for getting people to jump worlds with you…” Mist turned to look at Genie. “How much land can we buy?”

Genie snickered. “You can buy a world, it’s under the grand prize section.” 

Mist quickly scrolled down and looked at the the grand prize section. “800 points for a copy of a Wheel of Time world or 1,000 to pick a different world, damn.”

“See, I knew you’d like it. It’s a bit of a fixer upper what with the Dark One’s forces still scattered around but that’s part of the fun.”

Mist glanced at the copy of Superman’s powers that was the next item you could buy from the grand prize list. “Comic book level Superman before he got beat with the nerf bat.”

“Yep, rather impressive but how often do you really need to move planets out of orbit?”

“Not all that often and even if I did, I’d use magic rather than worrying about manually adjusting for the spin of the planet and the orbit about the sun.”


Mist scrolled down to look at the companion options. “Let’s see what we have.” He read through the Small Multiverse perk, “If I’m reading this right, I can import everyone that matches the story characters for 200 points with the Small Multiverse perk?”

“Yep, in other words you could import Xander, Buffy, Dawn, Egwene, Cordelia and most of the Harry Potter crew if you wanted. Willow would cost an additional 400 points because she gets a world of her own.”

“Probably still worth it,” Mist replied as he looked at the Army of Prizes option. “Army of Prizes would let me import the rest of my companions as prizes and gives them 400 points each. I’m not sure I’ll need to take it but not too bad all things considered.”

Genie said, “It’s not too bad if you haven’t been to Buffy or Harry Potter.”

“Point, give me a couple of minutes to read through the entire document and look at the flaws then you can bring the horde so we can figure out if we can cover everything we need.”

“Cool, that gives me a chance to catch up with everyone and meet Emily.”

Mist turned his attention back to the document and worked on his build.



Gender: Male

Background: Contestant: Homeworld, messed up Wheel of Time world.

Apprentice Mage: [Free] In order to be a contestant, you need magic, this perk provides you

with enough magic to be an average magic user from the magical world your new identity is from. Female Channeling

Bandwagon: [100] You have a dash of luck, an extra helping of charisma and a smidgen of

plot armor when it comes to convincing people to explore new worlds. As long as you’re not

trying to lead them into a trap, you’ll find people quite a bit more willing to come with you on

adventures than they otherwise would be. While they might still say no, most people will at

least entertain the possibility of coming with you.

Rare Talent: [Free] You have a rare talent to craft angreal and sa’angreal seeds.

One Percent: [300] Matches Lanfear in power. Female source.
Twinned Souls: [600] Your soul was merged with your past self granting you double the power of your purchased perks from this jump outside of the grand prize purchases.
Two Rivers: [600] You were born in a place where ''talents are Talents and humans walk as

gods.' While that is a bit of exaggeration and you might not have actually been born in the

Two Rivers region of Andor, your bloodline is rather exceptional. While this doesn’t change

your physical appearance you have a certain presence that attracts people to you and your

cause. In addition to giving you a significant boost to your elemental affinities and any magic

you take here, you gain one purchase of the Rare Talent perk for free and discounts on

further purchases.

Mount: [Free] You have a small token that you can use to summon a mount. Any damage is healed the next time you summon it. This particular token summons a large white tiger centaur like girl with glowing blue eyes and blue hair.

Land: [Free with Two Rivers] You have a house in the either the Wheel of Time of world or your world if you bought one.

World: [800] Interesting, rather than just raffling off one copy of the Wheel of Time, they’ll raffle off at least one additional copy and you’ll win one of them. This world is a bit of a fixer-upper, what with the large island of insane magic users in the south, the Dark One’s forces still hiding in most corners in the world and a decent chunk of the northern continent being a blighted wasteland of corruption and death. This world is connected via portal stones to Willow’s version of the Wheel of Time. This comes with a six inch crystal sphere that shows your world in exquisite detail, complete with weather patterns. It even has a zoom function that allows you to watch areas of your world in real time.


It’s a Small Multiverse: [600 Extra for Willow] Recruit various Buffy, Harry Potter and Wheel of Time characters, they get 500 CP and whatever background is appropriate for the character.

