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Here is the 13th and sadly last page of the comic: 'a Deal among the Thieves!   

I know this is the only ending where the TGed character transforms back. But in soo many TG stories they never can/will/want to turn back, and I wanted to have the little surprise. It is also logical for him to turn back, look what he has done to change back. I mean wow, he disguised himself (even though its a bad disguise XD), threatened a homosexual buisness parthner to fuck him and even bargained to have sex with him after, which is the tragic end part of this story.

I hope you enjoyed the comic. It is the longest premium comic I've made now! :D I really had fun working on the plot and character design of this one. 




I was thinking maybe you should also use your netherland language in your comics as well because you mistype and use poor grammar in most of your english languages in your comics ,No offence you know


oooh so a pity he has changed back😢😉

John Doe

Oh god not the Dutch! Dutch is like if german and danish had children, and the children spendt 200 years imbreeding.