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Vicky pulled her attention away from where her sister was checking the shopkeeper for genetic issues when the bell over the shop rang and a bland looking man in a brown delivery outfit walked into the shop backwards pulling a refrigerator sized box with a handcart. "Do you need help with that?"

"I'm good, Tom has the door," the man replied as he cleared the door and carefully set the box down.

"Least I can do," Tom replied as he walked in carrying a couple of cardboard boxes of various sizes, one of which was almost as long as he was tall. "I'm going to need someone to sign for everything, preferably the shopkeeper or Rose."

"Rose stepped out to grab something but I'm the shopkeeper," Myst told the men then looked at Amy. "Are we good?"

"You're fine," Amy replied as she pulled her hand away from his arm, not wanting to admit that she'd been drifting while her power tried to figure out how to give people magic.

"Thanks," Myst replied as he focused on Tom. "What do I need to sign?"

Tom walked over and set the boxes and his clipboard on the counter. "You can either sign on the bottom of the page and we'll get out of your hair or you can unwrap everything and make sure everything works before you sign the page. I suggest checking everything, some of our suppliers are a bit dodgy."

Myst walked over and opened the top of the refrigerator sized box. He moved enough of the foam pellets out of the way that he could use his Upgrade ability on the wooden box. "Huh, I wasn't actually expecting it to work."

"What does it do?" Vicky asked.

"It's a coin operated transportation device, if you put a quarter in the coin slot, it will transport you to another world," Myst replied as he walked over to the counter and opened the next package, wanting to check everything since the delivery guys didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"That sounds useful," Vicky mused, fairly sure there were a lot of people that would be happy to jump to a new world if they had a chance.

"It's a popular purchase when you're dealing with death worlds or when you need to run from the mob," Tom offered.

"Or you live in a world with endbringers," Myst mused as he glanced over the small instruction pamphlet that came with the keychain sized remote with two buttons. "Huh, that's one way to make sure your enemies can't use your gear."

"What are you talking about?" Vicky asked, curious about the normal looking black car remote that Myst was holding.

"The remote conjures a phone booth and the booth conjures a magic costume that only works for the person that first put it on and you have to put it on in the booth," Myst explained as he checked the remote with his upgrade ability, wanting to make sure the ability matched what the pamphlet described.

"What type of costume?" Vicky asked, wondering if the costumes provided any armor.

"Supergirl," Myst replied as he pointed the remote at an empty spot on the floor and pushed the green button, causing a glass and metal phone booth to appear on the floor out of thin air.

"How does it work?" Vicky asked.

"You step into the booth and dial 4376 then strip and put the costume on," Myst replied as he used his Upgrade ability to check the phone booth, wanting to make sure that it wasn't cursed or dangerous. 'Okay, the costumes are better if at least a couple of people watch them strip, I might have to give the company a tip.'

"Strip?" Amy asked warily.

"I didn't make it, I just bought it," Myst replied as he handed her the pamphlet.

"Huh," Amy muttered as she read through the information on the remote and the costumes that the booth created. "The costumes actually get more powerful if people watch you strip."

"It's a popular purchase for parties and cons," Tom offered.

"Why 4376?" Vicky asked curiously.

"The numbers spell out 'hero' which makes it easy to remember," Myst explained.

"No one would…" Amy trailed off as her sister opened the phonebooth and stepped inside. "You can't be serious."

"Someone has to test it," Vicky replied cheerfully as she picked up the phone. "Hero, right?"

"Yep," Myst replied with a smile.

"Carol is going to freak," Amy muttered.

"We've got another twenty minutes before everyone shows up," Vicky replied as she punched in 4376 on the keypad, causing a sheer Supergirl costume to appear on the bench.

"You're not going to look away, are you?" Amy asked Myst when she noticed that he was watching her sister.

"Nope," Myst replied with amusement as he pulled a couple of gold coins out of his pocket and tossed them to Tom to cover the purchases.

"You realize she's underage, right?" Amy asked.

"Which means no touching or encouraging her to do anything questionable," Myst replied. "She volunteered and it would be irresponsible to not supervise the possibly dangerous device."

"Right," Amy replied, planning on stealing the excuse if Vicky asked why she was watching.

Vicky smiled at the delivery guys that were a couple of years older than she was. "Not a word."

"We're not even from Earth-Bet," Tom assured her.

"Perfect," Vicky replied as she started stripping, not seeing a problem with flashing them if it meant that she could get a magical costume out of it, especially if she could talk Myst into making it bulletproof.

'I should ask if he has potions or ways to get rid of lust,' Amy told herself as she watched her sister strip, trying hard to avoid blushing since there was a hell of a difference in catching a glimpse of her sister in the locker room or in her room and openly watching her put on a show for a couple of strangers that she'd never see again. 'You need therapy Vicky, the first chance you get to show off without it getting back to Carol and you're shaking it like a stripper on stage.'

