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A couple years ago when i was trying to pen together a comic idea, I made an attempt at a messy crosshatching and scratchline comic style. Not sure i like it too much now mind you, but i definitely liked the look of Bower - the horse bro... He'll have to make an appearance in a future project for sure!

In short, the college was being used to test compatibility with a race of ethereal symbiotic entities. They'd pump a kind of primer gas into the lecture halls and anyone still awake would be pegged for a joining by the staff. The reason being awake was important, was because it was vital that the person remain alert in order to be the dominant will.

The joining would grant massive unreal power, and expose the host to a world they had no idea existed... and they'd witness first hand that nothing good came from an entity that gained control of the host.

very much a scientists playing with occult fire concept.
You might recognise the proto Keme here too, and if you're really keen on my work you'll notice a character I called Glitch. He's appeared in some pictures - including with Keme in an old threesome picture i drew an age ago. Sadly he doesn't get too much screentime. I should rectify that in future.

Keme went through a minor redesign for Rodarc, and parts of my intention for the 2nd season of Rodarc would have encompassed this story.

I'll maybe revisit this later, as I really liked the story beats.




I knew some characters looked familiar! Also loving the punky aesthetic they got going on :3


Ooooo I like the idea of this one dude !!!


That's a fun concept! I'd be into that when you at one point decide for the next patreon project


This is what i mean. Rodarc was too hefty and large to navigate all these separate ideas well. I can explore this story as a smaller self contained narrative much better - or maybe less dauntingly instead XD