Borked Prize: [+50] You win a rather happy go lucky female channeler of decent strength that needs training. They insist on wearing see through clothes or nothing at all and generally flirt with you and any cute females around. They also like being leashed and will sulk and pout if they don’t get their way.

Mirror Trouble: [+50] You’re unnaturally unlucky/lucky when it comes to magical travel. Whenever you use a method to travel to a different world or teleport you tend to end up somewhere interesting unless you’re rather familiar with the destination you’re traveling to. The lucky part comes from the fact that you’ll never end up somewhere immediately harmful unless you’re trying to go there.
Black Ajah: [100] You’re on a list of never do wells, you can straighten it out with enough work.
Local Trouble: [100] The White tower finds me 'interesting' because I can channel the female side of the power despite being male.
Shadowspawn Magnet: [100] You attract shadowspawn and they can sense you from miles away.

Misplaced start: [200] My starting world is being pressed rather hard by shadowspawn armies.
Sore Loser: [300] Some demon from the raffle was rather upset with me for winning so they’re planning on killing me.
Dark Goddess: [600] A powerful god, demon or agent of the Powers That Be wanted to eliminate you and gave five dark apples to one of your previous enemies and dropped them on your starting world, never mind that the tree that created the apples hasn’t even been made yet. This turned them into a dark magic fueled god that is hell bent on destroying you. Sadly, thanks to their own native power and the dark magic of the apples they have sufficient power to pose a serious threat to yourself and your new identity’s home world.

Babysitting the idiot: [300] Babysitting the Demon Lord’s trouble prone nephew.
Forsaken: [200] Thirteen of the most powerful and evil magic users from the Age of Legends escape their prison as soon as you enter the jump. Not only that but they’re able to channel the Dark One’s left over power and destroy otherwise indestructible objects with relative ease. 

Genie looked over Mist’s build. “Let me guess, you’re dropping a dark goddess on your starting world because they don’t have enough problems?”

Mist winced slightly as he pictured how much damage a dark god could do before he managed to find them and kill them. “More like I wanted the points so I could afford the Two Rivers perk.”

“I’m a touch surprised that you didn’t take the upgraded flaw that makes you guilty of various crimes.”

Mist looked down his nose at Genie. “I’m not giving myself a background where I’m a dark cultist and besides, giving an organization the ability to screw with my magic is insane and a death sentence with my scaling enemy flaws and they give more points.”

Genie gestured and teleported all of Mist’s companions into the room. “I don’t blame you for wanting points but I think you’re a bit insane.”

“Why is he being insane?” Willow asked curious what Mist was up to.

Mist turned to look at Willow. “I picked up some interesting flaws that we’re going to have to deal with but once we deal with them we should be in the clear.”

Emily grinned as she looked around the blackstone room. “Oh, neat.”

“Who are you importing?” Prue asked curious who Mist was going to import this time around.

“And where are we going?” Piper added with a touch of amusement.

Mist glanced over the group of his friends and family. “We’re going to a world based on a Wheel of Time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Harry Potter crossover fic or the fic is based on the world we’re jumping into, I’m never really sure how that works.”

Genie snickered. “The multiverse is a really large place once you start looking around.”

Mist smiled slightly at Genie’s half answer. “Either way, one of the options lets me import companions into their alternates.”

Leet smirked then spoke up, “Which means we don’t have to worry about alternate memories, right?”

“Just Egwene, Harry, Hermione, Fred and George and Willow and people from her world. As long as we plan things out with perk sharing and item copying in mind, we should be good.”

“What’s the world like?” Leo asked as he glanced at Mist’s build on the wall screen.

Mist glanced at Buffy. “Buffy’s world basically lost magic because someone destroyed the Seed of Magic in that world-”

Willow cut in, “Someone destroyed magic!”

“Yeah, don’t worry, I know a couple of ways to fix things.” Mist turned to look at Harry and Hermione. “Harry wins the war against Voldemort but it’s rather a rather pyrrhic victory so when he’s offered the chance to leave, he takes Hermione and his sister and runs for the hills.”

“I have a sister?” Harry asked with amusement.