'I wonder if the adventure book has therapists,' Myst mused, keeping part of his attention on the biokinetic and the rest on the attractive blonde girl that was pulling her bra off. 'Having someone to talk to that wouldn't rat her out would probably help.'

Harry blinked when he walked into the shop and saw Vicky in the phone booth. "Nice."

"Thanks," Vicky replied, doing her best to cover the fact that she was nervous that the new guy would make a scene. "No pictures or posting."

"No one would believe me," Harry replied with amusement as he walked over to where Amy and Myst were standing.

"Any problems with your project?" Myst asked Harry, not taking his eyes off Vicky.

"Nope, mission accomplished," Harry replied as he watched Vicky let her skirt fall to the floor of the phone booth, revealing a pair of blue panties. "What's with the show?"

"The phone booth conjures magical Supergirl costumes but you have to strip and put the costumes on in the booth to activate the magic," Myst explained.

"Cool, do you have to be a girl?" Harry asked, not taking his eyes off Vicky.

"Not that I know of," Myst replied as he used his Upgrade ability on the sheer Supergirl costume that was on the bench. 'Limited shape changing and a minor force field in addition to 66 mph Flight, better than I was expecting.' He refocused on Vicky as she grabbed her panties. "Scratch that, putting the costume on turns you into a blonde girl while you're wearing the costume."

"Cool," Harry replied, looking forward to picking up a costume so that he could prank people.

"Cool?" Amy asked in surprise. "Most boys would be worried about turning into a girl."

Harry smiled as he used his shape changing to turn into a copy of Vicky, causing his enchanted clothes to alter to fit. "I'm a shape changer."

"Can you copy anyone?" Vicky asked as she dropped her panties to the floor, leaving her naked.

"Close enough," Harry replied as he changed to look like Amy without her freckles. "What do you think?"

Amy pulled her attention away from her sister and looked at Harry, finding it a bit weird to see someone that looked like her, if you ignored the freckles that normally covered her face. "I think I look better without the freckles," she complained as she turned her attention back to watching her sister, wishing she could get rid of her collection of freckles since they tended to clump together.

"That's easy enough if you want," Myst offered as he watched Vicky pull the sheer costume over her head.

"Really…" Amy trailed off as the sheer red and blue costume settled into place and Vicky's features changed, causing her to look like a random action hero with solid c-cup breasts and athletic muscles that weren't over the top. 'Damn, okay, maybe it's not just Vicky or maybe I'm still attracted to her because she's still Vicky?'

"That's certainly one way to get a secret identity. Do you want me to boost the costume's force field and durability?" Myst asked, figuring it would make a decent costume if you tossed a swimsuit on under it or wore something with an S.E.P. field on it.

"It has a force field?" Amy asked warily, not sure how to feel about the costume being useful enough that she'd probably have to get one.

"Technically. It's basically a bug shield at the moment but I can upgrade it into something that would stop bullets," Myst offered.

"Can you make the costume less sheer?" Amy asked hopefully.

"That's a feature, not a bug," Myst replied with a grin.

"Is that a no?" Amy asked.

"There's nothing stopping you from wearing a swimsuit under it or wearing it under your robe," Myst told her as he opened the next box, revealing a metal box with an extendable lightning rod on it. He checked the box with his Upgrade ability. "The results are a bit less stable than I'd like but they're close enough." He opened the last package, revealing something that looked a lot like a proton pack from the Ghostbusters movie.

"Is that a proton pack?" Amy asked, distracted from worrying about the costume.

"Nope, it's a Minion Zapper 9000," Myst replied as he checked it with his upgrade ability. "It's a reasonably safe way to zap people that aren't brutes and don't have force fields."

"Reasonably safe?" Amy asked.

"I wouldn't want to shoot anyone with a pacemaker but it's safer than a taser and it should get people's attention," Myst replied as he glanced over the contract that said he'd received the magical devices and that they were in decent condition when they arrived. He signed the bottom of the page then handed the clipboard to Tom. "Thanks for not complaining that I wanted to test things."

Tom pulled his attention off Vicky. "Not a problem, it makes things easier."

"Let's go," the other delivery guy said as he gave Tom a push toward the door, knowing they had a couple more packages to deliver before they were done for the day.

Tom collected the handcart on the way out, giving Vicky a wink before they left.

Vicky snickered as the delivery men left. "Mom's going to kill me if this ends up on PHO."

"We're not saying anything," Myst assured her. "Speaking of things we're not going to mention, did you want your freckles gone?" he asked Amy.

Amy turned and focused on Harry. "Can you increase my bust a touch?"

"A cup or more?" Harry asked as he used his shape changing power to increase 'his' breast size.

"Go big or go home," Vicky teased as she picked up her clothes.

