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I realized the GENDER WAVE comic consist of over 100+ pages. And scrolling them down in Patreon is too much of a hazzle.

Thats why I've setted up a google share folder so you can view the GENDER WAVE series more better and read them immediately from start to finish.




I vote for a PDF with ALL chapters, if a chapter is finished (same for all your other comics).


Thats an interesting idea, all the pages in one PDF. I am worried though that people will abuse it, what do you think?


I think the change for abusing is for the share folder link much higher. Just cancel your pledge and save the link and getting still new pages, if you publish them there. ;) And nobody could stop someone how want to abuse to download all images from your patreon page and make himself such a PDF... I think if people want to abuse, they just will do. For me is relation ship to my patreons a relationship of trust. I hope this will not change ;)


You are right, the main drive is trust. So I should also have to trust back. I'll soon add the other comics as well


do you think you will update the folder soon? and maybe even make an up to date version with all chapters on one pdf?


Sorry, I didn't realize the link this directed to was the old link. I've updated it to chapter 8 and I have also added a combined pdf consisting of all the chapters to chapter 8. I'll add chapter 9 later when it is complete.