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Description of each story below!

When 'Bikini Beach' will end (sadly), a new comic will be in the making. YOU can vote on what the next comic will be about.

Descriptions of the stories:

Sequal to 'Into the girls locker room'

Exactily how it sounds like, its the sequal of 'Into the girls locker room' where the two new guys continue their advanture!

Role Exchanger

A gut and his girlfriend goes to the swimming park for a date. They have it really fun until a terrorist called 'the Role Exchanger' who planned an attack on the park.

With a special gun he swaps random traits of people like age, weight, skin color and yes... GENDER!

SCP - 113

For the people who don't know this, there is a creepypasta/urban legend about a special agency called SCP (Secure Contain Protect). 

The SCP collects and protects special enities/objects and other weird subjects from the public eye.

One of these is the object with de code name SCP - 113. It's an object that can change the gender of the person who touches it.

Want to see a story about it?



You know, when I read Role Exchanger as something to vote on, I half thought it was in reference to the story by Morpheus about something called exactly that.