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This'll be good for you white noise enjoyers <3



I dunno if it was the white noise that did it but I was uniquely susceptible to that affectionate, elated curiosity you had. It was very fun just kinda listening to you experiment with the subject (the audio in this instance). Again maybe it's just me, but that was super nice. You might have to do more of these, boss. I betcha there's a demographic for it. And ey, to the one that brought it up, sorry I forgot who did. Good on ya, I can see why you were so enamored with the concept.

Dark Mouse ASMR

im the one who suguested this fi. also. anther waii to do this idk how tho would be to use rain and an unbrella then u also get the pattering sounds of rain hitting the unbrella


Oh this is nice. Your so curious with it and the white noise shifting and moving is really calming. Ty danno:3


I never knew this had a name. I would constantly play around with this when I was younger at the beach, using my hand around my ears to make the ambient noise do exactly this.


This is great, I especially love the ear cupping with the white noise, it adds another layer of "underwater" vibes


Certified white noise enjoyer here, absolutely loved this haha


Ooooo!!! I love this idea too! Kinda forces someone to 'listen harder' and like... almost reverse hypnosis effect! Instead of absence of thought its sharpening thought all to one point


Omg please more of this! ❤️

Juke (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 19:51:37 This is straight up the best ASMR I've ever heard. Oh my god, I would listen to a four hour recording of this over and over and over and over again. &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3
2023-07-01 19:49:26 This is straight up the best ASMR I've ever heard. Oh my god, I would listen to a four hour recording of this over and over and over and over again. <3 <3 <3

This is straight up the best ASMR I've ever heard. Oh my god, I would listen to a four hour recording of this over and over and over and over again. <3 <3 <3


this would work perfect for an RP ASMR set by a waterfall, maybe the classic cave behind the waterfall.