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I've slept!
I have a proposition for you all.
You may have seen my Twitter post:

As an artist, it's always tough to get some scathing critique. Some of the points i'd uncovered on u18chan regarding my comic are just weird, or are personal gripes. But there is some art related critique there that has given me food for thought.
So, as a natural follow on, and a caving in to my anxiety somewhat - naturally i'm concerned that while you are all wonderfully supportive of me and what i do, I might not know your true thoughts - or in some baffling way you're holding the worst critique away from me.

Given that Rodarc was the content in question, that's going to be the focus.
So what i've done is compiled an offsite poll - truly anonymous - so that you can be as honest as you like without me knowing who you are.

Here's the link below:

You can vote and even leave anonymous comments without making an account. This time i think i'm a bit more prepared to deal.

You can select multiple options as well just in case it's more than one thing that might be problematic - or not. It's not really a first past the post type of poll. It's just taking a sample of the climate. The results of this may dictate whether i continue the comic or not, so i implore you to take part.

You all support me to create content - so i'd rather hear about it directly from you than anywhere else.

If Rodarc is mostly voted to remain going as is, then i'll keep it going.
If Rodarc is mostly voted to end, then i'll probably up my posting of quicker sketch work pieces in its place, and amend my tiers to reflect its absence.

Thanks for your time guys.



I hope this helps clear your head , I swear don't let this stuff affect you negatively. We enjoy and love your content or we wouldn't be here ❤️


Remember Winty that u18chan is made so that people can just bash and trash anything and everything in the world. It just a site that has been over-saturated with as much as negative as there are words to say, a place that anonymous posters can get away with everything and anything. A place is not the best place to get feedback, IMHO. Hang in there bud hope your vacations help with this all.


Yeah, I know. It just played on my self doubt at the right time. Assholes. I hope it settles me too Fou, I really do. All I want to do is make art haha. I swear though, this month has just been a test lol


I was made aware later that the site is also a cub porn site too, so I guess I really did uncover the rats, huh

Nex Canis

u18chan is a place made for people who rip content off other places and post it on for free. It's the equivalent of a dark, dank alleyway filled in the worst part of town. People there will naturally be salty and throw criticisms for the sake of being mean because they know they can avoid retribution. Hope you feel better and all the best!


Hello Winty, like it's been pointed out u18chan, (or the chans in general) and other sites are full pirates that will steal anybody's and everybody's art and bash it until the end of time. None of them are paying customers, so best to just ignore it. I would look to comments here and other places you post officially as a better measure of your work.


So, recent times have been bad for all our moods, so I can totally understand that such harsh, maybe unreasonable comments can really have an negative impact. But please let this comic have some stability. You know you want to do it and that is all that matters in that regard. This is the second or third time that something is up regarding it and that you consider dropping it. Think about it and then take a position. If you ever again consider dropping it, then do it, because then it must mean too little for you anyway. I am here ceause you're a mighty fine, super friendly person that makes excellent art, and I really have fallen in love with this project. The comic is a project that has soul. So naturally there is criticism. If all you did was heartless fanart then you'd have it easier, but also loose your identity as an artist. In the end, I hope you know that a lot of peope including me are really in love with what you make. I'm always rooting for you !


You have to understand, i don't get much engagement with it. From where i sit, sometimes it feels like i put this out and the aether shrugs back. I love my story. i love my plan for the future. If i could survive on the comic alone and just pump out pages then i would. If stability is what i need to convey. then i need signs that there's stable interest. I need to know that i'm not just being followed here on the off chance a comm opportunity will materialise. I also worry in my own head that if i focussed on it for too long, i'd lose more interest. So yeah. navigating the mental rapids isn't easy. As a creator you're bound to appreciate that too. Endless doubt XD


that's the hope at least. Ah well. Onwards an upwards.


Forgot to reply sooner. Please don't misjudge the interest of your patreons in your works. In the past years I came to realize that engagement here are super minimal. Like 1 to maybe 10% of patrons will actually like or comment at all. Ever. And sometimes there's just not much to say. Especially in an ongoing story project. Super especially since you're going to upload the RODARC pages seperately per message, there might be even fewer people that after unpacking and viewing the file will think about going back to the original post and then comment there. This is absolutely no critique. I just don't want you to percieve things more negative than they are! ^-^

Draco of Zeradaith

I'm gonna kinda echo MadMutter. I found you because of RODARC and I have fallen in love with the comic and its premise ever since. I, for one, would love to see it continue as is because it's a wonderful story and an amazing subject that just so happens to hit soooo many buttons of mine X3 Your art is fantastic and I am always happy to see more <3