“Yep, she’s pretty cool if a little bloodthirsty.”

Genie spoke up, “She’ll fit right in.”

Mist turned and smiled at Genie. “Most likely.”

Leo frowned as he read the part about Mist winning a world. “You can buy an entire world?”

Genie gestured at Mist. “Just the jumper, mostly because he’s not really winning the world so much as I’m slipping the world to the demon lords and they’re ‘raffling’ it in such a way that Mist wins.”

“In other words, you’re cheating?” Dennis asked with amusement.

“Pretty much yeah which reminds me, try not to cause trouble in the arena, I had to promise that anyone I sent to the arena would be on their best behavior to get the tickets.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll behave,” Mist agreed as he glanced around at his friends and family. “Genie can you hand out refreshments while we try to piece everything together? I have a feeling it’s going to take a while.”

Genie gestured at the walls which brought up perk sheets for everyone that was eligible and conjured a table filled with delicious refreshments. She gestured with her other hand and conjured several dozen comfortable looking couches scattered around the room. “Sure, that will give me a chance to catch up.”


Abby and Selena

Background: Contestant: Homeworld, messed up Wheel of Time world

Apprentice Mage: [Free] Channeling: Male Source

Abby’s Mount: [Free] This particular token summons a large cute female dryder.

Selena’s Mount: [Free] This particular token summons a large snake that you can ride.


Background: Contestant: 

Apprentice Magic: [Free] HP Magic

One Percent: [300] Wheel of Time: Matches the Dragon Reborn: Male Source.

Twinned Souls: [600]


Mount: [Free] Large black dire wolf

Drawbacks: Misplaced start:[+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100]


Background: Contestant 

Apprentice: [Free] HP Magic

One Percent: [300] Force Adept at Skywalker’s level.

Miscellaneous Power: [200] You’ve picked up an ability to manipulate plants like a Nym from Wheel of Time.

Twinned Soul: [600]


Mount: [Free] Large white tiger.

Grimoire of magical knowledge: [100] While not the Necronomicon or anything, you’ve acquired a copy of a rather impressive spellbook such as Gargamel's book that has the secret of making small magical smurf like creatures out of clay. Strangely enough the spells in the book can be used by anyone with magical talent.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100], Sore Loser: [300]  


Background: Contestant

Apprentice: [Free] Buffy magic


Mount: [Free] Centaur girl.

Random Japanese Empowerment Item: [200] You’ve won your very own magical girl item. This powerful magical item gives sapient beings the ability to transform between their normal form and an attractive magical girl form which boosts their strength, endurance, speed and magical ability. Changing back and forth is under their control, not yours. How much of a boost? Enough to lift five tons, run all day at upwards of 50 mph and enough magical ability to toss around a decent number of moderately powerful combat spells or buffs if they started from nothing or about a 10% increase in their power if they already have magic more powerful than this. You may at the time you give them the magical girl form choose what type of outfit they get when they transform, anything from a fully functional skimpy magical girl outfit or spandex outfit complete with a helmet to steampunk ‘power’ armor. The armor value for the skimpy outfits is the same as the ‘power’ armor and depends on what they are wearing when they transform. You’re free to make different outfit choices for each being you empower. 

Vacation Island: [300] This wondrous luxurious tropical island vacation home in a globe can

speed up time so that you can sneak in a vacation almost any time you want. You may freely

teleport into the globe and safely return to the same general area once you’re done with your

vacation. You may of course take willing people with you because what is a vacation without

your friends. You may increase the flow of time in your vacation home by up to 30 times. The

vacation home comes with cute construct servers that are more than happy to take care of

you and all of your friends.

Fusion Toad: [400] You’ve won a fusion toad, it has the ability to eat two person sized or less items and spit out a combination of the two items.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200] Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100]


Background: Contestant

Apprentice Magic: Buffy World magic.

Party Crasher: [100] You have a certain knack for getting into places that are semi public but

require an invitation. If a party or event is open to more than a handful of people, you can

crash it without people objecting provided you behave yourself. Getting into a ‘private’ card

game at an illegal club would require little more than some halfway decent clothes and

flashing some cash while joining a White Cloak gathering would require you to toss on a white

cloak. This merely gets you in the door, any overly suspicious behavior after that will get them

to reevaluate your presence.


