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Here is the second page of SCP-113!

If you guys don't know what the SCP stands for, here is their website: http://www.scp-wiki.net/

Beware, the foundation is real! ;)




crap, the guard in the first panel is sweating, something is going to go down, bet the guy is actually a test subject or D- class and doesn't know it yet


Damn, I didn't thought someone would catch him sweating there! Great observation!


Thanks! Glad you are doing an scp related tg, I love looking through individual SCP written by people and while a few are kinda lame some of the ideas people have written and incredibly creative and thought provoking. Wish the site/ game had more publicity because its such an awsome universe


You're welcome! SCP isn't explored enough. It would be interesting if there were some more games made about it.


I could see a top down prison architect like game where you create and run a foundation facility. You would have to create the layout of the building and to take into account such things as unique security layouts for certain SCP's, barracks for D-Class personel, testing centers, ect all the while preventing a containment breach from outside or inside forces such as escaped D-class, sentient SCP's, or chaos insurgency forces. I think that would be fun