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I've been spending the last couple of weeks really trying to get to grips with the program - demystifying a bunch of the process. Included here are practise shots of Ashford, a muscular standard body that if i can learn to manipulate, i can use as a reference for the type of muscle i'd normally draw, and a version of that same model but with a bit more stylisation and paired back definition that i might use for the next topic i'll mention...

I've also been brainstorming potential character concepts for a platformer, including a couple level concepts, main char, a couple bosses (one of whiched mentioned above), collectibles and even some fleshing out for a back story, or rather, as much back story as a potential platformer would need. Not ready to show those scribbles yet, but I will when they're a bit more refined.

My hope is, with some focus on a new field, and if i can nail down at least basic posing and such (and like, i'm almost there! So much has started to click), then perhaps i can use this new knowledge in the 2D art space. I see a lot of utility in comics where i'm redrawing a lot of assets per page, but also i'm hoping it'll free up time to explore ideas quickly, rather than feeling stuck and unable to quickly throw a concept together without it taking daaays to complete.
I feel like i've been going through a bit of a re-evaluation of my style in the last few months, and this has felt like a true breath of fresh air with some genuine utility that'll help.

That's the nearterm goal and hope, anyway, with a longerterm goal of grasping the finer game related stuff and just working through tutorials until it sticks.

Also, sorry i've been quiet for the last couple of months. Turns out 3D is quite involved - go figure!
I'll have regular art coming to you all before the month ends though, as always! ^-^

Also Ashford's butt and calves have to be immortalised in a 3D model. It's not all learning... I'm not thaaaat innocent! :P



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