Mount: [Free] Large turtle.

Grimoire of magical knowledge: [100] You’ve acquired a copy of Morgana Le Fey’s book on combat magic. Strangely enough the spells in the book can be used by anyone with magical talent.

Grimoire of magical knowledge: [100] While not the Necronomicon or anything, you’ve acquired a copy of one of Merlin’s workbooks. Strangely enough the spells in the book can be used by anyone with magical talent.

Tree of Purification: [600] This interesting sapling will grow into a tree that eats corruption and concentrates it into magical apples. While most of the apples will be corrupted black apples that mutates and twists the being that absorbs their magic a small handful will be purified crystal clear apples that have no harmful effects. Both types of apple create a regenerating mana pool that works even in places without magic. Draining additional apples increases the mana pool until you eat five at which point you turn into a minor godling, gaining agelessness, a modest boost to your durability and magical talents and a moderate magical ability related to your personality, such as teleporting through shadows or summoning shadow ravens to spy for you. Unlike the version in the story where the number of apples you could drain before you exploded was based on your magical power, the apples from this tree won’t cause you to explode if you eat too many. Of course, once you drain five, you won’t get anything out of it other than refilling the tank.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200] Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100] 


Background: Contestant

Apprentice Magic: Buffy World Magic.

Talisman Magic: [400] You know an interesting type of magic that involves crafting talismans for each type of magical effect you want to use. The more general the talisman the more mana using it costs, the more specific, the less mana. While not as impressive as some forms of magic, it has the advantage that nearly everyone in the multiverse can use it if you awaken their potential. Awakening someone’s potential gives them a regenerating mana pool and allows them to use talismans to create various magical effects depending on the talisman in question. You can also teach them how to make their own talismans.


Mount: [50] Flying horse, Bella.

Invisible Flying Carpet: [50] You get a genuine flying carpet that can turn invisible. Its top speed is 100 mph.

Solar Charger: [100] This top of the line solar charger has been enchanted to supplement the solar energy it pulls in with ambient magical energy. It also comes with a battery that has a nearly endless capacity. It has adapters for most electrical devices that use batteries.

Random Japanese Empowerment Item: [200] Gender neutral version.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200] Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100] 


Background: Native Buffy’s world.

Past Life: [Free] You had a trade before you got your memories back, you were probably even

decent at it. You have professional level skill in arts and crafts and blacksmithing.

Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of strength in the One Power: Female.

Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of strength in the One Power: Male.

Rare Talent: [200 X2 = 400] You have a rare talent such as the ability to craft ter’angreal, enough to put you in the realm of legends.

Two Rivers: [300]

Twinned Souls: [600]

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100], Dark Goddess [600]


Background: Native Buffy’s world.

Past Life: [Free] You had a trade before you got your memories back, you were probably even

decent at it. You have professional level skill in fighting and social work.

Supernatural: [100] You’re a spell caster from Buffy.

Pocket Master: [200] You have a rather interesting talent for building ‘small’ pocket

dimensions. The more power you have when creating the dimension the more you can

customize it, making it larger, move at different rates of time or have strange and or

interesting effects like a wall of mist around the edges that allows you to walk into and out of

on the opposite side of the pocket dimension. With enough practice, you could even include

aspects of the world of dreams in your dimensions.


Legendary Item: [300] You’ve managed to get your hands on the Slayer Scythe.

Legendary Item: [300] You’ve managed to get your hands on the Ferula Gemina. This rod shoots a magical bolt that splits an individual into two beings, one possessing their strengths or dominant traits and the other their weaknesses or more passive traits.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100],


Background: Native

Past Life: [Free] You had a trade before you got your memories back, you were probably even

decent at it. You have professional level skill in dueling and enchanting.

Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of magic, you’re a wand user from Harry


Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of power and ability with the Force. 

