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Alright here's the second shot at this


1: Turn off nameplates in game, I can't sneak up on you if you can see my nametag
2: Don't stay in groups, roaming as a group makes it impossible for me to catch you
3: Don't be constantly running, I can't catch up to you if you never stop, don't worry about hiding too well, I assure you I can and will find you
4: Once you've been caught, leave the world so that I know who hasn't been caught yet
5: If anything becomes too overwhelming, hold your arms in an X in front of you as a safeword

Once you get into the world, grab a flashlight or a lantern from the box in the spawn area and start exploring :3

IF you have settings enabled to block avatars by performance, make sure to go to the social tab, press "In room" find me and fully show my avatar


Undead Dan

Fantastic as always mr werewolf!~ i gotta tell ya though, did you make it bigger? It felt so much thicker in my paws >:3. In all seriousness though i had a wonderful time thank you. I even got to make some new friends afterwards.

ronnierenaud41 .

Will you be releasing your perspective again for this one?


Can we please get a video of this for those who don't have PC VR or couldn't make it to the event?