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TL;DR - Apple pencil is dead so i'm suspending pledges for November, comms will resume when i can. Rodarc on ice until the new year. Rl stuff - court stuff and moving house...


SO! Apple's gone and buggered it. My 2nd gen brand new Apple Pencil died after a pathetically short amount of time, and in my infinite wisdom, my Wacom tablet is like 200 miles away at the bf's parents house. That means i'm not going to be churning out any more content until next month minimum, which is a little inconvenient and annoying.

So what i'm going to do is suspend pledges coming out at the start of November, and continue producing content once i have this matter resolved. Anyone waiting for commissions, i'll hop to it the moment I can again.

Also, anyone who knows me closely also knows that November is a big deal for me Irl; it'll hopefully result in the resolution to an ongoing problem - a debt i didn't create but have been stuck dealing with for three years. I may be summoned to court as a witness (victim?), but with flights getting cancelled who knows what the story will be there.
Meanwhile, i'll need to find time to move house during this time as well lmao.
So, you know, maybe my pen self destructing is a timely pause to let me get my worldly affairs in order.
I think with how this whole thing is panning out, and how mental November is turning into, I'm also going to make an executive decision and put Rodarc on ice until at least the new year too. That gives me more time to really focus my time elsewhere.

I'll resume streaming the minute i get a replacement pencil. Pledges will reactivate for December, when hopefully i'll be a brand new person free from all burdens! In the meantime, sorry guys! D:

Enjoy the free month! Thanks Apple </3


Nex Canis

Good luck Winty! I've had some issues with Apple Products in the past as well. Not sure if you can bring it to a store to get it fixed/replaced. Hope it gets fixed soon and good luck with moving and the other things in November!


Oooof, dude ouch. Wishing you luck on your big move and your pen issue. Hang in there big time and hope things shift to a more positive vibes soon


It seems like getting it replaced will happen. I might be able to get it sent off tomorrow for free, so that's something at least! :D


Winty, your work is amazing and you have been doing wonderful. Enjoy a bit of a break, and I hope life gets a little less crazy for you by December. Good luck and best wishes, man!