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Sorry for the lack of update and skipping a couple of months and this annoying GIF.

But I wanna say that I'm so thankful for your support these months while I had exams! You guys are the best!

As some of you have seen on DeviantArt, the first page of the GENDER WAVE is made public there, and on every friday the next page will be posted there too, only +/- 50 pages behind this one. Sorry if I disapointed some of you with it. 

I want to make it a bit up by this new prototype I've been working on this last months.

It's a program/website that is made with my programming skills to interact with the transformation sequence of a character. I've included every Gender Bender reward so far so you can play around iwth it.

That GIF above is a snapshot of the program I worked on ;)

Click on this link to go to the website/application. If you have suggestions to this project, comment below and I'll see if I can add it in :)

Now my exams are over (and passed ofcourse ;)) I can now work with a bit more ease on this. But I do have summer work, so I have again stress stress STRESS YAY!

Thank you so much for your support these months again!

I hope you have a great month and let the SUMMER BEGIN!



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