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Hey all!

Thank you so much for the support for August. What a growth these last couple of months! I'm genuinely grateful to you guys for finding my work so much worth it! I hope I won't let you down!


This is the stuff I'm planning to give is the following.

First, we have the continuation of the Potion mishap small comic series. Spoilers, there is a third part XD I Wasn't planning on it, but the commissioner wanted a
"spicy" end to the two lovers ;)

Then we begin with the newest long premium comic: FF for Gender Studies! It was first called DD for Gender Studies. But the editor noted to me that the bust of the main characters is definitely an FF, so I changed it a little bit. I'm planning to show the initial script for the 10-dollar tier and also ask for feedback if there are some cool ideas I can explore. And there are also two versions of page 2. I won't spoil the reason here, but you will see it when it comes out. They are two completely different pages, that's why I've planned them on different dates.

Third, we have two TG one-shots (single-page transformation comics). One is Anger Management, and the other is Pouring Challenge. I'll let your imagination guess what the pouring challenge entails. 

And for the conclusion of the month, a new TG animation!!! It's called SWAO.IO, and it will be a bit shorter than my previous animations (30 seconds), but I focus more on the frame-by-frame animation instead of lazy looping animations and interpolations. So more quality instead of quantity. Of course it will be voice acted ;) 


I'm planning to make one animation piece every month. Let me know what you think of it. ^^

And once again, thank you for your support!



Daniel Haggarty

1) Your art style is coming along so well! There are a lot of artists out there that have frankly stagnated, and you are always pushing yourself and trying new things. 2) Holy fuck you are lewd and I love it! 3) This is selfish, but I would love to see more "process" in animations! I know process is the hardest stuff to animate without it looking like trash (I have spent hours in Blender and Unreal trying to get character morphs or physics simulations to not look like trash). I watch a lot of Corridor Crew, and lately have been trying to find artistic ways to hide the jank in animations. Maybe you might find their content interesting?


1) Oh my, thank you so much for the compliment! I'm trying to experiment a little bit each here and then. Sadly my latest long comic, Fertility Sacrifice, suffers from it for its inconsistent art-style haha. 2) Lewd is what I live for! 3) Yeah, long process animations sound like hell to pull off, let alone to make it even good. The animation in this month (SWAP.IO) will be more frame-by-frame since the interpolation in my latest comic was a too much and looked artificial, but the transformation is sadly more limited/not detailed. I'm planning on making a more detailed transformation animation in the next month (I still have to make that one, so I'm not sure how it will turn out), but it is in style as the transformation of Druaga no Tou, so fast transformation but more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnLpJROMMhc