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Heya! It's been a while (: We had to take a break of making music after our big Undertale work to understand what we want to do next.

And now, finally, new song is coming soon (: We post it a bit earlier just for you, our dear Patrons (:

We've made this song for russian version of Betsy Lee's "No Evil: 002" animation. This animation will be released tomorrow (:


Lenich & Kirya - Колокола | "Phil Ohs - The Bells" russian version

This is russian version of "Phil Ohs - The Bells" song based on the poem of Edgar Poe. We made this song for russian version of "No Evil: 002" animation by Betsy Lee (: Support us via PATREON: https://patreon.com/lenichkirya FOLLOW US: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lenichkirya Vkontakte: http://vk.com/lenichkirya Twitter: https://twitter.com/LenichKirya Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lenichkirya Lenich - audio/video production Kirya - guitars, vocals, russian lyrics Lyrics based on the poem of Edgar Poe.


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