Rare Talent: [First free + 200] Force Battle Meditation x2

Two Rivers: [300]

Drawback: Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100]


Background: Prize

Weather the Storm: [Free] Tossed back in time into your younger self, tied to a mad scientist for ten years or finding yourself on a world that is falling to the forces of darkness or has already fallen, it’s a big deal but it’s not going to break you. You’re immune to PTSD and other stress related disabilities. That isn’t to say you won’t get stressed by things but you’ll find ways to deal with it in a healthy fashion.

True Source: [100] You have enough magic to be one of the more impressive magic users for the Wheel of Time setting, think main cast level rather than Lanfear or the Dragon Reborn. 

Rare Talent: [700] You have a legendary talent for making Heartstone, Aligning the Matrix, Earth Singing and Spinning Earthfire. 

Twinned Souls: [300]

Two Rivers: [600]


Color Changing Outfit: [Free] You have an outfit made from color changing cloth that changes between two colors over the span of a minute. Unlike the material the produced by the ter’angreal in the story, you can freely select the colors it swaps between as well as the material’s transparency and the speed it changes color. The cloth is extremely durable, as in cutting it requires a magical blade and some work. You may import an outfit to get these properties for no additional charge.

Drawbacks: Black Ajah: [100], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100], Sore Loser [300], Dark Goddess [600]


Background: Native

Past Life: [Free] You have professional level skill in fencing and fashion.

Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of magic from being a higher power in Buffy.

Demon Blood: [200] You’ve got some demon or alien blood in you. In addition to having free range to tweak your appearance to make it look more demonic or alien whenever you need to, you can generate ‘demonic’ wings and fly.

Rebirth: [600] I’m not sure how you acquired a spell that shouldn’t have been invented yet but such is life. The spell allows you to give a target or targets a second chance at life. By casting this spell you may take a number of willing souls/beings and cause them to be reborn in a target female. Sapient targets have to be willing. This recreates the target/targets as a child or children of themselves and the target female. They’ll end up looking mostly the same as they did before though there might be some changes depending on the mother. For the purposes of genetic testing or magic the resulting child counts as the child of themselves and their mother. This can grant access to new genetic abilities if the mother has any genetic or magical abilities that pass down by inheritance. This has a small chance of producing twins which may be increased with fertility spells. This ability doesn’t count as death.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100]

Fred Weasley:

Background: Native:

Past Life: [Free] You have professional level skill in stealth and joke creation.

Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of wand magic.

Binder: [200] You have a binder, a vaguely triangle shaped piece of metal which can be used to create control rings and magical tattoos that bind people to the rings. You may also chain the rings so that one ring can control anyone linked to the child rings. The upside is that anyone with a tattoo is immune to other forms of mind control or obliviate. You may not wear your own ring and anyone bound to a ring gets an annoying buzzing ‘sound’ if the ring they’re connected to isn’t worn. In order to tattoo someone a control ring is touched to the top of the binder then the being in question has to stick their wrist/arm in the binder for several seconds while someone else feeds magic into the binder. They don’t need to be willing for the record.

True Source: [200] You may also take this to be a Ogier Treesinger. Comes with an Ogier alternate form.

Hero’s Loot: [400] Somewhere in your travels you picked up something rather impressive, a broach that protects you from teleportation damage.

Drawbacks:  Misplaced start: [+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100]

George Weasley:

Background: Native

Past Life: [Free] You have professional level skill in potion creation and joke creation.

Supernatural: [100] You have a decent amount of wand magic.

Portable Workshop: [200] You have a top of the line workshop in a pocket dimension that you can access via a free standing arch. You can set the rate of time compression when you purchase the item up to thirty times faster.

Talent Sharing Bracelets: [600] You have two sets of magical bracers that allow people to temporarily share magical talents with anyone that wears the other set. For example, if one wearer has a talent for wandless magic, everyone wearing the matching sets will find themselves with the ability to use wandless magic while wearing the matching bracelet. This also comes with instructions on making additional sets.

Drawbacks: Misplaced start: [+200], Shadowspawn Magnet: [100], Local Troubles: [100]

Genie finished looking everything over then looked back at where Mist standing near the refreshment table. “Looks good.”

Mist pulled his attention off the party and back to Genie. “Does that mean we’re good to go?”

