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Hey all!

Thank you so much for your support last month! We're reaching crazy numbers. We reached over 750 patrons last month! I can't even phantom how many of you support me on a monthly basis. Thank you so much!

Here is my upcoming content for March!

I first want to start off with my following animation because it is the LONGEST animation I have made so far. It's over 4 minutes long, and it is once again in POV and, therefore (the 10-dollar patrons) also in VR. Unlike Feminized Selfie time and Life of Womanhood, this animation has many more animation frames than those two combined. Also, it is hardcore NSFW! So there is no way I can post this on youtube haha XD I also innovated more on the environment on this one; I've actually used the 3d models themselves in the finished result instead of just a block out. Let's say that the Gender Wave in the animation is really large and immersive!

But I have more than just the animation in store for you! I have a couple of TG one-shots and a sequence for you planned. Like Hold it where holding a phone can be quite difficult for a guy, but with the shelf of some blossoms, it can be quite easy! 

And last but not least, we have two new pages of FF for Gender Studies. Where we'll soon come to a conclusion about Stephanie's journey through her three months as a woman.

That's it folks, thank you for the support and talk to you soon! <3





Can't wait! Is the animation gonna have some visible change or will it be like the other gender wave animation?