"A bit more?" Amy asked, fairly sure Carol would flip her shit over the entire thing but tired of looking ugly.

"Is there a mirror I can use?" Vicky asked.

"I got it," Harry offered as he gestured, conjuring an illusion of a full length mirror before Myst could point her towards the bathroom mirror.

"Thanks," Vicky replied as she stepped out of the phone booth and looked at the mirror, doing a couple of different poses to see how the costume looked and sort of glad that she didn't look like herself since it made it easier to show off a bit, that and the fact that her and Dean were off again for the moment left her feeling more like showing off than usual. "Too small, a little bigger," she suggested to Harry.

Amy frowned when Harry increased the size of 'her' breasts to the point where they'd probably get in the way. "Too big."

"You should probably add about four inches to her height, she isn't done growing but if we max everything out we can upgrade her bones so they won't break," Myst offered as Rose and Taylor walked into the shop with a shopping bag.

"Nice," Rose said when she saw the blonde girl posing in front of the mirror. "How fast does the costume let you fly?"

"I haven't tested it, I got a bit distracted," Vicky admitted as she glanced at the girls that had entered, a bit relieved that she didn't recognize them from school. "Hi."

"Helloooo nurse!" Rose teased then snickered. "Sorry, I couldn't help it."

"That's usually Amy's gig, but I'll take it," Vicky replied, happy for the compliment even if she didn't swing that way.

Taylor glanced between the girl with Biokinesis and the girl that had been checking herself out in the mirror that was probably Glory Girl judging by her powers and the fact that Amy was there. She glanced at the Amy shaped copy, recognizing her brother's clothes. "Harry?"

"Guilty," Harry replied as he increased 'his' height by four inches. "Myst offered to give her a couple of upgrades, I was modeling them."

"Huh," Amy muttered. "I actually look okay like that."

"Can you give her some muscles?" Vicky asked.

Harry changed 'his' body, giving her a more athletic look. "How's that?"

"Nice," Vicky offered.

Amy rubbed her face with her hand, fairly sure Carol was going to ground her for letting an unknown cape mess with her body. 'Fuck it, it's my life and Vicky likes it.' She turned and looked at Myst. "Let's do it, the height and the bust increase."

"Your wish is my command," Myst replied as he spent the mana to max out Amy's natural growth. 'Not quite enough.' He added a couple of inches, boosting her up to five ten then spent the mana to boost her breasts up to a nice C-cup that seemed to fit. 'This would be easier if she was naked. Well, easier for me.' He spent the mana required to upgrade her skin so that she wouldn't have to deal with freckles or moles.

Amy scowled as she reached back and unhooked her bra so it would stop digging into her sides. "I'm going to have to fix my clothes."

Myst upgraded Amy's pants so they'd stretch to fit and stop trying to cut off her circulation then did the same for her underwear and shirt. "Better?"

"Much," Amy admitted as she walked over so she could look at herself in the mirror.

"Does the phone booth work more than once or do we have to resummon it?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, just dial 4376 and it should give you a Supergirl costume," Myst told her, not having seen anything about having to reactivate it.

"What happens if we dial villain?" Rose asked as she stepped into the phone booth and picked up the phone.

"No clue," Myst replied.

"Cool, let's see if this gets us anything," Rose replied as she typed in 8455246.

"It's probably not going to…" Myst trailed off as a sheer black outfit appeared on the bench next to a whip, "work."

"Is it cursed?" Rose asked, wanting to make sure it wasn't going to actually twist her mind or do anything bad before she put it on or even touched it.

Myst relaxed when he checked the whip and the costume with his Upgrade ability and realized that the whip was enchanted to let the user control the sound of the whip made when you cracked it and the costume merely boosted agility and increased the speed that you learned how to use a whip. "It's safe, it just boosts agility and speeds up your ability to use a whip."

"Cool," Rose replied as she started playfully stripping, taking off one illusionary piece of clothing at a time and smiling at Taylor and Amy.

Myst spent the mana to increase the durability of Vicky's outfit then spent mana to increase the force field, boosting it to the point where it would stop a tank shell. "That should give you a decent force field that doesn't rely on your powers."

"Awesome," Vicky replied as she turned her attention to Rose's show, rather amused with the girl's enthusiasm despite her lack of interest in girls.

"Is she always this enthusiastic?" Amy asked.

"Yep," Harry replied as he changed back to his normal appearance, rather amused that Amy's nipples looked like they could cut glass. "She's my sister and I love her but she's a little bit nuts."

Rose snickered as she 'grabbed' her illusionary underwear and tossed them, causing the black panties to vanish as soon as they left her hand. She blew Taylor a kiss then grabbed the sheer spandex catsuit and started pulling it on now that she'd stripped off her 'clothes' on the off chance it mattered and because she'd had fun teasing Taylor and Amy.