“If you’re ready?”

“As ready as we’re going to be,” Egwene admitted.

“Have you decided who you want to be bound to?” Mist asked.

Egwene glanced between Harry and Mist then focused on Harry. “Do you mind?”

Harry said, “I have a feeling I’m going to have enough on my plate when we bring the other Ginny back to life considering Ginny didn’t want to import as her alternate.”

Ginny rolled her eyes. “She grew up hearing stories about a fictional version of Harry, I mean don’t get me wrong, the sex is good but he’s not my world and I’d rather not get her memories if I can help it.” She glanced at Harry. “No offense.”

Harry smiled at Ginny. “None taken.” It was actually a relief that she wasn’t a fangirl.

Egwene smiled at Mist. “In that case, let’s go with Mist.”

Sin rubbed her hands together. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

Riley was looking forward to picking Aginor’s brain apart to see what she could figure out about making constructs and shadowspawn.

Pandora said, “If the Forsaken and the various dark goddesses running around don’t kill us.”

Leah snorted. “They were going to get out eventually anyways, might as well get points for it.”

“Do we have a plan for dealing with them?” Vista asked warily.

“Toss a Skitter at them,” Dennis muttered.

Shaman stuck her tongue out at Dennis though she had to agree, her alternate was pretty good at dealing with problems.

Xander glanced between Faith and Egwene. “I’m more worried about the dark goddesses we’re going to be scattering around.”

Mist thought about the note that he’d slipped Genie that should help with the dark goddess, at least he was hoping it would help. “It won’t be the first time we’ve dealt with dark gods. Probably won’t be the last either.”

Genie glanced around. “On that happy note, the auction is starting soon, are you ready?”

“Wait three hours then come find us.” Mist nodded toward Genie. “Ready.”

“See you in a year.” Genie snapped her fingers and sent the group to the coliseum.


Mist blinked as he went from being Mist, a rather unremarkable if tall blue eyed eighteen year old resident of the Two Rivers to Mist o’Shadows, master of magic and explorer of worlds. ‘I hate that part.’ He studied the ‘sea’ of demons filling the rest of the coliseum his past ‘self’ had been studying for a couple of seconds. They weren’t nearly as scary as they’d been a couple of seconds ago as he knew that he could make a decent go of things if he had to unlike before he’d dropped in. ‘The differences a couple of seconds can make.’ He turned away from the gathered demons and turned his attention toward the ‘people’ in his section of the coliseum. He recognized the animated humanoid duck from the Saturday morning cartoons he’d watched a lifetime ago as well as the youngest Simpson, Maggie. ‘At least Magica De Spell doesn’t win anything overly dangerous.’ 

The turned his attention toward the stunning dark red haired girl sitting with Hermione and Harry. ‘I don’t think my earlier story captured just how beautiful she is,’ he glanced back at Harry who had a hint of a smirk on his face, ‘lucky bastard.’ He glanced over at Illyria and Spike, they both matched their appearance from Angel so they were easy enough to pick out even without Illyria’s blue hair and leatherlike bodysuit. He grinned slightly at Dawn who was sitting on Xander’s lap. “At least we’re in good company.”

Abby whispered as she stared at the anthropomorphic duck, “Mostly and only if you ignore the demons.”

Selena grinned as she pulled her language lozenge box out of her inventory. “I don’t know, this could be fun.”

Abby glanced at her sister. “What are you doing with that?”

“Giving candy to a baby.” She opened the box then pulled out an English lozenge and walked over to Maggie Simpson. “Candy?”

Maggie looked suspiciously at the candy then reached out and grabbed it. She used her other hand to pull her pacifier out of her mouth and popped the lozenge into her mouth then gave Selena a smile.

Violet turned to look at Selena. “I hope that wasn’t anything dangerous.”

“Nope, just a language lozenge so she can speak, read and write English. It also comes with basic math skills.”

“Oh, that makes a certain amount of sense. I’m Violet and you’re hot.”

Selena held her hand out toward the hot redhead. “I’m Selena and my sister is Abby. The man at the railing is Mist.”

