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I'm not saying I do not plan on finishing this song
If I do finish it, I'll rerecord the vocals to better fit my gender identity, so I figured I might as well let you guys hear this version of the song as far as I got it before I change it lol

This song has had a lot of significance as I've learned more about myself, over the course of producing it, my view of the world and therefore how I should interact in it has completely changed
I feel like a brand new person, but I'll make the same old mistakes.

You don't have to read beyond this point, but I'd appreciate it if you did.

If there's two things I can ask of you, use this as a stepping stone to try and reevaluate how you live life, especially if you live in America, and to support me as I try to advocate for change even if it's uncomfortable.  I'm so scared, seeing everything going on around me because I recognize it as the same mass manipulation that I grew up with as a mormon, but the lack of other furry content creators speaking on the issue makes me stick out like a sore thumb.
But when I think about our living situations now, and I compare not only to what the future generations of Americans could be in store for, but also to the living situations of the countries we actively plow through without any regard for innocent life;
I don't know if I can go back.  I think I've seen too clearly the evil superpower we just have to "live with and accept" because otherwise we're labeled as "too political" or "picking sides"
I'd risk my life, and my platform to advocate for awareness, because everyone around the world is begging us to snap out of it and hold our leaders accountable.

I've been a distraction from the world for so long, maybe it's time I become a voice for it.



This is so good! And kudos to you speaking out about these things, people need to know


Amazing work Danni <3 well done

Chase Bushman

Proud of you Danni, will be here to support your work and your dreams. Proud of you


Listened to the preview and subscribed just for this song. Hit like a truck how relatable it was. Got my weekly cry in

Legacy Legend

This sounds really really good. I wish you success in your endeavors. Go get em floof