"Girlfriend?" Amy asked Taylor.

"No," Taylor replied, finding herself wishing that Rose was planning on sticking around long enough to properly get to know her since it was nice to have someone to talk to. "She's with the shop."

"Yeah, I'll be gone in a week," Rose admitted.

"Or two," Myst cut in, planning on staying at least a week or two if things didn't go sideways. He turned to look at the young dark skinned teenager that walked into the shop as the bell rang over the door. "Welcome to the Magic Shop, how can I help you?"

Aisha glanced between the naked girl that was standing in the phone booth putting on a skintight catsuit and the girl in a sheer Supergirl costume then focused on the man in his twenties. "I'm looking for magic that cures drug addiction," she said, hoping the magic was real or at least a parahuman spawned equivalent as long as it worked.

"Physical or mental?" Myst asked as he walked around the counter and picked up one of the apple ciders.

"Both?" Aisha asked, not sure which her mother needed more.

"I'm not sure I can help with mental addiction but the cider should help with physical addiction and physical damage," Myst assured her as he used his Upgrade ability to boost the cider so that it would heal all of the damage drugs caused in addition to making someone about twenty years younger if they were old enough.

"How much?" Aisha asked, fairly sure it was out of her price range despite the flier she'd found about the new shop that offered cheap solutions to your problems.

"A dollar, it's cider and mana for a good cause," Myst replied as he levitated the bottle over to the attractive girl wearing trashy clothes.

"I can do that," Aisha replied as she pulled a dollar coin out of her pocket.

"Can that cure depression?" Amy asked hopefully.

"It's worth a try," Myst replied as he grabbed the coin out of the girl's hand with a levitation charm and floated it over. He grabbed the coin out of the air and dropped it in the coin box.

"What's with the strippers?" Aisha asked.

"I bought a phone booth from a magical tinker that makes magic costumes if you strip and put the costume on while you're in it," Myst replied as he grabbed another bottle of cider and worked on increasing the cider's ability to heal so it would cure depression.

"Seriously?" Aisha asked Amy, mostly because she recognized her from New Wave's website and the news and wasn't sure she had enough of a sense of humor to lie, though she had to admit the girl looked much more attractive in person.

"The hero costume gives Flight and the villain costume boosts your Agility and your ability with whips," Amy replied, deciding to just go with the insanity.

Vicky floated up off the ground a foot, using the costume's power rather than her own. "It also comes with a bug shield."

"Sweet," Aisha replied then grinned. "Has anyone tried rogue?"

"Not yet," Rose replied with amusement as she stepped out of the phone booth in her new catwoman costume. "What do you think?"

"Meow," Vicky offered.

"I'll take it," Rose replied as she walked over to check herself out in the mirror.

"How much for a costume?" Aisha asked.

Amy jumped when her phone beeped, letting her know that she had a text message. She pulled her phone out and read the message. "Aunt Sarah wants to know if we can park in front or if there's a better place to park."

"Hold that thought," Myst told Aisha, not wanting to deal with a bunch of heroes arguing about the morality of teenage girls stripping naked for powers when they could just wait until they left.

"Front's good," Rose told her as she covered her costume with the illusion of her street clothes.

"Do I need a key for the restroom?" Vicky asked Myst as she headed toward the restroom with her clothes to put them over her magic costume.

"Nope," Myst replied.

"So, do you like video games?" Rose asked Aisha.

"What do you have?" Aisha asked, curious what type of video games they had in a magic shop.

"Lots of things, let's check them out while they’re busy out here," Rose replied as she headed toward the video game room.

Taylor glanced at Amy then followed Rose, figuring she'd ask Amy about copying her powers later since she had to touch capes to get a permanent copy of their powers and copying the powers of other heroes without permission or an emergency wasn't a road she wanted to go down.

"Sure," Aisha replied, figuring she had a couple of hours to kill before anyone expected her home and she wanted a magic costume so she could help her brother with his gang.

Amy sighed when her cousin walked into the shop and stopped dead when he saw her. "Surprise?"

"What the hell Amy?!" Eric sputtered, not used to having to look up at his cousin.

"Magic," Amy replied dryly.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons that we wanted beds from here, they're basically tinkertech but without the maintenance requirements," Amy explained.

"Cool," Eric replied. "Are you going to hit me if I say that you look better without the freckles?"

"I'm not the violent one, that's Vicky," Amy complained. “I’d probably hit you if you said I looked better with them to be honest because I always hated them.”

“They were cute… but they did tend to clump a bit on your face and probably would have looked better if there were less of them,” he replied honestly.

“That works,” the easily irritated brunette said, much to his relief.




Carol "Amy you are grounded for life" Amy "worth it"

Chichi son

"We're not saying anything," Myst assured her. "Speaking things we're not going to mention, did you want your freckles gone?" he asked Amy. Speaking of things