Violet shook Selena’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Hermione had to resist snickering as she said, “Hermione Granger.”

Harry rolled his eyes as he spoke up, “Harry Potter.”

Spike raised a bleached eyebrow. “What type of name is Mist?”

“I’m a magic user by trade,” Mist replied with a touch of amusement as he looked at the blonde vampire.

Xander spoke up, “Xander the one eyed pirate.” He gestured toward the red haired girl next to him that wasn’t Willow. “This is Leah and the cute girl on my lap is Dawn.”

“Pleased to meet you.”

Mist flashed Dawn a smile. “Same.”

A demon girl with cloth bunny ears and a skimpy one piece swimsuit smiled as she set a wooden box down on the open spot at the front of the section. “If I can have your attention, the main raffle doesn’t start for another hour but I’d like to raffle some door prizes now so you have a chance to trade and make bets before the main event.”

Magica De Spell rubbed her hands together. “Excellent.”

Maggie Simpson stared at the duck for a couple of seconds before ignoring her in favor of looking at the girl with bunny ears.

The demon girl smiled as she looked over the crowd. “When I call your ticket please step up and collect your winnings. Don’t lose your ticket because it’s what enables you to win the larger drawing later.” She reached into her box and pulled out a small crystal stone then read off the number attached to the tag. “Please come up and get your summonable flying horse.”

Mist watched absently as Xander walked up to collect his flying version of Bella after checking his ticket. ‘Hopefully the rest of the group is doing okay.’


Fred Weasley twitched slightly as he ‘woke’ up and realized that he had a lot of extra memories and abilities. “That’s a rush.” He glanced around his joke shop with a grin as he realized he had a lot of new options for designing pranks. “This could be interesting.”

Dean Thomas glanced over at Fred uneasily. “What could be interesting?”

“I just had a couple of ideas for new pranks.”

“Why does that fill me with dread?”

“Because you know him,” George piped up as he walked out of the backroom.

Fred looked at George. “I was thinking we should figure out how to create temporary toon pranks.”

George blinked. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Because I’m a genius.”

Dean glanced between Fred and George. “Are you serious?”

“Turning someone into a cartoon is easy, the real trick will be making sure they turn back at the end of the prank.”

George turned and looked at Dean. “We might need some volunteers.”

“Ah, right, look at the time,” Dean replied as he headed for the door at a fast walk.

Fred held his laughter in until Dean made it out of the door.

George smiled as he thought about the logistics of creating a prank item that could temporarily turn someone into a toon. “Actually, if we turn the temporary toon ability into a spell then set the duration and make the prank item like a one use staff we could probably sell them for a decent amount.”

Fred glanced at the clock. “We have at least an hour before Mist and the rest are done with the raffle, we can probably toss something together before then.”

“What about packing up the shop?” George asked in a whisper.

“To hell with that,” Fred dropped his voice down to a whisper, “Harry can just stuff the whole thing in a snowglobe if we decide to bail.”

“Works for me…” George trailed off as Tonks walked into the store. “Tonks.”

Tonks glanced around the rather packed shop then back at Fred and George. “Boys.”

Fred smiled at Tonks. “What brings you by?”

“Anna is sleeping, I figured I’d check in.”

“How is the little munchkin?”

“Sleeping like a baby.” Tonks glanced over at the register that Lee was working then asked in a whisper, “Do we have a plan?”

“Not particularly, keep selling pranks until we get bored or someone calls. We have a year before we jump, I’m going to enjoy it.”

“In that case, I think I’ll take a look at what you’re selling before I have to go feed Anna.”

George gestured around the shop. “We have a little bit of everything.” He was looking forward to scanning all of their products and upgrading the shop to a Builder shop so they didn’t have to spend a crazy amount of time keeping the shelves stocked.

“Thanks.” Tonks turned and headed for the shelves to see what the twins had come up with.



Very nice, Do you have a link to this Cyoa? When I tried to find it I found some other one.

Mist of Shadows

<a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0By8NY-NO4-N5QVRLV0pQR0VaV1E" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0By8NY-NO4-N5QVRLV0pQR0VaV1E</a>


Thank you, this should be helpful.