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Don't worry, it is all good news, hopefully!

Firstly, i've decided to drop the $7 tier starting next month. All the perks from that tier will fall into the $5 one, including R34 packs and sketch pieces. The aim being a little more value for you all, and a bit less of a headache for me with the Onedrive nonsense.
I'm forewarning you all so you can change your pledge down before you are charged for September. I'm not certain if i changed the tier if it would automatically change your pledge too, so be vigilant please. I don't want anyone to be overcharged.

The second piece of news comes with regards to Rodarc. At the conclusion of this raunchy scene between Keme and Josh i'll be splitting it in two. Split one will be the main story, which will now be *mature* rather than explicitly NSFW, and will also materialise in a greyscale style.

The aim of this being to address the sluggish pace of production, as was outlined in the poll and the critique of a couple days ago. I feel like this change will also let me focus without worrying about injecting porn into the narrative, particularly as the plot ramps up like i mean for it to.

Now for those of you who just panicked, wait a second. That's because in Split two i want to write shorter, specific explicitly geared NSFW content pieces to accompany the main plot. These will vary in style, but will most likely be coloured pieces. This way people wanting porn aren't being bogged down by plot so much.

These NSFW pieces will be comic-like in nature too, and will crop up at moments relevant to the main plot too. Should be a bit of fun, hopefully! If the plot doesn't call for an offshoot though, i'll do slice of life nsfw content with other characters in the world.  

R34 packs will continue as normal. When September begins i'll run a new vote to see what will be next. (i still have my mini-r34 spyro dad pack to show the world before this month ends though, so keep your eyes peeled)

Also In September, i am considering opening for a couple of experimental commissions. I'm looking to try my hand at painting on as close to 1 layer as possible. So these will be lineless, and hopefully faster still than the methods i use currently. Anything that can improve my turnaround speed! Suggestions are welcome!

I hope this news is welcome for you all! I've taken the critique and the poll results to heart, and want to prove 'em wrong basically. Rise above and all that good stuff. If all goes well, it should mean more content with a range of styles, which ultimately is what i want to offer for you all when it comes to comms.

The only way to know is to just do it, right?
Anyways, i'm finished rambling. Take care guys! Have a good night ^-^

As always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support and certainly your patience too!



glad to see you figured out what you wanna do, and looking forward to seeing how things turn out ^^